InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life, My Love ❯ Talking ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3: Talking
I don't think I've ever been more insulted in my life. Sure this boy was cute, but when he groped me—after leading me to the store's Kama Sutra section—all thoughts of possible gentlemen-like qualities disappeared. Before I—or he—knew it, I had rounded and left a nice imprint of my hand on his face.
I stomped back to the register, my cheeks on fire. But even still, I had felt a small jolt when that boy had groped me. I'd never been touched that way, except by Moutomaru, and even when he did it, I didn't get this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. What exactly am I feeling?
As I contemplated, I hadn't realized the boy from earlier had came to the customer service desk. Only when he said my name, did I look up, glaring.
“What do you want?” I snapped. He simply grinned and handed me a book: '10 Simple Ways to Discovering Your True Love'.
I glanced at the book, then at him, and then back at the book. I didn't know what he was playing at, but I felt a sudden pang of jealousy. I didn't know why but I felt I needed to know why he was buying the book.
“And why, may I ask, are you buying this, you pervert?” I asked abruptly. He shook his head, startled, like I had just woken him up from a daydream.
“Hey pervert, what's your problem?” I asked. He shook his head again and grinned.
“Why, nothing, my lovely Sango. I was just admiring your boundless beauty.”
My cheeks flushed. Never in my life had I been so… flattered. I was usually thought of by everyone as one of the guys. Everyone except for Kagome and Inuyasha. I hadn't really ever thought of myself as… attractive.
I quickly rang up the book and handed it back to the boy. “H-here, take your book and leave.”
I stammered. He took the book, but not before lightly brushing my hand with his fingers.
“And then he grazed my hand with his fingers. Kagome, I don't know what to do! I shouldn't be feeling like this over a—a—a complete stranger!”
After work I decided to visit Kagome and Inuyasha. Inuyasha, in a previous life during the warring states era, fell in love with a strong, but very amateur miko—Kagome. He and his half brother, Sesshomaru were inuyoukai lords over the western lands their father—Inutaishio—left to them before he died. Now, in the modern Tokyo world, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha held on to their heritage, defending it from other lords wanting to take it over. Each had inherited a huge mansion derived from their past.
“Sango, remember what I told you about meeting your one true love?” I shook my head sheepishly.
“Love will always find you if you don't give up. Most of the time it finds you in the strangest places. Just look at me and Inuyasha.”
As if on cue, Inuyasha shouted from the kitchen, “Kagome! Where's my Ramen?!” Kagome sighed.
“Didn't Satsuki buy more?!” She yelled back downstairs, where the kitchen was. Satsuki was one of the cooks at the mansion.
“Wench! I don't know! That's why I'm asking you!”
“Don't call me a wench! After all this time, you're still calling me a wench! I can't believe you!”
“Bitch! I can call you whatever I want! Where's my Ramen, dammit!”
“Inuyasha! Does Ramen mean more to you than I do?” Inuyasha didn't respond. I could hear a faint growl coming from Kagome.
“I dunno! It depends on how much Ramen there is!” he finally shouted back. We could practically hear his smirk, even though we all knew he didn't mean it. Kagome's face twisted in anger.
I'll. Be. Right. Back.” She ground out before flying down the stairs. Various sounds of slapping and violence from Kagome sounded from downstairs.
“How DARE you?! Inuyasha, you make me sick! I can't believe you love Ramen more than you love me!” Kagome wailed.
“Ow! Dammit Kagome, that hurts! Why are you pulling my hair, you stupid girl?” Inuyasha yelled. I made my way downstairs toward the kitchen. I was met with an almost comical sight, had it not been for the look on Kagome's face. She looked ready to kill.
“That's it! No more Ramen for you, Mister! I'm telling Satsuki not to buy it anymore!” Kagome growled. Inuyasha's face fell.
“W-what?! Your in MY house! You don't live here! You can't tell me what to do, wench!” I was highly amused watching them go back and forth. Of course I knew Inuyasha would never think of hurting Kagome.
“Yeah, well after we're married, I plan to leave you broke.” Kagome smirked. I rolled my eyes and smiled.
“Oh really? What if I plan to leave you broke?” Inuyasha sniffed arrogantly. Kagome pouted.
“That's not fair. You're always taking advantage of me.”
“Keh, stupid girl. Serves you weak humans right.” He snorted.
“Whatever.” Kagome affectionately scratched behind Inuyasha's ear. It twitched happily.
“Ahem. I'm still here you know.” I grinned as Inuyasha and Kagome jumped apart. I rolled my eyes and laughed at the ever rising blush on their faces.
“So, where's Shippo? I haven't seen him.” I stated looking around for the small fox.
“He's at my mom's. She insisted he come over and play with Sota while she bakes cookies.” Kagome said.
“Keh. She didn't even ask if I wanted some.” Grumbled Inuyasha.
“Stop pouting. You know she'll send some over.” Kagome responded.
She led me over to the giant sized couch in the living room. We plopped down and Inuyasha growled about how Kagome ignored him, so she invited him to lay his head on her lap, something he couldn't refuse.
We talked about work, family, and to Inuyasha's dismay, boys.
“So, tell me more about that boy from work, Sango.” Kagome urged. I swallowed thickly.
“Uh, well, there's really not much to tell,” I started, “he groped me, bought a book, flirted, and left.”
“He did WHAT?!” Inuyasha bellowed, lifting his head from Kagome's lap. “ Why didn't you tell me sooner?! Which reminds me! Weren't were scheduled to talk about this Mouto-bastard?”
Kagome rolled her eyes.
“InuYasha, let Sango talk and stop interrupting. Now, what were you saying, Sango?”
InuYasha's mouth dropped open, like he was going to respond, but instead opted for Kagome's lap when she reached for his ear.
“Anyway, yeah, he groped me.”
InuYasha snorted.
“And of course I slapped him. But I couldn't figure out why he did it. He doesn't even know me!” I was utterly confused.
What I wouldn't give for a mother. But I have Kagome and Mrs. Sakawa, and that was more than enough. But still, I'll always miss my mom.
“Maybe he likes you. Ever hear of love at first sight?” Kagome reasoned.
“Yeah. But trust me he doesn't like me. So anyway, about your wedding…” Inuyasha perked up a bit and Kagome visually beamed.
“Keh. What about it?” Inuyasha replied casually, as if it didn't matter. I knew better.
“What do you mean `What about it?' Inuyasha, you're getting married! What do you wanna do? What do you wanna see? Are you and Kagome considering pups?” I asked feverishly. Inuyasha and Kagome flushed at the last question.
“Well, um, Sango, Inuyasha and I have decided that we're gonna hold off on the pups. We have Shippo. Maybe when Shippo gets older, we'll think about it.” Kagome stammered. I grinned.
“Yeah. And, uh, anyway, once she marries me, her life span will increase once I mark her as mine.”
“I know. Well I gotta go.” I say, glancing at the clock on the wall. “And by the way, Kagome, Mrs. Sakawa wanted me to ask if she can come to your wedding.”
Kagome looked at her fiancé, who shrugged. “Sure! The more the merrier! We'd love to have her! Oh Sango, I almost forgot. Do you want to go shopping with me? For the wedding, I mean? Rin and Ayame will be here, and I'm sure they miss you.”
“Sure. When?” I ask.
“Uhm… this weekend. Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru will be shopping too.” At this Inuyasha burst in.
“Feh, stupid bitch. We're not going shopping. We're going… hunting for supplies,” he countered. Kagome rolled her eyes.
“Whatever, dogboy. Well, see you this weekend, Sango. Be careful on you way home!”
Kagome called as I made my way toward the door.
“I will!” I called back, as I exited the mansion.
As I pulled up to my apartment, I realized something. `When that boy groped me, I…I sort of… liked it. No one's ever made me feel like that before.' I shook my head at my thoughts.
`Whatever. It's not like I'll ever see him again.'
I walked up the stairs toward the apartment's mailbox. I live in a beautiful apartment complex.
I really live in a condo, but every one of my neighbors refers to them as apartments, so I do too.
I collected my mail from the metal box, and looked at the letters I had received while walking to my apartment.
“Hmm, let's see. Bills, bills, more bills, a letter from Mrs. Shiroshi, and… my college forms!” I said aloud.
I had applied for a college as soon as I left high school. I decided that if I was going to make it on my own, that it required and education. I also decided to open it later. I wanted to specialize in martial arts and defense, since I come from a long line of warriors and demon slayers.
I made my way to the door and stopped short. There was a huge bouquet of roses, my favorite flower at my door, along with a card. I opened up the card and read what it said:
Dear Sango,
I really need to talk to you about what happened a few days ago. Please, you have to understand, I didn't mean anything I said. I never meant to hurt you in anyway. I was angry and upset and I took everything out on you. You do need to know the truth, though. I love you with every thing that I am and I hope that one day, you forgive me.
My chest tightened with hate, bewilderment, and most of all regret for ever opening that damned note.