InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life With Inuyasha ❯ locker 236 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"ok class we are gunna go around the room and when i get to you you will stan up an say your name ok you start" she says pointing to a girl with long brown hair she was wearing a pair of jean capris and a pink tank top . She stands up and says "I'm Sango" she sat down next a boy with black hair he was wearing a pair of jeans and a white tank top "I'm Miroku" he say sitting down 'he's kinda cute, mabbey the outfit could use som work but...' kagome thought. She was wearing a pair of black cargo capris and a green and black striped shirt "your turn dear" Mrs.Turner said to kagome "oh sorry " she said standing up "I'm Kagome" she sat down feeling like a complete idiot. The boy beside her stood up and said "I'm Inuyasha" and he sat down again. When They had finished saying there names the bell rang and Mrs.Turner told Inuyahsa and Kagome to stay "okam i correct in saying you two don't have your locker numbers yet?" "yes" kagome and inuyasha say together. "Ok well then you two will be sharing locker number 236 here is your combination she says handing each of them a piece of paper. "Thank you" kagome says "yeah" says Inuyasha looking at Kagome again