InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Resistance Is Waning ❯ My Resistance is Waining ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Once again, Inu Yasha doesn't belong to me he belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. I am just in love with his brother, siiiiiigh. If anyone finds a real Sesshomaru out there I have first dibs on him!!!!
Songfic inspired by:
Your Rain
Music by: Akira Yamaoka
Performed by: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn
My Resistance is Waning
By Lillikyi
Dancing alone again, again the rain falling
Only the scent of you remains to dance with me
Tears fell down her face as she ran. Rocks dug into her bare feet, gouging out deep cuts and making her trip every so often. Her night gown was plastered to her small frame as she rushed through the pouring rain. Long black hair flew behind her in a tangled mess. `Why did I have to love you? Why did it have to be you? The only one I could never have…' Her heart was breaking, the pieces shattering as they collided with the bitter truth. She could still smell his scent… Funny, that was more his area than hers. It just seemed to stick in her senses. When she buried her face in his long silver hair… the exotic spicy scent just burned into her brain. And now it tormented her…
I never wanted to ever bring you down
All that I need are some simple loving words
`All I ever wanted to do is love you. I never wanted to hurt you or cage you… unlike her. And now… it's all over. I can't stand it anymore… I can't take it!' She couldn't stay; she had to get out of there. This place had too many memories, memories that taunted her. The night held so many tortures that made her soul cry out in pain. She was just a cheap substitute… nothing more…
You touched my body once, it burns me still softly
Never forgets, never again will be, I cry
She could still feel the warmth of his skin, the caress of his hair against her check. One moment of weakness that would torture her forever. Her skin still burned hotly where he had caressed her, his hand running down her shoulder, the other pulling her to him… `Noooooo! Make the memories go away. I can't take them anymore!' She ran to her escape, to the well that was her salvation and her curse. It was the only way out. If he caught her beforehand… `No! I can't let him find me!' She ran faster.
Out of my head and I don't know what I found
Over and over I feel it break me down
The portal carried her to another place, another time. She rushed past the shrine and house she loved so well… `I'll never see them again. I love you mom, Souta… please don't cry. I just can't take it anymore. I need release from the emotion, from the pain, from him…' The tears ran in fast succession down her cheeks, mixing with the rain. She kneeled under the tree that gave life… and took it, placing her palms on it and resting her face against it. `Inu Yasha. I loved you so much. I'm nothing to you. I saw you kiss her tonight. You kissed Kikyo, you embraced her like there was no tomorrow. There is no future for me…'
On the sidewalk of the city are my screams just a whisper
Busy people going nowhere see me soak in the rain
He ran as fast as he could. He followed her scent, the vanilla and cherry almond that he knew so well. `No! She doesn't understand! Where is she going? What is she doing! I can't lose her now… I've only just found her!' He ran through the village on the way to the portal. They stared at the boy curiously. He was afraid and running with superhuman speed. His red haori plastered to his body as he ran through the rain, but he ignored it. There was no discomfort worth the energy of taking precious time of searching for his love… his Kagome…
No compassion, nothing matters, my resistance is waning
Like a flower in the basement waiting for a lonely death
Nothing mattered anymore. It was all over, she couldn't stand it. Kagome reached down for the knife she always kept strapped to her ankle. It gleamed as the rain ran in rivulets down the blade. `Inu Yasha… I love you so much. I do this for you, so that you can be with her and forget me, so that I can stand the pain of you choosing her, now I can leave this world that has caused so much anguish.' This blade was the only answer left, the only one that would give her peace.
Out of my head and I don't know what I found
Over and over I feel it break me down
He jumped out of the well, his senses telling him something was wrong. He panicked and ran to where he knew that she would be… where they first met… the well. Kagome was kneeling beneath the tree, he screamed in anguish and what he found. She was holding a blade, about to slice open her wrist. Those beautiful hands that had held him so close today… he was going to loose her over one stupid mistake! And she didn't even know the truth! He made it to her in one leap, knocking the blade from her hand and picked her up, pulling her into his lap as he sat with his back against the old life giving tree. He was breathing heavily as he hugged her to him, the salt of her tears beating against his senses.
“What did you think you were doing?!!!! Kagome, I love you! How could you leave me?! You're my life, my world! I don't want anything else!” He caressed her face, licking away her tears and making soft whimpering noises.
Kagome recoiled, the anguish in her heart driving her insane. “I saw you with her! Right after you left me! I couldn't take it. I know you love Kikyo and want to go to hell with her, now's your chance. Go and leave me to die in peace Inu Yasha!” She turned her head to the side, her eyes full of pain as more tears fell. `It was ripping her apart. Couldn't he see that?!!!'
“I was saying goodbye Kagome! I told her I loved you! That I wouldn't go to hell with her! I belong to you, no one else. And I'll NEVER let you leave me! I LOVE YOU! You're MINE!” She searched his face, looking for the truth, some indication that what he spoke was true. She found it in the golden orbs that stared at her so relentlessly and lovingly. He pulled her close and saw the wonder in her eyes, the love she never could disguise.
They kissed there under the tree that had given them life and brought them together. The rain stopped and the wind swirled around the couple and the stars gleamed bright as two souls rejoiced in each other.
No compassion, nothing matters, my resistance is waning
Like a flower in the basement waiting for a lonely death
She couldn't shed tears; she could only let the emotions show in her eyes, hatred, rage, and loneliness. He had chosen another over her. `Inu Yasha, how could you? How could you leave me to face death alone… again?” Her body started to crumble as what was left of her soul left her. She cried out in pain as the last of her existence was ripped away because she lost the only one she had ever loved…
So, whatcha'll think? I wanted to try a one shot angst/love theme. I hope it came out okay! I know I won't get many reviews since it's just one chapter, but I had to get it out there anywaz. I love all my reviewers!
Sess: Yes, she does. *Pulls her to him.* And I love her…
Lillikyi: Awww. *Hugs him.* I love my favorite Inu Demon babe…