InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My pirate (Inuyasha) ❯ darkness of life ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"your gonna be a fun one" he grinned"got the rum boys lets start the party" Yelled miroku
"come one girl, drink up",
"my name is kagome" she grabbed a bottle and chugged it to prove that she wasn't scared.'eww grose' she though
"how bout another one" he said grinning showing his fangs.
She already felt kinda tipsy, but she wouldnt admit that to her captors."no thank you" she said falling to the side, losing her balance. Two stronge clawed hands, grabbed around her waist as if it was reflex.
"feh" was all she heard, befor she was dropped to the ground.
"oww" she mumbled under her breath. she got up and walked over to the front of the ship. She stood there for the whole 'bash' thing in scilence, which made Inuyasha really pissed. He didn't no why but he couldn't stop looking at her.
"Captin wher'll we put that wench?" asked manten.
"umm where do you think we should place her."replied inuyasha not really listening because he was to busy looking at her.
"how about my quaters" hiten inturrupted
"No thats not far" manten said angerly. his eyes just about popping out." hiten always gets the good ones, I want her" Inuyasha just realizing what was going on
"she'll stay in the dungon or MY room ok" Inuyasha said, feeling kinda bad that he took away the girl from her home, but then forgot about it thinking of ways to woo her."fuck you" he said to no one inpreticular. He walked over to where she was, she seemed so lifeless, standing there looking out at the ocean."EH WENCH.....Dungon or my room." she turned around and starred at him. he long black hair hanging lose.
"what?" she said angerly
"do you want to sleep in my room, with me or in the dungon, with the rats and Hiten." he said with a slight grinn on his face, 'im gonna love to play with her mind'. he though.
"Hiten" her face turned white as a ghost."wait Hitens a prisoner?"
"No you Idiot, I'll send him down there to watch you while you sleep." he said with a chuckle. 'I know she'll pick me' he though happily. waiting for her obveous answer.
"I pick to stay with.......humm they're both horrible choices" she said as she put her finger up to her lip.
"god danmmit just pick already" he said tapping his shoe.
"fine I pick hiten and the dungon" she said
"what.........are you sure..... they are rats, bones, god knows what down they're" he said histerically. 'what the hell' he gritted his teeth, he was shocked, he was never turned down befor. he already hated this girl.
"I kinda like rats I had a pet rat once" she was being sarcastic he could tell.
"what were you parents, rats too" he said with veins popping out of his head. When he said that she looked as if she was going to cry. she shut up completely. He grabbed her tightly by the arm and dragged her down to the cell and threw her in. "hiten will be down soon, good and DRUNK." he said as he slammed the door.
He started walking up the stairs. he felt really bad for what he did but she deserved it, although she never did anything. "I guess I wont send down hiten." he said aloud.
"i gotta get out of here" Kagome said aloud, 'how would that inuyasha guy get out of here..... shit stop thinking about that jack ass. and how hes so rude and cruel and mean. why can't i stop thinking about him.?' she started crying, she noticed the door wasn't locked it was only slammed so hard it was stuck. she pushed on it, but it wouldn't move. she fineally gave up and turned around. The door sung open. she turned around but no one was there. she decided to wait untill night to go out and explore, who cares if she couldn't escape, she had to be free to explore away from this scary place called a cell, she should've said inuyasha room but her pride, you no she was dumb she'd edmitt it but thats all she had left.
oOOoOOoOOoOOoOOoOOoOOoO later that nightoOoOOoOOoOOoOOoOOoOOoO
'I wonder if that stupid girl found out about me unlocking the door.' he though with a grinn ' I'm gonna scare her shit less' shes gonna beg to sleep in my room'. he herd tiny foot steps outside on the main deck. he got ot of bed quietly and snuck out to start his plan.
'the ocean is so beautiful' she though 'why'd I have to be looking out at the ocean on THIS bloody boat....stupid inuyasha i wish he was sweeater to me, and was out here with me right now' "hummm" she sighed. she looked down at her ring and twirled it around her finger (the purple one she got on her ninth birthday)
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING OUT HERE" he yelled trying to hide his laugh.
"NOTHING" she yelled back, she looked really pissed, her eyes were filled with tears....." I no you left the door unlocked on purpous" she said.
"yeah i no i did..... why'd you come up then"
"I was scared" she said looking down "it was just like last time" she started crying. He went to hug her but she pushed him away.
"what happened last time" he said sounding concerned. she then told him about what happened with Naraku and souta and her mother. but she left out shikton no tama part.
"I'm so sorry" he said
"wait im not finish yet" she said then continued. " I was crying in my fathers arms, when naraku came back and wacked him in the head, knocking him out. he then grabbed my arm and.........." why was she telling him all this she felt like she could trust him for some weird reason, she looked at the ground the whole time. Inuyasha grabbed her chin lightly and raised her face and looked in her eyes
"hold that though" he whispered
"what? what do you mean?" she asked
"Here comes Naraku" kagome jumped in his arms and wrapped his arms around him.
"plea....plea..please dont let him get me." she cried in his shirt.
"I wont i promise"
"Oh look inuyasha and his wench kagome" naraku said slimely
"She's the farthest thing for a wench, literaly, what the fuck do you want ass hole"
"I want kagome give her to me and I wont kill you Halfbreed"
"your a hanyou to" Inuyasha complained
"so i'm better though" naraku said childishly
"thats makes no differnce" inuyasha said
"god danmmit give her to me" naraku said
"I have to protect her" Inuyasha yelled
"thats what you said to me" kikyou said harshfully
"Kikyou?" Inuyasha said sadfully
"YOU BETRAYED ME" she said as she shot an arrow at him. he fell to the ground. everything was turning black. he looked around for kagome, she was in naraku's arms struggling, he heard yells that fell to a whiper "Inuyasha help me"
"kagome, I promise" everything went black.
"Naraku please let me go" Kagome cried
"Shut up" yelled kikyou
"you shut the hell up" she said as she punched kikyou in the face knocking her out, 'I didn't think i could do that' she though
"com'on to my bed chambers the beds have been warmed"
"leave me alone" she yealled with tears rolling down her eyes."inuyasha help me" she whisperd in the wind.