InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Inamorata ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Well I do think I've done fairly well with my updating thus far. Don't you? It's because I've been sick for the past few days. Tehe. I'm normally so bad at keeping up with stories. Woo! 8,000+ words (Not counting all my little before and after notes). Twenty six reviews for my two chapters too! How exciting! YOU KNOW WHAT!!! I just realized I was nominated on A Single Spark for best one shot and Lemon/Lime! WOOO HOOO! I AM SO HAPPY YOU CAN'T IMAGINE! I LOVE YOU WHOEVER WAS STONED ENOUGH TO DO THAT!!!
Thanks to my reviewers!
A Single Spark:
Sesshoumarugrl - You make me feel so good about myself. ^^
Obsessed-Freak - Are you taken? Because I do believe I love you...
Nicotine - Oooh I like you!
DarkShadow - Tehe Laughs nervously I wanted them to meet sooner but I wanted to add a little more drama first, and this had to be done for them to meet too, so hope you don't mind one more chapter without interaction.
Sesshieobsessed - Thanks
Firedemon86 - tehe thanks!
shadowwolf_02 - Thanks!
Darkness - Um I'm not exactly sure what you are asking, but I believe you asked how the child came into this; well this is a sequel to my one shot “My Libido”. So I hope that answers your question.
Kitsune6 - I do like to do things a bit differently.^_^ and thanks!
Kiyoshi: Proof reading the story. Why do you insist on being so dramatic?! Sends an accusing look my way
Me: Shrugs
Kiyoshi: I swear one day you are going to send someone into depression with your dramatics!
My Inamorata
By: xXxMirokuisMinexXx
Chapter Three:
Life, is floating fast away.
But I look, your head is turned away.

From the moment you left I knew that something wasn't right.
But the feeling inside has kept me up all night.

You and me like one heart-beat.
You and me like one heart-beat.

So slice open my veins.
And let, the romance bleed away.
-Senses Fail
“Kagome?” She turned on her side, trying haplessly to block out, both the sun and the bothersome voice. Kagome was just far too tired and her mind ached. No, she had no intentions of rising just yet. “Kagome, please.” She tried to figure out who the voice belonged to while squishing her eyes closed tighter.
There was a frustrated sigh and then a splash as water cascaded down onto Kagome's body. Her eyes shot open instinctually. At least it wasn't cold. But where would they get hot water? Then she remembered the occurrences of the previous night and she curled in on herself, not wanting to face the world. “Kagome please, you have to get up,” Now Kagome finally placed the voice.
“Sango,” She paused her voice wavering slightly, “I feel so- so dirty!” She blurted out beginning to cry. Arms encircled her quivering frame. There was comforting clucks and shushes in her ear, until she could get her burst of emotion under control. She wiped her eyes and sat up to look Sango in the eyes. She searched those chocolate orbs frantically, for any slight sign of disgust. Reprimanding, something. But there was nothing, just the same sisterly love that always was there for her.
“Kagome,” Sango closed her eyes searching for the right words to say, “Will you love your child?”
“Of course,” Kagome sniffed slightly answering Sango's question.
“Then why should you regret it?” Sango sure as hell, still wasn't entirely happy with her dear friend's choices but she knew she had to put that to the side and help her out now. Kagome considered this for a few seconds, while absent mindedly playing with a strand of hair.
“I guess your right!” Kagome gave a heart-stirring smile. It just made Sango wonder even more about the girl before her. She always had these odd mood swings. They were bizarre really. But there was no point in wondering, it was definitely better than Kagome going back into fits of tears.
“Oh Kagome I just remembered,” Sango jumped off of the boulder to the dirt area surrounding the hot spring, picking up some stuff. “I found these in the clearing of the well,” She held in her hands Kagome's sketch pad and stereo.
“Thanks Sango, after last night I had forgotten all about them!” She followed Sango's example hopping off of the boulder. She reached her hands up into the sky stretching, taking in the bright day. Sunlight speckled the floor through the leaves of the trees. Kagome then reached out to remove the burden from her friend's hands. Kagome was oblivious, as Sango's face suddenly contorted into confusion and vexation.
“Um, Kagome?” The miko in question nodded her head in acknowledgement. “Where is Inu Yasha?”
Kagome's brow creased now in her own vexation, “I don't know, why?”
“Well he never returned last night,” Kagome's eyes shot open wide. The sketch pad and stereo fell unceremoniously from her hands.
“Are you sure?!”
“He wasn't in a tree or anything?” She didn't even give Sango a chance to respond as she dropped her things and ran towards the clearing of the well, Sango following after her. No words could describe either of the girls' anxiety. Kagomes' from fear, and Sangos' from confusion.
“Kagome what is wrong?” Sango shouted out but Kagome didn't give any sign that she heard, or cared. She looked about the clearing just for a second before dashing into the forest. She dodged between closely growing trees. She was viciously attacked by branches but she didn't seem to care, she just kept running, pumping her arms at her sides.
“SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT!” She prayed that the usual crash would follow her cries. Then she stopped dead in her tracks as she came to the spot where Inu Yasha and Kikyou had been the night before. Sango came to a halt behind her, almost crashing into Kagome due to the sudden stop. She took in a sharp breathe at what lay before her eyes.
“Kagura,” Kagome was seething, she needed to know what happened! She didn't have time for the stupid wind sorceress.
“Tsk tsk. What a sad picture,” She opened and closed her fan looking more bored than anything.
“Kagura,” Kagome ground out between clenched teeth. “Where is he?!”
“Hm now who would you mean by that? The brother that doesn't love you - oh wait, that's right. Neither loves you anymore.” Kagura really wanted to tell the girl before her, the truth but the saimyoushou were watching her, making sure she didn't betray her own master.
Kagome's hand clenched into a tight ball, her knuckle turning white in her rage, how dare this - this, witch tell her this! “KAGURA! What happened to Inu Yasha?” She was on the verge of breaking down, and how the hell did Kagura know about her and Sesshomaru's relationship?! She just prayed that it didn't really have meaning behind it.
“Let's just say, Kikyou did a fine job,” Before another word could be uttered Kagura took to the air on one of her feathers.
Kagome fell to her knees. “No,” She whispered, “NO!” Sango then hit her knees beside Kagome putting an arm around her. The whole world seemed to get darker with the girls torment.
“Maybe it's just a trick Kagome. Shhh just calm down, we'll figure this out. Come on let us go tell Houshi-sama and try to put our wits together and figure this mess out,” Sango was trying her best not to cry. She had to be strong right now.
“No. It's all my fault. All my fault!” Kagome stood not even realizing what she was doing, just kind of half there as Sango led her back to Kaede's hut.
_________________________________________________________________ _______
Far off in the West an old toad youkai sat outside watching a rather pesky human child run around in circles, while his Lord was in the castle dealing with some very important business matters. He sighed. He detested babysitting the insufferable wench. He leaned over on his staff yawning. I really didn't get much sleep last night; maybe a little nap won't yawn hurt. Just about the time his mind had reached the peaceful place, we label as dreamland, there was a screech.
“JAKEN SAMA!” He fell over quickly righting himself while sputtering.
“What is the meaning of this?” He asked now agitated that it was only Rin and there seemed to be no need for alarm. She stood in front of him, her head cocked to the side, a wreath of flowers hanging haphazardly in her hair.
“There is a man at the gate who says he has important news for Sesshomaru, and, or his-his,” She paused placing a finger on her lip trying to recall what the word had been, “Oh yeah, council!” She beamed down at him quite proud of herself that she was able to recite the message just as the man had told her. Jaken peeped around her body slightly to see if there, actually was a man there, or if it was just a new means of torture Rin had discovered to invoke upon him. But there really was someone there. It looked like an ordinary human male. Jaken began trudging towards the gate. What could a stupid human, have to say to Sesshomaru?! Surely it couldn't be of any importance! With each new step Jaken took, he found his body feeling a bit numb, and his skin pricked. Jaken brushed it aside, blaming it on the lack of sleep, and the aggravation he had been put through of late.
“What business do you have here at the Western Lands?”
“I have news that concerns his Lordship, Sesshomaru,” Jaken eyed him up and down. He just stood there, looking forward, not even glancing down at him.
“I am of the Lord's Council,” There really was nothing that stuck out about this human. He was of average height. Black hair tied into a ponytail at the nape of his neck and extremely dull brown eyes. The thing that stood out the most about the man, was his Samurai armor, but still that was nothing big.
“I am to relay the message that the Lord's brother has died,” Jaken's mouth hung open. There was no way! The stupid half breed had always been too stubborn to die.
“How? What proof do you have?” The little toad youkai couldn't believe it. It had to be a lie. But then from behind the man's back, came the one thing Sesshomaru craved more than anything.
“Tetsusaiga,” The man placed it on the ground and turned to walk away he took leisurely even steps.
“Hey you! What- what's your name? How did you come to acquire the fang?!” The man just kept walking, “Hey are you listening to me! You had better answer my questions!” Still the man just kept walking, and soon he was out of the sight of the toad youkai.
_________________________________________________________________ _______
Up in a tree Kagura released her control on the dead body as it fell over on its side, finally laid to rest. She flicked her fan expertly putting it in front of her face, while thinking. In her opinion it was all so far working out far too well for Naraku. Someone would have to do something soon. She wanted to bunch the rough bark beneath her palm, but she thought better of it. It would've cut up her knuckles. A scowl tainted her pretty pale face as she took flight towards her master's castle.
_________________________________________________________________ _______
He stared down at the territory papers in front of him. Why did the South have to bother him so? He would've sighed, if he allowed himself to show emotion, but he didn't, he was too strong to let the world know he felt frustration. Sesshomaru could feel a headache taking life behind his temple. He tried once again to train his eyes to the paper, to make out the words. It was useless. He would get no work done today. He pushed the papers aside, standing getting ready to go to the indoor hot springs, next to his room.
“LORD SESSHO-MMMAARRRU!” If he hadn't had a headache quite yet, it flared up now. What can the nuisance want? The door burst open, and he raised an eyebrow and looked down at the disgruntled toad. “Do forgive me Lord for not knocking, but there is urgent matters too attend to down at the castle gates,” Though Sesshomaru couldn't think of anything that would cause this big of an issue, he began walking out his room, too go down the halls and stairs that would eventually take him outside to his courtyard.
“Jaken this had better be as important as you say, or you shall pay dearly for interrupting me,” He stopped what he was saying as he gazed out at the gates. There in the dust and dirt of his palace gates lay his father's fang. Rin had here hands on the gate and was looking out at it in awe.
“Jaken,” He looked down at the toad at his side, “What is the meaning of this?”
Jaken bowed low. “Forgive me milord for not informing you sooner, but I thought you should see it before I told you of the news,” Sesshomaru felt his patience grow shorter with each word the fool said.
“Jaken,” He growled out.
Jaken jumped slightly, “Ah yes. Well a human man came to the gate. He didn't seem like an ordinary human, though Lord. His aura was stronger. He came to the gate requesting to speak with you, or someone of your council. So milord I told him you were busy but that I was of your council, he said that your brother was dead. So I asked him what proof he had, and he dropped the sword there in the dirt. I asked him his name and how he came about the fang, but he just turned and walked away.” He coward slightly, scared that the answer wouldn't suffice.
Sesshomaru's eyes were as hard as steel at the moment. How dare someone else kill, someone of his bloodline! It had always been his destiny to kill Inu Yasha! He would find who had committed such a trespass against his family. “Rin you shall retrieve that sword for me. Jaken tell the guards to open the gate,”
“Aye milord! You heard him! Open the gates!” Two youkai both jumped slightly as they both grabbed one of the separate doors, bars, and began pulling. The strain they were putting out was evident, with the veins and muscles that popped so far out of their flesh.
Rin stood there waiting for the gates to open, she tilted her head slightly. So Sesshomaru's brother was dead? Isn't that the sword he always tried to get from him? Rin may have been wise for her years, but this was still a bit overwhelming, even for her. There were things she didn't fully understand about her lord, and his brothers' relationship. Shouldn't he be sad? In fact in quite a while her Lord hadn't even attempted to steal the sword from, what was his name… Inu Yasha. She nodded her head walking out to the sword, and bending to pick it up. It was remarkably light! This couldn't be the huge sword she had watched Inu Yasha wave about so wildly.
“Rin take it to my bed chambers and leave it there,” She looked up at Sesshomaru; she tried to read the emotion through his eyes. She had gotten astonishingly good at it, but now his eyes told of none.
“Yes Sesshomaru-sama!” She gave him one of her brilliant childish smiles running off to the front of his castle too run up to his room to lay the sword on the table that stood at the end of his fluffy white bed. She hummed to herself as she made her way back to the courtyard, through the grand halls of the Western Lands palace. Things sure have been odd lately. Who would've guessed that Sesshomaru was thinking the exact same thing in unison with her?
“Jaken, prepare Ah-Un we leave tomorrow. You shall see to it that Rin is also ready to leave in the morning.” With that Sesshomaru turned making his way to his bedchambers. Too much, happening too fast.
_________________________________________________________________ _______
“Kagome please you must calm yourself!” Kaede cooed in her ear, while the young miko cried her heart out.
“This is my fault!”
“Child how can this be your fault?”
“If I had never-,” She trailed off looking up at the solemn faces around her. “If I had made better choices, I would've never betrayed him!”
“Kagome you didn't betray him,” Sango was now speaking to her, not that it made much of a difference.
“How can you say that?” Kagome felt like part of her had gone to Hell with Inu Yasha. He was so close to her. So dear too her.
“Because Kagome, you didn't. Just like he didn't really betray you all those times he went to Kikyou,” Miroku now was taking part in it. He brushed the bangs from Kagome's eyes. She looked into his eyes which were as red as everyone else's from tears.
“Come on Kagome, this is not what Inu Yasha wanted,” Sango's chest felt tight as she spoke of her friend in past tense.
“How do we know? HE WENT TO HELL WITH HER!” She screamed out her anguish
“Now Kagome, we don't know what happened exactly. Maybe he was tricked into it, like he was almost tricked into it before,” Miroku's calm even voice was there again, though now she could see nothing. It all was so surreal; there was no way this was really happening.
“Then I should have been there to snap him out of it like last time,” She felt so useless. So pathetic. She could barely make out that Shippou was looking up at her from his resting place in her lap.
“Kagome for all we know he could in all actuality still be alive. This could be a trick from Naraku. You did say Kagura was there to great you,” Miroku thought frantically of something to calm her down. Kaede stood from the little circle where they had all been trying to comfort Kagome in, as she walked over to her herbs. Picking out certain ones and then started to brew them together.
“Well, yes,” Kagome said shutting her eyes tight. Not wanting to look at the world. It had hurt her too much. Hurt those who she loved too much. But now she had new possibilities to turn over in her mind.
“Kagome,” Sango's voice was almost a whisper, “I know it hurts, and I know it'll be awhile before the tears stop coming, if they ever stop, but think about it, this is just more reason to finish off Naraku. For Inu Yasha. For the possibility that Inu Yasha is alive and his captive.”
Kagome wiped her eyes slightly. Purpose burned inside her body. “You're right Sango!” She felt like she was on fire. She recalled on all the pain that was caused by the vile being known as Naraku. She began to stand, only to feel a hand hold her back.
“Kagome we understand your need for vengeance, but you have been through a lot, and not to mention you are with child; you need rest.” She looked down at Miroku and sighed. She really was emotionally exhausted.
“I suppose you are right,” she walked over to the corner where a futon laid, the one she had been occupying lately. “Goodnight everyone,” She vaguely felt Shippou curl into her side. I will finish what we started Inu Yasha.
Sango sighed looking at her friend's sleeping form. “A whole day wasted, on more pain and suffering,” She turned too look at Miroku.
“Sango you should sleep also, we all have had a lot to deal with today,” She nodded at him laying down but keeping her eyes open.
“Houshi-sama, what do you really think happened to Inu Yasha?”
“I don't know Sango, I just don't know,” He trailed off looking out the window of the hut to the now darkening sky.
End Chapter
Kiyoshi: Viola!
Me: Umm honestly was that good or no? I'm not sure…
Kiyoshi: Ignoring me REVIEW US!
Sorry they didn't meet up this chapter. But I love angst and drama so I wanted to add some more before it happens. Next Chapter they meet!