InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart Will Go On ❯ Continuation ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 5: Continuation

"And that, my two children, are the story of your godparents. Now be off with you and stay out of trouble!" Miroku said laughing as he stood up. Sango looked up and smiled at her husband as she stirred the ramen for their dinner. The two small children raced towards their favorite spot, the place where it all began. As they reached the god-tree, they saw that their brother was already there, placing flowers around the small shrine that had been erected 10 years ago.

"Shippo-chan, Shippo-chan, Daddy just told us the story again!" young Kagome said jumping up and down excitedly, her chestnut hair flying freely in the wind. Shippo smiled at his two younger siblings and said, "Don't you two ever get tired of hearing that story? You must have heard it only about three thousand times now."

"Ah, but Shippo-chan, it's always new when someone else tells it. Plus it never gets old. Will you tell it to us again, Shippo-chan? Kaede-sama can't tell us again until tomorrow," pleaded Kagome's twin brother, Inuyasha, whose jet-black hair stuck out at all angles.

Shippo looked at his brother and sister who peered up at him with the most innocent expressions they could muster. "Feh!" Shippo snorted. "All right, but you'll have to sit down and be quiet."

"YEAH!!" the two five-year old children yelled.

As Shippo sat down in front of the sacred tree, he felt a light breeze play with his long ponytail that hung down to his waist, and could have sworn he heard laughter in the wind.

Smiling to himself, he began, "Once there was a stubborn, mean hanyou who was pinned to an old sacred tree for fifty years. But then a young maiden from the future came and set him free, and they embarked on a long and adventurous journey together where they met a perverted monk, a young demon-slayer, and a heroic young kitsune who protected them all with his impressive fox-magic…" At this, Shippo felt something bop him on his head, and could have sworn he heard someone say, "SIT, BOY!" Laughing to himself, he continued with the story…

You are safe in my heart

And my heart will go on…

A/N: Ok, you guys, this is my first fanfic. So please forgive if the flow of the story's not that great. I'm currently working on some more and should have them posted within the next few days. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, let me know what you think, and/or if you've got any ideas!! Thanks and happy reading!!