InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life In High School. ❯ The Big Night ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer : I own nothing but my own Fanfic

Chapter Two: The Big Night

"Sorry about the holdup, guys. We were just catching up." Kagome apologized sheepishly.

"It's no problem." Sango waved her off. "Anything to hold off what's sure to be a long, consistent period of groping attempts in a dark place." She glared pointedly at Miroku, who pouted, feigning hurt.

"Oh, how you wound me, charismatic chrysanthemum."

"Are you alliterating just to annoy us? Because if so, you can stop now, it's working." Inuyasha drawled, making the girls laugh. Upon glancing at him, Kagome noticed his unusual lack of a hat. Whenever he wasn't at his or Miroku's house, he was wearing a hat, but not this evening. She took this as a good thing and reached over to rub his ears. His neck almost snapped with his immediate glance at her, shocked at her actions. When she showed no sign of stopping, Inuyasha figured he might as well take advantage of this, and leaned further into her expert touch. He gave a low, unpredicted groan of pleasure, for Kagome's fingers were so light and soft, he felt as if they had to be feather-tipped. Initially, he pinked in embarrassment, yet never moved away from her.

Miroku and Sango gave each other knowing grins, viewing the couple's show of camaraderie in the rearview mirror, but chose not to say anything. Once things had cooled down a bit in the backseat, Miroku suggested, "How about we grab something to eat before we get to the movie theater?"

"That sucks! I want some candy!" Inuyasha protested. "Just because you're too cheap to spring for a little overpriced popcorn doesn't mean we all have to suffer the torment of the drive-thru slop we get on discount 'cause your cousin works there."

"Hey! You weren't supposed to say that out loud!" Miroku yelled sotto-voce, making Sango stare at him in disbelief.

"You chintzy bastard, I know you were not gonna make me pay for your crap!"

"Of course not, Sango!" Miroku laughed nervously. "I was just joking..."

"I hope so." Sango harrumphed. "We're going to the movies first. And I want the biggest tub of popcorn they've got." Miroku nearly hammered his head into the steering wheel, he was so miserable. He glared at the laughing Inuyasha through the rearview mirror.

"My pockets are now torching themselves thanks to you." He grumbled, parking in the movie theater lot. "Alright, come on, Inuyasha. We're gonna buy these tickets, and then we're gonna come back and get the girls."

"Yeah, yeah." Inuyasha got out of the car and went with Miroku into the ticket line. As soon as they were out of sight, Sango twisted around in her seat to grin wickedly at Kagome, who blinked.


"You know just what. We saw just how chummy you two were getting back here."


"You heard me! Rubbin' all up on the man's ears and stuff. I saw you!" Sango laughed, making her shyer friend blush.

"I was just..." Poor Kagome seemed at a loss for words to describe what she had been doing.

"You were just three seconds away from giving Inuyasha a blow job, that's what you were." Ever the innocent saint, Kagome gasped, her face reddening to the point of near explosion.


"Relax, Mother Superior." Sango rolled her eyes. "I was just kidding." She glanced outside at Miroku and Inuyasha. "Know what I bet they're gonna do?"


"They're gonna come back here and say, Bad news, girls. Whatever crappy movie we'd deceived you into thinking we were going to see is sold out, so we just got tickets to a horror movie guaranteed to send you running into our stringy arms, which will most likely then prompt you to go through a chain of thoughts that will eventually lead to the desire to sleep with us." Kagome blinked, letting all that sink in for a few moments.

"...No, they won't." Kagome waved her off. "Don't say that. Have a little faith in them."

"Why? Why should we, when the male species is as predictable as a baby in a hot car?" Once more, Sango's words prompted Kagome to stare incredulously at her.

"Sango! What kind of thing is that to say?"

"Oh, don't act all horrified! It's just a turn of phrase!" Before Kagome could further scold her, the boys came back.

"Well...there has been an unfortunate turn of events, ladies." Miroku sighed, shaking his head. "Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay is sold out. In fact, the only other movie showing for the next two hours is The Eye." Kagome's eyes widened and she stared in awe at Sango, who was fighting not to laugh.

"Um...I-I guess that's okay..." Kagome mumbled, amazed.

"It's great. We'll meet you two in there in a minute, okay?" Sango smirked. Miroku and Inuyasha looked at each other quizzically, then shrugged and left the car. Sango silently counted to three, and as soon as she hit one, Kagome gaped, "How do you do that?"

"Hey, I'm good." Sango cackled, and the girls got out of the car and went into the theater.

Kagome sat with Inuyasha near the middle rows, and Sango with Miroku in the far back. Kagome was no self-proclaimed aficionado of horror movies, so The Eye was definitely not her first choice for a good movie. She spent most of the movie hiding in Inuyasha's chest whenever the music crescendoed, but once he'd gotten over his initial shock and embarrassment, he didn't seem to mind. In fact, he wrapped his arms around her waist to further comfort her. Upon feeling his strong arms encircling her body, Kagome couldn't help but blush, grateful for the theater's darkness.

When the movie had calmed down enough for Kagome to hold her head up and actually watch it, her eyes eventually roamed behind them to see if Sango and Miroku were getting along as well as she and Inuyasha. Kagome reddened profusely, seeing that they were getting along even better.

" looks like they're having a good time..." She mumbled.

"Huh?" Inuyasha blinked, and Kagome gestured to their friends with a thumb. He turned his head and chuckled at Sango and Miroku's gropefest. "That sly bastard. No wonder he wanted to sit all the way in the back of the theater." But Kagome was hardly listening. Her thoughts had wandered to Fantasyland, where she and Inuyasha were doing the same as their friends. "Kagome?" Inuyasha looked at her weirdly, his eyes going wide at the peculiar scent of arousal wafting from his date. He blushed, snapping his fingers in her fact. "Kagome!"

"Huh? What?" Kagome gasped, shaking her head. She stared at Inuyasha's red face, then blushed herself when she realized why. "Um...sorry. I kinda zone out sometimes..." She laughed nervously.

"...R-Right..." Inuyasha smiled sheepishly, and directed his attention back to the movie.

Much too soon–or at least, that's the way it seemed for Sango and Miroku–the movie ended, and the darkness seceded.

"I think that was fun." Kagome remarked, getting out of her seat. Inuyasha snorted, getting up as well.

"Yes, did you discover any new cultures in my chest?" He grinned, amused by her blush and scoff.

"Is that an admission that you don't shower, mold boy?" She joked, and both of them laughed, heading to the back to get Miroku and Sango. The other theater patrons passed by, staring in shock at the couple making out so intensely.

"Wow." Inuyasha whistled loudly, startling the two apart. "Oh, no, no, keep going! See, 'cause, I thought you were gonna implode into each others' mouths or something, like two black holes facing each other." Kagome snickered, glad somebody other than her was blushing now.

"Ahem...I believe we're ready to leave now." Miroku grinned, absently licking his swollen lips.

Back in Miroku's car, he asked, "So, you guys wanna do anything else now?"

"I'm hungry." Sango commented.

"Didn't get enough Miroku?" Kagome whispered, for her and Inuyasha's ears only, and the two snickered uncontrollably.

"Heard that!" Sango drawled. "You know, that Inuyasha is a bad influence on you, Kagome."

"Hey, I resent that." Inuyasha and Kagome complained.

"See?" Sango rolled her eyes, and Miroku chuckled.

"Okay, food it is. I vote WacDonald's!"

"I vote okinomiyaki!"

"I vote ramen."

"What about you, Kagome?" Miroku asked.

"Um...count me out, guys. You might be nocturnal, but I actually have to get up and go to school tomorrow, so...could you take me home?"

"Aw, you're no fun." Miroku fake-pouted. "But sure, I'll take you home." The rest of the way to Kagome's house was generally quiet. When Miroku got there, Inuyasha got out and opened the door for her, even walking her to her door.

"Thanks." Kagome smiled. "I never knew you were such a gentleman."

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me." Inuyasha murmured demurely, making Kagome blush and averted her eyes.

" I had a great t–" He didn't give her an opportunity to finish, before pulling her into a tender kiss.

EDITED AND BEATED BY Black Ice and Blood Rain