InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Little Ninja ❯ Enter Sango ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Little Ninja
Chapter Twelve: Enter Sango
By: OhJoy

~ o . O ~

Kagome gently knocked on the door as she opened it slowly, "Matt?" She heard him on the phone and didn't want to interrupt.

"… Yeah. Yeah." Matt said into the phone, he motioned for her to come in and sit. "That's great. I'll be there at 4pm."

"Hi," she greeted him as she plopped down on a chair in front of his large mahogany desk. "Are you ready? I'm starved!"

He smiled, "Oh, great, I get to watch you pig out, huh?"

"You know it. Now get your butt moving!" They walked out of the office laughing, their arms hooked. There was more than one eyebrow raised. Kagome caught Satsuki's eyes and paused. "Matt, let me go see if InuYasha wants to join us ok?"

Matt just smiled, "I'm glad they seem to like each other."

Kagome approached Satsuki's desk, "Hi, Satsuki." The young woman was a little startled that her name was remembered. "Could you ask Mr. Tashio if he'd like to join Matt and me for lunch?"

The young woman smiled and picked up her phone to murmur Kagome's request. She looked up at the two before her desk, "Mr. Tashio will be out shortly."

Matt leaned into Kagome and whispered in her ear, "Don't hold your breath, he never goes to lunch."

InuYasha walked out of his office with a heart-stopping smile. He turned to Satsuki, "I'll be available on my cell for emergencies only. If that bastard brother of mine calls again, tell him I went on vacation. Otherwise, we'll back in a couple of hours."

He took Kagome's hand and led the way to the elevators. Kagome loved the warmth coming from just his hand and quickly intertwined their fingers. Matt just smirked, "Well, well. This is certainly interesting." And followed the couple before him.

Kagome's body was reacting deliciously to InuYasha, she couldn't help but feel the wetness between her legs and the butterflies flitting in her stomach, "Gods! How is that he can make me feel this way?"

In the elevator, InuYasha wrapped his arm around her waist and nuzzled her neck, relishing her increasing scent of arousal. He asked, "Kate Mantilini's ok with you guys?"

They walked a few short blocks to the restaurant in silence. Once the group was seated at their table, a booth by the window, Matt announced, "Well, you guys seem to be getting along quite well since Saturday night. I guess that would explain your uncharacteristic public apology, Yash."


"Uncharacteristic, huh?" Kagome smiled as she took a sip of her sparkling water. Her heart started thumping wildly when she felt InuYasha's hand on her knee. She nearly dropped her glass. He smirked. She took a deep breath and relaxed into his closeness, "What is it about this guy?"

Matt raised an eyebrow, but shrugged it off. "So… Kagome, when's Souta leaving for school?" She frowned at the question and puffed out her bottom lip. Matt laughed, "Ah, geez, Kagome! Don't be sad. He's only going to San Diego. It's time to let him grow up, you know."

She sighed, she could feel InuYasha's eyes on her. Her heart warmed when she felt him give her knee a soft squeeze. "He's my baby brother. And I just want to make sure he's safe."

Matt smiled, "San Diego is safe, sweetie. Plus, he'll be party-ing it up and doing his best to get laid." They all laughed.

"Souta leaves day after tomorrow," Kagome sighed again. "I know, I know. It's harder on me than him. He's really looking forward to it. So, as of right now, I will only be happy for him!" She exclaimed brightly.

The conversation turned to shop talk and the rest of the lunch was uneventful. Kagome said her good byes to Matt at the lobby and asked InuYasha to walk her to her car. He gladly complied.

At her car, she said, "Thank you for lunch, InuYasha." He was standing so close to her. "Gods! I can't wait to feel his hands on me again." No sooner did she think that did his arms encircle her waist.

"My pleasure, angel." He leaned his face to hers. She could feel his breath on her lips. Her stomach fell to her knees. Her breath started coming out in a light pant. He softly brushed his lips against hers in an achingly slow kiss that sent her senses reeling. She drew her hands up to his neck and pulled him closer to her. One hand reached up to the back of his neck and her fingers ran through his short hair to rest. Her other found its way underneath his shirt collar to lie at the base of his neck. His hands were far from idle. He ran his hands up and down her back, one coming to rest at the beginning curve of her bottom while the other pulled her hair out of the confining hold. Her hair softly tumbled down her back as he raked his fingers thought it, "Just like silk." The kiss slowly deepened. His pace was a tender, sweet, slow seduction that sent shivers coursing though her body. He savored her taste, her scent, and the feel of her body against his. Her curves fit perfectly to his hard lines. He was getting lost in her. He would lose what little control he had if he didn't end it soon. She was like a drug. He was so addicted and couldn't get enough.

Finally, he broke their soul-searing kiss. He looked into her eyes ablaze with desire. He took a sharp breath, "Ah, Kagome, my angel. I could kiss you for hours." And pulled her close to him in tight embrace where he could feel every inch of her against him. "Ok, I gotta go try to work now." He ground his hips into her to illustrate exactly what kissing her does to him.

She chuckled, "Mmm… well, save it for tonight. I'll take care of you."

He definitely liked the sound of that, "Promise?"

Her smile grew, "With all my heart."

She drove off, slightly frustrated, "How can he arouse me so much?" She slid a hand up her skirt, she already knew she was wet. She smirked, "Here I am sitting at the traffic light fingering myself! He's turned me into a wanton sex kitten!" She needed to expel some of this restrained energy and quickly drove to her Dojo for a sweat soaked workout that was sure to clear her head.

In the locker room, she removed her suit and dressed in her black gi when a thought struck her. She quickly walked to the office and asked to use their computer. The girl at the front desk, Yuka, smiled and showed her a seat.

Kagome quickly typed out in a large font:

to share artist's loft space
rent negotiable
move in this weekend
Call Kagome @ 310.555.6171

She printed up her sign and put it on the community bulletin board. This was the best place to find a new roommate. She knew most of the students and it would provide a common bond. She would miss Souta, but she would definitely be lonely coming home to an empty house night after night.

The workout was intense. After a good stretch and warm up, the sensei went straight to sparring drills. Kagome's favorite. They did various drills: sparring against two opponents; sparring against three opponents, one on one "light to medium contact" sparring. She was soaked with sweat from head to toe by the time they did their cool down stretches. She went back to the locker room, showered, and changed into a pair track pants and a t-shirt. She gathered her suit and gi, making mental note to pack a workout bag for her car.

Walking up to the front desk to sign out, she heard her name. "KAGOME!"

She turned around to see who could be calling her name with such enthusiasm, "SANGO!" It was her friend from Japan. They had met so long ago when Kagome went to train for her 3rd Dan in Shotokan. Sango was a sensei that taught her plenty, both on and off the mat. She was dressed in a pair of dark khaki cropped cargo pants, slung low on her hips, and a black tank top with black flip flops on her feet. Her hair was in her signature high ponytail.

The two girls greeted each other with a fierce hug. And sputtered in unison, "When?" "How?" "Oh by the Gods!"

Giggling, Kagome motioned her friend to talk when she saw her holding her flyer, "I saw this and thought there could only be one Kagome!" Sango waved the flyer and her smile widened.

"Are you looking for a place? Oh by the Gods! What brings you to LA?" Kagome exclaimed, asking the questions with a sparkle in her eyes.

"My boyfriend," Sango smiled shyly at the word, like she still was getting used to saying it.

Kagome smiled, she remembered her boyfriend. At the time he was a seminary student, but from what Kagome gathered, his passion turned to law. "Miroku, right?"

"Yes, yes, Miroku!" Sango's smile turned wistful. "He got a huge promotion and we got here last week. He's head legal counsel for the company he's been working for since he got his degree."

"Wow, nice. So why are you looking for a place?" Kagome asked curiously.

"Well, the thing is... even though I love my boyfriend and I did move here to be with him… I'm not ready for us to live together. He's all the family I have, I just want to be near him. Plus, we're staying with our good friend. Miroku is really happy there, I don't think I could live with two guys!" She shrugged. "I figured I could get a job fairly easily as a Martial Arts instructor. Today is my first day here."

Kagome hugged her friend again, "You are so brave! I'd love to have you as my roommate! Souta leaves for college day after tomorrow. You can start moving your stuff in as soon as you like." She scribbled her address on the back of the flyer and dug into her bag for something. "I've got a ton of work to do. So I'll be home all day. Come over whenever you want. Here's a key."

"What! Awesome!" The girls hugged and parted ways.