InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My mentally challenged cousin ❯ Hello ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

My mentally Challenged cousin.
Chapter two: My cousin Kuwabara.
When the swirling stopped they were in the well house. Kagome jumped out of the well and entered the house.
“Mama Souta I'm home,” yelled Kagome.
Mrs. Higurashi sighed it had been a week since her daughter came home eyes shining with tears and since then Kagome had done nothing but stare out the window in her room or take Shippo to the park. Mrs. Higurashi was beginning to worry about Kagome and started thinking that Kagome needed some time away from the shrine so she called her sister to ask if Kagome and her adoptive son could stay there for a while.
After explaining to her sister about Kagome being so sick that she has to transfer to Kuwabara's high school and about her being teased about being sick so much. Her sister told her it was fine as long as Shizuru didn't mind since she was usually left in charge of Kuwabara when she went on business trips. A few minutes later every thing was all set and Kagome and Shippo were going to live with here cousins for a while. Now to tell Kagome thought Mrs. Higurashi.
Kagome was looking out the window like she had been doing for a week now the only difference is she is no longer depressed but angry. She starts thinking that she needs a change in her life starting with her attitude. Thinking back about all the times Inuyasha would run to Kikyou and how she let it happen. She also thought about how she let Inuyasha walk over her and vowed that no one would ever do that again. She then promised herself that no would be able to get that close to her heart ever again. With her new out look on life Kagome decided to take Shippo with her to the mall to get him some future time close and a new wardrobe for her.
Kagome came down the stairs with a smile on her face which both shocked and delighted her mother.
“Morning Mama,” said Kagome smiling.
“Good morning I'm glad you're feeling better,” said Mrs. Higurshi.
Thanks mama. Where is Shippo I wanted to take him to the mall so he could get some clothes of his own?” Asked Kagome.
“You also wanted get yourself a new wardrobe didn't you young lady?” Said Kagome's mother with a smirk.
Kagome blushed and nodded.
“I think he is still asleep why don't you wake him and your brother up so we can have breakfast and then you and Shippo can leave, answered Mrs. Higurshi.
“Thanks mom,” said Kagome.
Kagome tip toed into Shippo and her brother's room. She smiled when she saw her sleeping kit snuggled under the covers sleeping peacefully. A wicked grin came across her face and then she jumped on Shippo's bed and began to tickle him.
“Ha ha ha stop mom,” laughed Shippo.
Kagome tickled him a bit longer then told him to get up and to get ready because they were going to the mall after breakfast. After waking her brother in the same way she woke Shippo since he somehow managed to sleep through Shippo's tickle session the three went down to breakfast. Kagome and Souta's mother and grandfather were already at the table when they got there.
“Kagome I have something to tell you,” said her mother.
“What is it Mama,” asked Kagome.
“Well you've been transferred to Kuwabara's school since you've missed so much school, and since you and he are going to the same school I asked my sister if you and Shippo could stay there for a while. She said yes and you be going there in about two weeks,” said Mrs. Higurshi.
“Thank you mom I really need to get away from the shrine for a while,” said Kagome.
“That's why I asked a figured a break would do you some good,” replied her mother.
“Oh mom do you think that we can enroll Shippo in school too,” asked Kagome.
“Yes I'll see if we can enroll him in the elementary school that is next to yours,” answered Mrs. Higurshi.
“Thanks mom,” said Kagome.
“Ready to go kit,” asked Kagome.
“Yes mama,” said Shippo.
Before they left Kagome put a spell on both herself and him to hide their demonic aurora and mask their scent. It also made Shippo look human. At the mall Shippo got several pairs of jeans and t shirts. Some khakis and polo shirts, suit and slacks for a special occasion, boxers, jungle green pajamas, shoes, socks, and, excreta. Kagome got mostly punk and Goth stuff. She got black, red, dark blue, and purple baggy pants, knee high black leather boots with lots of buckles, steel toe combat boots, leather jacket with a red phoenix covering the back, a blue and sliver trench coat, fish net stockings, black leather and cotton mini skirts, a few corset tops, halter tops, black and purple fingerless gloves, red and black, fingerless gloves, blue and black fingerless gloves, a girls kick ass wrist cover, a spiked wrist cover, a metal dragon necklace and earrings, and a few chokers.
After shopping they had lunch then Kagome took Shippo to the arcade. He had a blast and didn't want to leave.
“Mama I don't want to go,” whined Shippo.
“I know but we have to go home now Shippo,” said Kagome
“No,” said Shippo.
“Yes,” replied Kagome
“No,” yelled Shippo.
“Yes,” said Kagome as she picked him up and put him over her shoulder.
“Put me down,” yelled Shippo.
“You better stop this behavior right now Shippo or you won't get dessert to night and for the rest of the week,” admonished Kagome.
That stopped Shippo from yelling and trying to get away. He sighed and then rested his head on Kagome's shoulder pouting. By the time they got back to the car Shippo was asleep. Kagome smiled as she set him down in the back of the car and buckled him up. When they arrived back at the shrine he was still asleep. Kagome picked him up and carried him and their bags up to the shrine. Once they were in the house Kagome put Shippo to bed.
“Mama we're back,” said Kagome as she entered the kitchen where her mother was making dinner.
“How did the shopping go?” Asked Mrs. Higurshi.
“It went fine,” answered Kagome.
“How did things go with the school?” Inquired Kagome.
“They said he has to take a placement test then he should be able to go there,” replied her mother.
“That's good when is it?” Asked Kagome.
“Monday at eight-thirty,” answered her mother.
“Ok that sounds good, when's dinner going to be ready?” Asked Kagome.
“In about an hour or so,” replied Mrs. H.
“Will you wake me when dinner is ready, I need a nap?” Questioned Kagome.
“Sure thing,” said Mrs. H.
A few days later it was Monday the day of Shippo's placement test. Shippo took the test but wouldn't get the results until Wednesday. After the test Kagome took Shippo around town showing him a few places that she played in when she was younger and lived in this area. Shippo was especially excited about the arcade and the huge park.
“Can we play here after school mom?” Asked Shippo.
“I don't see why not as long as the weather is good and you behave in school,” replied Kagome.
When they got home Shippo couldn't stop talking about the park and the arcade that Kagome showed. He couldn't wait until Saturday when they would be going to Kagome's cousin house. Soon it was Wednesday and the school called with the results of the test apparently Kagome had taught Shippo how to read write and do simple math because he got placed in the third grade. Needless to say Kagome was vary proud of her kit. The rest of the week flew by for Kagome and Shippo and soon it was time to go to her cousin house.
With Kagome's cousin.
Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei were walking around town.
“Hey want to go to the arcade?” Asked Yusuke.
“Can't my cousin is going to be staying with us for a while and she arrives to day,” replied Kuwabara.
“I didn't know you had a cousin,” said Kurama.
“Neither did I why didn't you ever tell me Kuwabara?” Asked Yusuke.
“The topic never came up,” said Kuwabara.
“Why is she staying with you?” Asked Kurama.
“My aunt said something about her missing too much school and needed to transfer to our school,” answered Kuwabara.
“Hn is she an idiot like you?” Asked Hiei.
Who are you calling and idiot shrimp said Kuwabara as he tried to hit Hiei but he missed almost falling in the process causing Kurama and Yusuke to laugh.
“Can we meet your cousin?” Asked Kurama.
“Sure,” replied Kuwabara.
“I hope she is better looking then you,” said Yusuke.
“I'm gonna tell Keiko that you said that,” threatened Kuwabara.
“You wouldn't dare,” replied Yusuke.
Wanna bet, said Kuwabara.
“Bastard,” yelled Yusuke while throwing a punch at him starting a fight.
Hey what time is your cousin supposed to arrive?” Asked Kurama ending the fight.
“Any minute now,” answered Kuwabara.
When they arrived at the house a car pulled into the driveway. A second later a girl with raven black hair and blue eyes got out. She was warring black shirt with red letter that said annoy me and die. It had a picture of a knife with blood dripping from it. She also had on black and purple baggy jeans, skull earrings and necklace, black and red fingerless gloves, and knee high black leather boot with lots of buckles. She walked around the side of the car but before anyone could say anything she put her fingers to lips and opened the passenger side care and leaned over when she straitened herself she was holding a small sleeping boy with red hair.
“Do you have a place where I can put him cuz?” Asked Kagome.
Kuwabara just starred for a minute before answering, “Yea follow me.”
Kuwabara led Kagome to her room it had two beds. Kagome pulled the covers on one of the beds down then put Shippo on it. After removing his shoes and socks she covered him and kissed his forehead then left the room.
“Who's the kid?” Asked Kuwabara.
Who are these people inquired Kagome ignoring her cousin's question and looking at the other with suspicion.
These are my friends, the red head is Shuichi, the shrimp is Hiei and Yusuke is the one next to Kurama.
Kagome nodded to each of them but wondered how he ended up with a fox demon, a fire demon and a half demon whose type she couldn't identify as friends. As long as they remained none hostile it didn't bother her at all.
“Nice to meet you all,” said Kagome.
“Now will you tell us who the kid is?” Asked Kuwabara.
“My son,” said Kagome.
“What,” yelled Kuwabara?
“How the hell can you have an eight year old child,” asked Yusuke.
Kagome sighed and went with the story she and her mother made up.
“Well a year ago during one of the times I wasn't sick I was driving home from a friends house when I almost it Shippo he was running away from a burning building. The firemen came but were not able to save his parents. I fell in love with him instantly so with mom's help I adopted him and I've been taking care of him ever since,” explained
“Wow Kagome that's amazing,” said Kuwabara.
The others didn't say anything so Kagome used her telepathic powers to find out what they were thinking being careful to guard herself well so Hiei's Jagan eye couldn't sense her. Unlike her cousin they didn't believe a word of it thinking it sounded to far fetched. Well her cousin wasn't the brightest crayon in the box but he was very sweet and honorable. Kagome mentally sighed thinking Kuwabara was lucky that he was able to be so trusting as for the others well if they thought that was far fetched she wondered what the would think about the truth. She mentally laughed they probably would believe the truth over the lie even if the truth was more fabricated then the lie.
“So how long have you guys known Kuwabara?” Asked Kagome.
Almost three years for Hiei and I said Kurama.
“How about you Yusuke?” Asked Kagome.
“I don't know it seems like I've known him forever,” answer Yusuke.
“I know what you mean. I have friends I only known for a few years but it seem like they have been apart of my life forever,” commented Kagome.
“Kuwabara tells us that you be entering the same high school as us,” said Kurama
Yea I've been sick a lot so my old school sent me to your school because they are more tolerant about absent students,” said Kagome.
“So Hiei do you like school?” Asked Kagome.
“Hn,” answered Kagome
“Great another Inuyasha,” thought Kagome.
“Is that and yes or a no?” Asked Kagome.
“What's it to you wench, answered Hiei.
Kagome eyes flashed angerly.
“My name is Kagome not wench, not bitch, not women. Ka-go-me and you better start using it or else you be sorry. Do you understand me?” Yelled Kagome while poking Hiei in the chest while glaring openly at him.
Every one couldn't believe that Kagome was yelling at Hiei. Usually people were too scared to even talk to him let alone yell at him. Before anything else could happen a shout of mama and the sound of someone running was heard.
“In here Shippo,” yelled Kagome.
Soon after she said that she was pounced on by red haired blur.
“Mama can we go to the arcade please please,” cried Shippo.
“Maybe after lunch Shippo, replied Kagome.
“Shippo this is my cousin,” Kuwabara and his friends.
“Wow he looks just like a little you Kurama,” yelled Kuwarbara
“What an idiot,” thought Shippo.
“You didn't have to yell idiot,” said Yusuke.
“Who are you calling idiot idiot,” screamed Kuwabara.
“See you can't even come up with your own comeback and yet you say you're not an idiot,” said Yusuke.
“Take this Urameshi,” said Kuwabara as he through a punch which started a fight.
“Do they always act like this?” Asked Shippo.
A yes from Kurama and an hn from Hiei was his answerer.
Shippo looked at Hiei and thought oh no not another Inuyasha.
A\N: well that's it for this chapter tell me what you think R\R
Next chapter personal thoughts, arcades, school, and demons.
Keep voting so far it' a tie between Kurama X Kagome and Hiei X Kagome but no body really has voted for Sango. The votes are as fallows.
Kagome X Kurama = 2 votes
Kagome X Hiei = 2 votes
Sango X Miroku = 1 Vote
Sango X Yusuke = 0 Votes
Please vote for the pairing you want and I would like to say thanks to all my reviewers.