InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life, My Love ❯ Anticipation ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 14
“Well, look what we have here. They look mighty comfy, don't they?”
Sango stirred at the voice. It seemed familiar, proverbial almost. Opening her eyes, she squinted against the ruthless morning sun streaming in through the window located to the side of her bed.
The voice giggled. “I almost don't want to wake them. But wait until we tell them!”
“I highly doubt this is…amusing in any way. I don't appreciate your dragging me to this hovel, when I could be taking care of legal affairs.”
“You rhymed, Sesshy!”
“Oh, alright. Sorry, Lord Sesshoumaru, ruler of all Japan, sovereign of all things…doglike.”
Sesshoumaru sighed.
Sango was fully aware that someone was in her room. She was equally aware of the fact that she was curled against Miroku's chest. She felt so warm that she almost couldn't bear to move. Stretching, she sighed deeply, regretfully sitting up to meet Rin's gleeful brown eyes.
“Rin? What---how did you get in?”
Rin giggled. “With the key you gave me.”
“I never gave you a key,” Sango replied curiously. Did she?
“Well, maybe you didn't give it to me. But you practically did, anyway.”
Sango frowned. “Rin, stop speaking in riddles and tell me how you got in.”
Sesshoumaru, having stood without saying anything, replied before his mate. “The key was underneath the welcome mat outside of your front door. Rin insisted that we stop by to tell you the news.”
Sango's eyebrows lifted with understanding. “Well, what's the big news? It'd better be good enough to get you out of trouble for waking me up.”
Rin laughed. “I'm sorry if I woke you up from such a…compromising position.”
Rin burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. Pointing to the end of the bed, she turned and buried her face into Sesshoumaru's chest, shaking heartily with mirth.
Sango, in question, looked to where Rin was pointing and flushed a deep crimson.
Her right leg was nudged in between both of Miroku's. Both of his arms were tangled around her waist, as if he were holding on for fear of losing his life. Her hair was tangled and matted beyond control, half spilling over her shoulder, the other half hanging in lopsided, brown kinks over her back.
Quickly pulling her leg free, she willed the fire in her cheeks to disappear. Not bothering to remove Miroku's arms from around her waist, she glared at the highly amused youkai. She grumbled, “Stop looking at me like that, Sesshoumaru.”
The tai-youkai's lips twitched smugly. “You have only to blame yourself, exterminator. It seems as if you're not as irritated with the monk as you think you are.”
Rin, still clutching Sesshoumaru, snorted with barely suppressed giggles.
“That's not funny, Rin.”
Rin obviously did indeed think it was funny. She burst into another round of chuckles. “I'm—so—so—sor—” laughter cut her off as she giggled at the miffed look Sango shot her.
Wanting to draw attention from embarrassment, Sango groused, “So what's the big surprise?”
Rin, seemingly able to control herself, stepped away from Sesshoumaru. “I'm sorry, Sango. Really.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Anyway, we have great news!”
Sango gave her a dry look. “I gathered as much.”
Rin giggled. “The news is that we know what gender the baby's going to be.”
Sango's eyes widened. “You do?”
Rin smiled. “Yes. Tell her, Sesshy.”
Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes at the grinning Rin. “This Sesshoumaru answers not to the ridiculous name that his mate has bestowed upon him.”
“This Rin likes the name that she has bestowed upon the Sesshoumaru who will not answer to the wonderful name she has given him,” she mocked.
“And this Sango wants to know what the hell is going on!”
“Sesshy…” Rin pleaded.
Sesshoumaru snorted lightly. “The sex of the pup is…a girl.”
Sango barely kept from fainting. “A girl? Oh Rin, you must be so happy!”
“I am! I've always wanted a girl,” she said, poking Sesshoumaru's chest. “I don't think Sesshy likes it, though.”
Sango regarded the youkai. “Why not? I would be very proud if I was going to be a father.”
Sesshoumaru sniffed dismissively. “You think too much into the situation.”
“What do you mean?”
Rin chimed in before Sesshoumaru could answer. “Sesshoumaru was hoping for a boy.”
Sango frowned. “Well, what's wrong with girls?”
Suddenly, Sango's eyes widened in perception. It hadn't occurred to her until now: Sesshoumaru wouldn't live forever. Albeit he was a youkai, even they had their limits. He needed an heir; a male heir. And because Rin was pregnant with a girl, the male heir was temporarily postponed.
“You need a male heir,” she said flatly.
Sesshoumaru nodded. “Yes.”
Rin shifted uncomfortably. This conversation was making her feel like a failure to Sesshoumaru.
Sensing his mate's mood, Sesshoumaru nuzzled the top of Rin's head. “Do not fret, Rin.”
“But…but I failed you, Sesshy. I couldn't give you what you needed.” Rubbing at her eyes, she grumbled, “Great, now I'm going to cry.”
“You have not failed me, Rin. You are my mate, you will never fail me,” he replied simply, swiping the tear that rolled down her cheek.
Rin swallowed the lump in her throat. Smiling, she leaned up and kissed Sesshoumaru's chin.
“Thank you, Sesshy.”
Sango grinned. “Besides, there's always next time.” Winking at Sesshoumaru, she added, “Besides, we all know how much Sesshoumaru likes sex.”
The tai-youkai smirked. “It serves its purpose.”
“And so much more,” a lethargic voice drawled.
Whirling, she sat nose to nose with a sleepy Miroku. Grinning, he stretched, exposing his muscular abdomen. Sango watched, transfixed, as the muscles rippled with the motion.
“Nice view, eh?”
Sango slowly raised her eyes, embarrassed that she's been caught…oogling him.
Cheeks quickly pinking, she mumbled, “Hardly.”
Miroku grinned. Waking up had been entertaining. He'd sensed Rin and Sesshoumaru enter the room, but didn't quite care. Not with Sango draped across him. His eyes had remained closed as he felt her stirring, rubbing against him in unwitting sexiness.
He had listened to her talking to Rin and Sesshoumaru, her voice dripping like sweet honey into his mind. Cursing his luck when she's pulled her leg out from between his, he fought for control as his instincts demanded that he jump her, regardless of the tai-youkai and his mate.
In the end, it had only been the thought of her embarrassment, had he done that, which had stopped him.
And even now, when he was fully awake, his primal hunger for her was almost unbearable. So in response to pacifying the intense heat that was beginning to engulf his entire being, he wrapped his arms around Sango's waist a little tighter, praying that she wouldn't slap him out of mortification.
She tensed, but didn't seem threatened by his actions. He grinned out of sheer relief.
“So, Rin, I heard about your pregnancy. I assume you're happy?” he asked.
Rin turned and smiled. “Yes, I am. Sesshy says it's a girl.”
“Ah, girls. Kami's true gift to mankind. Sesshoumaru must be proud.”
Sesshoumaru nodded.
“But one has to wonder, how do you know what the gender is? Rin's not even showing.”
Sesshoumaru snorted. “I am tai-youkai.”
Miroku frowned. “Yes, I registered that.”
“It's his demon senses,” Sango replied. “Because they are so much more heightened than a human's they allow Sesshoumaru to sense things that would be impossible for a human.”
Miroku nodded in understanding.
“Come back and visit soon!” Sango waved to Rin and the back of Sesshoumaru's head as they exited the apartment.
“I'm hungry.”
Sango turned and looked at Miroku. Shutting the door, she retorted, “So then find some food to eat.”
Miroku grinned. “What if I'm not after food?”
She swallowed hard at the heat that washed over her. Miroku was staring hungrily at her. Clearing her suddenly dry throat, Sango waved a hand. “Then drink some water.”
“I don't want that, either.” He rose from his position on the couch, walking towards her.
“No.” He advanced.
Grasping at straws, she squeaked as he stood on top of her, smiling. “Erm…soda, maybe? I'm not sure of the flavor you like but…”
“How about `Sango'? I like that flavor.” He grinned widely.
“Never had it.”
“Don't deny yourself, Sango. You know what you want.”
Sango scowled at him. “When will you stop?”
“As soon as you admit that you love me.”
“What the hell do you want?”
Miroku sighed. So she wanted to be stubborn. He could do stubborn.
“You know I have to go back this weekend, right?” He asked, looking at her.
Sango tried to keep the distress of not having Miroku around from seeping into her face. The reality of his having to leave her to go back to school set in like a cold fist in her stomach.
Trying to keep from showing her frustration at the odd emotions welling inside her chest she replied coolly, “Are you, really?”
“Yes. Will you miss me?”
“That hurts my heart, Sango.”
“Would you like me to kiss it to make it all better?”
Sango clamped her mouth shut, her teeth making and audible snap. She hadn't meant to say that…
A perverted grin slid across Miroku's face. “I'd like you to kiss something else…”
Miroku's face turned serious. Back away, he made his way into the kitchen. Sango heard shuffling noises as he moved things about in the kitchen. Soon, the sound of jars and boxes spilling their contents onto the floor made Sango wince.
“What the hell are you doing, monk? Come out of there!”
“I'm hungry,” he replied simply.
Striding to the kitchen, she growled as the phone rang before she could reach it.
Making a beeline for it, she yanked the piece off of the receiver and all but snapped, “Hello?”
“Sango? Is everything alright? You sound upset,” a soft voice rang out on the other line.
“Mrs. Sakawa! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I was just…” glancing toward the kitchen, Miroku's location, she continued, “a little distracted.”
Mrs. Sakawa chuckled. “Miroku keeping you company?”
Sango blushed at the insinuation. “Um…sure.”
“Well, in that case, I won't ask why you're late this morning. I have my answer.”
“Late?” Gasping in horror, Sango spun towards the analog clock hanging above the entranceway to the kitchen. It read approximately 8:23. She was almost an hour late.
“Mrs. Sakawa, I'm so sorry!”
“It's alright, child. Just get here quickly. The store seems to be quite popular today, and I need my best store keeper there to keep it under control.”
Sango gleefully thanked the celestial forces. “Yes, yes of course I'll be there; right away.” Hanging up the phone, Sango breathed in a quick breath of relief.
“I suppose we're in trouble,” a slightly worried voice sounded from behind her. Spinning around, Sango grimaced.
“No. But Mrs. Sakawa says I should hurry and get there.” Turning to head to her room to get dressed, she continued. “Don't wreck my house.”
“What do you mean?”
“You're staying here.”
Miroku laughed. “Tell me, is that really what you thought?”
Sango stopped. “It's not a matter of thought, monk. You are not coming to work with me.”
“I told you last night that I was.” He moved to follow her to her room. “Or did you forget that quickly?”
Sango clenched her fist. Clutching the door knob, she allowed the cool metal to distract her from frustration. “You didn't tell me that.”
“Yes I did.”
“Did not.”
“I did. Right before I told you what you smelled like.”
Sango bit her tongue. He had told her. She'd been too distracted to remember, though. Just the memory of his mouth on her skin made her shiver.
“Damn it…”
“You'd better get ready.”
“Has anyone ever told you how repulsively annoying you are?”
Miroku smiled over his shoulder as he strolled to his room down the hall. Satisfied, he replied, “Constantly, my love; utterly and completely constantly.”

Sorry, sorry! I updated as fast as I could. Spring Break starts tomorrow! W00t! No high school for a week! :does victory dance:
manga girl234 (:wags finger: Ah, ah, ah! Can't tell you! But I'll give you this: Miroku did not kill Sango…physically. You'll just have to wait and see!)
Thankies to all my reviewers! Love you guys!
Final Deliberation: Sesshoumaru:
All characters from InuYasha are copyrighted to Rumiko Takahashi. This applies to any and all chapter of My Life, My Love.