InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Sassy Girlfriend ❯ The Party ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wow, so many reviews! Thanks so much!!! *Hugs computer screen* Hehe. Lol. Well, I'm gonna type!! Read on..

My Sassy Girlfriend

Chapter Three

The Party

"Sorry Kagome, but I saw your ID card and it said you are 24. I'm a year older, so if you talk down on me again." Inuyasha said. "Then let's talk like friends." Kagome said. "Fuck! My mom is going to hit me with the vacuum again!" Inuyasha shouted at Kagome and muttered something bad under his breath. "Stay with me and you'll get good luck. Or I'll kill you." Kagome glared at him and shot him a death look.

"Or I'll kill you!" Inuyasha mocked using a high and puny voice. "Inuyasha. Shut the hell up. Asshole." She muttered. "How'd you know my name? Tell me you wench!" He yelled. "When I called your cell, it said your name on my cell. No duh! You're so stupid." She said rolling her eyes.

"You're the one who's stupid! Why'd you call me honey? I mean if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be in so much trouble with my mom. I wouldn't get hit with a vacuum, and I wouldn't have had to bring you to the motel twice!" He shouted and shot a dirty look at her.

"Whatever. I kind of remember calling you honey. Anyways, you got hit with a vacuum? How pathetic is that?" She asked. "It's my mom's fault. Not mine." Inuyasha grumbled.

"Meet me at Tokyo station. Bring one of your guy friends or best friend. I don't care. I'll bring my best friend. See ya." She smiled a little and walked away.

Inuyasha's POV

She my type when she's not drunk. Well, I guess I'll bring Miroku. Girls like him at first but after a while, they figure out he's a damn pervert. That stupid lecher. Can't keep his hands of girls. ______________________+______________________

Author's POV

"Hey Miroku. Instead of going to that weird club that you like so much, this girl named Kagome wants you to meet her friend. Well, I'll bring some beers and all that shit and stuff. Whatever. Bring something. See ya." Inuyasha hung up on his cell and walked the rest of the way home looking at the scenery. * * *

Kagome's POV

"Sango-chan! I brought your favorite! Green Tea ice cream manju!" Kagome knocked on Sango's room doorframe. "Kagome-chan! I'm ready to meet the your boyfriend! Also, his friend. Say, have you ever kissed him? Or hugged? Hmm?" Sango smirked at her best friend and winked. "Sango-chan!" Kagome blushed about 10 shades of red. "Just kidding! Well, anyway, I bought some beer and some sake. Also, I bought coke and sprite just in case we need a change of taste. The chips, pocky, popcorn, and stuff are already loaded in to the cupboard." Sango remarked.

"Great! Now, tell me about your Spanish final. I got an A. 96%! Isn't that cool? My lowest score was an A. 95%. What about you?" Kagome asked. "I got a B+. It was about an 85%." Sango sighed. "Oh. Gomen Sango-chan. Well, I'll help you study!" Kagome grinned. "Arigato Kagome-chan. Well, let's walk to Tokyo station." Sango said.

At Tokyo Station

"Oi perv, where do you think the girls are?" Inuyasha grumbled. "Don't call me perv. I'm your best friend for crying out loud! Spare me some politeness! Shit, I only act like that cuz I wanna get a girlfriend! I'm still free. It's also a family curse." Miroku grinned the perverted grin at a pretty girl.

"Politeness my ass! It's so fucking cheap, that act of yours. Shut the hell up. The girl's are coming towards us." Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "Will you bear my child?" Miroku ran towards Sango and held her hands. "Hentai!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET THE HELL OFF OF ME! YOU STUPID HENTAI PERSON!" Sango yelled and everybody shut up and stared at Miroku and Sango.

"Inuyasha! Why'd you bring a perverted friend? Wh-" Kagome couldn't finish her sentence when Miroku's hand was in an inappropriate place. "You Hentai!! Get your hands off of my butt!" Kagome shouted and slapped Miroku, leaving two bright red hand marks on his face. "Why me?" He whined and fell to the ground. "You're never gonna get a girl like that." Inuyasha muttered and shook his head.

"Why'd you bring a guy like that? I'm gonna kill you." Kagome asked angrily. "He's isn't perverted a lot. He's just perverted when you first meet him." Inuyasha lied. "That better be true or I'll kill you." Kagome warned.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes and walked towards Kagome. Sango and Miroku walked near each other, Miroku glancing at Sango's butt occasionally. Kagome pulled Inuyasha's hand and his face was as bright as a tomato. Kagome smiled to herself but turned a fair pink herself.

When they reached Sango's house, they made the boys stand at the kitchen counter. "We'll be right back." Kagome and Sango chorused. "Whatever.." Inuyasha muttered. Kagome ran into Sango's bedroom and brought the plastic bags and ran back into the kitchen. "Here, I bought some sake and beer, dvds, and some snacks." Kagome said. Kagome showed them the Asahi beer, a Korean dvd and some anime dvds, and the green tea manju with the pocky and stuff. "So what are we going to do first?" Inuyasha asked. "EAT! I'll order some of Ukyo's Okonomiyaki. Is that alright with you?" Sango asked. "Yeah." The boys replied.

"Ok, so one original and one special please?" Sango ordered on the phone. "Yeah thanks." She continued. "So, it'll probably be here in 5 minutes?" Kagome asked. "Yeah. Probably. It usually is." Sango replied and took the Green Tea manju out of the freezer. She ripped open the box and pulled out a manju. "Mmm." She said as she ate it happily. Kagome and Inuyasha came up and stuck their hands in the box and tried to get a manju. They ended up linking each other's fingers together. Inuyasha had a bright pink stain on his cheeks and Kagome turned a bright red. They ripped their hands away and grabbed a manju. Turns out they grabbed for the same one. They pulled at it and eventually the manju ripped in half. Kagome gasped and pulled her hand out of the box. She got the big half so she grinned and bit the manju so Inuyasha wouldn't be able to take it from her.

"Stupid girl." He muttered and bit into his half. It was pretty good! Miroku watched the two and snickered to himself. They went good together. Same attitude, smirk, and personality.

Kagome walked upstairs to Sango's room and sat on the floor. Inuyasha glanced at her when she walked up and decided to follow. Sango had already started an anime dvd and Miroku went to join her. "Kagome?" Inuyasha said. "Hmm?" She looked up at Inuyasha and noticed his cute doggy ears twitching. She giggled and got up to touch them. She had a sudden urge to pet them. "What's so funny?" He asked, cocking his head to his side. She giggled again and her hand reached out to touch it. As soon as she touched it, she gasped when a rumble came out of Inuyasha's chest. Kagome blushed but she continued to pet his ears.

"More.." He purred/growled but he tried to shake off that feeling of wanting. But he couldn't fight his instincts. He finally pried Kagome's hands off his head and blushed a dark red. Kagome turned fairly red and blinked for a second. Inuyasha came closer and closer to her face and were only about a half an inch away from each other's lips.

Then he pounced on her so she was on the ground. He wiggled his fingers on her stomach, making her squirm from the tickles. "Promise you won't do that in public? Or somebody's house? You sure? Cause, I won't let you go till you answer." Inuyasha pressed his claws against her t-shirt, making her squirm more. "Inuyasha! Stop it!" She giggled and gasped.

Then Miroku and Sango came upstairs to see what all the commotion was all about. "Oh my kami.." Miroku's mouth dropped to the floor. "Kagome-chan.. I thought we swore that we wouldn't lose our virginity until we were 25. or married." Sango gasped and stared at Inuyasha. "Inuyasha you sly dog you." Miroku smirked and smiled a perverted grin. "Shut the hell up both of you! I wasn't seducing her for Pete's sake!" Inuyasha blushed a darker red and tried to convince his perverted friend.

"Sango-chan! I wasn't going to have well you know with Inuyasha, and I.. I.. and we did make that promise.." Kagome said in a tiny voice, still under Inuyasha's body. She blushed a brighter red and turned her head in shame. Inuyasha's head on top of Kagome's, also in shame and embarrassment. He sighed and got off of Kagome and Sango and Miroku left. "Gomen nasai, Kagome. I didn't mean too, well.." Inuyasha stumbled. "It's okay, I mean, I like you a lot, but that was really embarrassing." Kagome admitted, turning a darker shade of red.

"Same.. Well, just forget about it ok?" Inuyasha said while standing up. They walked their separate ways and down to the front door where Sango was thanking and paying the okonomiyaki guy. "Arigatou! Ja ne!" Sango called out as the guy walked out the door. Kagome glanced at Sango and then sat down on the couch watching Hannibal. Kagome and Sango both cringed together and huddled near Miroku and Inuyasha. Kagome was welcomed into Inuyasha's arms but Sango hesitated to go into Miroku's. She stared a cold stare at Miroku but Miroku didn't exactly look perverted now. His dark purple-brown eyes stared at her and his black hair was tied into a dragon-tail.

He nodded and sighed in defeat. He couldn't do anything perverted or she'd beat him to death. She smiled and looked back at the tv screen. A horrid face was on it and it was scaring the crap out of her. She moved closer to Miroku and gripped his hand, while Kagome snuggled deeper into Inuyasha's chest.

The room was silent but Inuyasha grabbed a slice of the okonomiyaki and bit into it. Kagome giggled and grabbed it from him. "Hey! What the hell was that for?" Inuyasha hissed, not wanting to disturb Miroku and Sango and the movie. "Hehe." Kagome laughed softly, and bit into the okonomiyaki. Sango smiled at Kagome then turned her head towards the screen again. At least it wasn't a horrible face. But it was still scary. She moved closer and closer to Miroku until they were about 2 inches away from each other.

Kagome giggled at Miroku's slightly red face and Inuyasha snorted at Sango who was almost on top of Miroku. Then when Sango reached Miroku's lap, they both howled in laughter. They rolled onto the ground and moved towards the tv. "What the fuck is wrong with you two?" Miroku shouted making Sango move a little bit away from Miroku.

"It's so-hehe-funny because-hehe- Sango-hehe- was on top of you and then- haha- you were like-hahaha- blushing and stuff.." Kagome laughed. "Yeah- snort- haha- you were like fucking red and Sango was like glaring at you like you were from hell.." Inuyasha laughed.

"Whatever." Miroku grumbled and Sango giggled at him. "What the hell is so funny?" He glared at Sango. "It's funny!" Sango laughed and rolled off of the couch. "Stupid people. Still act like kids.." Miroku muttered. "WHAT WAS THAT??" Inuyasha, Sango, and Kagome threatened.

"Nothing.." He said. "Whatever.." They all muttered. They paused the dvd and walked into the kitchen to eat the rest of the okonomiyaki. "MMMMM!" Kagome said biting into the okonomiyaki. "This is good. I've never tried it before." Miroku commented. "Oh my god! You never? This is like my FAV. Food!" Kagome and Sango both shouted. Inuyasha stared at Miroku. He had eaten the okonomiyaki millions of times. How could Miroku not have?

They finished the two boxes of okonomiyaki and started for the sake. "Drink drink! Drink till we die!" Inuyasha and Kagome shouted and drank about 3 shots of sake. They danced around the kitchen drunkenly and went upstairs into the guestroom and fell asleep on the bed. "Oyasumi Inuyasha." Kagome grumbled in her sleep. "Oyasumi." Inuyasha muttered back. His hand rolled onto Kagome's side and pulled her body towards his. "Good night drunkards!" Miroku said. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

CLIFFY! ! MAUAHAHAH! Well, sorry for the delay. It wasn't so much of a delay anyways. See? Kagome turned nice! Because she is younger than Inuyasha and also she's happier. Well, g2g!

Ja ne,
