InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Kagome ❯ Truth or Dare?! ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter Two

" Wow Kagome, you guys have a big hotel room. " said Inuyasha while looking all around the rooms. Inuyasha and Miroku looked all over the girls room and the two empty rooms." Which one are you getting Miroku?"asked Inuyasha. " I'll get the one next to Sango." he replied. " Fine if thats what you want " said Inuyasha.

After all the unpacking, Inuyasha and Miroku where told to sit on the couch. " Now, even though your moving in with us there are some ground rules." started Kagome. Inuyasha let out a groan, " Now your talking like our old landlady. I think we should have stayed there if we where going to hear the ground rules."

"Well Inuyasha you can move back there if you want to, but if you want to stay here then just keep your mouth shut for now. Got it!" explained Kagome. And with that Inuyasha was shut his mouth until everything was out of Kagome and Sango's mouth. " Now the first thing is that you guys with be paying half of the rent. I pay 1/4 of it, Sango pays 1/4, Miroku pays 1/4, and Inuyasha pays 1/4. So if you guys better find a job. Second this is that there is a bathroom in each room. So don't do anything perverted, like trying to sneak into our rooms while we're taking a bath. And if you want to make a mess then make it in your room.

Plus every Sunday is cleaning day. Everyone cleans! And if there is anymore rules we'll tell you in the future k!" After that Inuyasha and Kagome where in the kitchen while Sango and Miroku where playing on the playstation 2. " So whats for lunch" asked Inuyasha. Kagome looked behind her to see Inuyasha sniffing the air. " Ramen, why". She gave him a puzzled looked while he kept sniffing the air.

" What, I'm just hungry and Ramen is my favorite kind of food to eat you know." said Inuyasha with his mouth watering. " Oh will you hold it in already. It'll be finished in a few minutes. I have to make it for everybody. " And all Kagome got was a 'feh'. Men, though Kagome, you can never understand them.

Women thought Inuyasha, you can never understand them. About five minutes later Kagome called everyone to the table. She had made a pot load of Ramen for lunch. Everyone eat slowy, but Inuyasha was chowing down on his food. He had 5 servings in total. Later Kagome decided to call some friends over for a sleepover. They didn't want too many people so she called two people. Kouga and Kikyou.

When they arrived Kouga begin talking to Kagome like crazy. " Hey Kagome, how are you? Do you want to be my woman? Or maybe to begin with girlfriend? Do you know that yo look really really pretty?" Kagome was trying to igorne him. ' Maybe I shouldn't have brought Kouga here' though Kagome. Kagome turned over to talk to Inuyasha when she saw Kikyou talking to him just like Kouga. She didn't know why but, she felt jealous all of sudden.

After a many more hours of talking and trying to igorne some crazy people, they decided to play scrabble. Everyone was suppose to be paired Kagome put everyone's names in hat and drew them. Kikyou and Kouga got stuck together, Inuyasha and Kagome, and Last but not lest Miroku and Sango. Kouga and Kikyou were fussing over why they got to be with each other. It was driving all of them crazy. After half an hour of fussing they began.

The game took about 2hours and 30 minutes they got bored and decided to play spin the bottle. Kagome span first and it landed on Kouga. Kouga had a face on him like he was in heaven or something, while Inuyasha was holding his fist behind his back so no one would notice. Then Kouga spinned and it landed on Kikyou. Sango and Kagome gave a sigh of relife. Kikyou spinned the bottle and it landed on Kouga so they had to kiss on the lips. Neither of them wanted to spin again so Inuyasha span the bottle and it landed on Kagome. They went back and forth until it was Sango and Miroku's turn. The same thing happend with them, so everyone decided to play another game.

"Okay everyone, lets play something challenging." said Sango. After a few minutes later Kagome shouted " Lets play truth or dare!" Everyone went back to the living room and sat down. Kikyou and Kouga started again. Everyone now agreed with Kagome. They shouln't have invited Kouga and Kikyou. Kikyou started first" Inuyasha turth or dare?"

"Truth" replied Inuyasha. " Okay don't you like me?" Inuyasha gave her a smile. " Your right Kikyou...." started Inuyasha. Kikyou looked at Inuyasha with stars in her eyes." I don't like you" finished Inuyasha. Kagome and Sango were laughing their head off. " You should have seen the look on your face." said Kagome " Hahahaha, yeah it was cl- hahahahaha classic." said Sango laughing. " Oh shut up" said Kikyou. Next Inuyasha asked Kagome. And she replied 'dare'.

" Okay Kagome, I dare you to kiss the guy you like better than the rest." Kouga and Miroku had then lips puckered up and making kissy noisies. Kagome had to think fast. Miroku she couldn't kiss because Sango had a major crush on him. Kouga was going to go balist if she kissed him. he would go aroud saying ' hah i told you she was my women'. And Inuyasha would annoy her with questions about why she kissed him. She decided and got up.

She began walking close to Kouga. The three boys were sitting next together. When she got close she kneeled down. Kouga had a grin on his face. Inuyasha stared with disbelife. ' Maybe she doesn't like me afterall.' thought Inuyasha. His heart sank deeper than the titanic.

And just when she was about to kiss Kouga, she quickly turned and kissed Inuyasha and the lips. With a sigh she sat down back on her spot. Everyone stared at her like crazy. And Sango kept nudging her with her elbow, with a smile on her face. Kikyou gave Kagome a glare. Kagome asked Sango. " Truth or Dare".


" Do you like Miroku and his perverted ways?"

"Yes and No" replied a blushed Sango.

"Sango and Mirkou, sitting in a tree" started Kagome. "Kagome, if you don't stop I'll kill you!" said Sango. Her face was so red it looked like she was boling blood! "M-a-k-e-i-n-g O-u-t." said Kagome. "Thats it" screamed Sango. Sango was chasing Kagome around the whole hotel room. And she kept on singing. " First come love, then comes marriage, then come a baby in a baby carriage." After 15min of running around Sango got tired and sat back down on her spot. Kagome also sat down.

"Don't worry Kagome, I'll get you for this." said Sango." Kagome truth or dare".

"Dare me baby" said Kagome.

"Okay. I dare you to strip infront of Inuyasha,to your undergarments, with music, in his room." said Sango. Kagome looked at her like she was crazy. " Are you crazy?!" asked Kagome. "Look Kagome, I could have made it harder and said that you would have to strip for all the guys."

Kagome looked at her and sighed." Well I guess your right. Come on Inuyasha. I want to make this quick so I won't have to do it again." said Kagome, while dragging Inuyasha with his collar. "Oh and Inuyasha,"started Sango," make sure that Kagome does it." Inuyasha just nodded.

In the other room Inuyasha was putting 'I love rock an roll' by Brittney Spears on the cd. Kagome looked at Inuyasha and let out a sigh. ( I'm not going to be that perverted, so I'm not tell it in detail.) The cd started to play. Inuyasha started with big bugged eyes at Kagome. ' Wow she's so pretty, no she's so sexy'.

After finishing Kagome quickly put back her cloths and ran out of the room. Her face was all red. ' Ugh. That was so embarssing' thought Kagome. Sango kept nudging Kagome with her elbow. "Hey, Kagome, bet you liked that." whispered Sango.

"Shut up before I put my miko power to the test on you " hissed Kagome. with that Sango shut her mouth till everyone left.