InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Rose Maid ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter one

Rin grabbed a pile of clothes and went out the Master's door, through the long, wide corridor, down the binding steps, through the basement door, and into the laundry room. It was her turn to do Sesshomaru's washing, she did it every Wednesday. Most of the piles consisted of business suits, dress shirts, and slacks. Sesshomaru was a wealthy owner of a company she didn't even know of. She was only a maid. One of her jobs was to not be nosy, if so she would have it.

Sesshomaru had long silky silver hair, steel golden eyes, and a lean but fit body. He never smiled, or at least she'd never seen him smile. Its said when you do, its the last thing you ever see. She shuddered. He has never looked at her, Jaken was the one who hired her, and told her to get to work once she got there the day after. She had her own room on the top floor, a small room. The top floor was the floor where the servants, maids, butlers, and workers who didn't have their own home lived. She didn't get paid very much, mainly because she didn't have bills anyone else would have that had a house. She got enough just to get clothes, and her own food. (With the addition of the food given to her at dinner, and in the workers kitchen) they treated her pretty well, they didn't abuse her or anything like some people did to their workers, and they didn't over work her. If she got sick they would quickly get her any medical attention she needed and give her as much time off as she needed.

Rin stuffed the dress shirts in one washing machine, the suit coats in another, slacks in the third and blushing she stuffed his boxers and underwear into the last. She always got a kick of the boxers he had. Some of them had the traditional red hearts, others had puppies and some were just white or red. She, of course couldn't tell a soul of what she saw in the house, or while working. But, she wrote most of it in her dairy, which she kept in a small safe Jaken had given her for her valuables.

"From the looks of it, you don't have a lot. But, its a requirement." He said to her, the dairy was the only thing that she put in there. At first she got it just to have something to put in the safe, now it was close to her life line. She wrote about almost everything she saw or heard, everyday, as much as she could. She had the key around her neck, as well as a charm her father gave to her when she moved out. She knew that if Sesshomaru saw it he'd just plain out kill her, she wrote about him a lot. He wouldn't be a happy puppy.

Sesshomaru was a dog demon, the Lord of dog demons really. She gave him the nickname of "The Puppy" when she first talked about him in her dairy, and there for he was what she was referring to when she wrote the nickname. She smiled to herself when she thought about it, if only she got to meet him, and get close to him one day. She'd tell him everything she wrote in the dairy.

"What are you so happy about?" Said a voice from the door. Rin looked over, prepared to explain herself for not working, but relaxed when she only saw one of the other maids that worked in the mansion.

"N-Nothing..." Rin said quickly, and started on folding.

"Nothing? That wasn't a 'nothing' type of smile, who were you thinking about?" The other maid asked. Rin didn't know her name, there was to many to remember.

"Oh, you know. Just thinking happy thoughts." She said and smiled, grabbed the folded clothes and raced out of the room. She wanted to hide the blush across her cheeks. She headed back to Sesshomaru's room to deliver his clothes. When she got there she saw that his door was closed, and locked. He was home.

She knocked on the door and put her ear to the wood. "Mister Sesshomaru-Sama?" She said as formally as she could muster, "I have clothes for you."

"Put them in front of the door." A smooth, velvet, calm voice swam through the door. She blushed a deeper red, he sounded so romantic. She placed the clothes on the floor gently, and backed away from the door, almost ready for him to swing the door open, and say thank you.


She blinked, and walked down the hallway. "Your welcome..." She said quietly, and headed to her room. For little did she know he heard her sarcastic reply. Sesshomaru got up from his bed, and walked to the door. His acute hearing told him she was headed to the top floor. He continued to listen and heard her go into the room the furthest to the west. Over his own room. She had the smallest room of all the maids.

Sesshomaru opened his door to see the pile of clothes on the floor, Puppy dog boxers on the top.


Rin opened the door to her room, and skipped to her bed. Her bed was a small bed, only about a single bed. She was a small girl. She took her necklace off, and walked over to her safe and unlocked it. She grabbed her dairy and pulled out the pen she always used.


I had to do Sesshomaru's washing again, his boxers always make my day. (giggle) When I was done, I went to put them back but he was home. I knocked on his door for him to take his clothes but he said to just put them on the floor. I did. And he didn't even say thank you! How rude. He is rude now that I think of it. I bet he doesn't even have a girlfriend because of his rudeness.

Rin closed her dairy, with nothing else to write, and changed into her nightgown. The nightgown only went down to her thighs, and frilled at the bottom, it was purple, and made of silk. It was the second thing she bought when she came to work under Sesshomaru, a robe soon after Jaken saw it. She knew Sesshomaru would have a cow if he saw it, she even explained it in the Dairy. She planned for him to never see it, and planned to wear it only in her room. Or maybe, at 2 am in the morning, when he was apparently asleep.

But he wasn't, he'd seen her already, and just didn't pay heed to it. Rin never knew that he saw, she always thought he was asleep. Once in a while, when something brought her down, she'd go to the big, elaborate family room, that he never went in. Sometimes she'd cry, and her muffled sobs could be heard by him even in his room. She'd had a panic attack multiple times, and he had to fight the craving to help her. One night he decided to check out which maid was crying, and saw her in the same nightgown. She didn't wear her robe over it, and shivered as she cried.

The gown showed off her long legs, and her hourglass frame, and her skin would glow slightly in the moonlight. She looked so fragile, and her body, voice and scent was amazing. All she needed was Angel wings.

But he never showed this.

He knew it was the same maid that tried to deliver his clothes, and refused to open the door because of it. He didn't know her name though, he just noted her as The Maid in his mind. He knew she knew him, every worker knew who he was, everyone knew who he was. He was the best, and no one could challenge him and live to tell anyone about it. He was proud to be what he is, a dog demon, The Lord Dog Demon of The Western Lands.

He was the best out there, some say he was better then his father was. His father, the formal Lord of the West. Him and his father had some things in common, some things they didn't. At first glance you would tell that his father had different marks. His father had more delighting eyes, with more life, thicker purple streaks on his cheeks, and his eye brows were more defined. He had longer hair then Sesshomaru, and his bangs made a different then his son's.

Sesshomaru had a crescent moon on his forehead, and two almost magenta thin streaks on his cheek, and well as on his wrists. Unlike his father's eyes, his showed no life. His eyebrows were almost invisible. He let his hair fall at his back, and he wore dress shirts more then suits.

Both men had pink over their eyes, and both had the silky silvery hair, and both had golden pools for eyes. One thing that Sesshomaru knew was different, was that his father was attracted to humans. He wasn't. Why, humans were only workers, or else they were worthless. The smell of a normal human was enough to make his sensitive nose burn with disgust, but The Maids scent was different. She smelled like roses, and her scent would flare up after she took a bath, or shower.

Rin crawled under her heavy quilts and settled in once she put her dairy away. She forgot to get the laundry, but would get up early, before everyone else and do it. She did that a lot. She reached over to her alarm clock, and set it to 4 instead of 6. Tomorrow was going to be a long day, and sighed. She rested her head on the pillow, and closed her eyes, falling right to sleep.


Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow at the pile of clothes, the other maids would place his boxers in the middle, was she rubbing it in? He growled quietly in his throat. How dare she. He looked up at her room, there was no more foot steps to be heard, she had gone to sleep. That's what always woke him up, was her foot steps. The soft pitter-pattering of her small feet going around the room at 2 in the morning, it always ticked him off. He could never get any sleep if she was walking. Then, she would sniffle, and hiccup all the way down the hallway until she got to the living room, after that she hid her face into a pillow, and screamed. That scream would always ring in his ears the most, and made him sit straight up and resist to run down and smack her.

He dressed into a pair of boxers, and climbed into his bed. He could sleep in tomorrow, so he didn't bother to set his alarm. Maybe he could relax tomorrow instead of working with his very annoying clients. He wasn't one to sleep much, but tonight he was just drained. His brother was coming in the next few days, he needed all the sleep he could possibly get.

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My first chapter! I need 5 reveiws to have a second one, just to make sure you like it. <3 I hope you did.