InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My One and Only ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

My One and Only
Chapter 1
“Inuyasha! Get your lazy ass out of bed now!” His older brother called from outside the younger hanyou's bedroom door. “Just a few more minutes Sesshoumaru.” The aforementioned Inuyasha called back in a groggy voice.
He really didn't feel like going to school. That meant that it would be the end of his summer vacation, which meant that he would be waking up to hell. You see, Inuyasha was now a senior in high school. He now has all the duties of making sure he graduates. (Not that he cares; Sesshoumaru's making him do it because he thinks it'll look good on his transcript.) He is now the captain of the football team and now he has to deal with all the newbies.
Inuyasha listened for a minute. He didn't hear the annoying breathing of his brother, nor did he smell his foul scent. He wondered what he could be up to seeing as how he liked to play tricks on him once in a while. He paid no mind to it and figured he had a good chance to catch up on some much needed sleep. But the thing is, when Inuyasha's out, he's out like a light. So, his heightened senses didn't notice Sesshoumaru creeping into his room, and stealthily walking up to his bed with a bucket full of ice water. Sesshoumaru raised the bucket over his head and yelled “Get up!” The icy cold liquid came pouring down on Inuyasha. He jumped up and screamed, “What the hell was that for?!”
“I said get up.” Sesshoumaru answered, and calmly walked out of the room. Inuyasha glared after him and then headed towards his bathroom muttering curses about a certain brother of his. “You forgot I can hear that!” Sesshoumaru called out.
“Good, then you won't mind me saying it out loud, Fuck you!” Inuyasha went inside his bathroom and shut the door. He set his shower temperature and soon undressed and stepped under the water. When he was nice and clean, he turned off the water and grabbed a towel that was hanging on the wall next to him and wrapped it around his waist. He then stepped out of the shower and strolled over to the mirror.
Inuyasha had long, silvery-white hair just like his brother. The only things that kept them from being twins, was that Sesshoumaru had two magenta colored stripes on both sides of his cheeks, and a purple crescent moon adorned his forehead. Inuyasha didn't have any of those. He just had his boyish good looks. He learned that those marks had to do with Sess being a full-blooded demon, while he was only half. His father had remarried after his first wife, Sesshoumaru's mother, died.
`Hmph! Who cares?' he thought. He looked in the cabinet, pulled out his toothbrush, put special toothpaste (too many chemicals are bad for his demon teeth) on it, and proceeded to brush his teeth. Soon he came out and dried off what ever hadn't dried already on his body and hair. He headed to his closet and pulled out his favorite red shirt. He then went over to his dresser and pulled out his boxers and a pair of blue jeans. He slipped on the boxers, then the pants, and finally the shirt. He went over to his desk and grabbed his red baseball cap, and set that over his ears. He put on a pair of socks, grabbed his sneakers, his book bag, and headed downstairs to the kitchen.
When he got to the kitchen, he saw Sesshoumaru having breakfast. “I'm leaving.” He said still angry at his brothers form of a wake up call. “No breakfast today?” Sesshoumaru asked.
“No I don't feel hungry.” Inuyasha replied putting on his sneakers, then left out the front door, making sure to grab his car keys. He opened the garage door and proceeded to get into his red Ferrari that Sess gave him when he got his license after his third time trying. Tossing his book bag onto the passenger seat, he put the key in the ignition and started the engine. He backed out the garage and hit the button on his keys, closing the garage door. He then put the car in drive and headed down the street to pick up his best friend.
So, what do you think? This is my first fanfic put up for all to view. Think I should continue? Was Sess too OOC? Read and Review! ^^