InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life, My Love ❯ Burn ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

:Chapter 10:
“InuYasha, calm down!” shouted Kagome. “It's just snow, I'll be fine”
Inuyasha glowered at his fiancé, and adjusted his hat. “Damn it, it's fucking cold!”
Kagome shook her head, strands of her ebony tresses falling from her own winter hat. Glancing behind her, she sighed at her pouting hanyou. “You're the one who whined and complained about not having any more ramen in the house, you're the one who pulled me out of a warm bed, and you're the one who's going to accompany me as I walk in the freezing snow to the store to buy more!”
“Feh. I don't whine and complain, wench! That stuff only humans do.” Glaring at the back of Kagome's head, he wondered why she was even considering his request, since she never listened to a damn thing he said anyway...
“Don't `feh' me, buster! We'll be out in no time at all. Just go in, get the kind you want and we can go.” Opening the door, she stepped inside of the busy store.
“Fine, have it your way, bitch! But when you get sick, don't come whinin' to me. You know how weak you are,” That said, InuYasha promptly began to make his way toward his favorite section of the store.
Kagome only sighed and shook her head at her mate's distorted way of expressing his concern as she made her way to another part of the store.
The reassuring sound of a direct hit sounded throughout the desolate surrounding area. Miroku grinned from behind a large tree at the distinct sound of Sango's growl as she swiped the snow from her cheek.
“Miroku,” she snarled, “where are you? I'm going to leave if you don't come out. I want to go home and change, so I can go to the store to pick up something to cook for Thanksgiving.”
When he didn't appear, Sango sighed and headed toward her car. `Here for two and a half weeks, and he's already somehow spawned himself into a hellion.'
Sango smiled wanly at her thoughts.
`It's not as if you don't like it,' A voice in her mind taunted.
`Shut up! You don't know anything!'
`The hell I don't. I know how much you really like Miroku. I am, after all, an exstention of your subconscience.'
`I don't like anyone! Now shut the hell up!' Irritated with the voice in her head, Sango huffed as she located her car parked in the local playground's parking lot. Miroku had, for some reason, begged her to escort him around the park for a brief walk.
Grumbling under her breath as she dropped her keys, she bent to pick them up. Reaching for the car's door handle, she squeaked in surprise when she was suddenly grabbed, twirled around, and hauled up against her car. The feeling of warm hands supporting her by the crook of her knees, somehow made her shiver.
And she wasn't exactly sure if it was from the weather, despite all of the snow...
“You weren't really thinking about leaving me out here alone, now were you Sango?”
Sango tugged in a sharp breath at the feeling of Miroku's warm body pressed against hers, between her legs. Her mind unexpectedly drained at the feel of his warm breath caressing her nearly frozen ear, and she tried to ignore how good it felt. Blushing at the notion, she choked out, “Yes, I was.”
“No you weren't,” he argued softly.
“I was. I told you to come out, and you knew I had to go to the store after we left the park.”
Miroku drew back and stared into Sango's eyes. He thought of how the deep brown coloration matched her even darker brown hair, and almost became lost in them.
“You wouldn't have left me, Sango. Your conscience wouldn't have let you.”
Sango huffed, more to distract herself from the way he was staring so intently at her, than from impatience. The accuracy of his words unnerved her...
“Would you care to find out, monk?” she quipped, using the name she had, so long ago. “I doubt that you'd want to try my patience right now.”
Miroku swallowed. Sango watched the movement, unwittingly, as he let her down from her elevated position. “I understand. Let's go.”
Satisfied with the response, she let herself slide down the icy car door. “Damn you. Now I'm not only cold, I'm wet and cold.
Miroku grinned innocently. “Would you like to sit on my lap while you drive? I'm sure the added heat will evaporate the water.”
Sango's cheeks reddened, despite her mild aggravation with the moisture congealing her backside and arms. If she didn't dry off soon, she'd catch a nasty cold...
“Very funny, baka. Now let's go. The store is closing early tonight because of the sudden weather,” Sango replied.
Miroku grinned. “Of course, Lady Sango,” he bowed in mock royalty, “Lead the way, and I will have no choice but to follow your every move.”
Rolling her eyes, but grinning despite her attempts to ignore him, Sango climbed into the car and started the engine.
“Please, Sango! Have mercy on this poor soul! I need these, I need them!”
Sango sighed in irritation. “...No. You can't have it. You remember what happened last time I bought those.”
Miroku sighed in bliss, but still clutched the box of Chocolate Pocky close to his chest...
These are good. What do you call these?” Miroku held up the Chocolate-covered Pocky stick, inspecting it thoroughly.
They're called Pocky,” Sango bit into her own candy, smiling at the familiar blast of flavor against her tongue. `My mother used to give me these...'she thought, with a bittersweet smile.
Miroku made a sound of contentment and chewed another stick, unaware of Sango's bittersweet memories. “What exactly is Pocky?”
It's a type of Japanese wafer cookie. There are many different kinds, such as these chocolate flavored ones. Currently, they're the most popular thing going around, in terms of candy. I can't believe you've never had Pocky before. You are Japanese, aren't you?”
Almost a week and a half had passed since Miroku's arrival at Sango's house. Since the weather was currently in semi-blizzard mode, Miroku had opted to stay at home instead of going to work. Sango had agreed, after calling in to inform the Sakawas of her absence, who were also all to happy to stay at home.
Bored, Miroku had sifted through Sango's pantries in search of something to eat and had uncovered the Pocky. Curiosity, at its best, had seeped through the recesses of Miroku's mind and he'd begun to eat the strange and unknown candy, much to Sango's annoyance.
I am, but I didn't move to Japan until I started college. In America, I went to grade school and middle school, as well as high school. I decided to move back here, where I was born to start college.”
Sango wrinkled her eyebrows in interest. “ were born here but...”
My parents immigrated to America to find better jobs. They married young, and wanted to have a better chance at life in America, I suppose. My father was born of Japanese heritage, but was raised in America, where he joined the American military.”
Wow,” Sango murmured, “I stand corrected. I still, however, don't understand how you never got a chance to eat Pocky, though.”
Well, believe it or not, some of us don't have candy fetishes,” he grinned evilly, “Not that there's anything wrong with your fetish, Sango.”
Sango turned a pleasant shade of red. “Why you—“
Actually, I find it quite... interesting. Tell me, is it amusing to have a constant sugar high?”
Before Sango could think, much less respond, Miroku began stuffing his mouth with Pocky. In ten seconds time, Miroku resembled a squirrel before a long winter's hibernation, and despite herself, Sango had to bite her lip to keep from snickering. `How bizarre...'
With an audible gulp, Miroku had downed almost an entire package of the sweet snacks, and was working on another. Patting his stomach with a lazy grin as he finished off yet another box, he lounged back against the couch on which he was sitting.
Hmm, I don't feel any different. Is this some sort of trick?”
Stupid! Why'd you do that? You just ate a month's worth of Pocky! You're gonna get—” Sango spun around to continue protesting against Miroku's rather...rash actions, when she stopped short. The look on Miroku's face worried her. His face had turned a light shade of jade green and he looked close to fainting. He almost looked ready to...
Without warning, Miroku leaped from his spot on the couch and made a mad dash to the bathroom. Jumping out of the way with a yelp, Sango barely avoided knocking over a cup of juice that she'd been drinking.
Seconds later, the sound of Miroku's retching filled the room...
“—sick.” Sango sighed as she finished her sentence, and begrudgingly made her way to the bathroom to comfort Miroku.
Snatching the treats from Miroku's hand, Sango set them back onto the shelf, shuddering at the memory. Miroku pouted, and for some uncanny reason, she felt the nabbing snare of guilt make its way through her.
Blowing out a defeated sigh, Sango reclaimed the box and handed it to Miroku, who gladly took it with a brilliant smile.
“There,” she snapped after tossing the box, “but don't you even think about eating the whole damn thing today. It almost killed your ass last time.”
Smiling brightly, Miroku strode over to Sango and brushed his lips over her cheek. “You won't regret buying this candy for me. I promise to use it responsibly.”
Sango paled and froze where she stood. `He—he kissed me!'
`Of course he kissed you! He's Miroku!'
`That doesn't matter! He kissed me! And in a grocery store of all places!'
The voice chuckled. `Would you rather he kissed you someplace else? Maybe on your lips? Or maybe...'
Sango scowled at the insinuations her spirit was issuing. `That's not what I meant.'
The voice laughed.`Of course. But look how happy you've made him.'
Despite herself, Sango glanced at Miroku as he looked at the half list she'd given him for the necessary items that they needed to purchase. He had a small grin on his face, as if he were remembering something good...
Then, he licked his lips.
...Or perverted.
But even so, he looked incredibly happy with that box of Pocky. He might have even looked as happy as she felt about him kissing her...
`Maybe...I did make him happy?'
`Of course you did, Sango. Don't you know? Miroku's his happiest when you're happy with him.'
`Yes. Just ask him and...You'll see...'
`Maybe...maybe I will...'
“What were you thinking about in the store?”
“What're you talking about, Miroku?”
Miroku slid from the bar stool and walked into the kitchen. Ready to repeat his question, Miroku stopped short as he was pleasantly greeted with a very pleasing sight of Sango's rear. She, as it happened, was currently bending over, looking for a pot in which to cook the beans that she'd set out, unknowing of what Miroku was seeing.
`' Miroku gave an appreciative groan at the view, while trying to stifle his instincts. Sango was indeed his wife, his very beautiful wife, and that came, thankfully, with territories as her husband. But until she could realize and accept that, he was willing to cooperate for her sake.
But, in this lifetime, they were currently unmarried, which was a huge impediment for Miroku. `If this is what I get when she's not meaning to give me anything...'
He stifled another groan at the thought of what he'd see when she knew what she was doing to him.
“Right?” she asked, suddenly breaking his train of thought. Thankfully her back was turned too, because he wasn't exactly sure where he'd hide the evidence of his growing appreciation of her if she was facing him...
“What was that, my love?” he asked, unable to stop the slip up.
If she heard him, she didn't show it. “I asked you if you'd grabbed the smoked sausage. You did, right?”
Not being able to stop his mind from interfering with his words, he uttered, “Oh I brought the sausage, alright, and it is indeed `smoking'. In fact, I'm still trying to cool it down.”
“So, did you get it or not?”
“Oh! Uh, yeah,” he muttered, scurrying to the refrigerator to fetch the aforementioned item. Locating it, he plucked it from the ice box, and handed it to Sango.
“Thank you,” she smiled at him.
Muttering a `You're welcome', he moved to the other side of the kitchen as Sango set about chopping the meat and dropping it into the pot.
“You know, I almost forgot that it's Thanksgiving tomorrow,” she commented, as she dropped another handful of meat into the pot. “Usually, I spend it alone, but I decided that since you're here, I could go for a change. Thank Kami that your aunt only wants me to bring beans to the dinner. I don't think I would've found anything else at the store.”
Miroku frowned at her words. “Did you say you spend Thanksgiving alone?”
Sango glanced at him over her shoulder. “Yes.”
“Why is that? Don't you have any friends or family? What about Inuyasha and Kagome and Shippo?”
Sighing as she dumped the last of the meat into the pot, Sango turned and faced Miroku. “Who wants to know?”
“Well, I do. And I'm pretty sure Aunt Naomi would want to know, also.”
“Fine, if you must know, it's because...I mean...I don't because I'm—shit!”
“You don't because you're shit?” Miroku really tried to contain his amusement; he really, really did, but he ended up chuckling anyway.
“Shut the hell up! I burnt my damn hand!”
Miroku winced at the high pitched curse and instantly felt guilty at the sight of the rapidly blotching skin on Sango's index finger. The angry, red skin spanned the entire backside of her finger and stopped at the last knuckle on her left hand.
“Kami, Sango...” He reached out to touch her finger, which she intercepted by yanking her abused hand away.
“Don't touch it!” she whimpered.
Miroku smiled softly and guided Sango to the loveseat across the room. Sitting down, he patted his knee in a gesture for her to sit down. Narrowing her eyes, Sango regarded him in obvious suspicion.
“I won't bite, Sango. Unless,” he grinned devilishly, “of course, you want me to.”
“I'm not sitting on your lap, Miroku. I'm not a little chi—ah!”
Yanking down on her hips, Miroku had firmly placed Sango on his lap.
“You were saying?” he goaded.
“Shut up.”
“Let me see your finger, Sango,” he held out his hand.
She shook her head in the negative. “No. You'll hurt it even more.”
“C'mon, Sango, I'm your friend. You trust me, don't you?”
It was true; he was her friend. But that didn't mean that she couldn't express...friendly suspicion.
“What's in it for you?” she asked, narrowing her eyes.
Rubbing his chin in mock concentration, Miroku made a show of thinking over her question. “Hmm, I can think of a few things...”
Sango went to punch him, but moaned in pain when the movement jarred her stinging flesh.
“I know. How about if I make your finger better, you promise to trust me,” he took her hand, “Deal?”
Before she could answer, he inserted her finger into his mouth and began to suck gently.
“Ouch, damn it! That hurts!” she tugged on her hand, but Miroku had a firm grasp on her wrist, disabling any movement.
Suddenly, the pressure on her finger from his mouth, after it stopped burning, became oddly soothing. The heat from his mouth created a delicious tingle that ran up her spine, and she shivered.
Obviously enjoying the effect he was having on her, Miroku increased the pressure of his mouth. Biting her lip, Sango refused to submit to the sudden warmth that pooled in her stomach.
“—you have to stop,” she stuttered, closing her eyes.
Chuckling, he sent a soft vibration through her finger. “Do you want me to stop?”
The word `yes' was on the tip of her tongue. All she had to do was utter it. But all thoughts about protesting his actions dissolved when he ran his tongue over her knuckle.
“What's the matter, Sango? Cat got your tongue?” his eyes sparkled in mirth at Sango's expression.
`Damn if she isn't the sexiest thing right now.'
`You know,' his inner spirit chided,`you're incredibly wrong for doing that to her.'
`I know. But she never could resist my mouth; that, and the fact that it's just too much fun watching her face right now.'
`You're such a dog, Miroku.' His spirit sighed.
He chuckled again, reveling at the reaction that Sango put out.`I know. I reallyknow.'
`Well, that said, don't dogs have an acute sense of smell?'
`Yes, but what's that got to do with anything?' Flicking his tongue across Sango's fingernail, her groaned at the incredibly sexy way her cheeks bloomed with color.
`Well, Sir Canine, if you take a good sniff, you'll find out.'
Miroku frowned at the suggestion but did as he was told. His eyes widened at the scent that was drafting throughout the room.
Hating to end the moment, Miroku gently removed the appendage from his mouth. “Sango?”
“Hmm...What?” she answered. Opening her eyes to stare at him, she blinked slowly. The apparent desire that swirled in the chocolate depths almost made Miroku carry her off to the bedroom. But steeling his hormones, he pointed to the kitchen.
“I think your beans are burning.”
“What be—oh, damn!” Scurrying off his lap in a dash to the kitchen, Sango cursed loudly as smoke billowed from the kitchen.
“Fuck! Miroku!” she roared.
“Well, Sango, just look at the bright side: at least your finger isn't hurting anymore!” Miroku laughed then grunted as a wooden spoon flew from the kitchen and smacked into his forehead.
Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha nor any other character from
Rumiko Takahashi's InuYasha. This applies to all chapters in this or any other story containing InuYasha'scomponents.
…… … … … … … … …


MM(Nope, they really were married before) ------- Crazyinulover ------- Jesse ------- Roxxane05 ------- Sango-the-darkwindwarrior -------
Breyana(nubianprincess90(at)aol(dot)com)(I'm really not sure I could write something like that. Don't get me wrong, I'm black too, but I literally can't write
that. It'd be extremely hard for me to connect to that idea. It's a really good idea, though) -------xxX POISON xxX(I'm not sure how. It just comes to me! I do it
all the time!) ------- MirokuRox ------- Moon light blossomz(Thanks!) ------- goldenskyblue22(You forgot the cherry...but I forgive you!)
Ending Deliberation: Sango:
Oh...double damn...