InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My hate ❯ Chapter 2 of My Hate ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I awoke with a gasp, it was pitch black not to seem like a wimp or nothing but I usually had a night light on or closet light or something but I relaxed when I sensed Kagome was with me. I reached over for him to snuggle Yuki and go back to sleep. He wasn’t there! Oh no, where is he?! I bolted up looking around but with my human eyes it was like trying to look thru paper.
“Yuki?!” I said when he didn’t answer I started to get frantic “Yuki, where are you?!”
I swung my legs over the bed the bottom of my upper legs hit Kagome’s legs rousing her from her sleep. I muttered my fast sorry and got up all the way and called for Yuki louder almost in a normal tone. I heard something move on the farther side of the room (the closet which was furthest away from the real door) and swung around fist ready to knock the hell out of whatever or whoever it was.
“It’s me, Yuki went to the bath place” I heard Inuyasha say and I lowered my fists and sighed he was safe.
“Wait, why the hell are you in here?” I said starting to get protective my sister.
“ I always sleep in here or the tree but since I’m going to be sleeping in a tree for the next two weeks or more I decided to sleep comfortable tonight until you got up that is” Inuyasha said sourly.
I lost him at weeks, he has really pretty eyes and I think should tell him and I would of if Kagome hadn’t said something in her sleep that made Inuyasha fall face first into the ground real fast. I ran over and flicked on the light and saw him just as I had thought, Yuki walked into the room and kind of just stood there not understanding why his mom was rolling on the floor laughing, his aunt Kagome kneeling beside of face down Inuyasha saying she didn’t mean to say it. He just shook his head and muttered something about weird family and made his way over to the bed crawled until he was against the wall and poked his head out of the covers.
“Yuki you . . . sho . . . should have . . . seen it” I said between breathing and laughing after I had finally got my breath. “He just went face first into the floor right Kagome rolled over. It was some hilarious shit.”
Yuki sat up and looked at me with disbelief; “Nuh-uh” He expressed not believing me.
“Yeah,” I said shaking my head. We looked over at the couple sitting on the ground. Inuyasha was glaring at me and Kagome was giving me the shut-up look. “Hey Kagome do that again, whatever you did so Yuki can see”
“No Natsumi I didn’t even mean to do it that time, I only do it when he deserves it,” Kagome said then muttered “Which is a lot”
Inuyasha growled “I heard that Wench,” I was shocked did he just call my sister a wench?! How dare him. I was about to stick up for her but she did it herself.
“Inuyasha!” She said in a menacing tone I was about to tell her she need to do more than that to get the point across but apparently it worked because his back straightened and he gulped looking nervous. Dang she had this dog trained!
He didn’t say anything else, well there goes the entertainment, I shrugged and went over to look at the clock 6: 24 now I understand when they say it’s the darkest before sunrise though I’ve always wanted to see the sunrise I just never got up in time or I was but was too lazy to get up to watch. I lift up my arms above my head trying to reach the ceiling while doing that stood up on my tip toes to stretch my muscles in my legs too. (I bet someone just got up to see if that worked ha-ha) Got relaxed and shook my head and walk toward the door but stop and walked back over to the bed and held out my arms for Yuki, he looked at my arms then at my face with a what? Look on his face.
“Its morning, I’m hungry and I know if I’m hungry your hungry because you didn’t eat last night” I said matter-of-factly and I saw the conclusion go across his face. He pushed off the cover with his hands then the rest with his feet, stood up his balance was thrown off when his foot got stuck in the cover and fell toward me, which I got him picked him up and set him on my hip. Turned looked at them, Kagome looked at us happily; Inuyasha’s eyes flashed longingly but were covered up by his macho look.
“You guys coming?” I asked but was already going toward the door not waiting on the answer. I walked down the stairs stopping at the door to dig thru my purse to get my cell phone checking to see if I had any messages had one but ignored it because all it said was ‘hey’ then turned it off and stuffed it back in my purse, and continued going down the hallway and turned into the kitchen to see my mother cooking breakfast.
She turned a gives me a smile, “Good Morning. You’re up early” She says then comes to give me hug I hug her back with a one arm hug. “You’ve only been here for two weeks and you have to go.” She states after letting me go.
“Mom, don’t tell me you are in on that joke to. This is getting ridiculous.” I say go over to put down Yuki, put he had fallen asleep on my hip, his hand on my shoulder as a pillow while the other hand was holding onto the collar of my night shirt. I switched him around so that he was in the front to be more comfortable and he just went along with it in his sleep.
Mom giggled and turned back to her cooking, I smiled and walked over to the counter to get a coffee cup out of the cabinet set it down, close the cabinet, grabbed the handle on the coffee holder and poured some though it was a form of coffee just not coffee, it was cappuccino moms’ style. I grabbed the cup and went to set at the table. When I had first got here two week ago, Kagome wasn’t here when I asked mom she said feudal era at first I thought she had lost it but everybody at the house told me the same thing. They tried telling me what has been going on but not even half thru I was already zoned out so mom broke it down into parts telling me some everyday different ways and I caught on but always got the names mixed up. Then finally Kagome came back this just past Friday and told me I had to help her and her feudal friends some bad guy named Shippo or something, I still am not good with names but once I meet them I’ll put names with faces and that should help me out, I hope.
I lift up the drink to my lips but find it empty; dang I didn’t even notice it was gone. I was going to get up to get a refill but Kagome grabbed it in one hand because the other was filled with her on that I supposed she was going to refill too. Wait, when did she come in here, I really oblivious to everything, that’s kind of funny though.
“Here” Kagome said putting down the cup in front of me and pulled out a chair next to me to sit down in.
“Uh, yeah, thanks” I thanked.
“Don’t mention it” She said waving her hand at me.
“Okay” I said while shrugging, not really noticing the playful glare she threw at me.
“Well once your done and the runts ate were leaving” Inuyasha said huffing and crossing his arms across his chest then I heard Kagome moan in protest.
I ‘uh-uh’ ed’ him cause were I was drinking some cappuccino then shook my head after I had put down my drink but had yet to swallow it all. “I still have to pack” It got deathly quiet I thought it would go on forever.
“What! You haven’t packed! You should of done that before you put your lazy ass to bed” He all but yelled me but I was oblivion to it after ‘packed’ it seems that whenever someone yells at me it takes affect faster, strange I wonder what else. It would be pretty bad if someone was trying to seduce by doing dirty talk, ha- ha that would be a sight to see someone dirty talking me and they see I’m told not focused on them and what I was thinking had absolutely nothing to do with them. About like now I’m thinking about dirty talk while he’s still yelling.
“I’ll be done in less than an hour and the other half of the hour we’ll be for getting Yuki and me ready. So, don’t get your panties in a wad, Gees” I said standing putting my now empty cup in the sink and walking away and up the stairs but stop in the middle of the stairs “Kagome you take shower first okay?”
“Sure” I hear her yell and then hear muffled laughs and a growl of warning from Inuyasha, because of my yelling I had woke up Yuki.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up” I said while brushing his bangs away to see his face better. He just mumbled something and went back to sleep. I walked into my old bedroom looked around sensing if anyone was there, finding know one I went the rest of the way in flicking one the light and leaving the door wide open to scared to shut it. I picked up a baby blue book bag that Kagome had bought me for our trip; she was going all out this. I shook my head but I wasn’t going to let her win I would play along then catch her in a lie. I stuffed what we were going to need in there ‘as if we were going to go camping for two weeks‘ Kagome had told me ok that was easy enough I’ve been camping for a week before so I just double everything not to hard I just hope the bag holds.
After finding everything I needed and bagged it and got what Yuki and I was going to wear today together knowing Kagome had to be out by now went toward the showers. “How long you been out Kagome?” I yelled over to her room.
“About ten minutes,” She answered.
I lied down our stuff and went back to the room to get Yuki, I shook his shoulder he groggily set up and stretched and followed me into the showers. Normally I would give him a bath then I take a shower while he gets dressed but since we were running low on time I just took one with him it didn’t really matter. After we got done, he stepped out and shook like a dog he dried off what he didn’t shake off he dried off with a towel and I helped him get dressed in a pale blue t-shirt that said Top Dog on it in black with blue jeans, throwing another towel onto his head he began to dry off his wet noggin. I got dressed in a bright yellow tank top that had a band of white fabric that went around just the breast for extra support with the frill design coming out of the top making it look like I was wearing to shirts, I like it, It showed some cleavage and brown Capri’s that had tying thingy’s that tied right after the knees plus with low side pockets. My hair was still wet I went into Kagome’s room to get the hair dryer to take it with me but decided against it was already in here plus the air would have more room to spread and not be all stuffed up like in the bathroom and I wouldn’t get all sweaty in Kagome’s room from the stuffiness.
After, everybody was threw we were out at the well stuff -Yuki and mine- in hands; Kagome had her yellow book bag on her shoulders; Inuyasha was holding the food we were going to eat when we supposedly, they really were going too far with this it was seriously not funny anymore.
“Okay so do we just stand here and it teleports us or something,” I said jokingly. Kagome rolled her eyes and Inuyasha sounded out the word ‘teleport’ fascinated with it for some odd reason, doesn’t he every watch movies, I shook my head Kagome sure knew how to pick them.
“No, we jump into the well . . .” She started.
“And then lassie comes and saves us,” I said joking, I heard Yuki chuckle next to me but Kagome was looked confused “It’s an American movie” I answered her unvoiced question she just shook her head and said ‘okay’.
“So Natsumi you jump in first and then”
“I knew it, this is a prank and there probably some water balloons or something to hit me. Well guess what I’m not falling for it sends down him first.” I said in a huff and crossed my arms under my full breasts.
“I’ll just go if she wants proof I’ll give it to her” And with that he jumped in I expected a thud of him reaching the ground but all I got was a blue light that came out Yuki and I rushed over to the side to see what was happening, I was expecting him standing down there with some kind of machine to make the lights but nothing, nothing at all.
“Yuki do you see anything down there at all?” I asked still baffled. Yuki shook his head no, still looking me expecting him to come out of the walls and laugh at us for actually believing it.
“I want to try” He said and before I could stop him, he jumped in and was engulfed in a blue light.
“Yuki, are you down there?!” He wouldn’t ignore me would he? What If Inuyasha pulled him into a secret passage but I would have seen him do it . . . the light though?
“Well your turn” Kagome said getting a kick out of my confusion of what was going on. I turned around toward her and picked her up bridal style ignoring her question of asking me what I was doing, I was going to make sure this that anything hit it would hit her to and jumped in. It felt like I was flying there were blue orbs hanging but yet somehow I think they were what was causing this. I think finally I’m beginning to believe Kagome, as fast as the orbs got there they were gone and we were . . . at the bottom of the well, I spoke to soon this was a trick and I fell for I really was an idiot, I scowled.
I looked up to see the sky . . . wait the sky why not the roof of the well house? I jumped up zigzag up the inside of the older well and landed outside that was surrounded with trees around a clearing that was not closed it looked like a path leading out somewhere that I supposed was the village I was in awe that I dropped Kagome in my dazing gaze but was brought back when she lightly kicked me in the shin.
“How – when did- What-“I couldn’t grasps the words around it all we were in the past or would it be the future for us, Our future’s is the past . . . would that make it present, oh I was confused I flopped down next to Kagome, my legs bent in front of me hands out to the side my head whipping around trying to look at everything at once and was getting whip lash.