InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Little Ninja ❯ Getting the Job Done ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Little Ninja

Chapter Eleven: Getting the Job Done

By: OhJoy


Kagome selected her "Power Suit" for today's meeting. It was a navy blue pinstripe skirt and jacket suit. She wore an ivory shell underneath and paired it with nude stockings and navy sling-backs. The skirt fell modestly to her knee with a five inch slit over her right knee.

She considered it her "Big Guns." More times than she cared to admit, she was judged by her looks. Most people assumed that she was younger than she actually was. "Why is that no one respects the young?" She sighed. "At least my bangs finally grew out, I no longer look like a school girl."

She had a client meeting at Shikon Corporation. She was meeting with the new Chief Operating Officer for the entire US market and their Board of Directors. Her good friend Matt was the V.P. of Marketing and brought her in as the Art Director to head the design team to revamp the the look, logo, very essence of their biggest selling product: Sacred Jewel Bottled Water.

That didn't go over too well with Koharu Mitsumoto, the staff Art Director. Rumors flew around the office that Kagome was sleeping with Matt. She laughed at that. That was so off-base, she never confirmed or denied the rumors. She hadn't had any action in over six months and hadn't had sex in 2-1/2 years... that is until last night and this morning...

"It was so delicious to be with him. I really don't care that we had sex on the first date. Ok, technically it was our second date, I guess. Whatever. He just got me soooo hot! I hated saying good-bye this morning. But that's what Mondays are all about... cold reality of the work week."


"Shit!" she cursed. "Get the fuck off me... I gotta get ready!"

"Whoa... slow down there, baby. Such a potty mouth. What's the rush?" He held onto her, nuzzling his favorite part of her neck... his mark.

Instantly she calmed, "Mmm.. Gods! How do you do thaaat...?" She leaned into his embrace. Her eyes rolled around and landed on her alarm clock, panic rose once again, "InuYasha! Stop! I have an important client meeting. I gotta get up!"

He chuckled. "Ok, ok, hell cat. I need to get to work too. I've got meetings too." But he didn't stop licking his mark, nor did his embrace loosen.

She melted into him. She turned around in his arms and placed her hands on his face, "What are you doing to me? Gods! I love it..." and she kissed him. His hands were all over her. He rested on hand on her hip. She took that as an invitation and climbed on top of him.

"Mmm... Ka...gome... I thought--"

"Shhh... no thinking, just feeling..." she shushed him and rolled her heat over his hard cock. He moaned. She sat up, straddled him and reached down between them to bring his cock to her moist core. She teased him by just brushing the tip against her lips.

"Kagome, you're sooo wet... already, baby...?"

"Mmm..." she sank down onto his length in one stroke. He ground his cock into her, touching her womb.

"Sooo gooood, baby..." He looked at her from her gorgeous face, down her succulent neck, to her luscious breasts, over her flat stomach, down to where their bodies met and the his gaze moved up again, he reached for her breasts and held them lovingly. His thumbs rubbed circles on her already erect nipples.

She leaned down to him, her breasts were in his face. "Baby, suck on my titty..." She didn't have to ask a second time, he quickly opened his mouth and took in her nipple, holding her breast with one hand, the other holding her hip as they met each thrust. He rolled his tongue on the peak and sucked, evoking a moan from her.

"So good, InuYasha... so damned good!" she whispered against his neck and felt him tense up, he lifted her tightly against him and then she felt his fluid fill her over and over until she cried out with her own release.


"Shit! Focus, girl. You already have a dinner date with him tonight. Stop daydreaming about him. Just focus on this damned meeting."

She was a little nervous. The head honcho had already rejected the two previous design concepts, despite the Board's approval on both. He demanded a face-to-face meeting so they could "get on the same page."

"For someone new to the States, he certainly has the damn mumbo-jumbo down." It was hard for her not to think of him as the enemy. She looked once again at her reflection. Satisfied with her hair swept up in a twist with a few strands framing her face, "Professional, yet feminine and soft."

She finished gathering the copies she made of the third design layout and a sketch of a fourth she started last week, just in case. She hoped Matt had someone blow up the third design onto poster boards for the meeting.

Kagome was a few minutes late, traffic was a little heavier than she anticipated to get to Beverly Hills. She walked into the conference room to hear a tall man with his back to her attacking her latest design concept.

"How the hell am I supposed to know what the hell this shit is?? And where the fuck is that damned Art Director? Doesn't she own a fucking watch? Or is she so damn esoteric artsy-fartsy that telling time is beneath her?" the man bellowed as he slapped the displays.

Kagome's anger flared, but she managed a cold reply, "Glad to see that the new Chief Operating Officer for the entire US market doesn't participate in gossip." Her voice dripped with venom, spiced heavily with sarcasm.

All heads turned to her, including the head honcho. Shock registered in both of their eyes.

She contained her anger, realized it quickly dissipated, "Oh, shit! InuYasha... he's... he's.. oh FUCK!"

The head honcho thought, "Kagome! You've got to be kidding me... oh, someone just shoot me now..."

Matt jumped up and greeted her, "Kagome! Welcome to the US headquarters of Shikon Corporation." He gently guided her to an empty seat to his left. "Mr. Tashio was just sayin-"

"I heard what Mr. Tashio said clearly." Her eyes flashed daggers.

InuYasha gulped, "If looks could kill... shit... I am so not ever gonna get any from her again..."

Her eyes narrowed, her voice cold, "Mr. Tashio, do you have anything to say that remotely resembles constructive criticism?"

There was a collective gasp. No one spoke to InuYasha Tashio like that and still had a job. Koharu smirked. "That slut is going to get canned right here!"

"Ms. Higurashi, please have a seat. I apologize for my outburst. The deadline to go forward with this advertising campaign is quickly approaching. I let my frustration get the better of me." He bowed slightly and gave her a smile that warmed his eyes... and her heart.

She nodded and returned his smile with the same warmth, "Apology accepted, Mr. Tashio. Now, allow me to show you the entire concept of this layout..." she reached into her briefcase and pulled out the copies she printed out earlier. "The poster boards only show one aspect of what we're presenting. These handouts are the `Big Picture'..."

Kagome smoothly took over the meeting and answered all questions clearly and concisely. Her confidence in her design concept was so enthusiastic that the vote was unanimous to go forward with it.

At the conclusion of the meeting, almost everyone shook her hand, everyone except for Koharu. She simply went straight to her office to fume. Matt gave Kagome a big smile and squeezed her shoulder. "Congratulations. That was well done. Want to grab lunch?"

"Sure, just let me have a word with the design team and Koharu first. I'll meet you in your office?" she offered. Matt nodded and left the room.

InuYasha moved towards the door and closed it. "Kagome..." his voice was like silk to her ears.

She closed her briefcase, looked up, "Yes?"

He quickly closed the gap between them and was at her side. "That was brilliant. You were brilliant. And again, I'm sorry for-"

She put a finger on his lips, "Shh... no worries. You apologized already."

He smiled and gently licked her finger. "Good, I was afraid you were mad at me and I wouldn't see you tonight."

"No chance. It takes a little more than a temper tantrum to scare me off," she laughed.

"Mmm... good to know..." he began kissing the inside of her wrist. She melted. The door opened.

"Oh, uh, excuse me. Mr. Tashio..." a young woman tentatively said.

InuYasha turned, still holding Kagome's hand. "Yes, Satsuki?"

She blushed at the sight, "Uh, your brother is on the phone. He wants to know how the meeting went."

InuYasha sighed. "I'll be right there." Satsuki exited quickly. He turned to Kagome, "I've got to take this call. " She nodded, he was still holding her hand and stroking it gently with his thumb. The soft strokes sent shock waves of electricity through her body. "I can't wait to see you tonight. I'll pick you up at 7. Dress casual." He smiled and placed a sweet, chaste, tender kiss on her lips.

She sighed. "Gods! He is sooo intense. Mmm... I can't wait to really kiss him again... Shit! Focus, girl! Gotta go talk to that wench Koharu and her minions..." She looked around one last time to ensure she didn't leave anything behind and went to Koharu's office. Her stomach grumbled. "Better make this fast, I'm starving."