InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Kagome ❯ A Place to Live ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter One

Kagome Higurashi. Age 20.

Black raven hair/hazel eyes.

Hobby: Archery.

Pet: Cat named Buyo

Best Friend: Sango Fushi. Sango has black hair and brown eyes. She has this big boomerang that been passed down from her family, generation to generation. Her hobby is with the boomerang. She set up targets and brings them down with her boomerang. She has a pet cat named Kirara. It's a cat demon but its very loyal to Sango. They both live in a four bedroom hotel room (Kagome and Sango), but only used two of them anyway. They both go to Tokyo College.But it' s actullay called Shikon Palace. Because it kinda looked like a castle.

One day they were walking down the street they heard two guys arguing with a land lady. One guy had long sliver hair. The color of the sky you can say. His amber eyes were really something rare. The other guy had black hair in a short cut ponytail.

"What do you mean $500 dollars a month, for this crappy apartment. I can't belive this." said the guy with silver hair.

"Cool down" said the old lady. " Fine fine. I'll give it for you for $450 since the guy with the black hair cute!" The guy with the black hair said " See I never come cheap" "Oh shut up lecher. I rather go find an apartment somewhere else." When the guys turned around they saw Kagome and Sango on the ground, laughing their heads off.

Inuyasha who had a secert crush on Kagome blushed red. "Oh Kagome, Sango how are you doing." "Oh....hahaha... just walking down the street" said Kagome in between laughing. Sango went over to Miroku who was a bit embrassed.And while pinching him on the cheek said" Aren't you a cute little one. How about $450. hahahahaha"

"Sango cut it out. Plus I'm more expensive'' Sango just laughed harder. "In your dreams Miroku"Miroku walked closer to her and whispered in her ear" I know you are". Sango blushed a heavy red before pounding him on to the ground. " Oh shut up already.''

Kagome went closer to Inuyasha. " So your looking for an place to live? huh?" " Um.. yeah 'gulp' "

"Well why don't you come live with us, I mean... we do have two extra beds in the hotel were staying in." Inuyasha looked at Kagome. And she became a little nervous because he just stared at her. " Wow really cool thanks. Hey Miroku we have a place to live." said Inuyasha.

"So where have you guys been living?" asked Kagome

"At a friends house. but he got too many stuff, so we decided to move somewhere else."