InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Kind of Guy ❯ A day in the life of Kagome Higurashi ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: He isnt mine

Italics= Kagome’s thoughts

My Kind of Guy

Chapter 1: A day in the life of Kagome Higurashi

Yesterday, Sango, Rin, Ayame, and I had a conversation about the kind of guy we would like to date.

Naturally Rin said Sesshomaru. Sango said she WOULDN’T date Miroku, which means she would,
Ayame said Kouga, my ex boyfriend, then she glanced at me as if I would have a problem with it
. They asked me and I smiled sweetly then exploded.

I’ll tell you who I WOULDN’T date! That pompous jerk Inuyasha! I mean, have you ever met someone so arrogant! He thinks he can get whatever he wants and that no one will step up to him. And he’s such a player!!! He’s probably slept with half the females at school!”

I noticed how they all exchanged exasperated looks with each other as I raged on about how much I hated Inuyasha. I really do hate him. Sometimes I wish I could just neuter him so there wouldn’t someday be another Inuyasha Takahashi to terrorize the-

“Higurashi! Quit daydreaming and get back to work!” Kagome’s boss, Tokajin, yelled at her.

Kagome was snapped out of her thoughts and looked to see her chunky boss fuming. “Your break was over 5 minutes ago! Time is money, and you’re costing me it!” he shouted.

Kagome mentally rolled her eyes as she put her apron back on and got a note pad. “Now get to table two, and no more daydreaming!” her boss ordered.

Kagome walked out of the kitchen of the café and walked out to take table two’s orders.

This is a day in the life of Kagome Higurashi.


Kagome sighed as she walked out to her green Mustang convertible. “That Tokajin’s a slave driver. I’d like to cut a few pounds off that fat bodied pig,” Kagome muttered to herself.

She got in, cranked it up, and began her 25 minute drive back home.

Her Blackerry phone went off to “Apologize” by Timbaland ft. One Republic and she immediately knew it was her ex boyfriend Kouga. She answered sighing, “What Kouga?” “Hey babe, what’s up?” he said huskily over the phone.

“Is there a specific reason you’re calling? Because if not then I’m hanging up.” Kagome said annoyed.

“Ok, ok, I was wondering if you wanted to see a movie this weekend.” He asked. But he got no answer.

All he got was the dial tone.

Kagome switched her phone off as soon as she stopped at a light. “Gee, I wonder why I haven’t blocked his number yet. Ya break up with a guy, 3 months passes and they still harass you..” she said to herself.

Eventually, she got home, only to be greeted by her annoying 14 year old brother Souta and his latest girlfriend Rina. They sat snuggled up on the couch watching a movie. “Hey Kagome!” she called.

Kagome grumbled a response. “Hey Kags! Inuyasha called, he said he’s going to kill you for skipping that ‘committee’ meeting today. He’s going to be over in a bit.” he said putting his arm around Rina.

“Just great, another addition to my bad day. Lock all the doors and put the alarm on will ya?” Kagome asked making her way up the stairs.

“No way! Besides, you shouldn’t have skipped the meeting. He said they discussed some very important things for the homecoming.” Souta called. ‘This is what happens when your little brother becomes good friends with your the guy you hate.’

“Yea, yea…is Mom home?” Kagome asked. “No, she was just leaving to California when I got home,” Souta called back.

Kagome sighed as she got to her room. She dumped her backpack on the floor next to her desk and immediately got a change of clothes from her drawers to take a shower.

She walked into her bathroom, turned on the shower, took her clothes off and got in. “I hate my life,” she said out loud as she let the hot water run down her body.


Inuyasha pulled up in Kagome’s driveway looking anything but pleased. Oh, she had some explaining to do.

He knocked on the front door and was greeted by Souta. “Hi Inuyasha, Kagome is upstairs in the shower but you can wait in her room and give her an unpleasant surprise.” he said letting Inuyasha in.

“Oh, I‘m gonna give her a surprise alright,” he growled back walking in and immediately walking up the stairs. In the shower, Kagome was still letting the water run down her body.

(Kagome’s thoughts)

When did my life get so complicated? I mean, just last year, my life was decent. As soon as I started dating Hojou, my life made a turn for the worst. I broke up with him after a couple of months and he still clung. After a while I start dating Kouga, huge mistake. His possessiveness really irked my nerves so I dumped him after a month. He clings. I enter my senior year with high ambitions and eagerness, and all that is messed up by those two losers. God I hate them……

Kagome turned off the shower and got out. She dried herself off and put on a small green spaghetti strap
tank and matching pajama bottoms. She came out of the bathroom only to see a young boy of about 17 with long silver hair and golden eyes. sitting on her bed with a disgruntled look on his face.

“Inuyasha….what are you doing in my room?” Kagome asked slowly.

“First you tell me why you skipped out on that important meeting! You knew it was mandatory!” he yelled. “I had something to do.” Kagome said simply. “Like what? Avoiding Kouga’s calls and hiding from that stalker Hojou?” he spat.

“It’s called a job, something you obviously don’t know about. But great guess though,” Kagome said smiling sarcastically.

Inuyasha snorted. “Whatever, I did not come her to fight with you.” “Could’ve fooled me,” Kagome muttered, earning a glower and growl from Inuyasha.

“Alright, Kilala’s got this idea that we can do for the homecoming. Since the theme is dance club this year she wants to have mist fall from the ceiling every 15 minutes.” Inuyasha said.

Kagome’s eyes lit up and she sat next to him and said excitedly, “Yeah, and we can have graffiti fall from the ceiling on whoever is crowned Homecoming royalty!”

Inuyasha smirked. “Not a bad idea, we’ll discuss it more at tomorrow’s meeting. You will be there, right?” he asked. Sounded more like a command.

Kagome nodded, then looked at Inuyasha crazy. “Hey, couldn’t you have just called and said all this?”

“What? And have you hang up when I insult you? Ha! And besides, I like to see the look on your face when I pick on you.” Inuyasha said. Kagome threw a pillow at him.

“Get out you jerk. Before I get someone to force you out,” Kagome growled. “Like who?” Inuyasha challenged.

“Kouga.” was all Kagome said, knowing it would piss him off. “Like that wimpy wolf could hurt me. You’d be stupid for even calling him!” Inuyasha exclaimed getting up.

“And why would you call him? Didn’t you break up with him 3 months ago? Don’t tell me you still like him,” Inuyasha asked.

Kagome smirked. “Maybe. Now leave.” Inuyasha growled. “Don’t tell me what to do, bitch. I’ll leave on my own.” Inuyasha growled getting up.

“Whatever, Inu-baka.” Kagome said climbing into bed. Inuyasha turned out the light and left.

The end of another boring day...

(Next day)


Kagome woke up hearing her brother yelling. She groaned. ‘I need another 5 hours of sleep...maybe I’ll
just skip school today...oh yeah, Inuyasha is going to blow his top if I skip another meeting... not that
It’s motivation’ Kagome thought grumpily. She got out of bed and took care of hygiene, then started deciding on what to wear.

She settled on a pink tube top with blue jean shorts (that stop above your knees.) and pink sandals.

She pulled her raven black hair into a low side ponytail and placed a pink flower in it, grabbed her book bag and her book bag purse, her keys and left for school.

(At school)

Sango, Ayame, and Rin waited in homeroom for Kagome.

“So,” Ayame said to Sango, wanting to strike up a conversation with her. “how are things going with Miroku?” At that, Sango’s face lit up with fury.

“Don’t even mention that lecher’s name in my presence! The only thing going for him is untimely death if he so much as touches me again!” Sango screamed.

Ayame and Rin backed away from her a bit. ‘Note to self, don’t ever mention Miroku to Sango again.’ Ayame thought. That’s when Kagome walked in.

“Hey guys. What’s up with Sango? She’s looking like the next thing to even look at her will experience extreme torture and pain.” she said taking her seat.

Ayame and Rin sweatdropped. Kagome watched as Sango fumed and muttered obscenities to herself.
“Don’t tell me one of you guys mentioned ‘M’ to her.” Kagome asked them.

Ayame nodded weakly. “Yo Kags, your friend is in serious denial! I mean yeah, ‘M’ is an idiotic pervert, but it’s obvious she likes him.” Ayame said.

Sango’s eyes started to glow. Rin and Kagome backed away in fear. “What…..did….you…say?!” Sango growled slowly.

“Wow, I didn’t know I was that bad,” came a male voice. Ayame seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, but Kagome and Rin knew this would make matters even worse.

Miroku stood behind them along with Inuyasha and Kouga. Sango turned her glowing eyes to Miroku who flinched back.

“Woah, what’s wrong with her?” Inuyasha asked unfazed. Kagome sighed. “Your friend is what’s wrong,” she said.

“Hey Miro, here’s some loving advice: next time you feel the need to grope my friend’s ass, remember this one minor detail….SHE’S CRAZY!!!!” Kagome told Miroku.

Sango currently had her hands around his neck. “Will do Miss Kagome!” Miroku barely got out. Ayame managed to pull her away from him.

“Ok, ok, so maybe you don’t like him after all Sango,” she said. Sango suddenly turned back to normal.

“I told you,” she smiled. Ayame rolled her eyes, then noticed Kouga standing there being quiet.

“Um…hi Kouga,” she greeted shyly.

Kouga acknowledged her with a nod, then sat next to Kagome. “Kagome…” he smirked at her suggestively. Ayame looked away sadly.

Kagome took one look at her ex and rolled her eyes. “What Kouga,” she said impatiently, having seen the look on her friend’s face.

“You never did answer my question,” he said. “Look Kouga,” Kagome started, but the teacher walked in.

Next: Inuyasha, the jackass