InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life, My Love ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Second Fic! I promised a new fic and here it is! Hope you guys like it!
Disclaimer: Me no own. Fuzznuts!
Chapter 1: Prologue
What just happened? Why did it happen? I wish I never met him. Moutomaru. My love. My ex. It's not fair. How could he say he never loved me after what we had? He's gotten angry before, but he's never said those things to me. Why did he have to use me like this?
I hate this! I'm sick of my life, I'm sick of you, and I'm sick of my life with you!” he yelled. I, of course, boiled over at him.
Well you certainly weren't too damn sick of me when you kept asking me to sleep with you! And if you're so sick of me, then why the hell are you here?!” I screamed back at him.
You actually think that I wanted your sorry ass? Oh please! Why have you when I can have so much better? You don't actually think that I could still want you after three years, do you?” he taunted.
My eyes welled up. I wanted to slap him for saying such things, but I couldn't. I loved him too much.
I mean c'mon! You can't be that fucking naïve! The only reason I stayed with you is because of the quaint little ruts that we had. Really Sango, I could do better. So much better.”
What're you saying?! That you have some other girl besides me?” I tried my hardest not to cry. He couldn't really, could he? He can't be seeing another girl!
I guess your not as stupid as I thought. But you're still dumber than I would've guessed. I've had another girl for almost two years now, Sango. I only came back to you for the sex, and even then, it wasn't even worth it!”
That was it. I had a sinking feeling. That feeling came to me whenever he was around me, but I ignored it, trying to play the good girlfriend. I trusted Moutomaru with everything I am. Or everything I wanted to be.
Fuck you! If I'm so damn inadequate, then go back to your whore!” I screamed. I knew my voice had cracked when I said that.
Moutomaru smirked, shrugged his shoulders and told me he'd prefer a hooker over me any day. And gladly. I guess he really did use me for sex. And I was naïve, for three years. Three fucking years.
--End Flashback--
We really didn't have sex, more like physical pleasure. I am still proudly a virgin. But one day my resolve almost slipped. And I sure as hell am glad it didn't.
This event happened a little over four days ago. Although I knew something was going on, I wasn't prepared for what happened.
I slapped him. Hard. And furthermore, I cried. I Sango Tajiya, do not cry. I've cried only three times. Once when my family died in a car/truck accident, another when I broke my arm riding my bike, and this time, when I slapped Moutomaru.
I really didn't want to do it, and that's why I cried. I didn't cry because he slapped me back, called me a bitch, and left me in my apartment sobbing. I cried when I had to hit him, the love of my life.
This was becoming a daily routine. He'd yell, I'd yell, I'd cry, leave, then come back after he fed me some bullshit lie about how he never meant what he said.
I really didn't understand what I saw in him. Sure he was smart, well-built, and handsome. Maybe that was the problem. He was too handsome for my own good. Yes, my own good. I never loved him for his smarts or his mind. I'm not even sure I loved him for his body. Maybe it was the way he would talk to me. He'd never listen to what I had to say, though. But I didn't care, because I loved him. And I thought he loved me.
Apparently I didn't know how wrong I had been from the very start.
A/N: So? Was it okay? REVIEW MY STORY! I also have another one called 2 Weeks. REVIEW THAT ONE TOO!! I'm such a retarded monkey! 00