InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Curse of the Moon ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Immortal
Chapter 1
Curse of the Moon
Kagome was quite content sitting by herself. No one was bothering her, and she wasn't bothering anyone. And it was going to stay that way if Kagome had anything to say about it. She was a loner, plain and simple, and was glad that she didn't stand out. She had dark brown hair and bluish-grey eyes, so she looked like an ordinary high school girl. But Kagome knew she wasn't.
Something was different about her, something that could scare others away if they knew her secret. A secret that had been cursing her family for generation upon generation. A secret that had killed her father, and had made her mother keep her away from others. A secret that had driven her grandfather to an obsession over finding the cure. A secret that had her hunted. Oh no, Kagome was far from normal, she was cursed. Cursed with a dark, evil side. One that made her do horrible things, things that later traumatized her. A side that manifested itself every full moon. For Kagome's curse was that of the werewolf. A demon werewolf.
Kagome sat patiently in her seat at the back of the class waiting for the bell to ring, signaling everyone to go home for the long weekend. Drawing out a small book, Kagome doodled until the bell rang, and then waited for everyone else to leave before she followed. Gathering her things, she nodded farewell to the teacher and left the building. She had to get home, and fast. For tonight was her night, the night she changed. She had to get home so her mother and grandfather could prepare her `room', a specially reinforced cell in the cellar of the family's shrine that was protected by numerous spells and enchantments. She had to get home before her brother, Souta. Souta didn't know about her `night', and her mother wanted it that way. So did Kagome. She didn't want to accidentally pass on the curse to her innocent brother, as her father had done to her.
`I remember that night. The night I became cursed. I was out late, and I came home and heard noises in the basement, so I went to check them out. Little did I know that by walking into the basement, I released one of the most important spells put on the room. Dad broke through the door of his cell and attacked the first thing he saw, which just happened to be me. Luckily, Mom heard and came before he could do too much damage, but it was too late. He had managed to scratch me, thus passed on the curse to me. When Dad heard what he had done, he was broken, torn by guilt and self-hatred. He had just put his own daughter into the nightmare he was trying to break free of. His guilt eventually destroyed him.' Kagome thought bitterly, glancing at the area of her stomach that bore the scar of the attack, right above the waistline on her left side. In her preoccupation with her scar, which was now itching irritably, she ran smack dab into someone walking the other way.
“Watch where you're going, wench.”
Kagome looked up slightly, and saw silver hair framing a face that was wearing sunglasses. She bowed her head to the person and mumbled a slight apology. When she heard a grunt, which she took for acknowledgement, she turned and went on her way. Soon loosing herself to thought again, she put the encounter completely out of her mind.
“Mom, I home!” Kagome called out as she removed her shoes in the front hall.
“Welcome home, dear. Why don't you come in here and eat something before your grandfather gets started. You know how hungry you get after nights like these.” Her mother replied from the kitchen. Following her mother's suggestion, Kagome went into the kitchen for a quick dinner.
“What kind of protections is Gramps putting up tonight? The usual?” Kagome asked as she browsed through cabinets.
“Actually, he's adding more on tonight.” Her mom sighed.
“Why?” Kagome asked, settling on a can of chicken noodle soup for dinner.
“Souta's having a friend sleep over tonight.”
“What?!? Mom, I thought you said that no one outside of the family should be on the shrine grounds during my night! You said it wouldn't be safe!” Kagome argued, pulling a pot out of the sink and setting it next to the can of soup. She turned to face her mother, and was greeted by a guilty face.
“I couldn't say no. Your brother has been asking for months to have a friend stay over. I've always had an excuse. But not this time. So if I said no, he would ask why. And we can't risk him finding out! That would endanger you and him both!” Kagome's mother said, wringing a dish towel in her hands.
Kagome sighed and walked over to her distressed mother. “I know, Mom. But that won't stop me from worrying. You know I would hate myself if I hurt anyone. So far I've been lucky. In the three months I've been cursed, I've only attacked a few animals. I want to keep it that way.”
Kagome's mom swept her into a quick hug. “I know, dear. I know. Don't worry about tonight. Nothing will go wrong. I promise.”
Kagome laughed. “I'm gonna hold you to that, you know.”
“I know. Now go eat your soup before your brother and his friend get home. You have to be downstairs before then.”
Kagome rolled her eyes and said, sarcastically, “Yes, Master. I mean, Mother.”
Her mom chuckled and swatted her backside with the dish towel as Kagome walked past her. Kagome yelped, and snatched the towel out of her mother's hands and threw it in the sink. Turning on her mother, Kagome bared her teeth and growled at her. Her mother uttered a mock cry and they both laughed.
Shaking her head, Kagome got out a bowl for her soup and ate it as quick as possible without scorching her tongue. After she stuck her bowl in the sink, she followed her mom into the basement silently. This was the part she hated the second most, after transforming of course. She hated being locked up in the small, windowless room all night. There was nothing in there other than a bed, which they had to replace regularly because she often destroyed it in her werewolf state. The walls were bare and white. They had to be, so they wouldn't interfere with the spells and protections. But Kagome and her mother agreed that the cell was better than the outside world, were she could do so much more damage.
Kagome stepped into the room and sat on the bed. She only nodded in response when her grandfather asked if she was ready. She just wanted this over with. So, she lay on the bed and closed her eyes and listened to her mother and grandfather chanting as they layered on the spells and protections. The first layer was to strengthen the walls and door. The second was to soundproof the room. The other layers she knew were just as important, but she couldn't remember what they were at the moment. But the final spell she knew. She knew because that was the one she broke on her fateful night. The final spell to connect all the others, that kept all of the spells up and working. Her grandfather still didn't know how she broke it, since only he and Kagome's mom had the power to sever the spell. Kagome didn't even know how she did it, only that she did. And that's why her sealing spell was more powerful. The first time, they used the same as her father's, but some how she dissolved it and broke out into the outside world. Luckily, her brother wasn't home at the time, so only her mother and grandfather knew about it. And even luckier, the only victim was a stray that had wondered onto the grounds that night, and not her brother. But that didn't stop Kagome from feeling terrible about killing something. She hated death. She didn't even like the road kill that spotted major roads. It didn't matter that it wasn't her fault, she still felt awful when she saw the occasional rabbit or squirrel.
Kagome drew herself out of her thoughts when she heard the chanting stop. To her, the silence was terrifying. It symbolized the change soon to come. A tear coursed down her cheek and then Kagome heard her mom outside the door, as if she read her thoughts.
“Don't worry, Kagome, honey. Tonight will be over before you know it. Be brave, dear. I'll see you in the morning.” Her mother said. And with that Kagome was left alone.
`I hate this. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!' Kagome chanted in her mind. She stood and paced about the room, only pausing when she heard her brother come home.
“Where's Kag?” She heard Souta ask. “She at a friends house again?”
“Yes. One of her friends called earlier, and she left a while ago.” Her mother answered.
“Oh, okay. Oh! Mom, this is my friend, Alex. He's the one who I've been telling you about.”
“Oh, you mean the soccer player?”
“No, Mom. That's Kyle. Alex is the math wiz.”
“Oh, right! Now I remember!”
Kagome sighed to herself, wishing she were up there, talking with Souta's friend, telling embarrassing stories about him, then chasing Souta when he retaliated with his own story about her. Like when before she got the curse. Walking back over to the bed, Kagome drew out a small box from underneath it. It was covered in the same protections as the room and was meant for her to put small things she didn't want destroyed in. Like her watch or a bracelet or a necklace. She slipped her choker into the box, and looked at her watch before she stuck that in the box, too. It read 7:45. Fifteen minutes before moon rise. She put the box back under the bed, knowing that once she closed it, she wouldn't be able to open it again until morning. She paced around the room again, counting off minutes in her head.
As time ran out, she began feeling the changes begin. Normally when people hear `werewolf' they imagine a hairy, canine-like creature that walks on its hind legs. Kagome's transformation was nothing like that. Her human ears became those of a wolf's, hers were black, which rested on the top of her head. She grew deadly sharp claws capable of tearing through almost anything. She retained her human shape, but it grew taller, more slender, and more agile. In addition to her ears, she sprouted a black, bushy tail that looked like it would be soft to the touch. Her senses became more acute, more fine tuned. She could hear anything, from the chirp of a cricket a block away to the sounds of the numerous heartbeats coming from the people upstairs. She could smell her mother, her grandfather, her brother and his friend. She could smell the protections and spells put on the room. And if she tried really hard, she could smell her father in this very room.
As her transformation ended, her anger grew. Anger at herself, for being a monster; anger at the world, for making her hide. She began tearing at the walls, leaving marks that just disappeared. She picked up the bed and chucked at the nearest wall. The bed shattered on impact, but the wall was left unscathed. She ignored the box, and picked up larger chunks of the bed and threw them around the room. She took a large piece and began tearing at it until there was nothing but shards left. She then turned on the mattress and box spring. She grabbed one end of the mattress and tore a huge chunk out of it with one hand, then sunk in her claws, impaling it, and ripped it in half, length-wise. She ripped out the springs of the box spring and tied them into one huge knot. She paused when there was nothing left to destroy. Looking about, she took in the damage she did and let out a howl of anguish. `I want out of here! I want to be free of this curse!' She thought, closing her eyes and howling again. While her eyes were closed, her body emanated a bright pink glow.
As she opened her eyes, she came to one realization. The protections were gone. But they were soon replaced with another set, but those were upstairs. Cautiously, she approached the door to the cell. When it didn't give her a shock, she took one swipe at it with her claws and gave a vicious smirk as it fell to the floor in pieces. She approached the stairs leading upstairs, but found a powerful barrier that smelled of her mother blocking her way. After snarling at it, she turned to the other side of the cellar. To her delight, she saw a narrow window on the far side, and her nose told her it wasn't protected. She knocked out the window and proceeded to climb out of it. Once outside, she howled again, this time in triumph.
The night was young and her instincts were calling out for blood. With out a glance to the house behind her, she bounded off the grounds and into the woods in front of her.
A.N.: Whee!! Cliffy! Please review? It makes me feel good. And I put out the next chapter faster. I'll even throw in a tid-bit of the next chapter to get you motivated!
Chapter 2 Preview:
“'re a dog demon!” She gasped.
The guy paused for a moment, and then, with a vicious snarl, grabbed her by the throat and hoisted her off her feet to dangle in the air. “And you're not going to live to tell about it.”
“Hold on, Inuyasha. Don't kill her yet. There are a few questions I want answered.” The second guy said. The white haired guy, Inuyasha, glared at his companion and lowered her to the ground, but didn't remove his hand from her throat. “Now, now, Inuyasha. How can she answer if you're strangling her? Let go.” The first guy scolded. Inuyasha loosed his grip, but didn't let go. But it was loose enough for maneuverability. And Kagome was going to take advantage of that.
Kagome, being ever observant, saw the ears on the dog demon's head. She let out an ear-piercing yip she knew would hurt his sensitive hearing. Her assumptions were correct and Inuyasha immediately dropped her to grab his head and cover his ears. She took the opportunity to jam a knee into his stomach and make a run for it. Once again, she was on the ground after a few feet. This time she rolled onto her back and flipped him into the air with her feet, then jumped to her feet for another try at an escape. She felt something lightly hit her back, and with a yelp of surprise, she hit the ground a third time, but this time she couldn't get back up. She was roughly flipped over and glared at by the Inuyasha guy.
“Who do you think you are that you can just get away from me, bitch?” he growled.
“I should have kicked you harder.” Kagome spat back.
“And I should have killed you before Miroku stopped me. But now I'm just gonna relish your death even more.” He snapped. He stretched out his hand to expose his sharp claws, and slashed at her. Kagome snapped her eyes shut and braced herself.
A.N.: Well, I hope that got you going. See you next time!!!