InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Loving Hanyou, Inuyasha ❯ Saturday Carnival ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

MY LOVING HANYOU, INUYASHA: Chapter Ten: Saturday Carnival
AN: Sorry guys, no feudal era today. Thanks for the reviews, and the responses are at the bottom. Sango and Miroku are involved today, yippee! I would have put my reviewers in here, but there isn't a point, ya know? After this chapter, I'm forwarding it to the first day of summer.
Again, the next morning, I woke up ontop of something very warm. I looked down, and sure enough, it was Inuyasha. Um…the position we ended up in didn't look too pleasant, either. Suddenly I heard a snicker.
“Well, Kagome, I knew you guys loved each other!” Oh my god, I know that voice!
I shot off the couch, knocking Inuyasha off with me.
“Miroku, how the hell did you get here?” I screamed.
I looked over to my other couch and saw Shippo, Sango, Kirara, and Miroku standing there.
“Language, Kagome.” Sango said with a laugh.
Inuyasha was still asleep….
”Well, you left us jewel shards so we could come by, remember?” Shippo said, licking a lollipop, obviously from my bag.
“Oh, yeah.” I said with a blush.
“Miroku, you're a pervert!” Sango screamed and smacked Miroku to the floor.
I guess he groped her.
“What the hell?” Inuyasha yelled, jumping up from his sleep.
“What did you and Kagome do last night, Inuyasha?” Miroku said in that pervish tone, rubbing his face.
“None of your damn business, lecher!” Inuyasha growled.
“Well, Miroku said, “judging by the position you guys were in before I spoke to Kagome, you did something.”
Inuyasha looked at me and we both blushed.
“I was right!” Miroku yelled.
Sango slapped him again and told him to leave us alone.
“ANYWAYS” I said, changing the subject, “there's a carnival today, wanna go?”
“Yeah!” Inuyasha yelled. We all looked at him.
“I remember last time I pegged that guy!” Inuyasha said with a laugh and a smirk. I rolled my eyes.
+FLASHBACK: “Kagome, want that thing?” Inuyasha asked.
“It's a giraffe, Inuyasha. And yes, it's so cute!” I answered.
“Not as cute as me.” He said with a pose. I rolled my eyes. It was a game where you threw the balls into those barrels. I paid for the game and Inuyasha picked up the 4 balls.
“3 in gets a big prize” the man said.
Inuyasha easily threw all four in. But the guy said we needed to get 3 more in and stand farther. That wasn't fair, but Inuyasha could care less. He stepped back with the 4 balls, and threw them in. The guy was a real cheapo and tried giving us a little stuffed bear.
“You bastard!” Inuyasha yelled and nailed the guy in the head with the last ball. He walked over, grabbed me the big giraffe, took my hand, and we walked away. END OF FLASHBACK+
“Yeah, Inuyasha, I remember” I said, giggling, and put my arms around his neck.
“How come you guys aren't a couple yet?” Shippo asked, receiving a whack from Inuyasha.
“So god damn nosy!” he growled, stomping his foot on my floor.
“Calm down, Inuyasha!” I yelled.
“Well, Shippo continued, “you guys kiss a lot, so what's the big deal?”
I whacked him that time.
“Seriously, Kags.” Sango said.
“Sango!” I said.
I hope SHE'D been the one to not be nosy.
“Well, Inuyasha?” I asked.
“What?” he questioned. He looks too adorable when he's confused.
“Oh….” He said slowly.
He picked me up out of nowhere, bridal style.
“Let's go to the carnival thing!” he screamed and rushed me out the door.
“Inuyasha I'm not dressed!” I yelled. He stopped.
“Would you rather go in pj's or let me watch you get undressed?” he said with Miroku's pervish smile.
“WAH?” I said surprised.
Miroku, I swear, I'll kill him.
“WELL, Inuyasha said grinning, “if we're a “couple” as the runt puts it, then why can't I?”
I blushed and smiled. We're officially a couple now? AWESOME!
“You….you're gross!” I stuttered. He simply laughed and headed back to my house so I could change.
-In Kagome's room- I told Miroku and Sango to watch Inuyasha, but because he is quiet when he wants to be and they were playing a video game, he got past them.
I told him if he wasn't a `Miroku Jr.' then he could help me get dressed. I stood there holding up outfits and I just couldn't decide. Inuyasha was getting a nice view, but he was getting annoyed.
“Pick something already damnit!” he growled.
“Well, if you'd HELP instead of staring at me I'd be done you pervert!” I growled back and threw an outfit at his face.
I finally found one I liked…..well, I liked it, but Inuyasha picked it out. The shirt was a blue tanktop with a buckle on it, and it showed off a little of my stomach. There were short jean shorts which went slightly less than half way to my knees, and matching blue sandals. Showing off a little too much leg, but if I really thought it was cute.
Inuyasha ran a clawed finger leg my leg, which sent a shiver up my spine.
“Not too shabby” he said with a smirk, and nibbled my neck. It tickled.
“Inuyasha, that tickles...” I said still giggling.
“Oh really?” he said in a certain tone to make me want to run. He kept kissing and nibbling my neck all over, hugging me from behind.
I ran out of his grasp with an outfit in my hand for Sango and down stairs.
“Sango, incoming outfit!” I yelled and threw it at her. I then ran behind her, protecting myself from the following hanyou.
“Sorry, Kags, I have to change!” Sango said playfully and ran into the bathroom, leaving me open for an `Inuyasha Attack'.
-At the Carnival—
Well, let's just say this has been tiring. We've all been walking around, playing games, running from angry game openers, and just having a good time. The boys carried all of our prizes, mostly stuffed animals. Inuyasha ate a lot of cotton candy and regular candy, so he didn't feel too good. I took him to the private washroom (the one for babies, oops) and cleaned him up, though.
“You guys, this has been so fun!” Sango said happily.
“You bet!” I said happily as well.
“Um….when are we leaving?” Inuyasha moaned from his current spot ontop on the huge stuffed animal pile. I walked over to him and scratched his ears.
“Soon, Inuyasha.” I said softly, and stopped scratching his ears. He whimpered a little, but then lay back on the pile.
“Let's go then, huh?” Miroku said, also lying back on Sango's stuffed animal pile.
“Thank you, kami!” Inuyasha said, jumping up. He picked up both piles, including Sano, Miroku and I, and jumped towards home.
As soon as we walked in the door, my poor hanyou collapsed.
“Poor Inuyasha.” Miroku said.
“Oh, Kagome? Who picked that outfit out?” he asked me.
“Oh shut up! There was nothing else to wear…..Besides, I like it and so does Inuyas-.” I stopped and realized I answered Miroku's question.
“Yep, he said nodding,”that's what I thought.” I waved my hand and him and dragged Inuyasha upstairs to my room.
Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and Kirara slept in the spare room. Miroku promised if he groped Sango then he'd never ask anybody to ever bear his children. Ok, like that'll happen. I just hope so for Sango's sake. I put Inuyasha in my bed, said goodnight to everybody, and climbed in next to Inuyasha. He put his arms around my waist and turned me to face him.
“Today was fun” he said quietly.
“Sure was” I replied. He kissed my forehead, and fell asleep.
His breathing felt good against my face. I laughed quietly. His breath smelled like cotton candy. Well, that was no surprise considering how much he ate. Well, Saturday's are just as good as Friday's I guess, but today was the best carnival ever!
AN: Like it? Alright guys, here's the deal, the review responses are below, and the next chapter will fast forward to the summertime, ok?So will the upcoming chapters pretty much, obviously, lol. Alright, I'll leave you hanging. Ja ne my lovelies!