InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart's Own ❯ chapter 1 ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author's Notes: Ok peeps… this is my first attempt on a Inu Yasha fic… and it's a great risk since I haven't seen any Rin/Shippou fics… but I'm gonna try my best 2 make an impression 2 everyone.. And please constructive criticism is welcome.. But no absolutely no FLAMES!!! And when I say flames I mean insulting my work instead of helping me! I said in the summary that it is a Rin/Shippou fic… b4 u entered and clicked that link.. U knoe what u were gonna read!!!!!!!!!!! So that's all.. Enjoy it

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha.. I only own Shirouku, Aiko, Alorio, and the plot of this story anything else I don't have any claim of it whatsoever.

My Heart's Own

"Father, how come Shirouku isn't here to play?" A boy around 6 or 7 maybe older asked.

"Well, do u know that he is going to have a little sister?" Said a middle aged Fox demon he had Jet black hair just like her. Silver eyes that looks like its looking right through you. Two horizontal curvy black lines in both of the other sides of her eyes . In his forhead was a tear shape scar like it was an indigo color. And a black tail behind him.

"Just like Aiko?" Said the little kitsune curiosity obvious in his eyes.

"Yes just like Aiko." Said a woman fox demon with a white bundle in her arms. She pointed at the thing then little hands grabbed her finger. The girl in the bundle had Jet black hair just like her father. Silver eyes just screams her father. Two horizontal curvy black lines in both of the other sides of her eyes . In her forhead was a tear shape scar like it was an indigo color. A bushy pile of hair was beside it. It is most probably its tail.

"Yeah but when am I gonna see him and his little sister?" asked the kitsune

"Maybe next week after Kagome is fully rested ok?" Said Sango. Sango looks sort of like Shippou she had brown hair and green eyes. She didn't have a mark in her forehead considering she wasn't born into a royal family.

"Oh Yeah Sesshoumarou is a bit stressed out lately. Since Kagome has the attitude of a pregnant woman! I remember when you were pregnant with Aiko! Oh goodness it was hell!" Alorio said with a smirk in his face remembering the time that was a year ago.

"Oh shush! It was hard for me too you know!!" Sango said with a frown "You weren't the one who was carrying a watermelon in your stomach!" Sango said as he hit Miroukuo's head

"Sorry! Geeze you haven't hit me in the head for years!" Alorio said rubbing his sore head

At this scene Shippou and Aiko just laughed at the situation.

Aiko is a year old she was a surprise for both the Kitsunes. Lord Alorio is the Lord of the Eastern Lands. He met Sango when the Lady of the Western Lands, Kagome. They were best friends they practically grew up together. He was captivated by her beauty and immediately fell in love with her. After a series of hit in the head and a few broken bones. He finally got her to say yes to marry him. It was a short time though in a matter of 2 months they got married and she bore a child which is Shippou. A month after Shiroukou was born the first born of Kagome and Sesshoumarou. After that Shippou and Shiroukou became the best of friends.

Then 6 years after Shippou was born a little girl was born by Alorio and Sango it was a total surprise since they planned not to have any more children. But they loved her more than anyone else. Shippou accepted her and loved her more than anything else. Shiroukou on the other hand always watches over her. Shooing any other boy youkai who comes near her. If Shippou didn't know any better he'd think he was jealous and overprotective. Shippou was very overprotective as well so he didn't really mind anyone helping him.

Shippou really wants to see his best friend so he said "Father, can I just go there I really wanna play with Shiroukou!! PLEASE!!!" Shippou said as he gave him the puppy dog eyes "Mother?" Shippou said

"Fine but you have to be careful! We'll pick you up after 2 weeks. Were gonna go visit them ok young demon?" Shippou nodded and then took off . Running in his inhuman speed

**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~****~**~**~* *~**~**

Westen Lands

"Oh my goodness isn't she pretty!!" Kagome exclaimed with tears in her eyes.

"oh yes, yes she is!" Sesshoumarou said smiling. It was a really rare occasion

"Father isn't Shippou, Alorio and Sango and Aiko coming???" shiroukou asked with a pout

"Shippou's coming I can smell him." Sesshoumarou said with his usual <I don't care expression>

"Oh yeah he is coming I'm gonna go get my sword we could spar!!" Shiroukou said excitedly then added "Too bad Aiko isn't here!!" (I say someone has a crush don't u think!! Lolz!) Shiroukou then walked to his mother " What are you gonna name her??" He asked peering over the little baby. She had Purplish black hair but its quite thin considering she was just born. Her eyes the perfect blue. Two red stripes in her cheek. A crescent moon on her forehead. She looks a bit like Kagome if not for her eyes.

Shiroukou was a carbon copy of his father. Exactly like the older youkai if not for the expressions. He expresses his feeling freely not like his father. Though he could hide it as expertly as his father.

"Were gonna call her Rin!" Kagome said

Then a servant came "Prince Shippou has arrived!" Then walked away. Shippou came in with a smile on his face.

"Good morning everyone Sesshoumarou-sama, Kagome-sama, Shiroukou and" He paused and peered over the bundle in Kagome's arms "Who's that?" He asked fascinated by the face of the baby.

"It's Rin . Shippou. She's Shiroukou's little sister!" Kagome explained with a smile on her face "OH!!"

Shippou then said "Mother and Father said that they're going to pick me up two weeks from now. Can I please stay here??" Shippou asked.

"Sure. Shiroukou needs someone to play with as I rest. And Sesshy will be taking care of Rin!! RIGHT SESSHY!" Kagome said as Sesshoumarou growled "Fine!" Sesshoumarou said "But you'll have to pay me back" Sesshoumarou said with a smirk

"Fine." Kagome said with a wink. " okay kids just go play in the yard ok!" Let me rest. You too Sesshy you've been up all night! We need rest ok?" The woman youkai said.

"fine. Now train hard!" Sesshy said to the boys. As the servant took the little baby to it's room

Both of the young youkai's left and went sparring

Author's Note : Ok this is my first inu yasha fic please let me know what u think of it please please review!!!