InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart Will Go On ❯ Reunion ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 4: Reunion

You're here there's nothing I fear

And I know that my heart will go on

But instead of hitting the hard wood floor, strong, warm arms caught her instead.

"Nani…?" her voice cracked.

"Shhhh…" a familiar, loving voice said.

Kagome tried to open her eyes, but she hurt so badly all over her body. The pain was still threatening to consume her. She knew that she recognized the voice, but it was almost too much effort to lift her eyelids. And she was so tired…

"Kagome, love, open your eyes," the warm voice commanded. She struggled to obey, but the pain was almost too much. Then she caught the scent of pine, musk, and male. It crept into her body, her very bones, giving her a strength she didn't know she still possessed. There was only one man who carried that scent.

"No, …it can't be…" she murmured, " not… possible…"

"Feh," came the reply. "Baka, open your eyes."

She tried, oh, how she tried, but her body would no longer cooperate. Only her voice remained, and even that was fractured. "Gomen," she whispered, "I can't… forgive me…"

She felt the arms cradle her to a warm muscular chest that was covered in a soft cloth, then a finger trail down the side of her cheek, wiping away the tears that fell with a gentle claw. No, she thought to herself, impossible. I already looked once. It cannot be….

"Feh," came the reply again. "Maybe this will work instead."

Kagome felt warm, soft lips press against her own. Her body immediately reacted to the touch, reaching out instinctively to the only one it belonged to. She felt a warmth flow through her body and her pain begin to recede.

She opened her eyes to a bright, blinding blue light. It was so great, that she could see nothing in front of her except the intense aura. She could still feel the warm lips gently settled on her own, the feel of a hand against her cheek, a strong arm supporting her back, but could not see them. Slowly, she felt all of the pain leave, as if her body had simply fallen away, leaving her as light as air. The light eventually faded enough to allow her eyes adjust to the face in front of her own.

What she saw made her catch her breath. She was surrounded by silky, silver hair, and as she stared, the lips lifted and his eyelids opened revealing warm amber eyes that reached into her very soul. As she gasped, he smiled, making his soft furry ears twitch above her.

"Kagome, I came back for you as promised, my love. I told you that I would always be with you and that I would never leave you. How like you to not believe me," he grinned.

He stood up with her cradled in his arms and her cheek resting against his shoulder. Looking down, she saw the empty shell that had once held her broken body. Across the face, was a gentle smile full of love and peace. Her eyes were closed, and in her hands she clutched a necklace made of indigo beads and tiny teeth.

Turning to look back up at the man she loved, she softly whispered, "Inuyasha", as her lips lifted to meet his, their souls united, forever entwined. They both whispered "I love you" as the blue aura once again arose to engulf them.

We'll stay forever this way

You are safe in my heart and

My heart will go on and on

From the meadow, Miroku, Sango, Kaede, and Shippo raised their heads as a bolt of pure blue light shot up from the small hut where Kagome had lain.

So, it is finished, Kaede thought to herself.

Miroku raised his now Kazaana-free hand to the front of his face in silent prayer, while a crying Shippo clung to his robes.

Be at peace, my friends, you'll never be forgotten, Sango whispered to herself.

A peaceful wind began blowing through the fields and down across the meadow, gently caressing each of their faces in a final goodbye. Across the distance, two voices could be heard, laughter and love ringing freely in the wind, and the words "We'll always be here, watching and protecting" dancing through the breeze. " Don't forget, don't forget…"