InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life ❯ The Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER: unfortunately I don't own Inuyasha and never will because I'm not a great lady person like Rumiko Takahashi.
My Life…
Her blue-grayish eyes moved simultaneously together as she looked between the objects carefully. “Well…I guess I would choose the pink teddy bear because pink is the new black this year, Miroku.” said the 17 year old girl She had ebony colored hair with blue streaks. She had all the curves in all the right spots, and she had on a pair of black Tripp pants (A/n…a brand name at hot topic) with chains and a black tank top that said `Story of the Year', around her neck was a black metal choker that had a cross hanging down and a black and silver flame hat.
Miroku was wearing black Tripp pants with a pair of handcuffs on each side of his pants and metal chains hanging from the back of them. He had on a pink t-shirt that said `TOUGH Guys Wear PINK.' Around his neck was a sword necklace that was sharp on the end. He used it for…harming others. His ears were pierced all the way up on each side. “I guess your right Kag. Do you think she would like this for her birthday?” he asked casually. Kagome nodded “Sango will ADORE it!” she squealed.
He laughed light-heartedly. “Now, who should I give the red bear too?” He asked while waving it in front of Kagome's face. She grinned and grabbed it out of his hands. “Thanks Roku.” He just nodded. She hugged it to herself and smiled at him. “ I swear if you weren't my cousin then I would date you, but Sango's got you and I'm glad she found someone would and treat her with respect. Now only if I could find someone…” She then got lost in thought. Miroku rolled his eyes. “Every time I want to give Sango something you say something just like that Kag. When the time is right you will find someone who will love and care for you like I…love Sango.” Kagome's eyes went wide “Holy Hell! You love her? Awww” Miroku blushed a dark crimson and looked down.
A tall, silver haired male in about his late 40's stepped out of the shadows with two younger gentlemen. The taller of the two had short spiked silver hair with black tips. He wore long baggy black chained Tripp pants with a black t-shirt that said `You suck worse than the suckiest suck that ever sucked' (A/N I have that shirt ) He also had black and red sex spiked bracelets on and black nail polish.
“Mr. Onigumo, this is my son Sesshomaru and my other son, Inuyasha.” Said the elder gentlemen of the three. The younger of the two was wearing black and red Tripp pants and a black shirt that said in green writing `It's funny until someone loses an eye…then HEY free eyeball.' He had long black hair with bright red tips, a black spiked choker around his neck and a ring on his middle finger. It was in the shape of a skull with crossbones and flames.
Mr. Onigumo wore long black pants, black shoes and a long sleeved black shirt with gloves. He also wore a black cloak with a hood, which covered his face. “Taishou lets get down to business. I was recently divorced and I have a daughter, whom I haven't seen in awhile…” he then snapped his fingers and a picture appeared between them. Taishou grabbed it and stared at her. “She's very pretty for a seventeen year old.” He then passed it to Sesshomaru, who didn't even bother looking at it and handed it to Inuyasha who stared at it in awe.
“Taishou, you owe me a large amount of money for my services.” Mr.Onigumo started. Taishou just nodded. “If you take her from her home and bring her here, then you don't need to worry about the money.” Taishou scowled “You want me to kidnap her?” Mr. Onigumo nodded. Taishou shook his head “What if I don't?” Mr.Onigumo looked up at him and Taishou gulped when he saw his evil smirk. “ I would hate to hurt your wife. You wouldn't want anything to happen to her now, would you?” Inuyasha and Sesshomaru growled but Taishou put his hand up to silence them. “How long do we have?” Mr.Onigumo smirked “two months” He then snapped his fingers and disappeared.
Inuyasha looked at the picture. “Dad?” Taishou looked at his son. “I know her form somewhere. I think she goes to Shuriki High.” Sesshomaru nodded. “I to have seen her. Her name is Kagome and she's seventeen years old. That's all I know. Taishou just nodded.
A young girl and a little boy were seen running down an empty street. The girls' hair was all ratty looking and her clothes were all wrinkly. The little boy was wearing a nice shirt and pants that had holes and red spots that looked like fresh or dried blood. The small boy tripped from exhaustion and the young girl stopped running and ran back to him and helped him up. “Kikyo…my legs hurt. I can't run no more. How are we ever going to find her. We don't even know where they live.”
Kikyo looked down at his face and got on her knee. She touched his cheek gently, like a mother would and said “Souta, we will find her. Don't worry. That evil son of a bit…gun will not find us. I promise you that.” He nodded. She turned around “Get on my back, this will be faster.” He climbed onto her back and she started walking at a quick pace. `We will find you, Kagome.'
::DING DONG:: A girl around seventeen stood on the doorstep of the Higurashi household. `Come on Kag…answer the damn door already' She was wearing red Tripp pants with black chains, a shirt that was red and it said `Barbie's a Lesbian. Get the fuck over it.' She also wore many black, red, pink and silver sex bracelets and a spiked watch. Around her neck was a choker that had spiked and rings on the spikes.
The door opened and Miroku stood there leaning against it smirking. “Hey good looking.” The girl smiled. “Where's my girl at?” Miroku pointed towards the sky “She's upstairs.” The girl walked in and Miroku closed the door. “Sango close your eyes.” He said sweetly. The girl now known as Sango closed her eyes. He took the teddy bear out form behind his back and put it in her hands. “Open your eyes.” Sango opened her eyes and smiled “Awww, Miroku this is so cute. How did you know that pink was the new black and how did you know that today was my birthday?” he scratched his head “Kagome.”
Kagome stood in the kitchen watching the two. `No Miroku, DON'T TELL HER!' she screamed inside her head. Once Miroku said that she helped him, she walked out of the kitchen. “Holy Hell…you weren't supposed to tell her. God! I am working with an amateur.” She then walked into the living room and over to the couch and sat down. Sango followed after her and hugger her friends shoulders. Kagome hugged her back. Miroku walked into the room and gasped “My girlfriends a lesbian with Barbie AND my cousin.” He pretended to fake cry. Sango rolled her eyes along with Kagome who decided at that very moment to tackle her `crying' cousin.
The next day at school, Kagome sat in the back corner with Sango in front of her and Miroku sat next to Kagome in the back. Just then Kagome's childhood friend, Jin, Miroshi walked casually and slowly into the room. He was just wearing a pair of black baggy pants and a black tank top. He walked to the back of the room. “Hirue, sit next to your girlfriend.” Miroku smiled and stood up. “Jin don't worry she's my cousin. I wont steal her from you.” Jin just nodded and sat down next to Kagome.
“Sup Kag?” he said while looking at her with his genuine smile. `So gorgeous' she thought. She just shook her head. Just then the lead cheerleader came running in. “Oh my god! We have two new students and oh my…they are both sexy and good looking.” The four in the back just rolled their eyes. “Oh great, more preps.” (A/N no offense to preps. I just have had bad experiences with them. *Cries*) whispered Kagome to Jin. He nodded. The bell rang and the teacher came in with the two students that Kagura - the head cheerleader - was talking about.
“Class settle down.” Spoke Mrs.Yuki solemnly. She was wearing straight-legged jeans that were tight, but not to tight, a long sleeved brown shirt and black dress shoes on. Her hair was down and curled. She pushed her black rim glasses up. “Class, I would like you to meet Sesshomaru and Inuyasha Haru.” Miroku turned around and said, “They aren't preps.” Sango rolled her eyes and smacked him upside the head “Duh Miroku! They're Punk/Goths…like us.” Jin looked at Kagome to see her staring at the two young men. “Sesshomaru, you can sit in front of Sango. Sango please raise your hand.” Sango rolled her eyes again and turned around and started talking to Kagome. Mrs.Yuki scowled at her and turned to Sesshomaru and pointed to his seat. Inuyasha…you can sit next to Jin, so he's not the only guy in the back row.”
The boys went to their indicated seats. Sango stopped talking to Kagome and looked at Inuyasha. “He seems familiar. Maybe another high school. Wait, Nemakura high.” She whispered to herself. Miroku overheard though. He turned towards Inuyasha `oh fuck.' He looked over to Kagome.
After class, Kagome followed Inuyasha to his locker. “So you thought you would get away with it, didn't you ko-inu?” He stopped what he was doing and turned around. She was smirking. Inuyasha charged at her. She started laughing and he wrapped his arms around her waist behind and hugged her like she was his lifeline. “Kagome…” he whispered. “My Kagome.” She tensed up and tried to get out of his grasp, but couldn't. A tear came to her eye and she turned around and whispered so only he could hear. “You lost me the day you slept with my sister.” He let go because of her struggling.
Sango, Miroku, Jin and Sesshomaru watched what was going on with the two. After Inuyasha let go, Sesshomaru walked over to him and said “Let's go.” He closed his brothers' locker and they walked down the hallway. Kagome stood there for a minute not believing what just happened before she walked over to Sango and hugged her. The bell rang and the four stood there like statues. Kagome got out of her embrace and said, “We have been here longer than necessary…uh wait…that didn't make sense…ugh!” she smiled. “Okay lets start this over. We have been here longer than needed, let's go see a movie at the theatre. They all agreed and went to go see anchorman.
(A/N Well…I was going to stop here but since I don't feel like it and we have a 2-hour delay for school…I'll give the readers and reviewers what they want.)
Two and a half hours later, they walked out of the theatre smiling, laughing and having a grand old time. “My favorite part of the movie was when Brick said `I love carpet….. I love desk' then Burgandy said `are you just looking at things in my office and saying that you love them?' then Brick said `I love lamp' Burgandy then replied by saying `Do you really love the lamp, Brick?' Brick then said `I love lamp.'” Jin started chuckling. Kagome gasped “You laughed!” He then got a straight face, then said “My favorite part was when channel 2 surrounded channel six, then the anchorman on channel 2 said hiney, then you see the camera go back to channel 6, then back to channel 2 and you see brick on their side. Brick then said `he said hiney' and he started laughing and was pulled back to their side.”
(A/N if you haven't seen the movie it's a must see. Its fuckin hilarious )
The other three burst out laughing. “That was a great movie.” Said Sango, grabbing a hold of Miroku's hand and leaning on his shoulder. Kagome smiled at the two and Miroku noticed her staring and nodded his head towards Jin. Kagome looked up and Jin and blushed. Kagome turned away from them and started walking aimlessly towards the school. Sango let go of Miroku's hand and ran to catch up to Kagome.
Sango caught up to Kagome and looked at her. “So want to head back to school or go to your house?” Kagome looked at her “School's boring, plus Inuyasha will be there. We cant go to my house cause my mother is there with her new boyfriend.” Sango nodded “let's just head back to school and get our payback on Inuyasha for what he did to you back then.” Before Kagome could answer, Sango ran back to tell the guys. Kagome looked at them and ran flat out into someone. She almost hit the ground when someone grabbed her before she did. When she stood on her feet, the guy let go. That's when she got a good look at him. He was wearing blue baggy jeans and a read polo shirt. His eyes were a baby blue and his hair was a dark brown and spiked up.
Kagome then realized she was staring and said “Sorry for running into you…” he just stared at her. “The name's Kouga and its nice to meet you…uh?” “Kagome.” She answered. Sango, Jin and Miroku caught up to Kagome. “You okay?” asked Jin, checking Kagome up and down. “I'm fine. Jin, Sango, Miroku I would like you to meet Kouga.” Kouga just nodded towards them. “See ya around Kaggers.” He then walked away.
Miroku looked at his watch and said “C'mon guys, schools around the corner, so let's leggo my eggo and go to school.” Sango laughed and Kagome and Jin eyed him with a confused look written across both of their faces. The boys blinked at the same time accidentally and Kagome noticed and shouted “STARING CONTEST…starts now.” They started staring at each other. Out of nowhere Sango sneezed quite loudly and both boys looked at her. “Sorry.”
Kagome grabbed Sango's left hand and raised it in the air “Sango's the winner, now let's go.” They all started walking and Miroku wrapped his arm around her shoulders and she leaned into his embrace. Jin wrapped his arm around Kagome's shoulder and she looked up at him. They stopped walking and Jin leaned down to her face and whispered, “Can I kiss you.” She nodded “yes.” He leaned the rest of the way in and kissed her and she kissed back with more passion and force. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He licked her lips asking for entrance and she complied. The kiss became deeper and more passionate as the seconds passed. They pulled away breathlessly.
Kagome connected their hands and started walking only to see Miroku and Sango smiling like idiots. “Finally you two got together. We always knew you two would get together sometime.” Kagome blushed “Stop delaying. Let's get back to school.” The others agreed and they continued walking to their destination.
KO-INU means puppy for those you didn't know that.
I also would write more but my arms hurt but don't worry. I'll start typing the next chapter up in school later. I already have it written just to let ya know, I just have to type it up. I'm positive