InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My knight in Designer Jeans ❯ Don't Touch Me ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 1Don't Touch Me!
The 20 year old raven haired beauty froze as she felt a pair of arms hug her from behind as she reached to put a box on a high shelf.
It was a stormy Friday night in July and Kagome was working late at the center. She works at Faith Center. It was a center that counseled and took in pregnant teenagers.
Kagome was wearing a white lab coat with nothing but her bra and underwear underneath. It is permitted to wear nothing under your lab coat because they have very delicate machines and any thing can throw them off.
Her breath was caught in her throat as she felt the arms move upward and the person's hands squeezed her breast.
She turned around and faced him. She pushed him back and said “How many times do I have to tell you, I won't let you have me, you're my boss, Teri”
Teri is rather tall and skinny. He has salt and pepper hair (white mixed with black colored hair) and looked old enough to be her…grandmother. Kagome was convinced that he had never hit puberty because as old as he looks but his voice is high pitch like he just sucked helium out of a balloon. He had a big mouth-literally and a very small nose but the worst were his elephant ears. Damn, he must hear a mile away with thems. (Imagine Toutousei with big ears. And hair)
“Come on baby, you know you want me” he said getting closer to her as he can.
“No, I don't want you, I don't need you, cuz all I need is this job, my family and my friends”
“I can give you a family”
“I don't want you to give me a crusty family, I'd rather have a family by Hojo then one by you” she spat angrily.
Hojo was a gay man, but made in exception for Kagome, who came in here everyday wearing a wig and dress and pretending to be pregnant and that Kagome was the father.
“You'll regret that, hoe” he said in rage and grabbed her wrists.
Surprisingly he was strong. Kagome tried with all her might to get him off but nothing was working.
He forced a rough kiss on her lips and somehow ripped the lab coat open. Now it was hanging limply on her arms. She gasped and tried to kick him but it didn't work for he pinned her against the shelf behind her.
She could tell he was already ready. He had a boner the size of a ripe baby banana. She stifled a giggle but turned serious when he eagerly sucked and nipped at her neck intending to leave a painful mark even if it was a bruise.
“Stop it you son of a monkey's ass!” she yelled at him.
“Shut the fuck up!”
“Make me!”
He let go of one of her wrists and slapped her hard, across the face.
“I said shut up, bitch!”
He continued to nip and suck on Kagome's neck and a woman stepped into the back where they were.
“Mr.Suzani, I have a phone call from Mrs.-oh I see you're busy, very well” the secretary said with a grin.
Kagome shook her head and mouthed that it was not a form of making love and the secretary got it.
She grinned evilly and shrugged. She mouthed `That's what you get, you whore' than skipped out.
Kagome growled and she heard Teri chuckle.
“I see you're beginning to like it. That's good, very good” then continued.
After a while he caught Kagome off guard and ripped off her panties and bra in lightning speed.
He opened his lab coat with one hand as he held her wrist with the other. Kagome gasped when he finished opening it.
“Like what you see?”
“T-this was all a-a set up! You're not even wearing underwear!”
“Hm” he said questioningly then shrugged and positioned himself at her entrance.
Kagome took the chance and lifted her legs. She kicked him in the balls so hard she thought she just slimmed his chances of making a family to none.
She grabbed her lab coat when he doubled over in pain and ran out of the storage room.
She ran past all the girls and secretaries with the coat around her as if it were to protect her.
Behind her she can hear people gasping as she heard a loud pattering behind her.
She got really scared and ran even faster. Instead of using an elevator she slid down the rail on the stairs and ran into the wet parking lot.
She ran toward her car and noticed that he was leaning it, completely naked, waiting for her.
She made a sharp turn and ran toward another car. By the time she reached it he reached her and pinned her against the wet car.
She looked around and noticed that no one else was in the parking lot.
He laughed evilly at her frightened face and straddled her hips. Then came a clap of thunder and a lightning bolt that struck very close to them.
“S-stop it” she breathed out, too disgusted to even speak as she felt his boner rub against her pelvis.
“I won't stop until I get into you” he barked at her and was about to enter until he was pushed aside.
Kagome took the opportunity to close her lab coat and look at her rescuer.
He had long silky silver hair, sparkling amber eyes and smooth snow white dog ears atop his head. He was wearing baggy black jeans and a long sleeved silky red dress shirt and red and black Fourteens.
`Oh my god, Inuyasha!' Kagome screamed in her mind in happiness.
“What do you think you're doing?” Teri yelled at him.
“I knows he didn't-lady, please tell me he didn't-boy who you think you is? You was trying to fuck this wench on my car!” he yelled.
Kagome covered her mouth with her hand so they wouldn't hear her giggle.
“Well, she's my woman and I can fuck her wherever I please”
Inuyasha looked deep into Kagome's eyes as if to search for the truth.
“NO she isn't” he yelled at Teri.
“How would you know you poor excuse for a dog?”
“Get in the car, wench, it's about to get ugly. Well, actually uglier but don't worry I'm about to get rid of this pest” Inuyasha said and unlocked the car doors.
“Bitch, don't you dare go into that car, or you're fired”
“I don't care, what you say, and you're not firing me because I'll call the cops and get you fired”
“You slut, goin into a strangers car, who knows if he'll rape you”
“That's what-”
“I'm your boss and he's a little puppy, but go ahead, tramp, I'll get you after this”
Kagome grew angry at all the names he called her and decided it was best and she went into Inuyasha's car. He locked the doors and got into a fighting stance.
“You are nothin to worry about, you're just a-oof” Teri started but Inuyasha had punched him in the stomach before he got in his diss out.
Teri sunk low to the floor and Inuyasha continuously kicked him in the stomach, head, and a hard blow to his balls.
`Wow, he can really fight, and fast too he did this in only two minutes' Kagome thought as she watched giggling occasionally at Teri's pain. At some point she giggled so hard she didn't notice that Inuyasha came into the car until she felt a hand on hers.
She blushed I-is he touching my hand?
Wow she looks beautiful when she blushes.
He cleared his throat and said in a deep, sexy, silky voice “Are you alright?”
“Yes, thank you Inuyasha”
“It's no pro-how do you know my name?”
“It's me Kagome, remember Sango's crazy bitch from the party”
“Huh, oh yeah, how ya been?”
“Aside being almost raped, I've been great”
“Oh, you should go get your stuff and I'll drive you home”
“It's alright I can drive in my car” she said opening the door and getting out but winced once she took a step.
“Ah” she cried out and looked at the inside part of her thigh where there was a huge black and blue bruise.
Inuyasha ran out of the car to her side and looked at the bruise.
“Wow, that looks really bad” he exclaimed and shook his head “I can't let you drive home, you might not even be able to go in reverse without hurting yourself. In fact, you can't go home at all, I'm taking you to a hospital”
“What, I have to go home, I have to feed my cat, and get my mail-”
“No, I just can't let you do that”
“Is this a habit of yours, standing in the rain, fighting a rapist and saving the girl then taking her to the hospital?”
“No, I have a life, but I just happened to see you getting raped on my car and I decided it was only right if I helped, gotta problem with it wench?”
She gasped and crossed her arms.
“Now are you gonna go inside and get your clothes or are you gonna stand here in a white lab coat, that's practically see through, naked?”
She looked down at herself and noticed that her nipples where hard from the cold rain and that you can really see her form.
She gasped and slapped him across the face playfully “Pervert” she said and limped inside to her office.
He chuckled to himself and sat in the car to wait for her.
I think, I'm gonna like this bitch. She's cute, has a bangin body, and an attitude. Plus she isn't clueless, I think, I might just have to find out. I'm glad she recognized me. It doesn't seem to remember I'm famous; she kinda, sorta just slapped me. It hurt though, I'm not gonna lie about that.
Inuyasha was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't see her come in wearing a grey business skirt, a white button up shirt, a matching grey business jacket, a black purse in her left hand and the lab coat in the other hand.
“Yo, hello, are you there?” Kagome said waving her hand in his face.
“Huh? Oh, you're back”
“Obviously” she muttered.
His ear twitched and Kagome looked at him with the puppy dog look.
“What wench?”
“Can I, please?”
“Can you wha-” and his whole body froze once Kagome put her hand on his ear and rubbed on it.
She felt his body relax and she heard a rumble come from his chest.
“Oh my god, you're purring” she said excitedly and he pulled away from her touch.
“I didn't know I was doing it” he said as he blushed.
“It's no big deal, I think it's cute that you purr it bring out the demon in you” she said and he grinned.
I like the sound of that; it brings out the demon in me. Guess she's not clueless after all.
He started the car and drove off to the nearest hospital, Tokyo hospital.
He parked in the parking lot and ran to her side of the car.
“Can you get out okay?”
“Yeah, yeah” Kagome strained. She held herself up with the support of the car.
“Naw, naw, I'm not having this. You're moving way too slow for me” he said and picked her up bridal style.
“Hey, put me down, Inuyasha”
“Please” he scoffed.
“Wait a minute aren't you the Inuyasha from Shikon?” Kagome said as she took a good look at his features as he nodded and said “How many other Inuyasha's are there? None”
“Wow, I would've never thought” she said with a huge grin.
“You would've never thought what?” he said grinning at her excitement.
“That I think that I actually like-I mean that you're the Inuyasha from Shikon” she said sadly.
“Why are you sad all of a sudden?”
“It's nothing”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I'm…fine” she sighed and closed her eyes and thought Well, here I am thinking `what a great guy, he saved me, he's making me laugh and he's being kind and gentle, I think I might have a chance with him' all the while he's sitting there probably laughing at me in his head and he can't wait til he gets home so he can tell his Shikon singing group every stupid think I did or said. I can already see Miroku giggling, Sesshomaru the keyboardist smiling for once, Naraku the disk jockey still being serious, Sango the manager also my old friend shaking her head at how ridiculous I am and Kouga a guitarist and my cheating ex boyfriend laughing his ass off. Than sighed again.
“Damn, why is the parking lot so far away from the actual hospital, I mean, I might as well have parked in the fuckin street” he complained.
Kagome looked behind them at his car and she realized that they drove here in a shiny yet wet black Lexus. Probably just an out to buy groceries car or something Kagome thought and sighed again.
“Hey wench”
“Hm, what?”
“What's your name?” he said just to annoy her.
“Uh, Rin” she said playing along.
“No, it isn't stop lying”
“Okay, it's Kagome”
“That's a nice name, way better than the first one”
“It was the first one to pop into my head”
“It was a bad choice, I know Rin”
“You do, is she your girlfriend?” letting the jealousy drip in her words.
Inuyasha almost dropped her.
“What, bitch is you crazy? I aint datin no one”
“Oh, well, sorry. Hey, what's wrong with dating Rin?” she said angrily.
EVERYTHING she's dating my half-brother Sesshomaru”
“Oh, yeah, would you date her if they weren't going out?”
“I have a new interest in someone-hey, since when were you interested in my love life?”
“I-uh, I'm not, I just, uh since the party…yeah since the party”
“We're here” he said as he walked through the door with her.
Everyone was watching as they walked to the secretary's desk.
“Excuse me” Kagome said sweetly to the woman at the desk but the bitch waved her off and said “Can't you see me on the phone? So anyway Janet…”
Inuyasha said angrily “Yo, wench” and the lady looked up.
She gasped and said “Janet, imma have to, uh, call you lata” while smacking her gum then hung up on the squabbling Janet.
She stood up and said “H-how may I, uh, help you?”
Kagome giggled and the lady glared at the girl in his arms.
Kagome got mad and said “Just who the hell are you lookin at like that?” and got out of Inuyasha's arms.
“Um, um, here you go sir” she said to Inuyasha and handed him a clip board with forms on it and he turned to take a seat on a chair in the waiting room.
He found two seats and sat down and that's when he realized that Kagome hasn't moved except now she faced him and not the lady.
“Come here” he called to her and she shook her head and whimpered.
“Well, why not, Kagome?”
“Oh, I dunno” she said and lifted her skirt to show the bruises on both thighs in the same area.
“Oh yeah, well pull it back down, wench, you don't want everyone to see, right?”
She pulled down her skirt and put a hand on her hip.
“What?” he said.
“Are you really that dense, Inuyasha?”
Everyone and I mean erbody turned their heads and looked at him with smiles, pens and paper.
“Bitch, why!”
People began coming up to him and asking for autographs and one girl asked for him to sing to her.
The place was so quiet you can hear roaches crawling up some bitch ass.
“Damn, Kagome, that's more curses then I say in a whole sentence” Inuyasha said and immediately regretted it when she gave him a special `I'll kill you' grin.
“Well, why don't we take Mr.Ugamti first” the secretary said with a smile.
Kagome glared at her and grabbed her by the collar and said “Who's going first?”
“Um, y-you are s-sorry”
Kagome gave her a cute smile and let her go.
“Inuyasha, did you fill it out yet?”
“How can I when all I know is that your name is Kagome?”
“Well, if you want me to crawl over there and fill it out I will”
He groaned and went over to her he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.
“Whoa, Inu-Inuyasha, I, uh, don't like this position”
“Oh, well, that's just too damn bad” he growled and put her on his lap when they got to the chair that he was sitting in before.
She tensed up and took the clipboard and began writing down her info and was done in two minutes.
He carried her over to the back where a doctor was to care for her. He placed her on a bed gently and a doctor came into the examination room.
“I'm Doctor Fukijami, what seems to be the problem?” a female doctor said looking at Kagome's form.
She looked up and gasped “Inu-Inuyasha?”
“Huh, Kikyou? Why are you here?”
“I'm a doctor here, why are you here?”
“Kagome was almost raped”
“Always at the scene of a crime, I see”
“Hm” he said and crossed his arms.
Kagome took a while and looked at the woman before her.
She was very, very unhealthily pale. Her eyes were an icy blue like if you look at it too long you'll start to freeze. Her hair was up in a tight bun and she wore square shaped glasses that made her look intelligent and she wore blue uniform like all the other employees.
“So, let me see the damage” Kikyou said and led Kagome behind a curtain where Kagome took off her clothes and put on a hospital gown.
She came out and lied back on the bed.
Kikyou pulled up the dress up Kagome's thighs showing the bruises.
“Mm, hm” she said and wrote something down.
Then she examined Kagome's arms and wrist, her face, neck and her stomach and wrote something down.
“You'll be okay; we'll give you pain killers and creams for your bruises and they'll be gone by Sunday”
“How will she walk, I had to carry her here for kami's sake”
“I was hoping you would help”
“With what, what do I have to do?”
“Watch over me” Kagome said silently.
“Watch-watch, I can't. I'm in the music business how do I do that?”
“Just help her around, you are gonna be around her like 24/7 anyway so make the best of it”
“What are you talking about?”
“Aren't you two dating?”
“Whoa, no, no, no, no, NO!” they said in unison then blushed and looked away from each other.
(A/N: They know each other because when they were in college Sango invited Kagome to that Inuyasha was at and they met there. They liked each other but didn't tell one another. Hee hee)
“Okay…if you say so”
“Alright, I'll go change” Kagome said and somehow got behind the curtain.
While she changed the two talked.
“How's the music business treating you?” Kikyou asked him.
“It has its up's and down's, how's bein a doctor?”
“Same ole, same ole”
“Inuyasha” she sighed
“W-why'd you leave me?” she said and tears began to fall freely.
“Huh? Kikyou we went over this. We just didn't…click” he rushed to her side and hugged her against his chest.
“Look Kikyou I'd rather not talk about this right now, okay?”
“F-Fine” she said and wiped her tears away. She straightened herself, she gave the prescriptions to Inuyasha, which he stuck into his back pocket and she said “So, Inuyasha, that means that you'll have to cater to her every whim” as Kagome came back from behind the curtain dressed in her suit. She limped over to Inuyasha and said “Can we go now?”
“Um, sure. Nice to see you again, Kikyou”
“Same here. Pleasure meeting you, Kagome”
“Yeah” wish I could say the same “Bye”
“Bye” then the two left and went outside. Inuyasha tried to pick her up but she moved away and said “I can walk for myself thank you”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I'm perfectly capable of walking by myself” she said stubbornly and slowly moved her legs so she can walk and had to bite her bottom lip to keep from screaming out.
Inuyasha had enough “You're taking too damn long wench, let's go” and threw her over his shoulder.
She screamed and pounded on his back.
When he reached his car he unlocked the doors and threw her into the passenger's side.
He closed the door as she huffed and crossed her arms across her chest and went to the driver's seat and put the key in the ignition. He closed his door and left the parking lot.
It was quiet and Inuyasha hated it. He looked over at Kagome and realized that she was asleep. Her hair had fell out of its elegant bun and rested freely on her shoulders.
He sighed when he stopped at a red light and reached over to her side. He pulled the seatbelt and strapped her in. Then drove on when the light turned green.
He decided since she was asleep to put on his bands CD named `Sexual Healing'. He put it on track five and sung along.
"Sexy Love"
My sexy love... (So sexy...)
She makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up
Just one touch
And I erupt like a volcano and cover her with my love
Babygirl you make me say All(Ohh ohhh ohhhh)
And I just can't think All(of anything else I'd rather do)
Than to hear you sing All(sing my name the way you do)
When we do our thing All(when we do the things we do)
Babygirl you make me say All(Ohh ohhh ohhhh)
All of them
Sexy love girl the things you do
Inu(Oh baby baby) Keep me sprung, keep running back to you
Oh I love making love to you
Babygirl you know you're my Inu(sexy love...)
I'm so addicted to her she's the sweetest drug
Just enough
Still too much say that I'm simp and I'm sprung all of the above
I can't help she makes me say All(Ohh ohhh ohhhh)
And I just can't think All(of anything else I'd rather do)
Than to hear you sing All(sing my name the way you do)
When we do our thing All(when we do the things we do)
Oh, Babygirl you make me say All(Ohh ohhh ohhhh)
All of them
Sexy love girl the things you do
Inu(Oh baby baby) Keep me sprung, keep running back to you
Oh I love making love to you
Say babygirl you know you're my Inu(sexy love...)
Inuyasha and Kouga
Oh baby what we do it makes the sun come up
Keep on lovin' 'til it goes back down
And I don't know what I'd do if I would lose your touch
That's why I'm always keepin' you around... my sexy love
All of them x2
Sexy love girl the things you do Inu(things you do baby)
Kouga(Oh baby baby) Keep me sprung, keep running back to you Inu(keep me runnin' back to you)
Oh I love Inu(I love) making love to you
Say babygirl you know you're my Inu(sexy love...)
She makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up
Just one touch...
He finally reached the hotel that his band was staying at and gave the keys to the valet parker. He ran to the other side and picked Kagome up not noticing the smile on her face.
He walked in and went up the elevator. He got all the way to the top floor where their suite was.
He knocked on the door after shifting her a bit.
It was thrown open by an angry manager. Her face was red and she opened her mouth to scream at him but froze as she looked at the woman in his arms.
“Who is she?” she said between gritted teeth.
He pushed past her and everyone else who didn't really notice him and lied her down on his bed in his room.
He noticed how her clothes clung to her cold wet body and how she shivered occasionally.
He blushed as he thought about what he would have to do Damn Kagome for falling asleep. Now, unless I want to take care of a sick and already can't walk girl, I'll have to undress you. PLEASE DON'T HATE AFTER THIS!
He stripped the girl of her clothes but he had his eyes closed though the thought of her not wearing bra or underwear made Inuyasha blush even more.
He threw her wet clothes into the hamper and slipped an oversized t-shirt over her head and slipped on some black boxers that had white puppies and bones on it. He opened his eyes and sighed.
He put her under the covers and tucked her in. He grabbed a scrunchy off of his nightstand and put her hair in a bun so she wouldn't get tangled in it while she slept and gave her a chaste kiss on her forehead and walked over to his closet oblivious to the innocent smile on her face.
He changed out of his wet clothes and slipped on a baggy red t-shirt and black sweatpants. After putting her prescriptions on the couch in the corner and slipped on red dry socks and left the room but not without taking one more glance at Kagome. He shut the door behind him and turned around to face Sango.
“Who was that?” she asked pointing to the door.
“A girl”
“I mean what's her name?”
“She just, looks really familiar”
“Oh, that's Kagome” he said in a soft and quiet voice.
“Oh my god, really!”
“Shh, yes really”
“But, what…how…why is she here?”
“She was almost raped”
“Again? Damn, she never ceases to stay out of trouble”
“Again? What do you mean again?”
“I mean…can't you tell, Inuyasha, she's very, very pretty and every guy wants her”
“Oh, has it actually happened, though?”
“No, she somehow gets away and the guys somehow gets caught or killed”
“Yeah, she's a miko you know?”
“I know, I can tell it in her scent” and he began thinking about her luscious scent. Pineapples mixed with mangos and chocolate mixed with vanilla and altogether is the strong smell of jasmine and cinnamon. It was weird that she had so many fruits and flowers in her scent but it made her different, exotic, and he won't lie to anyone if they asked him if she was attractive. She was but he didn't want to tell her that, yet.
“Inuyasha” Sango said loudly waving her hand in his face and he came out of his daze.
“Huh, what?”
Sango rolled her eyes and went to the couch and sat between Miroku and Kouga who were absorbed in the movie they were watching.
Naraku was in the corner sleeping on an armchair and Sesshomaru was in the kitchen eating fruit.
Inuyasha suddenly heard a moan from next to him and saw Kagome yawning and leaning on the door frame.
Everyone, except Naraku, was now looking at Kagome.
“Inuyasha, where am I?” she asked as she rubbed her eyes.
Something in Kouga snapped and he sniffed the air. His green eyes widened as he recognized that familiar scent. What's Kagome doing here? I wonder if she's still mad. I hope not, I've been trying to reach her since she left me. Naw, I should stop lying to myself. I have to admit though, that she looks a hell of a lot mature since I last saw her.
Kouga raced over to Kagome and hugged her.
She froze and her body began to shake in anger “DON'T TOUCH ME!” she yelled and began to glow a bright pink which threw Kouga across the room.