InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My One and Only ❯ Alone ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2: Alone


The natural sounds of the forest permeated the surrounding area as the wind whispered words seldom understood by humans or demons alike. If the small entourage in the forest clearing had only sought the truth of these warnings, they might have been able to prevent the tragedy to come. However, fate was not so kind.


No member of this small group was sleeping even though that was the normal activity at such an early hour in the morning. All were quiet. The flickering flames of the fire illuminated their solemn profiles. Shippo, usually happy and optimistic in his naivety, rocked back ad forth methodically next to the prone form of Kagome. Miroku's restless mind was reflected in his unfocused gaze as he stared sightlessly into the roaring flames. Sango sat next to her brother Kohaku with Kilala cuddled between them, the three silently giving each other comfort. They did not even notice when the song of the wind suddenly ceased.


All it took was a few seconds for it to happen.


The campsite fire, the only source of warmth, was mysteriously extinguished. Kohaku's body immediately went rigid, and he suddenly dashed into the dark and foreboding woods.


"Kohaku!" Sango shouted for his return. Unable to release the brother so recently returned to her, she followed him from the campsite with Kilala at her side.


Panic filled Miroku as he watched Sango's form fade in the slight glow of the moonlight. He barely noted his heart-stopping fear of losing her before he found himself trailing after her.


"Wait!" Shippo shouted from Kagome's side. His eyes went round with unparalleled shock as a familiar voice returned his call, pleading for help in a pain-filled voice.


It was his father.


Even though Shippo knew this must be impossible, hope filled his young and impressionable heart. Without even realizing it, his feet carried him away from the clearing and toward the beloved voice.


As Shippo's footsteps faded, a sinister shadow fell across the unconscious Kagome.


The violet glow of the jewel flashed briefly in response to this new danger, and Kagome's fearful brown eyes snapped open to clash with a glaring red.




~End of Chapter 2~


Author's note: Was that expected? Too short? Tune in next time to find out what that evil bugger wants from Kagome! ^-^