InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life, My Love ❯ Unexpected ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 13
InuYasha paced the large outside patio. His bare feet didn't register the freezing temperatures of the early December air. He'd been pacing and grumbling to himself for the past two hours, since he'd realized that Kagome had left in the middle of the night for reasons not yet clear.
“Damn bitch,” he mumbled irritably. “Leave it to her to leave in the middle of the fucking night.”
It didn't help that the new moon was tonight. His demon senses had receded leaving him human. Knowing Kagome, she had probably waited until he had accidentally dozed off to sneak away.
Holding his hands out in front of him, he glared at them. Demon claws gone, he was left with blunt human finger nails, along with his human black hair, devoid of his usual dog ears.
“Damn new moon,” he grumbled again, “stealing my fucking senses.”
If it wasn't for the new moon, he would've been able to hear her leave, sensed her presence thinning. InuYasha made a promise to himself to light into her ass when she returned.
“InuYasha? What are you doing?”
InuYasha growled low in his throat. Spinning around he came face to face with Kagome, arms laden with grocery bags.
“Where the fuck have you been?” he bellowed even more irritated that he hadn't been able to sense her aura.
Kagome rolled her eyes at the hanyou's bark. Brushing past him, she ignored the loud warning growl emitting from him.
“I went to the store,” she said simply. Balancing the bags, she turned the door knob and entered into the warm house.
“Wench! It's 10:30 at night! What the hell did the store have that I ain't got?”
Making her way to the kitchen with InuYasha tailing her, she sighed.
“InuYasha, stop yelling! Do you want to wake everyone up?” she hissed.
InuYasha gave her an incredulous stare. “That ain't got nothing to do with why you were out this late!”
Slipping out of her coat, Kagome set to work pulling groceries out of the bags. “InuYasha, will you help me? There are a lot of things that need to be put away.”
Leveling a stubborn glare at Kagome for completely ignoring his questions, he growled.
“Fine,” she sighed, giving in. “I went to the store.”
“I know that, idiot! What the fuck were you doing at the store this late?”
“I was shopping.”
“If you help me put away these groceries, I'll tell you.”
Sniffing curiously at the bags, but complying, he reached into one of the large bags and pulled out a jug of milk and a dozen eggs.
`This is what she went to the store for? Fucking eggs and milk?!'
`Oh stop whining. She came back didn't she?'
`Oi, whose side are you on?'
“InuYasha, did you hear me?”
Shaking his head, he replied intelligently, “Huh?”
Rolling her eyes, Kagome repeated her question. “I asked if you were hungry.”
“Oh, now you're worried if I'm hungry.”
“What's that supposed to mean?”
“I was hungry when you left, bitch.”
“You were sleeping when I left, InuYasha.”
“No I wasn't!”
“Yes you were,” she countered, reaching into the nearest bag. To InuYasha's surprise, she pulled out a packet of ramen. “And if you must know, I went to get some food for you, as well as for the house.”
Stifling the urge to roar at the simplified answer, InuYasha dragged his hand across his face.
“That's what we have cooks for, baka!”
Frowning, Kagome turned around and waved the unopened package at him. “Yeah, well, I didn't want anyone to go to the trouble when I could've done it myself.”
InuYasha growled. “Feh, stupid girl. It could've waited till tomorrow. You didn't have to go out into the cold-ass air for fucking eggs and milk.
Kagome grinned and dropped the ramen into a pot of boiling water. So he was worried after all. She did fell guilty for sneaking out on the new moon, though. And she had brushed his hair—despite his protest—inducing him into an unwanted sleep so she was able to sneak out.
`Not that he'll ever know that, though.'
“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you, InuYasha. I was only trying to earn my keep.”
The hanyou snorted. “Your keep is with me, not with the damn elements.”
Kagome just smiled.
“Just take a deep breath and relax. You're doing fine.”
Sango hid her exhaustion and did as she was told. Breathing deep, she cleared her mind, willing it to stay awake. Controlling brain waves was a complicated thing, indeed.
Four hours ago, Miroku had slipped into her room, claiming that he had something to show her…
“Sango…Sango wake up.”
Shaking her shoulder gently, Miroku sat beside her as he waited until Sango had opened her eyes. Even in the dark, he could visualize her eyes.
“Nngh…Miroku?” Surprised, Sango raised herself off of her pillow.
“Miroku, what the hell do you want at,” glancing at the clock situated on the nightstand beside her bed, she checked the time, “11:00 at night?”
“I want to show you something.”
Groaning and falling back against the pillow, she pulled the blankets over her head. “No.”
“Sango, it's important.”
“Well, okay, if you insist, Sango.”
In the end, he'd tickled her until she couldn't breathe. She'd gotten out of bed, forgetting that she'd only worn a short t-shirt to bed and when Miroku whistled in apparent approval at her lack of clothing, she'd blushed and slapped him as he patted her rear, quickly pulling on a pair of sweatpants.
“Miroku, are we almost done? I have to work today,” Sango said, stifling a yawn. Concentrating on the channeling of energy to her mind, she tried to think about nothing.
“Yes, we're almost done. I just want you to repeat that last sentence to me, just like I showed you.”
Grasping her hands in his, he concentrated on the sound of Sango's breathing, the speeding of her heartbeat as he touched her.
He hadn't meant to keep her awake for so long. As he was lying in his bed, he'd been thinking about her, and how he was ever going to crack her memory loss. And as he'd been thinking about her, he'd let his mind slip into hers.
The first thing that he registered was that she was asleep. The second was that she was having a nightmare about their past, about Naraku…
Sango was running to save her brother, Kohaku from Naraku's clutches. The forest was blurred by the speed of Sango's movements. She caught herself as she stumbled over a raised tree root. Jumping over bushes, pushing vines out of the way, she swung Hiraikotsu desperately trying to reach Naraku.
Naraku seemed to slow down, just out of her reach. She swung Hiraikotsu, missing him by inches. She snarled in frustration at the taunting laugh Naraku was throwing at her.
“Your brother belongs to me now,” he chuckled darkly over his shoulder, leaping out of the way of the boomerang blade. “You may as well give up trying to save him. He'll be dead by the time you do.”
“No! I'll never give up on my brother!” Swinging the boomerang, she growled as she missed yet again.
Kohaku's brown eyes were blank, devoid of any emotion at all. Sango watched as his head flopped dangerously back and forth across Naraku's shoulder. Stopping as Naraku leapt into a tall tree, she nearly screamed as he flipped her brother over and plunged his finger into the back of his neck, clawing around for the Sacred Jewel shard.
“Damn you, Naraku!” she screeched, helplessly looking on in horror as Naraku plucked the shard from his neck.
Dropping Kohaku's lifeless body from the tree, Naraku laughed as the sickening crunch of his body landing on the forest floor echoed throughout the trees.
That was when he had stormed to her room, quietly making his way in to see Sango wordlessly tossing back and forth in the midst of her nightmare. Making an excuse as to why he had woken her, he'd told her that he needed to show her something, wanting to chase the nightmare away.
“Miroku, are we finished now?”
Miroku shook his head, dispelling the image of Sango's tears as she'd ran to her brother's side. “Uh…yes…we're finished.”
Cocking her head in question, Sango narrowed her eyes, trying to assess him. “Are you alright, Miroku?”
Trying to smile at her, he saw Sango wince as he grimaced instead. “I'm fine, Sango. Why do you ask?”
“I don't know. You seem kind of…upset. Are you sure you're okay?”
Nodding, he led her over to the loveseat across the living room. Sitting her down, he made his way to the kitchen, rummaging around in the pantry.
“What are you doing, monk?” Sango asked.
“I'm looking for some tea. Do you have any?” he replied, voice muffled by the pantry door.
“You're going to make tea, this late at night?”
Sango sighed. She was exhausted. Not only did her brain hurt, but she was developing a headache too.
`Why me?' she thought.
`Don't worry. Miroku will make it all better. He's making you some tea.'
`At three in the morning? He's such a baka.'
`But he's your baka. Admit it: you know you like the attention he's giving you.'
`He's not my anything. And there's nothing to admit. He's a pervert who can't keep his hands to himself.'
`Yeah, well get used to it. It seems like he isn't planning on leaving anytime soon.'
“I have to work in a little while, you know.”
Entering the living room with a steaming cup, Miroku handed it to her, and seated himself next to her. Scooting, he rested his head in her lap, chuckling as she stiffened.
“I know. I'm going with you. I'm sure Aunt Naomi will love seeing me,” he grinned. “And I know you'll love having me.”
Trying to hide her rapidly pinking cheeks, Sango raised the cup to her lips, not bothering to knock him out of her lap. He'd only bounce back with more resilience the next time anyway.
“Kami, you smell good, Sango. Has anyone ever told you that?”
Glancing down at Miroku, she tried not to burst into flames at the sight of Miroku's nose buried in her stomach. He breathed deeply, inhaling her scent, and it took all of Sango's will to keep a straight face.
“No, not that I know of. I don't really have a smell.”
“That is reprehensibly untrue. You have the sexiest smell in the entire Kami-forbidden universe. Do you know what you smell like?” he replied, burying his nose deeper into her abdomen.
Squirming, Sango didn't trust herself to speak. She shook her head instead.
“Well, let me tell you,” he raised her shirt, exposing her belly button. Pushing his face into the soft skin, he sighed. “You smell like Heaven, Sango. Pure Heaven.”
Moaning, Sango set the tea cup on the floor, in effort not to drop it.
“Miroku…y—you've got to stop.”
“I don't think I will,” he replied huskily, nuzzling her stomach. Flicking his tongue into her belly button, he grinned as Sango jerked underneath his mouth.
“But—work—and…and…I need to sleep…because---because…”
“Sleep and work are irrelevant to the situation, wouldn't you say, Sango?”
She moaned in response, arching her back, her resolve crumbling in on itself a little more. In the recesses of her mind, she knew that she had to sleep---just to wake up in less than three hours. She couldn't let Mrs. Sakawa down just because her nephew was feeling froggy.
But on the other hand, this felt so good. She'd nearly come undone when she'd felt Miroku's warm tongue on her heated skin. Decisions, decisions…
Steeling her nerves, trying to clear the Miroku induced fog that clouded her mind, she gently lifted his head. Damn those blue crystals…
“Miroku, that's not fair.”
He grinned knowingly. “What's not fair?”
She rolled her eyes. “You know exactly what you're doing, don't you?”
His eyes shifted as he pretended not to understand. “What do you mean, Sango?”
Sango growled and pushed him off of her lap, onto the floor. Managing to smile at the loud thump, she rose from the loveseat and headed to her room. Registering the rustle of clothing that indicated he was following her, she ignored him completely.
Coming to her door, she turned to face him only to be greeted by an unreasonable expression.
“I want to sleep with you, Sango.”
Sango's eyes widened. Preparing to yell at him for his comment, she was cut short when he spontaneously covered her lips with his.
Wanting to pull away in shock, Sango pushed at his shoulders, tried to back away, anything to dislodge his mouth from hers. It was unnoticed however as Miroku firmly wrapped his arms around her waist, willing her to bend to his will.
Sango resisted, still pushing at his shoulders, trying to convince him to let her go. Miroku nibbled her lower lip, swallowing her sigh that escaped.
Releasing her, Miroku smirked at the astonished look on her face. Brushing past her, he promptly settled into her bed. When she didn't follow, he sat upright.
“Well, aren't you coming to bed?”
Sango turned and gave him a bewildered look. “I think I'll sleep on the floor.”
Miroku rolled his eyes, rose from the bed, and took Sango's hand. Leading her to the bed, her held her as he fell against the pillows.
“Wh—what're you doing, baka,” she struggled weakly.
Kissing the top of her head, he murmured, “Sleep, Sango. I'll protect you.”
Ceasing her struggle, she reveled in the warmth of his body, the solidity of his chest, and the steady beating of his heart.
“Remind me to kill you when I wake up,” she said sleepily.
Miroku chuckled deeply. “Of course, my love.”
“gr... i hate kagura and u” (Okay, this has never happened before. I don't think I've ever had anyone hate me because of something I wrote. When I changed the story from Rin to Kagura/Sess, I wasn't expecting this. I've never been hated before, and I honestly didn't know how to respond to this. It really hurt my feelings, too. I'm sorry to all of my Rin/Sess lovers, but I realized that I wanted to do something different with this story. Also, :winks: It wouldn't fit the sequel. I can however go back and change the story back to Rin/Sess, but that would mean no sequel!
Tera McCaslin (I just want to say thank you! You were among the first to read this story, and also one of the first to actually review it. It means a lot me when people like you read my story and give positive feedback on it. I love you so much! Thank you!)
mylovemiroku (Thank you! Yeah, school's been chewing my ass for the past few months. I'm only sorry that I can't update as I would like. The high school that I go to is incredibly frustrating, but I love it anyway.)
goldenskyblue22 (I'm sorry! I'm also a big fan of Rin/Sess pairing. This is why I changed it up. I wanted to do something I've never done with a story, something to sort of test myself. I hope you keep reading though!)
x Fade x To x Black X (Thank you! It's nice to see a new reviewer! And thank you for congratulating me on my school! It means a lot! ^^; )
Final Deliberation: InuYasha:
`Grocery shopping', huh?
All characters from InuYasha are copyrighted to Rumiko Takahashi. This applies to any and all chapter of My Life, My Love.