InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER: unfortunately I don't own Inuyasha and never will because I'm not a great lady person like Rumiko Takahashi.
RATED R FOR LOTS OF SWEARING…the only thing I'm good at lmao.
I dedicate this chapter to my Dog. My dog named Ozaki Ozaku Shinjitsu…I think that's what we named him. Oh I don't know…but his name is Ozaki or Zaki like I like to call him that.
Once at school, they all split up to go to different classes. Sango went to Chemistry, Kagome went to Math and Jin and Miroku went to English. The guys kissed the girls bye and they headed off. Sango went into her classroom and Kagome sighed then walked down the hall a little and into her classroom. Once she got into the badly colored room, the teacher glared at her. (A/N Don't you hate it when they do that? it gets annoying if your late to the same class 4 times in a week.) Kagome ignored him and sat down in her usual seat. She looked to her right and groaned. “Hey …Fluffy.” His cold eyes turned to hers. “Why the hell did you do that to Inuyasha?”
Kagome got the cold mean look on her face now. “Me? I didn't do shit. I'm not the one who fucked my little sister. So you know what screw the fuck off!” The teacher looked back at them with a look you could just laugh at. So that's exactly what the entire class did, minus Sesshomaru and Kagome. “Shut-up.” Shouted the teacher. The class became quiet and they all looked back at the two. You could see their auras flaring, just by the looks they were giving each other. “Detention, both of you…now!” Kagome was used to this and got up and left. Sesshomaru followed and once they got into the hallway, all hell broke out.
Kagome turned around and Sesshomaru slammed her up against the lockers and whispered harshly. “You're a dirty little whore and my brother didn't even deserve you. He may be a hanyou but he's still my brother, so screw off Kag.” He then pushed her harder into the locker and walked away. Kagome made it to the detention room a few seconds after Sesshomaru. “Kags? Nice to see you again and so soon.” Spoke a feminine voice. She looked over and saw Sango. “Hey San.” The girl just nodded and Kagome walked over towards her and sat down. Sesshomaru sat facing them and glared at Kagome. “Sessho, do u have a stick up your ass? Just cause the way you're looking at Kag here?” said Sango, trying to hide her laughter. Sesshomaru stood up and said “Bitch don't fucking talk to me.” Sango walked over to him and punched him straight in the face. “No one calls me a bitch, unless I give them permission.” She turned around and took one step and was tripped. Sesshomaru towered over her. “Fuck with me again and I swear I will have you killed.” Sango stood up and said “Duck.” He gave her a confused look and she kicked him right where the sun doesn't shine. He grabbed himself and sat in the chair. Kagome laughed and fell off the desk.
After school, Kagome and Miroku waited for Sango and Jin to get out of detention when someone spoke. “Kagome how are you?” she turned around and gasped. “T…Taishou? Oh my god I…I thought you were dead?” She ran up to him and hugged him while crying. “Kag, how are you? I heard you haven't been doing so great?” She shook her head and let go of him. “Mom's dating an asshole, Dad left, Kikyo and Souta are gone and I have not a fucking clue as to whether or not they are still alive.” Taishou nodded “Sorry about them Kag, you will find out eventually.” “Fuck no!” shouted Inuyasha. Taishou, Miroku, and Kagome towards the voice and saw Inuyasha and Sesshomaru with pissed off looks heading towards them. Kagome sighed and looked back to Taishou “I'll talk to you some other time.” She and Miroku then left heading towards the school waiting for the other two to get out of detention.
“Dad…why didn't you grab her?” asked Sesshomaru monotonously. “I wanted to pop her one right in the face.” Taishou rolled his eyes “I would never hurt little Kaggers.” Both boys growled. Just then a little voice popped into all three of their heads That was her…why the hell didn't you grab her.” The three guys stared dumbfounded at each other. “That's your daughter. Thee Kagome. My Kagome?” asked/said Inuyasha. Mr.Onigumo just laughed and his taunting laugh disappeared. “Oh no now we have to capture Kag in two months.” Said Taishou frowning. “Yea, well Inuyasha and I uh…have to apologize especially me.” Stated Sesshomaru. “I kinda called her a dirty whore and slammed her up against the locker.” Taishou smacked both of his sons upside the head. “Idiots.” He mumbled knowing his sons heard her as well. The three got up and left. Unknown to them, someone was hiding up in the tree.
A week later Kagome was blindly running down the hallway looking for Sango, Jin and Miroku when she suddenly ran straight into a very well built chest. She fell on her ass. “Ouch.” She looked up and saw a hand outstretched for her to grab. She reached for it and firmly gripped it. “Kagome…I..I have to tell you something very important. Will you please listen to me?” said the masculine voice. Kagome looked up to the guys face and said “What the hell do you want, Sesshomaru?” “Will you listen?” he asked again, but more politely. “Fine!” she said angrily. “But we'll walk and talk.” They both started walking slowly and he started talking.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* FLASHBACK*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Sesshomaru was talking with a few preppy cheerleaders. “Can I please ask you a question, Sessho?” He glared at her “Yes, but only if you stop calling me Sessho, Kagura.” She smiled seductively or so she thought. “Okay Sessho.” He rolled his eyes and thought to himself `They are all so god damn fucking dense.' Kagura smiled “Why do you wear black?” “Black is my favorite color.” He said without looking at her. “Why do you have a problem with what me and my brother wear?” Kagura shook her head “Well…no…but you look like THEM!” she emphasized as she pointed to the far end of the schoolyard in a shady corner where Kagome, Jin, Sango and Miroku were sitting smoking and having a good time.
Inuyasha then spoke “You don't like those four do you?” Kagura's smile turned into a frown “Kagome's a flat out bitch who screws all the stoners and Sango is the main whore out of the group. I heard a rumor…well I officially started the rumor but anyways she screwed a geek named Hojo. He's been after those two girls for about three months. Miroku isn't that bad, I would screw him if I had the chance but he could have a disease from hanging around with those two sluts.” She then paused and a huge grin appeared on her face. “What about Jin?” asked Inuyasha, eagerly. “Well…last week Jin and I had sex. He is so great and the funny thing about all this is the fact that only three days ago he told me he was going to break up with that whore of his girlfriend.”
Kagura squealed “I think I am in love with him.” Sesshomaru an Inuyasha growled after hearing everything she said about K Kagome and her friends. “You are a little hoe. Kagome has never had sex. YOU are the one that has all those diseases.” He got up to leave but turned around and said “talk about Kagome or her friends one more time I swear I will fucking slit your throat in your sleep.” Sesshomaru grabbed Inuyashas arm and left. Kagura stood there astonished and pissed. “Those assholes. Those hot and sexy assholes.” A few of the ther cheerleaders nodded “Yes they are.”
Sesshomaru stopped pulling Inuyasha with him. “I'm gonna tell Kagome later today, you spy on Kagura and Jin.” Inuyasha nodded and walked away towards the school parking lot. He got into his hot crimson red Miata and took out a pair of camouflage binoculars.
“Are you serious? Sango you seriously gave her a swirley in fifth grade?” asked a hysterically laughing Kagome. Sango nodded “Yea it was funny as hell. The really funny thing is I forgot to put the toilet seat up so Kagura's head got stuck.” The two girls and Miroku busted out laughing. Jin glared at the three of them and got up and left without saying a word. Kagome got a very confused look on her face and stood up. Just then she heard Miroku say “Ah shit, look who's coming.” Kagome and Sango looked at the person running rather fast towards them. “Holy Hell. He's gonna run straight into me…unless.” She got a mischievous look on her face and as Inuyasha was about to run into her she side stepped him and tripped him. He fell flat on his face. He slowly stood up “What the fuck wench?” Kagome smiled innocently “Hey, you were the one running at me wildly. You're the one who tripped over himself, not me.” Inuyasha growled but stopped after he remembered what he had to tell Kagome. “Kags I need to ask you…well actually tell you something.” “I am not going to listen to you!” she yelled in his face. “Why not?” he asked quite rudely. She glared at him “I HATE YOU!” She then walked away with Sango and Miroku following behind her, yet keeping their distance. `Shit' he thought `What if she doesn't listen to Sesshomaru?'
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*END FLASHBACK*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Kagome stopped walking and she slowly turned towards him. “Are you lying to me? Except…never mind knowing you probably are because you just want to ruin my life just because of what your brother did to me. Is that all this is…payback?” Sesshomaru shook his head “I am really sorry about what happened earlier between us but I swear on my father and mothers lives that I am not lying to you.” Kagome looked deep into his eyes and noticed a hint of pain. `Guess he's not lying after all.' She nodded “Okay I believe you, but it just doesn't add up though. I have never seen them together.” Sesshomaru nodded his head towards the doors that led to the indoor gardens. She gave him a confused look but walked over to the doors anyways. She opened it up and gasped…
Just to let everyone know I am sorry for dissing preps and cheerleaders. READ AND REVIEW and I might have up another chapter soon…
Akira Jin