InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My hate ❯ Chapter 3 of My Hate ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
It was amazing I was in the past, the actual past. WOW. So many things were going thru my mind at an incredible speed spinning I was so caught up in my think I didn’t notice that other people were present.
“How far back are we?” I asked Kagome after sorting thru my cluttered mind. She looked at me concerned I had a small idea of what she was thinking. “No, Kagome I’m not going to do whatever your thinking. I just wanted to know, Gees’” I said rolling my eyes.
“Yeah, tell us so we can now whether we can kill some demons with anybody really noticing in history.” Yuki said, eyes shining bright with anticipation, and Kagome looked distraught now.
“Umm . . . Well I checked and it looks like we’re back about 500 years,” Kagome said. That did it Yuki fell back with an intake of breath, my mouth was hung open shocked beyond words. “Yuki are you alright?! Say something!” It was useless we were both lost, 500 years back then nobody cared if the demons got killed or not, it was free reign there were so many demons around this time period nobody would notice if we took a few hundred and it most likely wouldn’t be remembered and if anybody saw us we just kill them simple enough. This was the best I was out of school and Yuki was home schooled so I could teach him, we could spend most of our time over here fighting, training, and learning plus we grab something really old and sell to a trader or an antique clerk and make tons of money to buy supplies for Kagome as payment for showing us this opportunity.
“This is totally awesome” I said jumping up, fists balled in front of me my arms bent, not noticing the fighting stance some of the others present got into. I was so ecstatic; I felt like jumping down, Yuki had a smile that reached from ear to ear, this was great. I was about to give Kagome a big hug when a huge gush of wind went by blocking my way, I straightened my back and glared at him who the hell was this gu- demon. The only thing that clicked in my mind was save my family and I went to punch him in the face but he was fast and moved out of the way and was diagonal to me now my body still poised not really moved. I turned my eyes toward him and before he could react he was pinned face down to the ground, his arm twisted at an awkward angle I was straddling his lower back, his other arm was locked under my knee, the only real thing could move was his legs but that didn’t even go that far because if he tried to buck me off I would break his arm, so basically he was screwed.
“Natsumi, He’s a friend so get off him. He didn’t know who you were so he tried to protect me.” Kagome plead, I sneered a light growl came from my lips.
“Well he’s not really doing a good job if I really was after you Kagome. He wouldn’t have done much good in stopping me. Who is he anyway?” I said not really caring if I hurt his ego, I heard him growl in wolf ‘ugly bitch’. I looked down at him, wanting to bark back ‘Puny Wolf’ but held it not wanting him to know I understood him.
“This is Kouga.” Kagome said, pleading with her eyes from me to let him go. I got up and walked over to Kagome and flopped down again and sighed.
“Kouga?” I questioned but not to him more to myself. I thought Kouga was the toad?
“Yeah, Kouga” Kagome said as she lifting up her legs to bend in front of her, elbows on knees and her chin in hand(basic kagome picture.).
“Wait, I thought Kouga was the toad that hangs around lord umm . . . I think lord Naraku or something.” I said trying to think of their names, I looked at Kouga but his face was twisted into pure hatred and disgust. I suppose I had that wrong then, I looked over to Kagome but she looked mad. Uh-oh.
“You didn’t listen to a word mama or anybody else said when they were telling you about this time did you?” I was slightly frightened; Kagome was scary when she was mad.
“Well at first, I didn’t believe you remember so I didn’t pay attention to details but I got the names and stuff just probably not the right title though,” I said twit ling with my thumbs. She seemed to cool down some when I said that; I relaxed.
“So tell me. Who do you thinks who?” She said calmly; getting comfortable on the grass again while playing with a piece.
“Ummm . . . Ok So Shippo’s the bad guy, Sesshomaru’s the pervert monk, Ah-un’s the flying two tailed cat, Jaken’s the adopted kid, Miroku’s the wolf demon, Kouga’s the annoying toad, Rin’s the flying dragon thingy, Sango’s the little girl, Kirara’s the demon slayer, and Naraku the lord west.” I said all in one breathe while counting them off on my fingers. Everything was really quiet before I heard a lot of laughter, I turned around to find some other people laughing, and some had even fallen to the ground laughing so hard. I cracked a smile now this was hilarious, I looked over to Kagome to find her rolling with laughter to, and I look to Yuki who looked at me and mouthed ‘What’s so funny?’ I shrugged. Yuki had thought those were the people to we would set and talk to try and remember who was who but lost and told ma to just stick with ‘the wolf or the bad guy’ so we don’t get confused.
“You thought . . . Sessho . . . maruuuu . . . was a . . . pervert!” Kagome said through her breath stealing laughs; I just shook my head not really getting the joke and looked back over to the people that had started to quite down. Once everybody was quieted down I picked up Yuki and walked over to rest of the people with Kagome, were she explained who everyone was that’s when Yuki and I finally got the joke.
“Oh now I see why you guys were laughing I had that all mixed up but just to make sure I don’t get this wrong let me go over them.” I had got most of them right except I kept mixing up Rin and Sango. But I knew I could eventually get it right, hopefully.
“So we’re going to head out northeast . . . Blah Blah Blah” It seems I couldn’t concentrate my mind kept going to wondering if Kagome as a virgin. Because if you looked at the guys, it’s hard enough not to ogle at them but if they start seducing damn I would be on my back open legged and naked before you could say ‘Baby please’. So I’m wondering is Kagome a virgin yet again; I looked down at Yuki he looked like he was trying to concentrate on what they were saying but was losing the battle quickly. “ . . . So anybody got any questions.”
“Uh . . . yeah what did you say?” I said, everybody anime sweat drop. It wasn’t my fault I can’t pay attention.
“You weren’t listening?!” Kagome said a slight edge in her voice.
“You know I can’t stay focused on people talking for too long unless I’m really interested” I said in my defense. “You know what?” Cutting her off, then not waiting on answer said. “I’ll just follow you all and find somebody who doesn’t put me to sleep to tell me.” I said and turning my head away from her.
Kagome rolled her eyes, “Well it’s not my fault my voice is like a lullaby”
“I never said it was your fault, I said it was mine and here I thought I was the one who couldn’t listen” I said making her angry, it was fun.
“You are!”
“Well then you must not know how to comprehend very well to the words”
“Argh . . . You are so impossible!”Then she mumbled under breath that she needed another Subjugation Necklace to put on me.
“Yup but, that’s why you lub me” I said in a child like voice. She rolled her eyes again and went to grab her stuff. I walked over and got mine but a hand grabbed it first, I looked up to see who had grabbed it was that boy again. “What are you doing?” I questioned him.
“What does it look like? I’m carrying your bag.” Inuyasha stated.
“I know that but why? I can carry it” I said we were walking with the rest of the group.
“You got a pup. You don’t a back strain” He mumbled obviously embarrassed.
“Oh, I won’t I’m used to it. Besides I’m not a weakling you put me out to be.”I said getting defensive I don’t like it when people pity me or do it out of guilt.
Kouga looks back “Flirting are we now? I guess that means you giving up on Kagome, like she would want you anyways Half-bre” Kouga started but Kagome had put a hand over his mouth to shush him. My eyes narrowed was he going to say something mean, it had to of been something horrible for Kagome to cover it up before he even finished, I wonder what it was.
Inuyasha was going to say something but I cut him off, “No, you see Inuyasha was being nice and taking my bag, knowing I have a pup and doesn’t want to strain my back because he knows that if that happens Kagome well take my bag trying to lessen my load and that meant her complaining. So he went ahead not wanted to hear her complain later on and took it.” I stopped for a minute to let him process that; Kagome had moved her hand now and was glaring at me. I was surprised I was still concentrated on the conversation, so I continued “Besides why would Kagome like an obsessed fool like you?” And with I walked by him to keep up with rest of the group before yelling a ‘thank you’ over my shoulder to Inuyasha. I heard Yuki chuckle against my neck it was light so I knew he was going to fall asleep pretty soon.
The group was like this Lord Sesshomaru and his crews were in the front leading and were pretty far ahead but they didn’t look like they cared, then Kagome with Shippo on her shoulder with Inuyasha and Kouga on either side of her but she was ignoring the other two talking quietly with Shippo; behind them was Miroku and Sango with Kirara running playing with bugs, anything to keep her busy. Yuki and I were between Sesshomaru’s and Inuyasha’s group it was quiet peaceful the people ahead of us were relatively quiet except for the short arguments between Jaken and Rin.
Behind us was another story it was consistent argue either between the four it was rather nerve racking. We had probably been walking an hour when we passed by an Apple trees and they looked ripe. I walked to the closes one and grabbed two good ones, knowing Yuki was bound to get up here pretty soon and continued walking and as if right on cue Yuki woke mumbling he was hungry I handed him an apple that he took greedily and bit into some juice squirted up on to my cheek right when I was going to take a bit I heard him say around the apple a sorry.
I laughed and wiped it off “It’s ok but I’m going to put you down so none well get into my eye next time” He nodded and I set him down and his hand latched onto mine looking around, taking in smells and sounds.
“How long have I been asleep?” He asks taking another bit.
“About a hour,” I say finishing my apple and throwing it to the side and watched as it bounced off a tree and rolled close to the wore down dirt road.
“Wow that’s long,”
“Yup yup” He throws he’s apple to the side and wipes his mouth on his sleeve.
“Dang, you sure at that apple fast were you that hungry?” I asked him He shakes his head yes.
“I still am” I nod and let go of his hand to turn around walking backwards.
“Hey Yasha, throw my bag to me” I yell liking my new nickname I came up with for him. He looks toward me with a weird expression, shakes his head and throws the bag. Once I got it I dig in the front pocket for one of the pop-tarts I put in there earlier in the morning and hand Yuki his favorite which is strawberry with icing. I turn back around and continue walking. Our Pace had gotten slower cause I didn’t want to walk to fast because a) Yuki was eating b) he has my genes and will fall on flat ground (it takes skill to do that people) c) He has shorter legs than me and me being a human instincts kick in telling me to slow down d) I was hungry.
So pretty soon we were closer to the noisy bunch trying to ignore them . . . not working.
“I’m bored” Yuki said sulking and grimacing at nothing in particular in front of us.
“Me too,” I say. “Wanna play tag?” I suggest knowing he can’t refuse; a big smile spreads across his face, looks up at me and hits me on the leg confirming I’m it out loud.
He runs toward his left into the woods, I count to 10 in my head then chase after him. We chase each other back in forth not really caring who won or lost at the moment just having fun and quality time. He was it this time and I was running toward the direction of the group we had made Kagome the safe point, you touch her and your safe. They had settled down for lunch, I had cleared the trees; I glanced behind sensing were Yuki was, not too far behind it seems. I pick up the speed I was right in front of Kagome when Yuki slammed into me knocking me down an inch away from Kagome got off my back and was sitting in her lap when I raised my head, I narrowed my eyes at him.
“I win,” He said sporting a grin. I growled low not wanting to raise attention.
“I let you win you mean,” I said smirking after sitting up cross legged in front of Kagome and him. He got up and stalked the short distance to me, So cute, hands balled up into fists his head tilted all the way back to see my face and trying to glare he was about to say something but I tackled my head hitting Kagome knees “You are so cute” I said then started cooing him, while he tried pushing me off.
“Come on mom, this is embarrassing. Don’t be like this. No, I’m not cute.”He said he’s face getting all red with embarrassment and slight anger but that just made want to hug him more.
After I had gotten over my cooing spell we just lay there he with his cut little arms crossed against his tiny chest with a red face and his little ears twitching angrily. SO CUTE!
“Are you going to lie there all day or get up?” I look up to Kagome with a paper plate in her hand looking at us with a brow raised.
“Stay here” I said rolling onto my back dragging Yuki with me him using my breasts as a pillow, we got comfortable. She just rolled her eyes and continued eating. “What’s that?” I said pointing to the plate she was holding. She looked down at me swallowed.
“Dinner” I sat up at the sound of that Yuki sliding down to set on my lap, between her arms I was and took the plate and chopsticks from her, she beat my back with her fists, though I didn’t really notice and ate the rest of her food in one bit, put it back in her hands and lied back down on her lap with hands behind my head.
She held the plate for a moment looking at it then it hit, hard. “Why you – You- err you Meany” she said then put the plate down.
“Ohh that hurt Kagome. That really hurt” I said with a fake sad face then laughed and closed my eyes I was tired. I yawned and grabbed Yuki and snuggled and went to sleep. I woke seeing red after having another nightmare, what the hell? Are my eyes bleeding? I blink and then I could see better it was a shirt. Who wears red? I tried to think then I remember Inuyasha I look up to see him talking to Kagome about something while walking, not really interested I close my eyes to go back to sleep. My eyes go wide and shot forward in Inuyasha’s arms causing to almost fall. A hand on his shoulder to support my weight I fall back light headed. “Where’s Yuki?” I question them my voice weak from sleeping.
“He’s playing with Shippo right there,” I turn my head to where she was pointing and sure enough there he was playing tag with Shippo. I made my lips go the shape of an ‘O’.
“Do you two sense any demons nearby?” I ask the half-demon and demon.
“Do you think we would be letting them play if there was?” Inuyasha says heatedly taking it personally.
“I don’t know. I haven’t been around you long enough to see if your dependable.” I yawned and turn to go back to sleep.
“Don’t go back to sleep get up.”Inuyasha yells at me.
“Do you think you could tone it down a bit your too loud?” I said not really asking.
“NO I won’t no get up!” He yells again. I ‘shh’ him. And he growls I just brush it off. “Wench . . .”
“You smell good” I said temporally stunning him. I hear Kagome laugh I open an eye to see what’s going on. Inuyasha had a dark scarlet look on his face and kagome was laughing while trying to keep her balance and Kouga was frowning not liking that ‘his woman’ was not paying attention him anymore. “I mean it. Kagome come here and smell him” It was Kagome’s turn to blush. I waved her toward us she did and point to were to smell and if it was possible Inuyasha got redder.
“Mmm . . . He does” Kagome said satisfied. I had a slight demon nose because of what happened to me and the ‘other conceiver’ he said that it’s possible for the other (if human) to get light traces of demonic power, pretty awesome huh? So, anyway I smelt Kagome get slightly aroused, I saw Kouga’s frown get even deeper, and I wanted to laugh then.
“Well I bet I smell better than him.” Kouga said wanting more attention from ‘his woman’. Kagome was going toward him to smell and see if what he said was true; I looked up to see Inuyasha glaring.
“Well, I bet you are not. You are a wolf you’re bound to stink,” I said and Inuyasha howled with laughter at my comment. Kagome slowly backed away not really knowing what to do.
“That was good,” I heard Inuyasha whisper to me, I smirked I can tell we were going to be good friends from then on. Then the arguments started, no to sleep now, I sighed and jumped out of Inuyasha’s arms and landed over to the general area the kids were kids were playing. I was tired and bored out of my mind, I wanted to listen to music and go to sleep but I needed some where to sleep, not Miroku because he grabs inappropriate places and I might literally rip off his hand (or Yuki), Kouga no, Lord Sesshomaru nah he was too far ahead, So no one and at this rate we are not going to stop walking for at least another hour. I sighed again but in downright irritation. Well I could still listen to music, I looked around to see who had my bag, Kouga, I walk over to him and grab the handle and tugged it off of his shoulder he didn’t notice and just handed it over. I unzipped one of the front pockets and grabbed my IPod shuffle, zipped back up the pocket and put the book bag on. I was listening to music for a good forty-five minutes when I felt a tug on my Capri’s; I looked down to see Yuki Looking up at me with his arms stretched up to me indicating for me to pick him up, I did.
I took out a head phone after I had him situated on my hip. “What’s a matter? Did you and Shippo get bored or tired?” I ask him trying to get some dirt off of his face, finally stopping seeing as how I could only get half without baring down to hard, I knew he could take it but it didn’t fell right beside I’m human instincts kick in yet again.
“No, I just wanted to spend time wif you.” He says with a small blush. I ‘aww’ him and the blush gets deeper, he tries to hide his face by ducking his head but I move him so were face to face and rub our noses together.
“That’s so sweet of you,” I say smiling, He could be so adorable some- most of the time. I look over to my left were Kagome and them are at felling eyes on me and apparently so did Yuki because he was looking too. We’re met with three pairs of eyes, two longing, and one content.
“Why doesn’t Kagome come over here, I haven’t seen Auntie in like forever.” Yuki says then pouts.
“Hey, Kags why don’t you come over here? Yuki hasn’t seen you in like forever,” I say quoting after Yuki.
“Okay.” Kagome says and starts to come over her but gets stopped by Kouga.
“Why don’t you come over here instead of making her come over there?” Kouga states not letting his grip on Kagome’s upper arm loosen.
“Why don’t you let go of her before I hafta kick your ass again,” I say threatening. I hear him growl ‘ugly bitch’ again but this time Yuki chimes in with ‘puny wolf’ that causes a snarl from Kouga.
“Stop being mean to my nephew, Kouga!” Kagome yells and yanks her arm free and walks over to us, grabbing Yuki and cuddling him. I move Kagome to the outer side farthest away from Kouga and we start walking again by now where in the back and Sango and Miroku are in the middle and Sesshomaru’s group is far ahead. Inuyasha ‘keh’s and runs up to stand with Miroku and Sango with Shippo on his shoulder. Kouga just starts walking after were ahead.
“You have gotten so big” Kagome says to Yuki. “How old are you? Do you know?”
“I’m two but I look four” Yuki answers.
“Kagome, He’s not a baby so stop cooing him like that” I say with a roll of my eyes then explain “He doesn’t grow like normal human or demons, humans grow while demons grow fast so a hanyou well have some slow stages and some fast stages of growing it just depends”
Kagome just ‘oh’s’ me and continues her cuddling to my child asking various question. We had finally got up with the rest of the group that had already settled down with two fires,-odd- I go and sit down next to Miroku pretty far enough room for another person to sit between us with no elbow room but still that’s pretty far. I turn to dig in my bag for supper when something touches my ass; I heard someone suck in a breath more than likely Kagome.
“If that hand is not moved this instant I will permanently remove it from your body” I said then I felt the hand move. “Good”.
I pull out hamburgers all I had to do was warm them up. “Where did you get those from?” I turned around to see Kagome eyeing the box full of multiple hamburgers hungrily.
“Wacdonalds” I said sarcastically. “I had mom suggested it to mom a couple a days ago to do it before we left and she did, all we have to do is warm them up”
“And how do you suggest we do that?” Kagome said. I looked up at her smirking.
“You got a frying pan?” She smiled catching on and went to retrieve on from her bag it was medium sized. I piled as many I could on it; Kagome pulls out what she put her kettle on to boil water for Inuyasha’s ramen on and puts the frying pan on it every thirty seconds we flip the burger or take on out the aroma of it had almost everyone crowding around it seems they’ve never ate a hamburger. Afterwards we passed out hamburgers; I had notice the little one, Rin, did not come over and get one so I walked over to her.
“Rin do you want one?” I said as I crouched down they were on the far left side of the main group. She looks up at me unsure and glances at Sesshomaru. “May she Lord Sesshomaru?” I ask he looks over at me emotionalist.
“This Sesshomaru does not care what the child does or does not eat” He said in gracefully. His voice was very wonderful, it was deep but not like Kouga’s and made you sway with his words.
“Well apparently your say holds a lot of power of her decision but oh well,” I stand up and turn away. “Coming Rin?” I hear her get up and follow me; I hear the toad complain about unrespectful humans
I sit down and get a plate ready I but it on a bun and handed it to her since we don’t have any toppings we just ate it plain not my first impression of hamburgers wanted to go but they all seem to like it.
“You can eat over here or of there if you like and you can ask the toad if he wants any” I said I look up at her smiling she shakes her and walks over to the toad but he just squaws something and knocks the food out of her hands; bad move I walk over there.
“What the fuck is the matter with you toad?!” I yell at him and turn to see Rin picking up the food I walk over to her and stop her “Oh no, sweetie don’t worry about that, the toad can pick it up and throw it away” I say turning my head to glare at the toad. I hear her whisper she‘s not going to throw it away it was her supper. “Oh don’t worries about I’ll get you a new one besides that one’s dirt” She just looks at me.
“I am not a toad and I will not pick up that thing” The toad squaws again that thing was really getting on my nerves.
“Well at least apologize” I say standing back up.
“No the child needs to apologize, coming over here and asking if we want to eat human food” the toad spits out ‘human’ as if it’s a disease. Rin starts to walk up I suppose to apologize as he said but I stopped her.
“I asked her to come over her, I hadn’t seen you guys eat all day so,” I say but am rudely cut off.
“We don’t need food and besides we get our own and if you the one who suggest such a silly thing you should apologize” the toad says.
“I will not” I say eyeing.
“Ungrateful Human” He spits out again, nerve fell out the window. I walk up to him and rear back my leg and kick I see him sail the sky over the trees that should keep him occupied for a while.
“Master Jaken” Rin exclaims; I just cross my arms in front of my chest no toads going to tell me what to do I walk past Rin and grab the plate off the grass and continue my toward the main fire and yell over shoulder for Rin. All in all it as a pretty eventful day.