InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life, My Love ❯ Reappearances ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Here I am again folks! This chapter picks up again in Sango's normal, now existing life. Just in case some of you are confused about the… elements of this story, Sango isn't actually living in her memory. Her memories are more like a dream, experienced physically and emotionally, because technically, she didn't exist at the time. Her meeting Miroku in her now existing life wasn't coincidental, but more of a destiny-type-thing, if that makes sense. I know I left a lot of important details out in the story, but trust me; it should all come together in the end.
Chapter 5: Reappearances
I don't know how it happened, but somehow, I fell in love with Miroku. I don't know if it was his fighting skills, his looks, or his intelligence, but it happened. Of course I wouldn't let him know that. I for one, knew for a fact that he had absolutely no feelings for me, whatsoever. How could he? I mean, he groped every single woman he came across. And in front of me too! Then he had the gall, the audacity to ask me to bear his child… again! I really didn't understand the lecher. But me, Sango, fell in love with him; him and all of his flaws…
The next morning, my neck hurt. A lot. Apparently, I had forgotten to get off the floor last night, and consequently, ended up with a stiff neck. I could hear the joints popping in my shoulders as I attempted to stand upright.
I glanced painfully at the clock hanging above my couch in the living room, my muscles protesting the effort to work the kinks out of my neck. I had that same dream again. The one where I view my past life as a demon slayer. The clock read 6:02 a.m., but my body felt like it was much earlier. I sluggishly made my way to the kitchen, intent on finding out what day it was.
The calendar read that it was Friday, and that it was also the last day of autumn. Kagome's wedding was in little over a month and I still hadn't figured out what to get her for her wedding gift. I still had all month and tomorrow, since I was going shopping for the wedding rehearsal with Kagome, Rin, and Ayame. I couldn't wait for tomorrow.
Rin and Ayame. They, along with Kagome and I were best friends in high school. Kagome and I were already friends when Ayame and Rin came into the picture. After we became friends, nothing could tear us apart. I hadn't seen them for a few years due to my moving to a different part of Tokyo when my parents died.
Rin was Sesshoumaru's fiance. I found out from Kagome that the usually icy demeanor that he held was slowly melting away, due to Rin. Like Kagome and Inuyasha, Rin and Sesshoumaru also fell in love in their previous lives.
Rin was just a young girl at the age of six when they met. At first Sesshoumaru kept her around because of the bond she forged unknowingly to his sword, the Life Giving Tenseiga. Slowly, as Rin began to age, she also began to grow on Sesshoumaru.
Before she died, she promised Sesshoumaru she'd come back to him in her next life. Now, her exact form and spirit is loved and protected by Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha's half brother.
Ayame, however belongs to no one. She's a lone wolf demon, who in her previous life was a wolf demon princess. Now, in her present life, Ayame is a veterinarian for wild and abused animals. Her wolf instincts and caring nature make her perfect for the job. Kagome, Rin, and I are extremely lucky, because Ayame doesn't get time off very often.
I made my way to my bedroom and flopped down onto the bed. Since I didn't have to work today, I decided to sleep in and just be all around lazy today. I considered visiting Kagome and Inuyasha, but decided instead on just lying around and getting ready for tomorrow's shopping. I also knew that I had to prepare for Mrs. Sakawa's celebration of her nephew's homecoming. Tomorrow was going to be really busy.
::8::8::8::8::8::8::8::8::8::8::8::8:::8::8::8::8::8::8::8::8 ::
I groaned as I woke up. I didn't even open my eyes, but I groaned anyway. I was really not a morning person at all. I remembered waking up earlier, at about 6:00 a.m., but I went back to sleep.
I was about to sleep again, seeing as the clock read 9:04 a.m., but my stomach rumbled loudly. I remembered that I hadn't eaten in almost fifteen hours, and my stomach made a point in reminding me.
I stumbled out of the warm folds of my bed and put on some decent clothes, then made my way to the kitchen, the icy tiles freezing my feet. I didn't even know what I was going to eat, but something told me that it was going to be quick. I reached into the refrigerator, only to retract my hand sharply when a knock sounded on the door.
Yawning, I walked over to the door, grateful for the warm carpet gracing my toes instead of the tile. I wondered who in their damn right minds would be at my house on a Friday. I was hungry and partially cranky from the dull, but annoying, ache in my lower neck and shoulders from sleeping on the floor upright. I wanted to yell at whoever was banging at my door.
I opened the door and glared at the occupant at my door. The words in my mouth suddenly went away, as if burned from my mouth. There, standing at the door, was Moutomaru.
I didn't know what to say. My eyes widened and I couldn't even speak. Why was he at my house? I struggled for breath as I stared at him wide eyes. He looked exactly the same as the last time I saw him. The same dark brown hair, same deep green eyes, same perfect skin. Same…everything. Even though I had just seen him at the beginning of this week, it felt like forever.
“M…Moutomaru? W-what are you doing here?” I stammered softly. His eyes softened to a soft green, like a fresh leaf that had just blown away by a summer wind.
“Sango. I had to see you. I just came to apologize for everything. I didn't mean anything. I was just angry and confused at myself. You have no idea how much I have missed you these last few days.” He said.
I was actually speechless. I couldn't believe what was happening to me. Why did I have to answer the door? Were the fates and celestial beings using me as their play toy?
“M-Moutomaru? What do you want? There's nothing here for you! Why did you come back?” I shouted. Moutomaru stepped closer to me. In response, I defiantly lifted my chin. I wasn't about to be intimidated by him anymore.
“Sango, please listen to me. Believe me, I love you. I'll never stop loving you. I'm really sorry.” he replied while staring into my eyes. I hesitated. I didn't want to believe him. I didn't want to be sucked into his lies anymore. I promised myself I wouldn't do this with anyone ever again.
But as I looked at him, I realized something terrible. Something so horrible I almost couldn't bear it.
I still loved Moutomaru. I still loved him just as much as the day he and I got together. And I hated myself for it. I didn't want to be like that. I didn't want to feel like he loved me, when I in fact knew in my heart that he couldn't care less about me.
“Look, Moutomaru. You deceived me for two out of the three years you and I were together. And for all I know, you could've been lying to me all three years! You even went so far as to confess to me that you were running around behind my back! I don't think—,“ I was cut off by a loud rumble from my stomach. I had forgotten to eat, damn it.
Moutomaru grinned, his eyes sparkling. “I see you haven't eaten yet. Will you let me take you to breakfast? We can talk this out, you know.” He flashed a smile. He still hadn't lost any of his charm.
I was about to reply with a no, but he begged. “Please? I just wanna talk. After that, maybe we can go sit by the big lake, like we used to. Please?” he urged.
For some reason, I couldn't say no. Maybe it was my hunger? `No,' I told myself, `don't lie to yourself. Face it, you missed him and you still love him as much as you always have, even though he's betrayed you all this time.'
I couldn't say anything, so I nodded my head weakly. The smile he gave me almost made me crumble where I stood.
“Just let me get my purse, and I'll be ready,” I said in defeat. I knew something was up, but I just didn't know what it was. I've learned in past experiences with Moutomaru to trust my instincts. I wouldn't let my guard down completely today.
I grabbed my coat off of a nearby chair and slipped inside of it as I stepped outside into the chilly air. I turned and locked my door before zipping my coat up a little. I was thankful for the added heat. The winter air was starting to pick up, and I could already see my condensed breath billowing out in front of me.
I turned to see Moutomaru patiently grinning at me. He tilted his head as his eyes roamed over my body. I was confused. What was he doing? He never looked at me like that. I raised an eyebrow skeptically. I was starting to become uncomfortable under his intense stare.
“What—what're you looking at? What wrong?” I asked concerned. His shook his head amused at my discomfort. He stepped to where I stood and took both of my hands in his. I blushed lightly.
“Nothing's wrong, Sango. You're just so beautiful; I had no option but to stare.” I was suddenly speechless again. I never did know how to respond to compliments, especially his. `Why is he affecting me like this?' I thought in confusion. I simply blushed and pulled my hands from his.
“Look, Moutomaru, I'm flattered. But I told you, we're through. I don't know how many times you've slept around, and frankly I don't really care. I'm only going with you to get something to eat. I'll even pay for my own food.” I said tightly. I didn't know what he was playing at, but I was skeptical.
“Okay, Sango, I apologize. Let's go.” He replied simply. He grasped my hand and tugged me in the direction of his car. I wanted to ask him what was going on, but my mouth wouldn't work for some reason.
Once inside the car, we made our way to the small café in tense silence. I decided to distract myself and look out the window. The trees were going by in a controlled blur.
“Moutomaru,” I started. He glanced at me in acknowledgement, “Why did you come back? I thought you hated me; according to your words the other day.” I was really confused. Why had he come back? What did he want?
Moutomaru remained silent as we pulled up to the café, Fuyu Sakura. He didn't speak until we were seated and had ordered our food.
“Sango, the reason I came back, was because I wanted to see you. I thought I could live without you, but I thought wrong. Please, take me back.” He said in one breath.
“Look, Moutomaru. I—it's not so easy after all you put me through. Moutomaru, I still don't understand why you would do something so low like cheating on me. I've been faithful to you!” I responded. I could feel some…unwanted and suppressed feelings start to appear, but I refused to cry again in front of Moutomaru.
“Well, I didn't know what to do! I was going through something and—“
“And so you went to another girl instead of coming to me,” I interrupted bitterly. His eyes glazed over in guilt.
“Well Sango, you couldn't offer me what I wanted what I needed. I just didn't think it was right to come to you. I was angry and hurt and you would've left me anyway.”
I bristled at his last sentence. Where the hell did he get that notion? Who said I was going to leave him?
“And where the hell did you get that? So let me get this straight. You bitched and complained and cheated on me because of a personal problem? I was your fucking girlfriend! Why couldn't—“
“Excuse me miss, your food is here,” interrupted the waitress from earlier. I flushed in embarrassment. I hadn't even realized I had started yelling or that my food had arrived. I mumbled an apology to the waitress who seemed miffed. Moutomaru would've looked amused had it not been him I was yelling at.
“As I was saying,” I started again more quietly, “I was your girlfriend! Why couldn't you come to me, of all people, with your problems? You know I would've stayed by your side. Which is more than I can say for you,” I bit off as I started to eat my cinnamon bun. Moutomaru replaced the look of guilt on his face with one of rage and hurt.
“You wouldn't have understood what I was going through! You would've turned me away just like the other!” Moutomaru clapped his hand of his mouth. My eyes narrowed dangerously in his direction.
“What others?! Just how many other girls have you bedded, Moutomaru? Was I one of hundreds, thousands?!” I shouted this time I didn't care about snooty waitresses. I wanted an answer and I wanted it now.
“Look, just calm down. That's beside the point!” Moutomaru said in effort to calm me down.
“The hell it is! I want answers Moutomaru! And where the hell did you get this `You wouldn't understand' idea? How did you know I wouldn't care? Not only did you cheat on me, you didn't trust me, and you been keeping even more lies from me! Damn it, what else are you hiding from me?!” I shouted, not even caring that we had a small audience.
“Look, I came here to apologize. I don't know how we even got on this subject, but it's in the past, so let it go.” He said while taking an exasperated breath.
“! LET IT GO?! This may be in the past for you, but it's all too fresh in mind! I'll let the past go alright! You've hurt me for the last time!” I dug around in my pocket for a five dollar bill and slammed it on the table while snatching my coffee from the table.
I heard Moutomaru coming after me after paying for his meal. I felt him grab my arm and squeeze my wrist so hard I knew bruises were going to form. I felt him spin me around to face him, and I felt him kiss me roughly.
What I didn't feel was the hot splash of coffee when I threw it on him, also burning myself in the process. I was so angry and bewildered; I didn't feel the scalding liquid run down my cheek and collect on my shirt. I did however hear Moutomaru's scream of pain and I did see him swiping at his face, flinging the offending liquid off in blind agony.
“Damn it, bitch! I never should've come back! I lied and you fell for it again! I never was sorry. You really are stupid!” he smirked.
I felt myself stiffen, but not in fear. I felt myself stiffen because I knew I had him figured out. He didn't want to apologize. He just wanted me back so he could control me like he used to. He wanted to hurt me and then make it seem like he was doing me a favor by taking me back.
He wanted to trap me again with promises of love and affection, and then snatch them away when I had fallen to deep into his traps of deceit.
Not any more.
I wouldn't allow myself to fall for his tricks anymore. No longer would I accept his deceiving and twisted ways of false love and affection. I refused to be his puppet of humiliation any longer.
“No, Moutomaru, I didn't. That's where you're wrong. I won't allow you to hurt me any more. You've had your fun; are you happy? I now regret the day I ever laid eyes on your disgusting form.” I said in frigid, arctic tones.
I turned and waved down a taxi, stepped inside, and made my way home.
I had a day of shopping to prepare for, and that required an empty mind.
A/N: So, how'd you like it? I had to put Mouto-bastard (as Inuyasha has addressed him) in there somewhere. I also knew I had to put some kind of couple interaction in there somewhere, no matter the circumstances of the situation.