InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart Will Go On ❯ Remembrance ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 3: Remembrance

Inside the hut, Kagome laid all alone, her mind wracked with grief over the loss of her beloved hanyou. Her love, her life, was gone. Within a few moments, she had lost everything. She would never see him again. Her eyes closed as her mind replayed the events of the day before and the many months that had passed since she had first met Inuyasha.

Every night in my dreams

I see you, I feel you

That is how I know you go on

The first time she laid eyes on him, pinned to the god-tree by an arrow of betrayal. "If you want to live, girl, pull the arrow out," he had growled at her. He had tried to kill her at that time, but she had learned that she had powers of her own. "SIT!" she remembered, smiling at the memory of how angry he had been to know that a mere slip of a human girl could control him.

The first time she understood what it meant to be a hanyou. The night he had almost died at the hands of a spider-demon. His beautiful silver hair had turned black as midnight, and he became human, more vulnerable yet still powerful. She had not realized how much she had come to love him until she had held his head in her lap as he lay badly wounded. And when he had whispered that he liked her scent, she had barely been able to conceal her blush.

All of the times that she had tried to go back home to her family, to see them, or complete tests, how he tried to stop her. He hated that she went back, and would wait for her by staying at the god-tree for days awaiting her return. She had even taken him back to her time to show him what her world was like. Course, she had made him wear a baseball cap to cover his ears if they ever went out in public. Not because she was ashamed of him, but to protect him, like he did with her back in the feudal era.

She also remembered the day that she witnessed Kikyo kissing Inuyasha. It still hurt to think about the two of them, their past, but she now understood that that time was over. Inuyasha had chosen her in the end. She had been the one he truly loved, truly trusted. He had proven that point over and over again by the simple things he did for her. His actions had constantly betrayed his tough exterior, his harsh words, as he always watched over her, protected her from danger. The way he had cradled her body on his back as he ran through the forests, the way he had always grabbed her at the last second, rushing her to safety, the way he had stared at her with a soft expression when he thought no one was looking, and the way he had let her hold his hand, curling his claws lightly around her fingers so that he wouldn't scratch her.

Love can touch us one time

And last for a lifetime

And never let go till we're gone

Love was when I loved you

One true time I hold to

But those days were gone, never to be had again. She would never see the smirk in his eyes as he watched over Shippo, never hear him growl another warning threat to Kouga as he tried to claim her as his mate, never listen to him as he berated the monk for being a lecherous pervert, never feel his hands on her legs as he ran to and fro for the fun of it, never see him look into her eyes, trying to tell her everything he felt, but couldn't say.

All because of a half-demon who had tried to destroy everything and anyone he came into contact with. "Damn you, Naraku!" she cried, as her body convulsed in pain. He was the only one she had ever hated in her life. He had threatened all of her friends, destroyed their families, and in the end had taken the life of the only man she would ever love.

Kagome couldn't get the image of Inuyasha dying in her arms out of her head. Over and over it replayed, the blast, him collapsing, her killing Naraku, and Inuyasha whispering his love to her as he kissed her before he died. Gods, she could still feel the warmth of his lips against hers.

"Inuyasha, why did you leave me? You promised to never leave my side, always protect me, always love me…" she sobbed into the floor.

The pain in her body was becoming almost unbearable. She had already lost her heart when Inuyasha died. There was nothing really left of her but a broken, empty shell that used to house a pure, gentle soul. Closing her eyes, she felt the emptiness begin to engulf her.

Just as she was about to give in to the pain, she felt a warm wind rush into the room. Thinking it was Miroku or one of the others, she pushed her body up toward the entrance of the cabin. Kagome lifted her tired, pain-wracked eyes to the side, hoping against all hope that her beloved hanyou would be standing there instead. But, of course, he wasn't. There was no one there. The flap of the door swayed with the force of the wind that had blown it in, but nothing more.

"Baka," she thought to herself. Of course, Inuyasha's not there, he will NEVER be there. As her eyes welled up with tears again, she felt her body collapse back to the floor as the room began to swirl and go dark.

But instead of hitting the hard, wooden floor, strong, warm arms caught her instead.