InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Sassy Girlfriend ❯ The Drunk Girl ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Here's a new story by me! Well, I needed a change so I'm starting a new one. It's based on the Korean movie My Sassy Girlfriend. I'm not Korean, but my dad got a Korean dvd and it was a good idea to make a Inuyasha fanfic from it. Well, I'm starting the story.

My Sassy Girlfriend

Chapter One

The Drunk Girl

Inuyasha's POV

"Yo. My name is Inuyasha Fukumori. I'm 25 years old and still in college. Toudai to be exact. Tokyo U for all you Americans. Wait hold on. My cell's ringing."

Regular POV

"Who's this? I'm eating my fucking dinner! Who's interrupting my dinner?" Inuyasha nearly yelled into the phone. "It's your mother bastard!" Rumi yelled angrily. (A/N: Inuyasha's mom doesn't exactly have a name so go with this one. Inuyasha's mom and dad are kind of mean in this story. So is Kagome's. Sorry!) "Ack! Gomen ofukuro! SHHHH! People are staring at me!" Inuyasha hissed. "Don't shush me! Are you in Tokyo? Go visit your aunt! She wants to see you!" Rumi practically screamed. "Alright alright! I'll go! Bye!" Inuyasha hung up on her and paid for his cheap dinner.

Inuyasha's POV

I glanced out the window and saw this really pretty girl. But she was sort of out of it. She looked really pretty but was a little clumsy. She had a tired look and was bumping into stuff. She's exactly my type. I can't help it when I see a girl that's my type.

Regular POV

Inuyasha walked out the door and started for the subway. He glanced at the colorful lights and continued to walk but faster. He couldn't miss the subway. It was the last one before 10:00. He went down the escalator and in the middle of the stupid safety announcement about staying behind the yellow line, the same girl that he saw bumping into things, was standing and sleeping at the same time. She was near the edge and Inuyasha made a break for it before she was hit and dragged by the subway.

He ran towards her, his speed faster than the subway, and grabbed the girl. The girl glared at him but was obviously drunk. Her face was pale and her hair covered her face like a net. When they got in, Inuyasha stared at the drunk girl when the train suddenly jerked and she bumped into a pole. The girl noticed that Inuyasha was staring at her. He was suddenly interested in the window and turned his head away from her.

Inuyasha's POV

She's my type but I don't like her. Drunk girls disgust me. But she is very pretty.


She moved towards the right and her head began to droop. The person sitting below her looked up and stared at her closed eyes. Inuyasha began to snicker as the girl's head began to droop down to the guy's lap. An old man began to look at Inuyasha. Inuyasha turned his head towards the drunk girl and the old man walked towards the girl. When the old man reached the place where the girl was, the old man cleared his throat and began to look down and the young man sitting below the girl and him.

"Hey get up! Offer your seat to the elder!" The girl yelled. The guy gazed up at the girl and huffed. Then he grinned slightly and popped his gum. The girl began to get agitated and hit the guy on the head. "Hey!" The guy yelled at grumbled something under his breath. He glared at her and the girl stared back. She staggered a little and yelled, "Go!"

He finally got up. "Hey, don't wear pink." She drunkenly pointed at his pink and white shirt. The old man sat down where the guy was sitting and smiled at the girl. Her expression changed and she smiled a little.

After a while, she started to feel nauseous. She made a sick face and swallowed it down. She puffed out her cheek and let the air go. Then she lay her head on the pole, staggering to stay up. She coughed. Getting the feeling again, she tried to swallow it but was unsuccessful.

Inuyasha made a disgusted face and cringed. Throwing up was the worst thing that could happen in the subway. She swallowed again and brought her hand up to her mouth. Inuyasha's eyes bugged out and at that moment, she finally threw up. All over the elderly man. The old man cringed at made a disgusted face. The girl sighed and closed her eyes again. The old man gritted his teeth and took off his toupee that was covering his bald spot. He gasped at his ruined toupee and made a crying face.

The girl threw up on his bald spot and the old man cringed again, glaring at the drunken girl. She turned to Inuyasha and managed to mumble "Honey." and collapsed onto the floor. "You! You! Take care of this!" The old man yelled and pointed his wrinkled finger at him. "I'm not!" Inuyasha declared and in surprise backed up to the wall. "You are! Take care of everything!" The old man yelled again. "I'm not." Inuyasha grumbled but the old man yelled, "You are! Think I'm stupid? Come over here!"

"Inuyasha opened his mouth and tried to say something but sighed and gave up. He walked over to the old man and took off his sweatshirt. All the young ladies gasped at his toned muscles. His muscle shirt was revealing everything! "Are you laughing? Why didn't you look after her?" The old man demanded but Inuyasha couldn't say anything. "Hurry and do something!" The old man yelled. Sighing, Inuyasha took his sweatshirt and wiped the old man. Then the door opened. They were at their destination. Inuyasha threw his sweatshirt at the old man and ran out the door picking the girl up on the way. "Baka boy!" The old man yelled and shook his fist.

Inuyasha picked the girl up and carried her piggyback style. He ran towards the nearest motel and groaned in pain. The innkeeper gasped at Inuyasha and sarcastically said, "Wow, your girlfriend is wasted!" "It's not my fault!" Inuyasha said exhausted. "Of course it is! I know everything!" The innkeeper declared. "You see, we're engaged." Inuyasha said making up a lie. "Western or Japanese style?" The innkeeper asked. "Just give me any room." Inuyasha gasped. "Alright. Here's the key." Inuyasha took the key in his mouth and looked at the number. "405? None on the first floor?" Inuyasha almost whined. "Fourth floor!" The innkeeper said and pushed Inuyasha towards the stairs.

When Inuyasha finally reached room 405, he opened the door and the lights flickered on. Inuyasha ran towards the bed and threw the girl down. There was a knock on the door. "Hey. You forgot to check in. 400,000 yen kid." Inuyasha groaned and threw the money at the innkeeper. "Goodnight." He grumbled. The innkeeper smiled and nodded. Inuyasha rolled his eyes and shut the door. He stared at the girl and sat down. Then he sighed and decided to take a shower.

Few minutes later Inuyasha was busy scrubbing at his long silver hair and dirty clothes. He scrubbed his jeans and t-shirt clean and washed them off nice and clean but wet. He hung his clothes on the line that was available and tried to dry them with the hair dryer. He squeezed all the water all of the clothing and shook them off. They were only halfway dry.

Realizing that he had nothing else to wear, he walked naked into the place where they had the towels and grabbed on as fast as he could and flew back into the bathroom.

He wrapped the towel around his waist. "Whew. That was close." He muttered in relief and waited for his clothes to dry. After about an hour, it was morning. He put his clothes back on and ran out the door, leaving the girl in the motel room. He ran back to his own house and grumbled a good morning to his mother. "You were in Tokyo right?" She asked cheerfully. "Yes." He muttered and walked towards the hallway where his room. She hit him with the vacuum that she was currently holding and whacked him a couple of times till Inuyasha admitted that he didn't go to his aunt's house.

Inuyasha's POV

"I'm so unlucky.. All because of a drunk girl. I want to die.. You know me now right? I'm a typical student. An engineering major. Study? I'm smart but I never study. My parents can prove that.


Inuyasha's cell rings. "Moshi-moshi?" He asked sleepily. "Who are you, asshole?" A girl's voice screamed. "What? Who's this?" His eyes widened but he still asked. "Why were you naked in a motel with me? Come out! To the Tokyo station now! See you." She yelled. Inuyasha suddenly realized who it was. It was that drunk girl from yesterday! ______________________________+___________________________________

T hat's all for now!!! Dun dun dun! What's going to happen next? You'll find out soon! Well, It's okay for a story huh? Well, R&R! Ja ne, Miyuki-Chan