InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Kind of Love ❯ Where I sleep ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Kind of Love

AN: Yeah I've been sitting on this chapter for two months, and I looked at it and said what the hell. Hope you guys like it, more updates coming soon, (across all my stories).

Everyone knows running from your problems only leads you straight to them, especially when they have silver hair and dog ears. But someone forgot to tell Kagome this. So what will she do when a certain hanyou realizes he might lose her forever?

Chapter Two- Where I Sleep

Two years.


It had been two years since Kagome left home for L.A. They had easily become the best two years of her life. Kagome met so many great people, she made new friends, and the doctors she worked with were amazing. The biggest change in Kagome's life was that she started dating. Her love life was shaping up quite nicely. Now, as she thought about her boyfriend she could always hear wedding bells in the distance. She really did like her boyfriend.




A smile graced her face at the mere thought of his name.


It had taken months before she got around to dating. Kagome had felt so isolated and lonely back home that she decided to make as many connections with people as possible. But with Hojo it had been completely unintentional. She had literally bumped into Hojo on day on the street and spilled her coffee all over herself. He had been such a gentlemen and offered to take her out, plus pay for her dry cleaning. And for the first time in a long time Kagome genuinely wanted to get to know another man. So they went mini-golfing and then to dinner, burgers and fries.


Kagome remembered that date. It was easy. She didn't feel this intense rush of emotions. Kagome liked Hojo, plus he's absolutely wonderful. Their two-year anniversary was coming up and Kagome wanted it to be absolute perfection.


`Now to get through this hellish shift' Kagome thought as she changed her scrubs since a patient decided to empty their stomach contents on her. For someone who was in the midst of a 36-hour shift Kagome was beaming like the sun shined only for her. Not to mention her anniversary dinner was at the end of these next 12 hours and she was dying to know what Hojo had planned.

Kagome walked out of the locker room smiling at everyone, like a fool in love.


“Yo! Higurashi, wait for me.” Kagome turned at the sound of her name to find one of her fellow doctors, Kouga. Kouga had these gorgeous piercing blue eyes, sky blue. He always wore his hair in a high ponytail and being an ookami his canines always made an appearance when he smiled. To say he was good looking was an understatement, not to mention he was charming. To anyone Kouga was the absolute dream but Kagome wanted something else, or rather someone else.


Kouga! How are you?” Kagome asked as Kouga fell into step with her. They were hired around the same time and they had bonded over the newness of the job. Kouga never failed to ask her out every day and Kagome always politely declined. Nevertheless he was happy when she started dating Hojo and Kouga would only ask to tease her. Lucky for Kagome, Kouga had fallen for one of the gynecology and obstetric surgeons, Ayame. Kouga said his favorite thing about her was her red hair and the fact she took absolutely zero shit from him. Kouga was smitten, now that was something Kagome never live down but all in good spirits.

“I'm great! Ayame and I are going away for the weekend, I'm taking her camping.” Kouga grinned, pleased with himself.

“That sounds wonderful. Don't forget the bug spray though, because I'll flick any bites you get when you get back.” Kagome smiled at her friend. She knew it was almost impossible for demons to actually get bug bites, but fantasying of torturing Kouga made her happy.

“What about you Higurashi, any plans?” Kouga asked, as they stepped onto the elevator. It was almost time for rounds and they wanted to get a head start.

“Actually I do” Kagome said looking over at Kouga. “My anniversary with Hojo is tomorrow and we are having dinner.”

“That sounds so” Kagome glared at Kouga daring him to say something unpleasant. “Awesome” Kouga finished quickly, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

“It is I'm so excited. I think he might propose.” Kagome looked love struck at the mere thought of becoming Mrs. Tenshi.

“Alright Higurashi, no need to drool.” Kouga joked. “Hey, if he does congratulations.”

“Thank you! Now lets go do some rounds.”

Kagome picked up her patients' charts, going through them as she reviewed their health status for the day. So wrapped in her routine she failed to notice the name Takahashi, as she read through a patient file.

“Patient presents with self-inflicted wounds to the wrist, resembling deep claw marks. Patient must be restrained at all times and remain sedated.”

“Why would you do that to yourself.” Kagome mused to herself suddenly filled with compassion for this patient.

I should go here first, and check their vitals.

Kagome walked slowly down the hall and unbeknownst to her she would come face to face with the man who broke her.

“Wait…I don't even know the patient's name” Kagome fumbled with the patient's chart and as her eyes landed on the name she opened the door, shock etched on her features.

“Inuyasha.” Her lips pushed the name out like a quiet unanswered prayer as she had done for months but this time the kami finally answered. Kagome looked up only to see Inuyasha supine on a hospital bed, his legs and feet bond with restraints infused with a subjugation charm. His hair, which was once shimmery and wild like his personality lay lifeless on the bed beneath him. His skin, which once carried a glowing hue, now had a pale hue of sickness and the staleness of a hospital.

Kagome felt her heart break at the sight of him. Her eyes welling up with unshed tears. She barely noticed when she was standing next to his bed or that she was holding his hand. Kagome could only focus on the fact that he wasn't moving, her years of medical training vanished at the sight of him. In that moment she was a woman holding the hand of the man who broke her heart. Yet she couldn't deny the fact she was still in love with him.

“What happened to you?” Kagome touched his skin as she brushed his bangs out his eyes. It lacked the warmth it once had. “What did you do?” Kagome whispered as a solitary tear rolled down her cheek. Forgetting all the professionalism she possessed Kagome leaned forward and kissed his forehead never noticing the healing aura she passed onto him in that kiss.