InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Inamorata ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I was wondering if anyone got the seven heartbeats thing, in the last chapter…Well here it goes again…
Thanks to my reviewers…
From A Single Spark
Angelfires- Thanks
Sailor Linnea - Thank you so much. That's one of the nicest reviews I've gotten. ^_^
Kai - Tehe!
Asinya Rain Ann - Thanks for the support
Jade Namida - Tehe it just wouldn't be right if he acted all love struck. It'd be too easy.
phoenixs_piaste - You are demanding, aren't ya?
Tag - I'd say only about a month has passed. And no neither have heard nor seen of the other since the incident.
demon13o - Well here is chapter two for you!
Sesshy81 - Thanks
Native Wolf Cub - Of course I would never be mean like that!
DarkShadow - Thank you!
From Fanfiction
Kawaiikitty - Thanks for my first review on this story! ^_^
bringme2lyfe - My Libido can't be found on Fanfiction…Look for it on Mediaminer or A Single Spark. And tehe, sorry it wasn't longer…
From MediaMiner
None… ;(
Kiyoshi gets pushed out onto a stage
Kiyoshi: HEY WHAT ARE YAL- notices crowd. Um…Hello. Cough. Nervous laugh. Enjoy the story.
My Inamorata
By: xXxMirokuisMinexXx
Chapter Two:
Or maybe it's the hundred times he's crossed my mind
Just tonight
She said maybe I miss your lovin'
Maybe I miss your kiss just a little bit
Maybe I miss your body lyin' right next to mine
Maybe I miss your touch a little too much

Tossing and turning her skins still burning
From the fire in his hands
Runnin' on empty she needs somebody
But somebody wouldn't understand
-Cross Canadian Ragweed
After Kagome's second time to pass out the room was chaos. Everyone was yelling and trying to figure out who was the culprit whom took away, their precious Kagome's innocence. Only one occupant wasn't taking part in the mess and that was Sango. She was sitting in a corner, knees dawn up to her chest, with her chin resting on them. She was praying that, in the chaos of the room, she would go unnoticed. Sango was fully aware that this was not her secret for sharing and it was not her place to speak on the matter of the father, but she was scared that if engaged in the conversation the truth would pour from her in a rush of relief. A secret of such stature is truly a burden to carry. So there she sat all drawn into herself, gazing at Kagome intently, praying that soon she would awake to clear this mess up. Now looking back on it, she probably would've been wiser to take part of the argument, since then she would not have been singled out, for being so quite.
“Oi Sango, don't you think it was Kouga who did this?” Her eyes were locked on the floor. A slight blush tainted her cheeks. It just wasn't her place, and it made her extremely uncomfortable that everyone was speaking so bluntly of Kagome's loss of innocence. Inu Yasha, though not the cleverest of beings, was not an idiot. He noticed the way her eyes stayed transfixed on the floor, and how she responded in no other way, then by curling in tighter to herself. “Sango,” His voice trailed off while in thought, “What do you know? I know you know something.” Sango folded her hands in her lap, and focused on every slight crease in her creamy skin. Just ignore him. He'll go away…YEAH RIGHT! It's Inu Yasha - still…ignore him. She had just thought she had gotten the urge to scream out the truth under control, when Kouga decided to join in.
“Oi if you know who did this to my woman, tell me now!” Sango had wanted to tell someone about it and how she felt so she had to clench her fists in an attempt to help subdue the need. It didn't help that at this moment Shippou jumped in her lap and looked up at her with wide innocent eyes, while Miroku added in his two cents.
“Sango, maybe it'd be best if you told us,” Throughout this Inu Yasha and Kouga never shut up and she felt herself explode, with stress and frustration. She was standing in a heartbeat her face inches from Kouga's a strong finger now firmly prodding him in the chest.
“She is NOT your woman nor is she an object of possession for the matter!” She turned on the balls of her feet her accusing finger now in the chest of the hanyou, “This is none of your concern! If she wishes you to know SHE will tell you when SHE wakes up. So till then just shut up!” She screamed with all her heart not caring about the flinch all being with demon heritage gave at the pitch of it. Her last victim felt his impending doom approaching. He quickly looked for escape, and upon finding none since her very voluptuous body blocked the door, backed into a corner. The blaze in her eyes could have melted the entire artic circle. The Houshi found it quite frightening and at the same time arousing, “AND as for you, you hentai! Just keep your wandering hands and mind out of this!” Her finger was pressing painfully into his chest. She then took a seat next to Kagome muttering under her breathe about the extremities of male stupidity.
Off to the west sat a fierce, yet calm demon lord, in a palace garden with his ward, a young human girl and his retainer, a toad youkai. He watched the young girl run about the expanse of his gardens. Rin was evading a Jaken, whom was in a foul mood. She ducked behind a neat row of lavender flowers. No one took notice of the simple beauty of the wind bending the stems and the stems countering back with resistance to the winds caresses. Maybe if people paid more attention to nature they would truly understand many things, but sadly simple passion hidden within simple things like a light breeze and some flower stems goes unnoticed by most. It really was too bad Sesshomaru wasn't watching the wind and the stems.
Rin's face was a glow with a pink stain on her merry face as she ran her hands along the top of the swaying flowers, disrupting nature's love making, slightly.
“Jaken can't catch me!” She gave a toothy smile eyes shut in the quintessence of blissful youth.
“Why you!” Jaken began wobbling about the flowers waving his staff madly. Sesshomaru looked on past them, looking out onto the horizon where the sun was bending to kiss the earth. Men are like that, starring out at what they want like they do the horizon, hoping that it will come to them. Sesshomaru closed his eyes thinking deeply while inhaling the freshly planted lavender. Kagome had smelled like lavender. He just ached for her flesh again. He was not weak enough to actually care about the filth. He was starting to assume the cravings, where his instincts saying that he needed an heir. He did not embrace the idea; he found most women, human and demon alike, insufferable nuisances. They were always sneaking about, plotting. Women were unlike men, instead of just going out and fighting and solving the matter, most women went out to ruin each other's lives, by any means possible. It was just cowardly in Sesshomaru's opinion.
The darkness of night was quickly bathing the land. The Lord of the Western Lands stood slowly, his animal ecstatic sensing the cover of night. “Come Rin it is late,” With no more words he turned and began walking to his castle. His hair blew gently behind him as his faithful ward and retainer followed in his wake.
She was gazing out at the last light of day, a sketch pad lay in her lap, and a solar/battery powered radio at her side. Kagome had woken just in the last thirty minutes, no one questioned her, which she took as a blessing, but still it unnerved her. The entire time they may have never spoken their questions but their eyes questioned her and never left her. Sango was the only one not staring at her and being quiet. In fact she was being quite cheery as she sat talking to the group. Kagome could tell it was forced but it took some attention off of her so she hadn't minded. Soon though she had been able to take it no more, gathering her sketch pad, radio, and CD case, and retreating outside to the clearing of the Well. She sat there now her back to the well. Its rim embraced her head and let it rest upon it. She looked down in the last rays of the day to the old sketch of hers; a pale faced man, dressed in pure white, his eyes seemed to shine out of even the drawing. Ironic such a bloodthirsty creature wore the purest color of all. Kagome looked up at the sky where a few stars were starting to make their existence known. She watched two butterflies flutter by her, they twirled and twisted never leaving the others side. She wondered if they were dancing with the way they twirled around each other into the forest and their passion was then forgotten. Only to be remembered by one impure, miko from the future. The before mentioned miko sighed deeply, she was torn, what was she to do. She had a hanyou child, pup rather, growing in her. Should she inform the father? He'd probably be disgusted, to have ever rutted with her and now that he would bring hanyou filth into the world. The river broke free from the dam as tears streaked down her face. He hadn't marked her, she never had really expected him too, though she - … She had awoken the next morning she had dressed and ran away fearing his reaction, if he would to wake to find a human in his arms. She had cried then and she cried now. She slumped against the well letting the wind dance with her hair that wasn't pinned between her and the well. How she wanted to be free like those tendrils. Free from the tribulations of life. Free from stress and suffering. Just free. She stared at the sky wondering if Sesshomaru looked at it too. No matter who you are, or who I am, we share the same sky.
A lone figure was silhouetted against the night sky, his hair and fluffy tail blowing in the breeze. He had been lying in bed thinking when he got a strange instinctual feeling, so he stood and walked out onto his balcony to get a better feel for it. It looked like something from a romance novel, a demon romance novel, but a romance novel none the less. Sesshomaru the handsome man, bare chested, standing out on a balcony the wind blowing about his body making his hair, tail, and pants blow and billow with it. The moon illuminating him as he looked out at the world with a look of thought. He was beginning to think of the wench again! Just when he thought he had, had his thoughts under control too! He was infuriated with her for more than one reason; the night he had taken her flesh he had stayed up till the sun rose, contemplating what to do with her. She had been a refreshing bed partner, so he had come to the decision that he would mark her. After all he could take multiple mates, and as long as he didn't make a life bond with her, she would die quickly. Just a blink of an eye in his eternal life. But she had fled. He of course had been awake, since he didn't sleep at all that night, but he did nothing to stop her as she dressed and ran away. He ad immediately after dressed himself and left killing anything that cross his path. She had gotten his pride. The one thing men hold dearest. How dare a human wench run from the Great Lord Sesshomaru's bed! He was not accustomed to the feeling he had felt. It was unlike the usual anger he normally felt. More powerful, it ran deeper. He let out a low growl, he was getting a headache fighting down his youkai need to go to her and claim her. I am too strong for this, he gazed up at the moon it seemed to stare down at him expectant. It was egging him on, challenging him. He turned briskly from the railing of his balcony retreating into his room.
“Kagome?” She felt limp and languid, exhausted from grief and tears, she slowly opened heavy lids to gaze into the worried face of Inu Yasha. She felt grief once again hit her in waves. She had betrayed him; she turned her head quickly to the side.
“Inu Yasha, I'm sorry,” Now without a doubt Inu Yasha normally didn't think before he spoke, but for one golden moment he did.
“Kagome its okay, you know we are all here for you,” he hoped she didn't hear the tear in his voice. It had hurt him more than he let on, or ever would. Obviously they weren't meant to be. He began to stand from his squatting position, to leave her to herself, when an arm shot out and a hand grabbed his sleeve, prohibiting him from moving.
“Inu Yasha, thank you.” He smiled and began to leave again when she gave him another tug. Glassy eyes were turned to the floor in embarrassment.
“Um,” She didn't know how to say this, “Do - ” She paused to look up slightly, “do you want to know,” The second she got it out she titled her head so her bangs hid her eyes from him. She felt he had the right to know, and he needed to hear it from her, not Sango, Miroku, or anyone else for the matter. He sucked in air when she spoke the words he wanted to hear, but then again, didn't. He was scared, terrified of what she might say.
“It was Sesshomaru, I'm sorry Inu Yasha,” She broke down into sobs. “I feel so low, and he will never accept the child!” She bit out with such passion and feeling behind it. Inu Yasha couldn't react at first. Deep down he knew he needed to comfort her, but betrayal lay fresh at the top of his emotions. It made him sick he could stay in her presence no longer. When Kagome looked back up she was alone. Her tears came more rapid now and her body was racked painfully in her heartbreaking sobs. She didn't feel for Inu Yasha anymore, but she had promised to stay by his side and now she felt like she had betrayed him. With his brother, who detested his existence on top of that. Her heart ached with all the oppressing feelings. She was disgusted with herself more than anything. She closed her eyes as fresh tears welled in her eyes. She was like this for about an hour when finally she had exhausted herself with her agony and she opened her eyes to see the leaves fall from the trees. It lost so many, they just fell freely, much like her tears had. She now wondered why the tree mourned. Two beings in the same clearing both bewailing. It was then Kagome had a revelation. There were others who had lost far more than she, who had suffered far more than she, and that ultimately she had no right to be crying and pitying herself at the moment. She sighed, All the same I feel horrible. I've caused other even more pain. She let her head lift slightly to look at the star speckled sky, and to let the moon bathe her in its luminous beams. It relaxed her significantly, she felt protected, like the moon was there with her and was watching over her, looking in her soul. She couldn't deny the slight smile that tugged at her lips. “Look what you've gotten yourself into this time Kagome,” far worse than you've ever done before! She let out a deep breathe blowing the bangs from her eyes. Though she had, had her revelation she still felt horrible. So sad in fact she believed it was becoming a disease. I shall call it melancholia. Her lips curled slightly and gave herself a mental pat on the back, for her witty joke. She began to stand now that he mood was slightly improved. She reached for the sky letting ever vertebrae pop one at a time. She sighed looking about the clearing. She had to deal with Inu Yasha but she really didn't want to return to him and the rest of the group quite yet. `Well at least it's a nice night out tonight.' She thought to herself while inhaling deeply the fresh scent of flowers on the wind. An abnormal cold hit her suddenly, as her head snapped from side to side trying to discover from where it originated. That was when she saw it, a long glowing body of a soul stealer. Kikyou. She walked slow and cautious behind it, not allowing it out of her sight, until she came upon its master. Kikyou stood there in all her dead, resurrected beauty. Her hair was free from its normal confines of her hair tie as it blew about her in the light breeze.
“I know you are there,” She spoke monotone, “come out,” Kagome began to panic. How had she known? Kagome was just about to make herself known, by stepping from behind the bush and tree that concealed her, yet allowed her to look out at the clearing Kikyou stood in, when another figure stepped into the dim clearing. Inu Yasha?! Kagome's eyebrows shot into her bangs.
“Kikyou,” his eyes were slightly glazed over. Had he been crying?
“Hello Inu Yasha,” There was no telling what emotion Kikyou felt, she kept her face as blank as fresh canvas. “I know of my reincarnations betrayal of you,” Though Kagome could never be sure, she could've sworn for the slightest second she saw Kikyou's eyes flash evilly in her direction before Kikyou leaned forward into Inu Yasha. Kagome felt tears prick at her eyes and she stood and ran back the way she had come. She would not stand there and watch their exchange of love that she could already tell was on its way. She couldn't blame Inu Yasha. He had every right to go to Kikyou now, she had broken his trust. Still, it didn't mean she wanted to watch it. God only knows how far Kagome had run without direction, until she stopped to take in her surroundings. She knew exactly where she was. She was so close. So close to where this problem had started. She stepped to the side pushing some bushes from her path. The hot spring. The miko took small steps into the clearing looking around it; she had refused to come here since the night of her reckless abandon. She walked about the spring till she came to the boulder, they had made love on. Already she could feel the flush on her face at the thought of it. The thought of how for that one moment, it had felt so right. She hoisted her body up onto the boulder and laid down, looking up at the stars before letting her eyes drift shut. Today is just a wrinkle on my forehead.
Kiyoshi: REVIEW ME!
Muffled Screams coming from closet.
Miroku: Where did Song go?
Kiyoshi: Tehe… I don't know…