InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life, My Love ❯ The Day Begins ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Sorry! Homework, chores, enslaving the universe. You know the drill.
Disclaimer: Do I really need to say it?
Chapter 2: The Day Begins
This is really getting to me. Was that really what he thought of me? Why would he stay with me if I displeased him so much? I wasn't an overly wealthy girl. I worked at a bookstore that pays me extremely well, since I'm the only one working there. I love books. I loved them ever since I was young, because I love to learn about something new.
Anyway, maybe that's why he left. Somewhere deep inside, I know I going to regret this, but I miss Moutomaru. He was my first love. And possibly my last. He gave me my first kiss, my first everything. I can't help but miss him. The only thing keeping me from begging him to return is his cheating on me. For two years, I was deceived. I guess it's my fault though. I should've known.
Anyway, as I'm on my way to work, I can't help but let my mind wander a bit. Why couldn't I see what was going on? Was I really that shockingly naïve? Or was I simply blinded by the love and trust that I felt towards Moutomaru? I already know my physical status as well as my intellectual so I know that wasn't it.
I wasn't as thin as those fake modern models in magazines read today, but I wasn't overly large and bulky. I know I had more of a man's build than a woman's, but I still held a feminine shape, although not as voluptuous as I would've liked.
I considered myself a fairly intelligent person, intellectually wise. Clever, though I was, I wasn't a brainiac that knew everything. My friends came to me when they needed a mother type figure to lean on, as I was told I was very smart.
I parked my car in front of my bookstore, Fukai Mori. I never really knew what that meant, but in reality, I didn't give a damn because I loved working here. I was treated like family by the middle age couple that owned the store, and their seven year old son, Tokami. They sort of adopted me, if you will, since my family was gone. The job paid well and the hours were reasonable.
I walked up the short stairway leading toward the entrance. As I made my way into the store, I was rushed by a small bundle of fur.
"Sango! I've missed you so much! Did you bring me any candy?" Shippo. A little fox demon with a big appetite for candy.
I nodded my head, smiling at the small kit. "Of course! I'd never forget your candy, my handsome fox!" I reached into my purse and pulled out a big chocolate bar and handed it to him. His bright green eyes lit up with a level of youthful joy that I'm sure only he can achieve.
"Thanks! Oh, I almost forgot! Kagome and Inuyasha are here to see you!" The eager kit grabbed my hand and dragged me toward his adopted parents, then ran off to enjoy his candy. Kagome was my best friend and I regarded her as my sister. Her fiancé, the ever ranting half-demon Inuyasha, I considered a brother. They had long ago adopted Shippo as their son. Inuyasha, who secretly cared for the kit, probably more than anyone, gave Kaogme an early wedding present, a.k.a. an adopted Shippo.
"Sango!" I looked toward the unmistakable voice of my best friend and smiled at her happiness. Kagome, it seems, is always happy and cheerful. No matter the situation, she always finds the rays of hope and light, which makes her perfect for Inuyasha.
Inuyasha, before he met Kagome, was always angry and aggressive. I admire Kagome for her ability to love every thing no matter the circumstance. Kagome somehow changed Inuyasha, and I think, he loves her mostly because of her seemingly almost impossible feat of taming his wild heart.
"Sango how are you doing? It's been a long time!" Kagome enveloped me into a large hug. I giggle at her spirit.
"Kagome, what're you doing here? Don't you have a wedding to plan?" I playfully scold. She giggles.
"Of course, but I had to come and see my best friend! So, how is Moutomaru?" My face drops and Kagome's instantly sobers.
"Kagome, Moutomaru... cheated on me. We are no longer together." I state. Kagome's lips press into a hard, thin line. I somehow suspect that she's angry, not with Moutomaru, but with me.
"What?! He did what?!," Inuyasha roared, his golden eyes flaring to life. "Why the hell didn't you tell us?!" Kagome glared at her soon-to-be mate and efficiently silenced him, though not fully calming him down. Then she turned to me, her cinnamon eyes drilling holes.
"Sango why didn't you tell us, tell me?," Kagome asked calmly. I cringed at her obviously angry tone. An angry Kagome is not something to be taken lightly.
"Yeah, I would've killed him! You know me!" Inuyasha blared.
"Which is why I didn't tell you," I interrupt, "I didn't want to spoil your wedding planning, and I knew you'd worry over something as silly as this." Kagome continued to stare at me. "How long?" she asked.
"How long what?" I questioned.
"How long was he cheating on you? Do you know?" My shoulders drooped even more. "Two years, Kagome." Silence.
Inuyasha blows a fuse. "TWO YEARS?! TWO FUCKING YEARS?! DAMN IT!" One thing about Inuyasha. Like his girlfriend, I know he cares about me more than I could hope for. Being a dog demon, Inuyasha has his territories. Kagome, Shippo, me, anything he considers family. He will chase after, and most likely kill anything that stands in between him and his territory.
Kagome quickly lays a hand on her raging hanyou, calming him down with a simple touch. "Sango, we have to go, but I came to invite you to my wedding as the maid of honor." She smiles warmly at me. I instantly cheer up. "Of course! I'd love to!" I hug Kagome and say my good-byes. I move over to Inuyasha who accepts my embrace, but whispers in my ear, "Don't think this is over. You know Kagome will be over at your apartment along with me. We are going to have a very long talk about that bastard and this 'cheating' shit."
"Yes, Inuyasha," I say through a grin of understanding, "I know." He 'fehs' and walks out the door carrying Shippo, who waves at me. 'I better thank kami for that hanyou.' I somehow convince myself.
"Kami, what was all that racket?" Mr. Sakawa calls from the upstairs storage room. Mr. and Mrs. Sakawa are the people who own this bookstore. Mrs. Sakawa scurried from another room and meets me in the main library section.
"Sango, dear, how are you? Are you feeling well? How is life treating you? Are you sexually active yet?" I chuckled at Mrs. Sakawa and embraced her tightly. This is often the morning routine. I chat with Mr. Sakawa, Mrs. Sakawa asks me if I'm sexually active, I laugh, and then I start my shift.
"No Mrs. Sakawa. Not yet. Not since..." I trail off. Mrs. Sakawa gives me a knowing look and hugs me comfortingly.
"Not since Motoumaru, huh? Well dear, did you ever let him, uh, you know? Oh, what is it you young ones call it today? Uhm—oh! 'Hit it from the back', I think?" she stutters. I burst out in full blown laughter over her last comment. Mrs. Sakawa looks at me in confusion before laughing with me.
"No, I never had sex before. I'm still a virgin, Mrs. Sakawa." I somehow manage through my laughter. Mrs. Sakawa gives me a stern, but amused look.
"Good, because I never liked him anyway. Now, who were your friends, dear?" she asks. I grin at the thought of my best friends.
"Oh, that was my best friend, Kagome and her fiancé, Inuyasha. They came to invite me to their wedding this winter." Mrs. Sakawa's eyes light up.
"A wedding! I absolutely adore weddings! May I come? Please? What part do you have?" I smile at her eagerness. Mrs. Sakawa absolutely loves anything concerning romance of any kind.
"I dunno, Mrs. Sakawa. I'll have to ask Kagome, although I'm sure she'll say yes. As for my part, I'm the maid of honor." I smile proudly. Mrs. Sakawa squeals.
"Ooh, the maid of honor?! Wow, Sango! You'll look beautiful! I'll help you pick out everything! I'll even—"Mrs. Sakawa was cut off by Mr. Sakawa scolding her from upstairs.
"Naomi, leave the poor girl alone! Quit harassing her!" he yells from upstairs. Mrs. Sakawa scowls at the room in which her husband currently inhabited. I giggle at the bickering couple.
"Tsukuyo, stay out of this, you old goat!" She yells back. Mr. Sakawa grunts something about over enthusiastic women and his age being reasonable. I laugh out loud. Mrs. Sakawa giggles with me.
"Well, dear, I better get going. I have some errands to run for my nephew's homecoming this weekend. Oh, which reminds me, I forgot to ask if you would like to come. My nephew is coming home from his first year of college for his winter vacation and I'm having a sort of mini celebration." she states somewhat casually. I can tell she really wants me to come by the way her eyes plead with my mind.
"Um, okay. Sure, I have nothing else to do anyway." I answer. She squeals again and envelops me in a bear hug. Mrs. Sakawa is not a light woman, so she practically crushes me whenever she hugs me. But I grin and bear it for the moment, since I'm used to it.
"Okay, Sango dear. I'll see you later! Make sure Mr. Sakawa stays out of trouble for me!" she calls out the door. Mr. Sakawa grumbled from upstairs. I nod and wave to Mrs. Sakawa.
"Uh, Sango? Can you come and he-he-,"Mr. Sakawa starts from upstairs.
"Uh, never mind." He finishes. I shake my head and dash up the stairs.
"Mr. Sakawa Oh, Mr. Sakawa not again!" I moan. Mr. Sakawa is known for his clumsiness around heavy things. He was currently sprawled across the floor covered in a new shipment of children's books.
"Damn, that hurt worse than last time." I ran over to Mr. Sakawa and helped him out of the massive pile of books. He stood up, thanked me, and told me not to worry about him.
"I'm gonna go back down stairs, now okay?" I call over my shoulder. Mr. Sakawa grunts.
I made my way down stairs and stood behind the cashier desk. I pulled out my manga and read.
------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
About thirty minutes later, I got tired of reading and decided to make sure the books in our store were in order and ready for customers.
As I made my way back toward the graphic novels, I noticed a young boy around my age. He had beautiful black hair that was tied into a rat's tail at the nape of his neck. I also noticed that he sported two small golden hoops in each ear.
He looked to be about twenty-one, give or take a few years. Although his back was turned, he was attractive. Very attractive. I suddenly found myself wanting to know the color of his eyes, although I didn't know why.
I hadn't realized I was staring until he turned and looked at me. I actually blushed at the color of his eyes. They were some sort of blue or purple, though not exactly. Maybe an indigo. Anyway, his eyes were extremely hypnotizing.
He walked up to me, and I froze. I felt like running, but my feet were rooted to the ground. I know I was at least four shades of red by now. I didn't even realize he was standing in front of me until he said my name.
"Sango. That's beautiful. Can you help me Sango?" his voice was like velvet.
"H-h-how did y-you..." I stammered. I wondered how he knew my name. My question was answered when he pointed to my name tag.
"Oh." I stated non too intelligently. He grinned the most beautiful grin I've ever seen.
"Sango. Can you help me?" he asked again. Something flashed through his eyes, but I didn't really notice.
"Uh, may-maybe," I stuttered, trying to control the raging heat on my face, "Are you looking for something?"
The boy grinned again. He grabbed my hand and led me toward the back of the store. I gulped. Why was I following him? What was he planning? And why is he so god damned sexy?
I paused at my last train of thought. Did I really think he was sexy? I didn't even know him! I'm not supposed to like another guy already. Not after what just happened with Moutomaru.
"I need help finding a book." He finally said. I shook my head and cleared my mind.
"Oh, okay. What's it called?" I asked warily. The grin he wore currently seemed... perverted.
"I dunno. It's... a series of some sort." He stopped in front of a section of books and pointed.
My eyes widened in shock and embarrassment.
A/N: Haha! Cliffhanger! I'm really sorry on the updates. I've been busy.