InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Rose Maid ❯ Chapter two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Last time:

Rin crawled under her heavy quilts and settled in once she put her dairy away. She forgot to get the laundry, but would get up early, before everyone else and do it. She did that a lot. She reached over to her alarm clock, and set it to 4 instead of 6. Tomorrow was going to be a long day, and sighed. She rested her head on the pillow, and closed her eyes, falling right to sleep.


He dressed into a pair of boxers, and climbed into his bed. He could sleep in tomorrow, so he didn't bother to set his alarm. Maybe he could relax tomorrow instead of working with his very annoying clients. He wasn't one to sleep much, but tonight he was just drained. His brother was coming in the next few days he needed all the sleep he could possibly get.

~*~My Rose Maid Continued ~*~

The alarm went off, making Rin reach over to smack it. She was a very light sleeper, and wished Jaken would have provided her with a more gentle alarm. She sat up in her bed, and looked out the window. She always looked out the window when she woke up, sometimes expecting it to be sunny, or snowy. She loved to be the first one of the day to see the weather. She smiled, a purple line, with a tint of crimson red graced the horizon. Perfect, she'd be awake to see the sun rise.

She stood up, and walked to the balcony. Each room had a balcony, and she loved it. Sometimes, she'd sit out there in the night, and just stare at the stars. Even make wishes on them. She opened the glass and screen door, and walked out side. She was welcomed by a soft, but chilling breeze. She shivered. Over all, it was a wonderful morning, and she smiled then drew in a breath. She quickly retreated back inside, for the cold in the air was too much to take on her weak skin.
She walked back into her room, and put on her robe. All she needed to do was take the laundry out, then she could get to bed by five, and get up again at six. Simple. Rin opened her door slowly and peeked out. No sign of life yet.


Sesshomaru growled and opened his eyes. She was up. Why would she be up at this time of the morning?! He hated her alarm, it was loud and ringed through his sensitive ears. He heard her door be opened oh so slowly, and hesitation. She was checking if anyone had woken up. How stupid, why should she care what the other people in the house thought of her. Except him, of course. He over ruled everyone.

He already smelled the fresh air too she had opened her balcony door. She was just strange. Sometimes, he'd smell her sitting outside just starring at the stars. What kind of idiot would stare at distant planets that just die out? He always wondered about her intelligence. Sometimes shed be crying too, and he always wondered if anyone would hear her.
Sesshomaru laid there for a moment, listening to her. She wasn't moving she's so careful, it bugged him. What a push over. He got up from his conformable bed, and put on a robe. This morning was going to be the morning he was going to tell her to stop waking up, it was getting on his nerves. That girl, had no respect.


Rin shuffled out of her room, and down the hall. Trying her hardest not to wake Jaken, or even Sesshomaru up. She went past the other maid's rooms and stopped at the top of the stairs. She peeked down, and searched for any sign or life. Nothing, good. She tip toed down the spinning stairway, and stopped at the second floor. This was Sesshomaru's floor, is she made one noise that could wake him up, she was in trouble.
Slowly, she put on foot in front of the other and walked down the hallway, then stopped in front of his door, and put her ear to the door. No sound, that's good right?

"Need something?" A smooth, strong voice rang through her ears. The voice had a tint of ice in it. Uh oh...
Rin spun around to see a dark figure. The only thing she could see was silver, and a gold shine. It was Sesshomaru, she knew his height. "N-No! I was just.." She didn't finish her sentence, for he interrupted.

"Just snooping around?" Sesshomaru said, as he stepped into the moon light. Rin gasped, he was beautiful. The shine of the mood danced through his hair, and shone his facial features perfectly. He was wearing a robe loosely, so she could see part of his perfect chest. Not a scar on him, no flaws, he was like an Ice Angel. She was smacked out of her thoughts when she heard his voice again. "I don't like it when people wake me up in the middle of the night girl," He started. Girl. He'd called her girl, he didn't even know his name. "If you were smart, and sane you'd stay in your room, and not come out until the time workers are needed."

"I have a name." Was all she could say. She said it so quietly, that he stiffened and looked at her with a challenged stare.

"Excuse me?" Sesshomaru said, he had to prevent a growl from erupting.

She flinched, and looked down. "My name isn't girl..." She said, and looked up at him. "Its Rin."

"I don't care," He snarled, and pushed past her to get to his room. Dismissing her like she was a bug. "Go back to bed. 'Girl.'" Sesshomaru reached over to his door knob, and froze when he heard a whimper, and the scent of salt. She was going to cry, he turned around to see her head down. He didn't get a chance to even tell her to shut up, for she already ran off, down to the first floor, and into the living room. Great, the bitch was crying now. What's next? He didn't have a chance to go after her, or to even yell at Jaken, because a small tune came from his room. His cell phone. He looked down at his watch, and saw that it was 4:47. This is WAY too early.

He walked back into his room, ignoring the sobs, and picked up the phone. "What?"

"Aww...How rude. Answering in such a way to your favorite brother!"

"I'm an only child."

The voice on the other line chuckled. "I wish I was too. I'm on my way, I'm getting on the plane. I'll be there in less then 4 hours if they know how to fly right...Who's crying?" Sesshomaru could tell he could hear the Maid downstairs. Stupid ears.

"Just a maid."

"What did you do? Rape her?"

"Shut it. She's just a weak human. She'll be fired tomorrow."

"Wow, and I thought I was an ass..."

"You are."

"Not as much as you. Save her till I get there, I want to meet her."


"Because. I'll see you later."


He scowled and walked down the stairs. He followed the sent of tears to the basement where the laundry room. She was doing the washing, now? He silently walked to the door frame and watched her. She was rubbing her eyes, making them puffy and red, and was murmuring under her breath.

"How rude, I hate him, such a jerk. What a horrible boss." She would say, with a rainbow of colorful words after words. Sesshomaru cocked an eyebrow, testy testy.

Rin turned around and screamed. Sesshomaru quickly covered his ears and growled at her. He ran over to her, and covered her mouth, leaning in only 3 inches from her face, his eyes red, and said in an icy, low voice, "Scream again, and I'll kill you." She whimpered, but made no sign of screaming again. "Understand?" He asked, she nodded. He uncovered her mouth slowly, but stayed in the same position.

Rin gasped for breath, and leaned her head against the wall. "Sorry..."

Sesshomaru decided to get right down to the point of the visit. "Someone wants to meet you, they heard you crying over the phone. They're coming today, so go back up stairs and make yourself look alive." He said, looking at her pale skin, puffy eyes, and ruffled hair. "If you make one false move, you'll regret it. Wear a dress."

Rin looked at him. They heard her through the phone? She paused her thoughts and shook her head. "I don't have a dress..."

"Why the Hell not?"

"I haven't bought one..."

"What happened to your parents? They decided to have you dress male?"


"Fine, then go to your room and get your makeup on, I'll find a dress. Any thing you would have picked would have been inappropriate anyway."

"I don't wear makeup..."

"What are you?"


"Shut up, every girl wears make up. Why don't you?"

"I don't like it."

"Your so odd."

"Sorry sir." Rin looked down, this was the very first time talking to him one on one and it was going as good as flying.

"Don't say sorry, go clean yourself up. You look like a horse." He growled out, and looked her up and down. Secretly, to him
she looked like a fallen Angel, but she wasn't going to hear that. Fresh tears formed at the angles of her eyes, and her bottom lip trembled. A small, pale hand rose up, and collided with his face. She'd smacked him! That little...

"You ass!" She yelled, twirling away from him, and stomping to her room.

____________________________________________________________ ______
I got tired of waiting for people to comment. xD; So, yeah heres the second chapter! I know it was super short. O.o; Bite me.

:edit: Yeah, I know. It was pretty hard to read before.