InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Inamorata ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Just to say I didn't want to sound like I was bashing either Kikyou or Inu Yasha. Just in case it came across wrong. My longest chapter so far. 5,886 words, baby. I am so proud.
Thanks to meh reviewers!
Firedemon86 - Whew! Thank goodness! I didn't want Inu Yasha to be seen as mean, I'm so glad I got that across.
InuYashasLoveLorn - Oh it's quite alright! I just like to know that people enjoy my writing!
TheAlmightyAya-sama - Well I kinda wanted to make it suspenseful, but since you actually came out and asked, yes it will be.
Mystic Hanyou - Tsk tsk. If I told you it would ruin the angst and surprise of everything.
Inu Youkai Gurl - Oh my! Here it is! Here it is!
A Single Spark:
KogasAngel - Thanks! I'm glad you like it. It means a lot to me, since I love your fics and think you are a great authoress.
Rinseternalsoul - YOU LIKE WHERE IT'S GOING! Aww thanks! Also I can't wait to get a chance to read your story The Portal. It looks so good. Is going mad with impatience
Sesshoumarugrl - You know… You always were my favorite…
Nicotine - Oreos you say? Have I told you, you're my favorite!
DarkShadow - Phew thank goodness. I was scared of disappointing you. ^_^
SeSShieobSeSSed - Tears up You guys are so sweet to me!
angel72292 - Here ya go.
wynter89 - You know…I wonder when he's going to find out too...
DA - Here it be!
Special Thanks to Evendel aka Eve my lovely beta - reader. I do love you! (And it's not just because you sent me the kiss ass no.001, although that's a plus.) So you all have her to thank for this being here now.
Kiyoshi: Walking around with headphones on. That's right baby I'm going crazy. I need to be your lady. I've been thinking lately. That you and me, yes we can make it. Just ride with me, roll with me I'm in love with you baby Sings extremely high pitched and off key. Closes eyes and gets really into it.
Me: Ahem! Coughs
Kiyoshi: Oblivious
Me: Frustrated. KIYOSHI! Yanks headphones off.
Kiyoshi: GIVE ME THAT BACK! Please… Gives the puppy eyes
Me: Raises eyebrow You were singing about being someone's lady…
Kiyoshi: What?! A mouse hanyou can't enjoy a good song?
Me: Kiy…A child male mouse hanyou…
Kiyoshi: Your point?
Kiyoshi: Got any chocolate?
Me: Puts head down on desk. Muses these days…
_________________________________________________________________ _______
My Inamorata
By: xXxMirokuisMinexXx
Did you know when you go it's the perfect ending to my bad day.
When you go all I know is:
You're my favorite mistake
-Sheryl Crow
Rin sat in the dew covered grass of the garden that she had taken charge of recently. Lord Sesshomaru had said they needed to start traveling early. So here she sat an hour or so before the sun would rise to smile down upon Earth, with nothing better to do than take in the world, for what it was worth, while she waited for Jaken too finish the preparations for their journey. She wondered if Sesshomaru ever did this, just sit there and look at the world, then she giggled feeling silly for ever fathoming something so improbable. Sesshomaru was probably too strong to do something so childish. Still, she found it rather enjoyable she was a child of nature, so naturally she found her solace in it. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply through her nose. I wish my nose was as good as Lord Sesshomaru's. She looked at the enormous castle gate, to a spot where some honeysuckle was claiming it. Rin wished her nose was strong enough, that she could sit here and smell the honeysuckle and all the other beautiful flowers in the castle grounds. She stood walking indolently to a section of the castle wall, where she had planted a vine plant. She became a bit somber while studying it. It didn't look like it would live. Her poor Passion flower, and of course none of Sesshomaru's servants would care for it like she had! She was just about to sulk off, when something purple caught her eye. She turned, hopeful, when her eyes fell on two opening blossoms. She could've jumped up and down with her excitement, if she wasn't so tired.
“Rin come, we are leaving,” Sesshomaru's cool voice reached her ears.
“Hurry up you lazy human!” Followed by a not so calm Jaken's voice.
“Coming!” She quickly plucked the two blossoms' to remind her of something from home. Home. How nice it was too actually have one. “Hey Jaken wait for me!” She ran joyfully after Jaken laughing the entire time.
“Will you be quiet!” Jaken snapped back at her.
“Why?” He had to wonder if she really was as lily-white as she came off. He had a sneaking suspicion that she did this just to aggravate him.
“Because Lord Sesshomaru isn't in the disposition to be listening to your childish antics!”
“Jaken, I have no reminisces of saying that,” Sesshomaru's voice was so detached and calm; it was actually kind of frightening.
“Aye milord,” Jaken's voice trembled as he wondered if had just shortened his longevity, “Rin just get on Ah-Un!” He snapped at her again, trying to regain his non-existent dignity.
“Yes master Jaken,” She resisted the urge to giggle at him. He really was so entertaining. She was soon seated on Ah-Un and their journey had begun.
Kagome woke slowly of her own accord. Something that was quite odd. Inu Yasha normally was here screaming her wake up call. Inu Yasha. Her memory of yesterday came back to her as she was sent her into a fit of tears. She had to wonder to herself if she would wake every morning to think of something and begin to cry. If so, she wasn't looking forward too it in the slightest. She lay there, on her side, facing the dull brown wall of the hut, memories replaying through her mind. Good memories, sweet memories, sad memories, but they were all important to her, more now than ever, they were all she had left of Inu Yasha. She shut her eyes tighter trying to stop the tears. She started to tell herself that he was in a better place now, but then it struck her that he was in hell, and her face became streaked with vehement tears.
“Kagome?” She thought she heard a lethargic Miroku speak but she couldn't be sure. There was a hand on her shoulder and she was gently rolled over, though she didn't realize. She felt so numb. When did the numbness begin? How did it get there?
As Miroku stared at the face of his bewailing friend he realized how much tears were like rivers. Running down the side of a beautiful mountain, creating crevices with the streaks they leave, taking away some of its beauty with them.
“Miroku, maybe we should just give her a moment,” Sango had just made it into the world of the conscious when she saw Miroku's worried face. Miroku got an odd, extremely out of place smile on his face, considering the situation, as he picked up a still slumbering Shippou and walked out of the hut with Sango.
“Sango my dear,” He inched slightly closer to her, “I'm so glad you finally dropped the formalities,” He winked at her, as a hand made its way to her buttocks. Sango didn't even see his hand as she was too busy being mortified by her slip up. I called him by his name! Her face was burning. It was all forgotten though when his hand reached its destination.
Palm met face in a stinging slap.
“Why Sango, I thought we had dropped all these formalities,” He smiled innocently at her while rubbing his red cheek, where he was sporting a mark, which remarkably resembled Sango's right hand.
“Shut it Houshi-SAMA!” She was seething, and she ground out the words too him in warning.
Sunlight was filtering through a window in the hut before Kagome really was conscious again. Grief makes people weary and she had fallen back asleep from her tears. Now this time when she awoke, there were no tears waiting to fall, so she just lay there, watching the light shine in. Watched the birds fly by her window. It was another dazzlingly beautiful day in Feudal Japan, and it did slightly improve Kagome's crest-fallen mood. She yawned lazily, stretching out her legs. She began to stand when she got hit with a wave of nausea. Damn pregnancy. And I am only about a month and a half along! She took off running out of the hut a hand placed firmly over her mouth.
“Kagome? Kagome what's wrong where are you going?” Sango yelled out too her, fretful for her friend. She began to stand and run after her when Miroku's hand shot out and grabbed her arm.
“I don't believe you want to follow her,”
“And why not?! SOMETHING COULD BE WRONG!” Sango was about to go into a rage. That is until a moment later Kagome came back, looking very pale wiping her mouth with the back of her hand while the other one lay on her stomach. “Ohhh,” Saying Sango felt embarrassed was an understatement.
“Is there anything to eat?” Kagome sat down on a tree stump, “and I have to have a bath before we leave,” She smiled weakly at them the nausea not quite worn off of her yet.
“Sure Kagome let me go get you something from the village to cook,” Sango jumped up and began walking towards the village, Kirara right on her heels.
“Sango,” Sango stopped mid step and turned back to look at her.
“Thank you,” Kagome smiled lovingly at her. Where would she be without her friends. Sango just returned the smile and kept on walking.
“Miroku,” Kagome needed to know things about her pregnancy, there had been so much that happened so fast, that she hadn't had time to really look in on it and seeing as Miroku was always her go to guy when she needed information. “What do you know about hanyou birthing?”
“Hm,” Miroku put his cursed hand up to his chin, in his trademark stance of thought. “Not much really. Just that the baby doesn't develop as fast in the womb as a demon, nor as slow, as a human child would. I never really looked into it. Too bad -” He trailed off, he couldn't believe he was about to be reckless enough to say what he was about to say. He had always been the kind of man that said what he thought, and he put his soul into blaming the rude comment on that. He just prayed Kagome didn't know he was about to say `Too bad Inu Yasha isn't here'. If she knew she didn't show it as she looked thoughtful, turning her head up to the heavens, as if they would send the knowledge down to her.
“Kagome, maybe you should go bathe now, to save on time,” Miroku flashed that amazingly boyish smile of his.
“I know that look!” She glared accusingly at him.
“What do you mean by that Kagome?” He feigned innocence.
“Miroku,” She growled.
“Fine fine! I won't peep.” He held his hands up, “Monk's honor!” Kagome rolled her eyes, but she had decided it would be a good idea. She went into Kaede's hut to fetch her trusty yellow backpack. It was actually becoming rather small, since she hadn't been able to go back to the future in a month. She scrounged around in it, pulling out her bath stuff, which was running on a dangerous low. She sighed; she really wished she could go tell her family not to worry about her. Her mother was probably having a heart attack by now. She really did hate to worry people. She put the stuff in the crook of her arm, grabbing her now worse for wear towel and throwing it over her other arm, stood and stepped out into the brilliant day. “I'll be back soon, don't wait up to eat for me,” She said as she skipped past Miroku, who was trying to wake a still sleeping Shippou.
She started humming as she walked into the forest on the path to the hot spring. As this realization hit her she stopped in her tracks. There was no way in hell she was going there, she would just go tough it out in a cold stream. She nodded her head in approval as she started off for one near by. She stepped through the forest, as the trees started getting thicker, which she counted as a blessing, since it'd make it harder for peeping toms. Kagome could hear the rush of the stream and it did a bit to relax her as she breathed in the sweet scent of nature. She began singing now, that poppy song “Let Me Be With You” by Roundtable. Funny how little things can take our minds of our suffering.
Kagome had been bathing for about ten minutes when she heard someone. She took refuge behind a boulder in the middle of the stream.
“Who is there?! Miroku if that's you I won't stop Sango from killing you!” She screeched. To say the least this was creeping her out. She heard footsteps coming closer, and what sounded like giggles.
“Miroku?” She gulped. For once she prayed it was Miroku. “I'm serious whoever you are had better watch out! I-I have a bow and arrow and I'm not afraid to use it!” She cursed herself for not actually bringing one. Now whoever it was, was actually laughing at her cowardice. She was just about to retaliate with a snide remark when Sango came out of the bushes.
“Honestly Kagome, you're a bit paranoid about bathing.” She was giggling and she carried something in her hands.
“Well I mean, look at what I have for company,” She said a bit embarrassed by her fear, but relieved that it was Sango, “Miroku has installed a never ending fear of peeping toms.”
“I can understand that,” Sango said with a goofy love struck smile. When are they going to just get over it and get married anyway! Like we all don't know they love each other! “I figured you'd need some clothes that you could er -” Sango trailed off, she didn't want to sound rude by saying Kagome needed larger clothes. “travel in!” She smiled brightly very proud of herself for coming up with a cover up so quickly. She held them out in front of her for Kagome too see. They were miko garbs. Sango had wisely chosen green ones instead of red, knowing that Kagome would not appreciate, resembling Kikyou even more. Plus, if she did recall correctly green was Kagome's favorite color.
“Thanks Sango!” Kagome chirped extremely happy, seeing as her uniform had seen better days and there was no hope of going home to get a fresh change of clothes anytime soon.
“You're welcome,” Sango sat them down a few feet away from the edge of the stream so they wouldn't get damp, “I'll be back at camp,” Sango smiled warmly at Kagome, “Unless you need some protection from the trees wandering eyes.”
“Thanks for your concern Sango,” Kagome playfully slanted her eyes at her, “but I think I'll be fine,” With that Sango waved her hand and started her walk back to the village.
Kagome smiled. Really was nice of her too get me some clothes. And smart. She had wanted to stay in the water a bit longer but she was freezing, which really made her wonder why she didn't just go to the hot springs and deal with it. She waded over to the bank of the stream, drying herself with her towel, while gathering the little bit of her bathing supplies that still were of some use. Much to her dismay she had only a couple more uses left of her conditioner left. She had been rationing off all of her bath stuff after the first week the well hadn't allowed her to go back. It had proved to at least postpone their usefulness a bit. She dressed in a rush. She was starting to get ravenous. When was the last time I ate?
“Sesshomaru-sama I am getting hungry. When will we eat?” Rin had been sitting on Ah-Un's back all morning, with only an occasional stop, and they had been few and very spaced out and she was bored out of her poor adolescent mind, and she was famished. Here poor rear-end had seen better days too. She went on to list the complaints in her mind.
“We have almost reached our destination,” Sesshomaru kept his eyes forward. He could smell the wench now. He was so close. So close to getting his answers, and giving the wretch a piece of his mind. He had already been by the hot springs. Where he found something quite interesting. Jaken had run around the clearing, complaining about the stench of humans, when he had tripped over some rather peculiar items. Upon further examination, Sesshomaru had deemed one as a sketching book, though he had never seen anything that created such an effect, as what these pictures were drawn with. The other object was a mystery to him, of course this had aggravated him Why how dare something be in existence, and he, Lord Sesshomaru not know about it! He had experimentally pushed a few buttons, when some horrid noise blasted out of it; this horrid noise would be better known as Brittny Spears. He didn't know if his ears would ever be the same again. This only aggravated him more, so he threw it at Jaken saying it was the perfect match for him, and to shut it up.
So now that Jaken was preoccupied he turned back to his first discovery. He began to actually carefully flip through all of the drawings in the book, not paying much attention. It was full of cheerful little drawings, of this and that. Some flowers and plants, some of people, some he found to be somewhat familiar, while others he assured himself he had never laid eyes upon. He was shocked to say the least, though he didn't show it, when he came across one of himself. Startled by the discovery and curious of it he ripped it out, while taking notice that there were some notes on the side of it, in a very feminine hand. Sesshomaru. Demon Lord of the Moon Lands. Very confusing man. Metro sexual perhaps. He wasn't quite sure what metro sexual was, but all the same he didn't like the fact that, whoever owned this would even write about him! He continued to observe the drawing until his eyes fell on the signature at the bottom of it. Kagome. That wench had dare have the audacity to draw him and then write about him without his consent! He stuffed the drawing into his obi, while flipping through the rest of the book, stopping on a picture of her entire bevy. His eyes narrowed as he took in the delicate curves of the drawing. She was in the center, with the Taiji and monk on either side of her. The kitsune was in her hands. His brother stood in the back of the drawing, arms crossed over his chest, his head was slightly tilted toward the group, with a small smirk. He ripped this drawing also from the book and put into his obi. He would further his study of the drawings at a later date. There were other matters to attend to as of now.
Jaken had just opened his mouth to start his squawking at Rin while placing radio in one of Ah-Un's satchels.
“Jaken, you shall watch Rin and follow me,” Sesshomaru tossed the rest of the sketch book at him and took off with his demon speed, gliding through the forest with ease. It actually looked beautiful, the way he could just fly through, weaving and twisting his body to avoid trees. He was stalking his prey, but it wasn't putting up a fight, it was like she didn't even sense him.
Well he sure as hell was right. She was preoccupied singing and twirling around in circles. She was in an unexplainable good mood, and damn it she wasn't going to question it! In fact she was clueless that he stood right in front of her while she was still singing, her shampoo bottle serving as the microphone.
“Oh oh oh ooh! Let me be with you! Yeah! Dakishimetaino. Imamade zutto ienaimama kakushitetano. Tsuyogatteru soredakenano mitsukedashite. Let me be with you!” She was still singing her heart out when she ran smack dab into his, much to her dismay, well defined chest.
“Ow! Why don't you watch wh-“ She stopped rubbing her now sore bottom, and looked up at the person above her, “Eep!” She began blushing, a rather fetching crimson color.
He raised an eyebrow looking down at her. “It was you who disreputably ran into me.” His face was stolid looking as always. If anything he looked bored.
“Oh is that so!” Who knows what God was thinking when he created Kagome. Who would have ever thought, that such a modest, easily embarrassed, girl could suddenly become a fiery woman whom most would be scared to challenge. Sesshomaru, though, did not fear anyone or anything.
“I am not one for repeating myself wench,” His stoic mask was still in place now that she was standing, mustering her best attempt to be intimidating, even though she barely came up to his shoulders.
She pushed a finger into his chest as she puffed out her cheeks, now at a loss for words. It was then that she actually comprehended what she had just done. Also she was starting to feel a twinge of tears. It was too much. Too much for him to be here, before her and already vexing her.
“I can see that you aren't the most astute of beings, so I will put this in words you can comprehend. I am here to discuss my brother and his whereabouts.” He was now evaluating her. She looked basically the same, though he did notice she looked a bit larger. He smirked in his mind at this. Here was just what he needed to stop the urges for her flesh. She had put on weight, thus she wouldn't be as pleasing to the eye, and when it came down to it that's really all he wanted her for. He continued his look over on her none the less, searching for some horrid flaw that would ruin her beauty. Maybe one eye was set higher than the other, no, crooked nose, no. He already had tired of looking for a flaw when he saw her right eye. It twitched! There, he had found a deformity! How could he mate with someone whose right eye twitched. Now he laid that problem to the side, he set in his mind that there would be no more thoughts of her. He now took in her attire. She wasn't wearing that indecent skirt anymore, a more traditional miko garb. Well at least she has acquired SOME taste.
“Well excuse me your majesty!” She was getting pissed to a level she had never been at. How could this be the man that had been so sweet to her just less than two months ago! No she would not tell him of her pregnancy. “If you come to my quaint little clearing, where me and my other `insufferable human' friends are staying maybe we can answer some of your questions, Lord Sesshomaru!” Well that was a lot better he thought a lot more respectful. “Do you think you could stand that many pathetic humans at one time, for that long?” Now he growled. That little wretch was being sarcastic!
“You know wench I could kill you in a matter of moments,” Kagome really was starting to doubt that night at the hot springs. If Kaede hadn't assured me I was pregnant and since I hadn't slept with any OTHER demons LATELY I would think I had dreamt it all. But he did have a point, she bit her tongue and began walking towards the village.
“Come your majesty,” She tried to sound as sincere as possible, “And my name is Kagome,” She slightly looked over her shoulder to throw him a loath filled glare.
He chose to ignore the comment about her name. “Was that sarcasm wench,” He bit out at her. He let emotion into his voice this time, she really was insufferable.
“And I thought you said I wasn't the most astute of creatures,” She said it under her breathe but of course he heard it. Suddenly she looked around. How ever did I get pinned to this tree? There were sharp claws not puncturing her skin but threatening to, her feet dangled a few feet from the dirt floor of the forest, and there were amber eyes glaring at her. She would've been proud of herself for pissing the asshole off if, she wasn't a few moments from death. She couldn't just take this though so she met his glare with her own. Cerulean met amber in a battle.
“You will think better to hold your tongue,”
“You will think better to respect me,” She gulped. No turning back now.
“Wait. I do believe you are under the misunderstanding that I care about what you have to say to me,”
“I do believe you are under the misunderstanding that I am one of your little minions that you can kick around. Well I'm not. I'm a person!” This really was amazing her. This was the most she had ever heard him say. In fact she fully believed this was the most anyone had ever heard him say. He normally had trouble getting his death threats past `DIE INU YASHA!' Good job Kagome! She thought as she felt the prick of tears behind her eyes.
“I would never confuse you with Jaken. He is more intellectual,” He smirked in his mind as her eyes widened then slit back into a glare.
How dare he compare me to that slime ball! She was just about to retaliate when sobs where heard, making him turn his head to look, and her to try to see past his body.
“Lord Sesshomaru,” Jaken was on his knees looking at the Earth floor, “Do you really mean it?” He looked up tears pouring from his eyes. This may be the happiest day of my life. Sesshomaru unceremoniously dropped Kagome.
“You will lead us to your friends now,” Kagome stood brushing herself off, raising her head high protecting what dignity she had left placing all of her discarded bathing utensils in her arms. She didn't even look back to check if they followed her, she just walked eyes forward, and burning with her anger. Well I'm definitely not telling him that he's going to father a child any time soon! She huffed as she walked out of the forest into the edge of the village.
Rin sat on the back of Ah-Un, watching the indignant girl stomp her way through the forest. She could only wonder as the small group of beings walked their way out of the forest.
“Hey Kagome! We were starting to get worrie - ” Sango stopped mid sentence.
“Well I do believe you have had some fun Kagome,” Miroku winked at her. If looks could kill he would've dropped dead on the spot.
“Kagome, what is he here for?” Sango gave him a once over with an accusing eye.
“The GREAT Lord Sesshomaru wishes to know about his brother,” She plopped herself down, taking the bowl of rice that she assumed was hers.
“So have you told him about you being pre - ” Miroku didn't get to finish his question since Kagome sprang from her seat and covered his mouth with her hand. Effectively knocking him over and herself falling on top of him.
“Idiot,” She hissed in his ear.
To say Sesshomaru thought this was moronic and inappropriate human behavior would have been an understatement. Especially with Rin standing just behind him.
Miroku was in all actuality a very wise monk, but he had his weakness too, and at this very moment that weakness was very open and vulnerable. He couldn't stop his hand from landing on her bottom.
“YOU PERVERT!” Kagome slapped him and jumped up to hold back a seething Sango.
No one noticed the small growl that was emitted from Sesshomaru throughout the rest of the chaos.
Shippou rolled his eyes, “Adults.”
Sesshomaru was making him uneasy, but he wanted to talk with the young girl that was behind him on the dragon thing, and he figured now that the attention was on Miroku and Kagome this would be the perfect chance to creep around to talk to her. He made his way cautiously and quietly till he was standing beside Ah-Un.
“Hello,” She beamed down at him, now sliding off of her pet dragon, “What's your name?”
“Shippou. What's yours?”
“Rin.” And already they were best friends. Too bad adults didn't pay more attention to children and their ways. They could learn something about life from them.
Sesshomaru was still wondering what the monk had been about to say, so he just filed the comment in his mind and turned to present matters. He needed to know about his brother. He watched with slight amusement as Kagome tried to calm the exterminator and finally got her to sit down, as she then too took her seat and began eating her rice doing her best to keep her eyes away from his.
“What business do you have here Sesshomaru-sama, if not with Kagome?” As Miroku spoke Kagome almost choked on her rice, and went into a coughing fit. Only to then glare at Miroku while she fought back tears.
“My business is of my brother and his where-abouts,”
“Well I am sorry to inform you Lord Sesshomaru, but to the best of our knowledge your brother is dead,” Miroku spoke for the group like always. Sango, now sitting next to Kagome, put her arm around her trying to comfort her.
“You don't know for certain?” Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow at them.
“I think that's what he just said,” Kagome bit out astringently.
“Human you would do well to show Lord Sesshomaru respect!” Jaken stepped in front of her waving his staff. Sango obviously not in the mood for the foul tempered toad took his staff out of his hand and hit him on the head with it.
“And you would do well to shut up!” Sango's eyes were slanted with her apparent agitation.
Miroku ignoring the little interruption continued his conversation, “Why is it that you come to us, asking of your brothers' health?”
“News came to me that he was dead,”
“Who relayed the message?”
“It is of no importance,” Sesshomaru was not one to entertain human's and he was growing very weary of it. He would've just threatened their life about it if the circumstances weren't so delicate. “And now you will tell me every detail you know about my brothers' disappearance.” Of course under the situation Miroku had no choice but to tell him of every little detail that they knew of.
“So you have reason to believe it may have been Naraku?” Sesshomaru was still turning this idea over in his mind. He already had trespasses to avenge on the scum, and this just added to the list.
“Yes Lord Sesshomaru,”
_________________________________________________________________ _______
Far away, whereabouts unknown to the odd group, sat Naraku laughing manically as he watched the scene in Kanna's mirror.
“Kukuku! I wonder how long she would go till she would tell him! Kuku! We'll just have to see! Will it be until the very moment the babe comes out looking like him? What do you think Kagura?”
The before mentioned wind sorceress just shrugged, disgusted by the sick being in front of her.
“What do you say we leash the dog, Kagura?”
That's what he likes to do, she thought to herself, he likes to put iron manacles around everyone's ankles, just to prove that he can control something, since he couldn't control Kikyou. That's what this is all built from. The malice he felt, when he realized that Fate would not bend her ways for him. Dolt.
Naraku pulled out a potion from the folds of his robes. “You have a job Kagura,” He smiled maliciously at her as she cringed. He opened the bottle pulling a thread from it and the re-corking the bottle. “Just one drop on both of them, that'll be all it takes. Make sure though that it doesn't fall on another being!” He glared at her as her eyes slit slightly at that comment. “Because Kagura, if by some tragic accident it does fall on someone else's head, I will have to squeeze the life from your heart! Now go!” He tossed the potion at her and then he pulled out his large portion of the Shikon Jewel as he began polishing it while looking into Kanna's mirror. The most grotesque laughter any being could ever imagine filled the room, as Kagura took off as fast as she could, dreading the repercussions of what she had to do.
“Lord Sesshomaru, don't you think it wise to join forces with our group? I know you have reasons to want the death of Naraku just as all of us do,” Kagome wanted to beat the monk! She couldn't believe he had just asked that without first asking herself or Sango, about their disposition on the matter.
“I don't need the assistance of mere humans,” Kagome was silently celebrating.
“If you say so Lord Sesshomaru,” Miroku was still trying to think of a way to convince him, when a mist came down on them.
“What's this?” Sango said jumping up, shocked by its sudden appearance.
“Calm down Sango my dear it's just mist,” Miroku smiled reassuringly at her while waving his hand through the air.
Kagome couldn't understand why all of a sudden she had the urge to giggle. But she did. She giggled uncontrollably actually. Sesshomaru watched as all the humans began to do the same. Just as he had suspected, this wasn't just a fog. He covered his mouth with his long silk sleeve. He continued to watch them, including Jaken, with mild amusement, until they all collapsed still giggling, to only in moments fall asleep. It really was a funny sight.
Kagura huffed watching the antics from above. So Naraku plans to make this easy for me! It was apparent though the mist hadn't taken a full effect on Sesshomaru, only that it had addled his senses, as he hadn't acted as if he knew she was there yet. She began to take her feather closer to the group uncorking the bottle as her feather disappeared and she landed on the ground in front of Kagome, pouring the liquid over her head, to receive an unconscious giggle. Now of course, Sesshomaru knew she was there now, since she was standing in front of him. He stood while at the same time trying to awake his groggy mind.
“You are a minion of Naraku, are you not?” He spoke sharply to her.
“Don't worry your pretty little head over that,” She smirked as she thrust the bottle in his direction, so that the liquid splashed out over him. Now that woke him up, but already it was too late, as she was already on her feather and fleeing. What the hell was the meaning of that? He looked down at his clothes. The liquid had even been clear, there wasn't a stain or anything!
“What an odd wench,” he took in his surroundings, the fog had lifted, but everyone excluding himself was sound asleep. He walked to Jaken and gave him a test kick. Yep he was sound asleep. So Sesshomaru seeing nothing he could do walked over to a tree and leaned against it, waiting for his ward and retainer to awake. He cast an amber eye over all the sleeping forms until his eye fell on the sleeping form that was known as Kagome. He wondered if part of the reason he actually bothered to come here was to prove something to himself. After all he could have just sent a messenger to question them of his brothers' death. It was so odd to actually be here in her presence now. After thinking of her for more than a month. Even stranger seeing as he had rutted with her. It was quite the atypical situation he had gotten himself into. He inhaled deeply picking through scents to hers. He had been surprised himself, with the patience he had shown with her, allowing her to make her snide and crude remarks. She was a sarcastic one he thought with a snort. What baffled him the most was that, he had come to the conclusion, that he may in fact enjoy being challenged. It was kind of refreshing, even though he concluded; he very much still fancied being feared by most. Maybe I'll make an exception for the miko. Of course he had no intentions of letting her know that she was the exception. Now his mind began to wander when the monks' odd comment from earlier played in his mind. “So have you told him about you being pre -”. What could that monk have been about to say. Of course Sesshomaru was an intelligent being, but most of us miss the obvious when it's something we would, in all honesty, never expect. What an inconvenience.
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End Chapter
Kiyoshi: Eating chocolate bar. So how was it? And don't forget to review us!
Me: On phone. Mhm so it'll be in the paper tomorrow. Thanks! Hangs up
Kiyoshi: Tilts head. Who was that?
Me: The ad department of the newspaper.
Kiyoshi: What did you put up an ad for?
Me: A new muse.