InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life ❯ Devastating News ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER: unfortunately I don't own Inuyasha and never will because I'm not a great lady person like Rumiko Takahashi.
Last time on MY LIFE:
Kagome stopped walking and she slowly turned towards him. “Are you lying to me? Except…never mind knowing you probably are because you just want to ruin my life just because of what your brother did to me. Is that all this is…payback?” Sesshomaru shook his head “I am really sorry about what happened earlier between us but I swear on my father and mothers lives that I am not lying to you.” Kagome looked deep into his eyes and noticed a hint of pain. `Guess he's not lying after all.' She nodded “Okay I believe you, but it just doesn't add up though. I have never seen them together.” Sesshomaru nodded his head towards the doors that led to the indoor gardens. She gave him a confused look but walked over to the doors anyways. She opened it up and gasped…
She opened up the doors and gasped “Jin.” She whispered. Sesshomaru followed her through the doors and when he got inside he saw Kagome ready to break down and cry `Ah shit! Please don't cry.” He thought mentally to himself. He walked over to her and grabbed her arms softly. “Lets get out of here.” He whispered into her ear. She nodded and he helped her out into the hallway. “Why the gardens? The gardens were our spot.” She started crying silently. “Why? Why?” she repeated over and over. Sesshomaru pulled her into his embrace and rubbed her back smoothly in circles. He whispered calming words into her ear.
She pulled away from him and smiled a fake smile at him. “Thanks. I'm sorry about crying all over you.” He just nodded. “You going to be okay?” she nodded. “Yea, its not like I'm going to overdose or anything I'm over with all of that shit.” His eyes went huge. “Sweet little Kag used drugs?” Kagome nodded reluctantly. “The sweet, innocent Kag you knew is dead. She died the night I was…well that's not important at the moment. Jin cheated on me, I cant believe it. I just cant fucking believe it. I Kagome Akira Higurashi, was cheated on!” she broke down into tears again. “When? Why? How could he cheat on me? I am so lost.” The tears stopped and Kagome's eyes had red and black specks appear. “They will fucking pay.”
“MIROKU! MIROKU!” shouted Sango, panting. “I'm tired.” Miroku stopped and looked at her. “Sango, your tired? You used to be able to go four times.” She looked into his eyes. “I am just tense, yet I feel like something is wrong.” He felt her forehead “You feel fine.” She glared at him “Can we please stop running. I don't think I can stand up much anymore. My legs hurt like hell.” He nodded and they both laid down in the grass. Sango sighed “hmm…” Miroku looked at her and kissed her forehead. “Come on let's go change and go find Jin and Kagome.” They both stood up and Sango groaned, “No more walking.” Miroku picked her up bridal style and carried her into the school.
Kagome glared harshly at Sesshomaru “I said LEAVE.” “Kagome, what the hell you going to do?” She looked at him grinning. “You will find out later in lunch.” She walked away towards her locker. A little bit later in the day Jin and Kagome walked hand-in-hand into the cafeteria with Miroku and Sango behind them. As they passed the preps at their table eating lunch, Jin winked at Kagura. Kagome saw what was exchanged between the two and Kagome glared at him. She let go of his hand as they reached the table they were going to sit at. They all sat down except Kagome who just got up and walked over to the table that Inuyasha and Sesshomaru currently occupied. She sat down next to him and put her right hand on his left thigh. He looked at her “What are you doing?” he whispered so no one except Inuyasha could hear. She leaned into him “This is my plan…now kiss me.”
Sesshomaru looked at Jin and saw he was pissed beyond reason. He smirked and turned his face back to Kagome `s. He cupped her face with her hands and kissed her. It started off sweet and innocent, but it became more passionate and fierce as the seconds passed. Sango and Miroku gasped and they both looked at Jin. “I thought she really liked Jin? I'm so confused Sango.” Sango looked at him “You would get confused either way.” She laughed and he looked back to Kagome and Sesshomaru kissing passionately. “True. True.”
“Get the hell off her you bastard!” shouted Jin. The entire cafeteria got quiet and watched the scene unfold. Kagome pulled away form him. “Be right back, Sess.” She got up and ran her hand through his silver spiked up hair. He smiled and slapped her ass as she passed him. She blushed and went to the lunch line. Jin sat where Kagome sat before and was about to say something when someone else sat at the table. “Kouga where the hell were you man?” asked Sesshomaru. Kouga replied by saying “I was wondering around aimlessly. I was bored.”
Jin rolled his eyes and looked back to Sesshomaru. “Leave her the hell alone. She's my girlfriend who I…” he didn't get to finish because Sesshomaru cut him off “…am cheating on.” Jin glared at him and Sesshomaru spoke again “Let's see I know your cheating on her along with Kagome herself, Inuyasha and now Kouga. But why would u cheat on her with Kagura? The girl is a fucking whore, a cheerleading whore!”(A/N no offense Charlie, DD, DannyGirl) Jin raised his hands into fists “Asshole.”
Kagome sighed happily `hmm…Sessho.' She blushed at the way he kissed. `Damn he's good, hey he's better then Jin at least.' “Spaghetti! How yum!” she said sarcastically. She felt a tap on her right shoulder so she turned around with the tray in her hands. “How can I help you Kagura?” she asked in a polite way. “I got the best looking guy in school and the funny thing is I stole him from you. I guess he doesn't like whores.” Kagome's hands started shaking, so she just smiled and said “Your right…he doesn't like whores, but then again why the hell is he with you then?” Kagura screamed “Bitch, take that back.” Kagome shook her head and twisted her hands around and flung the tray into Kagura's face. “Ah! You dirty little bitch!” screeched Kagura angrily. Kagome gasped “I…I am so sorry Kagura.” She then started laughing, “This looks really good with that whorish outfit along with the rest of you squad.”
Jin heard a scream and saw Kagura with food all up in her hair. He turned back to Sesshomaru with a very pissed off look. He clenched his fist nice and tight and punched Sesshomaru in the face. His head turned a little. `Bastard.' Thought Sesshomaru before turning back to Jin smirking like a mad man. Inuyasha laughed his ass off “You -haha- are so -haha- dead” Jin looked at him strangely and turned back to Sesshomaru only to go flying back off his chair.
The entire cafeteria, mostly guys went to go watch Jin and Sesshomaru fight as the girls went over to see Kagura and Kagome fight. Sesshomaru rolled his eyes `humans are SO mentally unstable' (A/N THAT IS SO TRUE THOUGH) He stood up and pulled Jin up to his feet. Jin just attacked him by throwing punches and high kicks at him as Sesshomaru dodged. `Shit I'm getting tired. I have to find his weak spot.' His eyes then landed on Kagome and Kagura fighting. He then quickly ran behind Sesshomaru and kicked him really hard in the back with both of his feet. They both fell onto the ground, but quickly got up and ran over to the fighting girls.
He jumped between the two girls and looked at Kagura tenderly before turning to Kagome and glaring at her. She just smirked. “Bitch.” Before she could do anything Jin had punched her in the face and she fell down hard. Kagura laughed “Stupid slut. Stay down where you belong.” She was about to kick Kagome in the stomach but Sango and Miroku ran over to them and interfered. Sango grabbed Kagura's wrist and twisted it. “I swear if you touch her you will pay in hell!” Kagura cowered away and Sango helped Kagome up. Miroku watched Jin carefully as to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. Sesshomaru stood up and looked over to find Jin, but couldn't see him. He stood up and noticed most of the group had migrated towards the girls, so he ran over towards them and noticed Kagome on the floor with Sango helping her up and Miroku and Jin having an all out staring contest. He walked past Jin pushing him practically over to get to Kagome. She was standing up and her hand was on her cheek. She removed her hand and noticed that Sesshomaru was being kind and gentle unlike he used to be long ago.
Inuyasha came over and he actually ran into Kagura AND Jin knocking them onto the floor. He checked Kagome's cheek and said “That's gonna be a nice bruise by tomorrow morning.” Kagome then got an idea. “Lets go party hardy.” The four nodded. “Sure why not” replied Sango excitedly. Sesshomaru just nodded, as did Inuyasha. Miroku then said “WHERE?” Inuyasha smirked “Are house, it will be fun. The parents are out of town for a meeting they both ended up having to attend.” Kagome nodded “okay lets get going.
IN the next chapter it's going to be a lemon. I know it's only been like a day or 2 since I put up my story but it would be nice to get some reviews or I am quitting this story. Sorry to say but I would even though this is the best story I have written compared to the other stories. So please r&r. (read and review for losers like me who don't know certain things)