InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Happy Ending ❯ A Peaceful Interlude ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Five: A Peaceful Interlude
It had been two weeks since Kouga had claimed her. At first, when her grandfather had found out, he had been very angry, but as time passed, he grew to accept it. Ayame couldn't believe how much had changed in so little time. They were now living in a bigger den farther away from the main tribe. They had begun to reconnect, talking about their lives since he had left when she was still a little girl. Every night, they would make love. She smiled mischievously. She had learned quite a lot about the art of lovemaking from her new mate, and she found she quite enjoyed it.
She realized that, although she didn't want to be, she was still very much in love with the ookami male. She knew that he didn't feel the same, and when left alone, she tried not to dwell on it, lest it make her sad. They were mated, that was all that mattered. He only had to mark her one more time where her mating mark was to make it permanent. He only ever did that when he allowed his inner wolf out. Its wild nature caused it to continually claim her possessively, wanting to show her who the alpha was. She really didn't mind. Being thought of in such a manner made her happy. It made her feel as if the wolf prince truly cared for her.
Sighing, she returned to the task at hand. She was cleaning their new den in order to make it habitable. So far, she had cleaned their sleeping area, the cooking and dining area, and the bathing area. She was delighted to learn that this den had a natural hot spring running through it. Sometimes it amazed her at what she didn't know about her home. If her grandfather hadn't decided to give them this den, she would have never known it existed.
She swept out the last of the dirt from what would one day be their pups' rooms. She could just see it now, little miniatures of her and Kouga running around, laughing in glee. Smiling, she decided to wash up. Gathering her bathing supplies and a fresh yukata, she headed back to the bathing cave. She set her items on the edge of the spring, slipping out of her robe and submerging herself within its soothing warmth. She felt her muscles relaxing, the work of the day being washed away. She dunked her head under the steaming water, wetting her hair. Rising back up, she grabbed her soap, lathering her silky hair with the fragrant wash, the smell of sakura blossoms filling the air.
Moaning in satisfaction, she washed the suds from her hair, freeing it from the grime of the day. She ran the bar over her exposed flesh, washing away the dirt covering her tiny frame. She washed the remaining soap from her body before relaxing once more against the spring's side, her eyes closing in contentment. She felt the air shift around her and knew her mate had entered the cave. Smiling, her eyes still closed, she waited for him to join her. She felt the water ripple around her as he entered the spring before opening her emerald orbs to gaze at her scowling mate. Frowning in worry, she wondered what was bothering him.
“Kouga, is something wrong,” she asked softly, her eyes mirroring her inner worry. She hoped nothing had happened to his pack. They weren't due back for another two weeks. Maybe something had happened with her pack and he was thinking what the best course of action was. Silently, she waited for his answer.
“It's nothing, Ayame. Some of the unmated males got into a fight today. I was just thinking about how my pack was doing,” he replied, his voice giving nothing of his inner frustration away. He hated when pack members fought, especially over something as trivial as who got to eat first. Males could be so stupid sometimes. He smirked in rye amusement. Yes, males could definitely be stupid, himself included.
He was brought out of his thoughts by a pair of delicate arms wrapping around his neck, an equally delicate body coming to rest in his lap. He looked at his little red-headed mate, a genuine smile gracing his features. He couldn't remember being this happy in a long time. True, he was still very much in love with Kagome, but he found himself caring for the female in his arms. Gently, he nuzzled her neck, quiet contentment filling his being.
“If you want to leave sooner for your home, I understand. You haven't seen your pack in a long time,” she said, her beautiful jeweled orbs gazing up at him with complete acceptance. He knew that she would do whatever he decided in this matter. As tempting as it was to return home, he knew that he needed the next couple of weeks to smooth things out among the tribe members here before he could leave. They needed to fully accept him as their new leader before he felt confident enough to leave.
“No. I need to stay here and straighten everything out. I don't want to come back a few months down the road and have to fight ever male here to prove my alpha status,” he replied kindly, running his hands through her gorgeous locks. Sighing, he wrapped his arms more firmly around her, content to just hold her for awhile. Besides, he had to admit that he was too tired for anything else tonight. As much as he enjoyed his nights with his mate, he didn't think he'd be doing much after his bath.
They relaxed in the springs, wrapped in each others arms for almost an hour before they decided to get out. Kouga helped Ayame out of the warm water, handing her a towel to wrap around her body. They walked back into their sleeping chamber. He motioned for her to sit on the chair in front of her bureau mirror, picking up the comb sitting on the polished wood before running it gently through her damp locks. He worked the knots outs, being careful to not pull her hair. He worked on the silken mass for almost ten minutes before he was satisfied that it was knot free.
Ayame rose from her perch and pushed Kouga down onto her vacated seat. She grabbed up the comb before returning the favor of working the knots out of his beautiful hair. She gently started with the ends, secretly delighted for an excuse to run her fingers through his soft hair. She slowly worked her way up the thick mass, separating it into strands. Reaching his scalp, she smiled in pleasure when he lightly shivered as the soft contact. She continued to run the comb through his hair for another five minutes before she was sure that she hadn't missed any knots. Setting the comb back on the bureau, she turned from her mate and made her way over to the bed. She knew he was tired, so she climbed into bed, settling within its soft blankets and waiting for sleep to claim her.
She felt the bed shift beneath her as he settled for the night. A pair of muscular arms wrapped around her narrow waist, pulling her back against his strong chest, spooning his frame against her own. His other arms provided a pillow to rest her head on and she felt her body fully relax against his gentle hold. He ran his fingers slowly through her hair, lulling her closer to oblivion. She sighed in contentment, happy to be within his presence.
She felt the visages of sleep begin to overtake her. Her eyes started to droop, her hands tucking themselves under her chin. She felt her mates soothing motions begin to slow down, knowing he too was succumbing to slumber. The edges of her vision began to blue and her eyelids continued to sag. Finally, her eyes closed, her body going still as sleep fully overcame her.