InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life With Inuyasha ❯ school starts ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kagome walks into her new classroom and looks at all the new faces. Alot of thing were changing for Kagome, she and her family had just moved into a big house, she was going to a new school and, she was going trough what her mother liked to call the "big change" ."hello what is your name?" a woman kagome gussed was her teacher said from behind her. "I'm kagome" she said noticing a boy with long silver hair stairing at her, she paid no attention. "well hello kagome " she said " i am Mrs.Turner i will be your teacher this year". "Oh ok" Kagome said "where can i put my bag?" she asked "oh hun didn't you recieve a locker number and combination in the mail?" Mrs.Turner asked sweetly. "I don't think so" Kagome said "huh well just put it beside your desk for now and i will help you after class you sit right there" she said pointing to the desk next to the boy who was staring at her "ok thanks" Kagome said walking over to her desk.