InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Happy Ending ❯ Confrontations ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Three: Confrontations
Ayame glanced wearily at the wolf to her left. It had been a week since Kouga's arrival. News of their impending mating had spread through the tribe like wildfire. The full moon would appear in four days, and strangely she wasn't looking forward to it. She'd been waiting for him for a long time before she'd moved on with her life. Having him thrust back in was rattling her more than she wanted to admit.
Ever since the night he'd told her she was his in her grandfather's den, he'd been particularly possessive. She couldn't even converse with any of the males without his presence nearby, along with the sounds of his growls. He'd also been touching her constantly, and not always appropriately. Whenever he was given the chance, he would touch her intimately, making it hard for her to concentrate on the fact that he hadn't come to claim her but to unite the tribes. She had just been a bonus, or a burden depending on how one looked at it.
Sighing she watched the pack members around her joke with her soon to be mate. She had to admit, he was handsome when he smiled. She quietly slipped away from the boisterous group, needing some fresh air. She raced into the night, weaving gracefully between the ancient trees of the valley's forest. She felt the wind whip against her face, making her senses come alive. Laughing in pure pleasure, she came to a halt at the edge of a lake. Its waters were constantly renewed because it was part of a river that flowed across the middle of the valley. With the soft moonlight shining down it was a beautiful sight. She gratefully sank down into the lush grass, enjoying her momentary freedom.
She heard footsteps behind her but did not turn to investigate. She knew who it was. It was like she had a sixth sense where Kouga was concerned. She felt the dark male plop down beside her. They sat quietly for a few moments, enjoying the beautiful scenery that surrounded them. She felt him shift before he finally spoke to her.
“This place is beautiful,” he murmured softly not wanting to disturb the moment with loud words.
“Thanks. I come here a lot when I want to think,” she said quietly, her eyes wandering over the familiar territory. Her thoughts turned inward. She wondered why Kouga had really returned. When asked, he would either brush it off or change the subject. She had a feeling that Kagome had something to do with it. She knew his heart belonged to the human miko, and as much as she wanted to she couldn't hate the woman. She was unfailingly kind and belonged to Inuyasha. She was aware of the miko and hanyou's feelings for one another and knew she wasn't a threat to Ayame for the wolf prince. The hard part was getting said wolf prince to realize the situation.
She gazed quietly into space, wandering through the tunnels of her mind. She wondered what had triggered his understanding. Did he stumble upon them mating? Maybe Kagome finally told him point blank. Whatever the cause for his recent return, she was sure it had something to do with the miko. It was funny, really. Kagome was to Kouga what Kouga was to Ayame, unrequited and unreachable love. How ironic could life get? Smirking in self derision, she watched her silent companion out of the corner of her eye. Boy was he beautiful.
He'd gained a lot of muscle in the last four years. His arms fairly bulged with it. His black hair had grown. She'd bet it was sinful when it was allowed to hang loose. His cool blue eyes could make even the staunchest female go weak in the knees, except for Kagome. And there she was again. Sighing, she looked back out over the water. Finally, her curiosity grew too great, and she asked the question she'd been dying to since his return.
“Kouga, why did you really come back,” she whispered, barely heard above the quiet nighttime murmurs around them. She felt the male beside her stiffen and knew she had surprised him, probably even angered him.
“That's none of your business,” he ground out. Ah, so that was how it was going to be. Rising swiftly to her feet, she walked to the edge of the clearing. She could feel the angry male behind her and couldn't resist baiting him. She knew it was foolish, but she wanted to get back at him for the pain he'd caused her in the past.
“So I take it Kagome rejected you. I was wondering when you'd get a clue,” she muttered. Suddenly, she found herself slammed against the base of a large tree, a strong male hand wrapped firmly around her neck, suspending her from the ground. She looked into enraged crimson eyes. She could feel the bite of his claws as they dug into her tender skin. It would seem she'd done a better job of making him angry than she had meant to.
“Shut your mouth. You are not worthy to speak her name,” he snarled, he face inches from her own. She choked out a laugh, the pressure on her neck almost to the point of painful. Gods, did he take her for an idiot.
“What's wrong, Kouga. Did I hit a nerve,” she taunted cruelly, some part of her getting perverse pleasure from his pain. She felt the hand around her throat tighten ever so slightly, making the act of breathing that much more difficult. Like hell she was going to back down to him. At least if he broke her neck, she wouldn't have to spend the rest of her life with someone who couldn't love her.
“I'm warning you Ayame,” he growled, “hold your tongue.” She smiled at his threat. She hadn't listened to him in the past, why start now?
“Fuck you, Kouga. I will say whatever I want. I was wondering how long it would take you to realize you were loving someone that was never truly yours. How does it feel knowing you care for someone that will never return your affection,” she taunted. Kouga roughly slammed her back against the tree, snarling viciously at her.
“Ayame, this is your last warning,” he ground out.
“Or what Kouga? Did I hurt your pride by telling the truth? You're pathetic,” she spat. She felt his grip on her tighten, effectively cutting off her air supply. She waited for the blessed darkness to consume her. Roughly, he threw her on the ground. Coughing against the sudden rush of air into her lugs, she kneeled before the angry wolf prince. Defiantly, she stared into his crimson eyes.
“I warned you, Ayame. I think it's time I proved who is the alpha in this relationship. It seems we're going to become mates sooner than expected,” he whispered silkily, gracefully circling his prey. He watched confusion cloud the wolf princess's face before comprehension slowly dawned, followed by horror. Good, she should be scared.
“K-Kouga, calm down,” she pleaded, her eyes welling with tears. Smirking evilly, he watched her composure quickly fade. She thought to taunt him and go unpunished. Well, he would show her. Stopping in front of the cowering female, he kneeled down until he was nose to nose with the red-head. He brought his lips close to her ear before whispering one tiny little word.