InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Happy Ending ❯ Claiming What's His ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Four: Claiming What's His
Ayame wove gracefully through the trees, the feel of Kouga's breath on the back of her neck egging her on. She wouldn't let him catch her. Panting for air, she tried to double back, having been forced in the opposite direction of her home. Why couldn't she keep her mouth shut? She just had to keep pushing and pushing, trying to get a reaction. She smiled with derision. She needed to learn when to keep her mouth shut.
She once again reached the clearing and stopped short. The forest sounds she had heard all evening were mysteriously gone. Cautiously, she stepped on to the open ground, listening for any sounds of an intruder. This was too easy. Watching her surrounding wearily, she continued her trek across the clearing. She felt the air shift behind her and instinctively ducked, watching as Kouga sailed over her head to land on the opposite side. He turned swiftly to face her, his eyes blood red and feral. She backed slowly away from the enraged demon. For every step back she took, he took one toward her. She felt the air cool around her as she once more entered the gloom of the trees.
Turning swiftly, she made her way back into the woods, headed in the opposite direction of her tribe. It would appear Kouga wasn't going to make it easy on her. She jumped up into the trees, leaping from branch to branch in a desperate flight from the wolf prince. She hadn't wanted to mate with him to begin with; she sure as hell didn't want to mate with him like this. Though she still loved the idiot, she wasn't some delicate flower that wilted at the littlest sign of trouble.
She felt the branches under her feet as she headed farther into the gloom. She couldn't feel the enraged demon's presence, nor hear his pursuit. She optimistically hoped that he had lost her trail but knew it was unlikely. She felt a youkai come at her from below and threw some of her razor leaves at him, hearing his grunt of pain when they made contact. Smiling with grim satisfaction, she continued on her way. She saw another break in the trees up ahead. Just wonderful; another place for an ambush.
She landed at the edge of the clearing. She was directly in front of a narrow stream. She brightened with renewed optimism. She would travel through the stream for a bit; water down her scent so he couldn't track her. She ran to the stream, wading in and dunking herself before reemerging and continuing her trek. She was starting to feel cold, the freezing water coupled with the cool night working to lower her body temperature drastically. Shivering, she glumly continued on, cursing Kouga for getting her in to this mess in the first place. If she got a hold of him she was going to rip his throat out.
She walked for what seemed like hours, but was only a few minutes when she began to feel as if someone was watching her. Eyes burned invisible holes into the back of her neck. She was mostly dry by this time, her legs being the only contact her body had with the frigid water. She noticed that the night was no longer filled with the noise of nocturnal animals. She knew he was close, but he had masked his youkai and scent so she couldn't pinpoint his location.
Suddenly, she felt herself lifted out of the water, held tightly to a well-muscled chest. Instinctively, she knew who had captured her. She began to struggle against his tight hold, refusing to give in. They landed on the opposite side of the stream from whence she had entered. She nimbly jumped from her capture's hold, only to find herself pinned against the ground, her arms and legs held immobile. Growling savagely, she tried to wiggle herself loose from the wolf prince's hold.
“Quite struggling, bitch. You have been mine to claim since your grandfather and I came to our agreement. You should be thankful I was going to wait as long as the full moon,” he growled lowly, pushing his growing erection against her waist, digging into her stomach. She gasped softly, surprised at his size. Even with their furs separating them, it was easy to tell he was well endowed. Slowly, she lessened her struggles, realizing the futility of her actions. Kouga was determined to take her tonight, and there wasn't anything she could do about it.
“You may have my body, but you will never have my heart or soul,” she spat, her eyes glowing angrily. She watched the feral wolf above her smirk in satisfaction. Ayame vowed she would hate every last minute of it. She felt the wolf demon's grip loosen ever so slightly. Slowly, he brought his lips closer to her own. Closing her eyes in resignation, she waited for him to plunder her mouth. Instead, she felt them gently press against her close eyelids. Her eyes shot open in shock, a gasp escaping through parted lips. What was he doing?
“Our joining can be pleasurable, Ayame. Just let yourself feel,” he whispered huskily, continuing he trek of soft kisses over her face. His lips touched every inch before moving to the vicinity of her lips. He gently kissed the corners of her mouth, making her growl in anticipation despite her earlier convictions. Finally, he seized her lips in a fiery kiss, plunging his tongue into her warm depths. She moaned with gratitude, thrusting her tongue out to duel with his.
They battle for dominance, neither willing to allow the other control. Kouga won, his feral state giving him an added advantage. With his newfound control, his desires were finally allowed free reign. Suddenly, he was in a frenzy. His hands traveled over her body, roughly grabbing her breasts through her furs, armor having been left in her den since she was within the confines of her valley. She arched into his chest at the contact, moaning into his domineering mouth.
He released her, both panting harshly for much needed air and he continued to fondle her. He worked his way to the ties of her clothing, harshly pulling them apart and ripping the fabric from her chest. His mouth licked its way down her neck, stopping at her pulse point and suckling the soft skin, leaving a mark behind. He traveled further down, stopping at the juncture of her neck and shoulder, once more suckling the creamy expanse. He growled possessively, proud of his temporary claim exposed for all to see. Soon, he would make it permanent.
His mouth reached her breast bindings, grunting with annoyance at the obstruction. He brought a clawed hand up, quickly slicing through the hindering fabric. He brushed the stripes of cloth to the side, seizing a soft mound in his hand, his thumb roughly massaging her puckered nipple. She gasped in shock, no one having touched her there before. She mewled with want, urging him to continue his sweet torture. She didn't think it could get any better than this, but then he engulfed the other nipple into his mouth, suckling the distended flesh.
She arched sharply into the wet contact, her mouth opening to let out a silent scream. He continued to suckle her as his nimble fingers roughly pinched and plucked her other nipple, massaging away the treatment with his tongue. His unoccupied hand trailed lower, slipping under the hem of her skirt to cup her womanhood, causing the girl to whimper with want. His fingers deftly massaged the bundle of nerves nestled between her folds as he nipped her breast harshly, leaving indentions of his teeth before laving it in silent apology.
Ayame couldn't contain her gasps and moans of pleasure, Kouga's talented hands and mouth working wonders on her virgin body. After finishing with her breast, he moved to the other, lavishing the same exquisite attention while his fingers continued their sweet torture at the juncture of her thighs. Realizing her hands were finally free, she brought them to his hair tie, nimbly undoing the restraint and pulling his headband off to free his gorgeous mane of hair to fall around them in a curtain. The gentle sweep of his silky mass against her sensitive flesh only enhanced the pleasure coursing through her body.
He finally released her other breast with an audible pop as her nipple was allowed freedom from his talented mouth. His tongue licked a sensual trail down her abdomen, dipping into her delicate belly button, swirling within its depths. He gently plucked her bundle of nerves, her hips bucking against his agile fingers. He reached the hem of her skirt and looked at it in consternation. His fingers stopped their sweet torture on her womanhood to roughly yank the concealing clothing from her petite frame.
Kouga leaned back to look upon the sight before him. Ayame was completely bare, every beautiful erotic inch of her exposed to his gaze. He watched her bring her arms up in an attempt to hide her nudity, but he growled in warning. He wanted to see his mate, in all her glory. She hesitantly placed her arms back by her side. He continued to trail his hungry, red eyes up her slender frame, purring with pleasure at her beautiful body.
Her lips were red and swollen from his earlier attentions, her fiery hair spread out in a glorious wave around her. Her breasts full and ripe, leading down to a narrow waist before flaring into shapely hips, finally reaching strong thighs and calves and ending in delicate ankles and feet. Yes, his mate was truly something to gaze upon. He kneeled over her, lips kissing each dainty toe. He slowly worked his way up her leg, kissing the inside of her thigh before jumping to the other, making the woman below him moan in disappointment.
“Patience, little one,” he murmured, his eyes glowing satisfaction at her obvious enjoyment. He finished with her other leg before working his way back up to the apex of her thighs. He gently parted her legs before allowing his lips to make contact with her womanhood. Ayame arched sharply up into his face in surprise. Growling with amusement, he firmly settle an arm across her waist, holding her down as he continued his assault, while his free hand brought one of her legs to rest over his shoulder.
He licked and nibbled her womanhood, making the woman below him moan and writhe with want. Finding her bundle of nerves, he began to suckle on it, causing her to scream in pleasure. He suckled her while he brought the hand on her thigh to lightly stroke her opening. He heard the female begin to pant and entered a slender digit into her. He thrust his finger into her, hearing her pleasure filled cries. He entered a second digit, a third soon following. He continued to pump his fingers into her as his mouth worked its magic until she was on the brink of release. He swiftly removed his fingers, hearing her mewl of protest before he plunged his tongue into her opening, causing her to scream with her release as her inner walls clamped down around him. Eagerly, he lapped up her juices.
He crawled over the prone female, smiling with satisfaction and lust. She was finally ready for him. He quickly flipped her onto her hands and knees, pushing her front half down to lie on her folded arms, allowing for deeper penetration. Quickly, he ripped off his clothing. He positioned himself at her entrance before draping his larger form over her smaller one and slowly entering her tight passage. He felt her gasp of surprise at his intrusion. He wrapped an arm snugly around her waist, holding her in position as he continued to enter her small body.
He came to her barrier and stopped. Sighing in resignation at what he would have to do, he settled his weight more firmly atop her to prevent too much struggling, tightening his hold around her waist and he thrust forward, seating himself fully inside her. He felt her tense beneath him, crying out in pain as her barrier broke. He held himself still, waiting for her signal to continue. He felt her slowly begin to relax before she hesitantly thrust back against him. Taking that as his cue, he began to pump into her small body. He started with a slow, steady pace, wanting her to get used to his size. He heard her begin to pant and moan in pleasure, thrusting back against him.
“K-Kouga, please, ha-harder,” she moaned out. Happy to oblige, he reared back, grabbing her hips with both hands before he began to slam into her tight sheath. He growled and snarled in pleasure as he set a hard, fast pace, his burgeoning desire taking control and allowing the inner wolf out. He heard her gasping and mewling in pleasure as he roughly took her. He could already feel his release building, the events of the night culminating in this one act. He bent over her, one hand keeping a firm grip on her hips as the other yanked her back by her hair. He knew she was close.
He pulled her head to the side, seizing her lips in a fierce kiss, his tongue plundering her depths. She returned it with just and much passion, telling him without words that she was enjoying this as much as he. He felt her inner walls clamp down on his manhood, milking him for all his was worth. He felt her scream into his mouth. That coupled with the pressure on his manhood brought about his own release. He let her mouth go with a snarl and he thrust one last time, seating himself as deeply inside her as possible, his fangs sinking into the juncture of her neck and shoulder, claiming her.
His eyes slowly returned to ice blue as he fell to the side, taking his mate with him, still inside her as he finished emptying his seed into her womb. He gently retracted his fangs, licking away the drops of blood that had bloomed from the two puncture holes. He watched as his mark slowly healed, before fading into an iridescent scar, showing the world that she was his. The animal side of his nature receded as the logical side once more took control, leaving him slightly disgusted with his behavior. Realizing he was still within her, he quickly pulled out, dripping some of his seed onto the grass.
He backed away from the female, afraid of what her reaction would be to what he had just done. He may have only agreed to mate with her because of her grandfather, but he had enough respect for the woman before him to want to make her first time special. Instead, he had taken her like an animal in the middle of a forest. He hung his head in shame, wondering how he could have fallen so far. He felt small, gentle hands cup his face, lifting his blue eyes to stare into emerald pools. He saw no sadness or regret, and silently hoped that he hadn't screwed things up entirely.
“It's okay, Kouga,” she said softly, a small smile lighting her features.
“But Ayame, your first time should have been special. Regardless of whether or not we wanted this, I at least wanted to give you that,” he said quietly, his eyes filled with self loathing.
“But it was special. I much preferred this to the ceremonial mating we were to have,” she replied kindly. He searched her eyes and took in her scent, seeing no sadness and smelling no lies. Smiling, he finally took in her state of undress, smiling lasciviously. Seeing him staring at her, she looked down to find out what was so fascinating and saw her naked form on full display. Squeaking in mortification, she hastily covered herself, turning to grab her clothes when a pair of arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her back against a well-muscled naked chest, stopping her.
“Where do you think you're going,” he asked slyly, nuzzling her mark.
“I was going to get dressed,” she replied huskily, her body already heating up from his touch.
“I don't think so. I'm not done with you yet, Ayame. I intend to show you all the different ways and male can take a female,” he said darkly, making the female groan in desire. It looked like it was going to be a long night.