InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Saving Grace ❯ Inu makes his decision ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Stepping into Keade’s hut quietly, Kagome hoped that InuYasha had not heard her leave, or come in, for that matter. Looking around, she noticed that he wasn’t even there. Sighing softly, she asked herself how she had ever let herself love someone who rutted with dead people. But she could hardly blame him. He had loved Kikyo 55 years ago, and it must have been extremely hard for him knowing that their trust was easily broken.

When she had first met the hot-tempered hanyou, she was ,for all that she was worth, madly in love with him, but when she caught him in the middle of the forest floor with Kikyo, her love, and trust, had been broken. Thinking back on those times now, Kagome wondered absently if she ever had truly loved him like he loved Kikyo, and Kikyo loved him.

Sighing again, Kagome put up her bathing supplies and crawled into her sleeping bag, trying to fall asleep. She didn’t figure she could fall asleep ,with all of the things on her mind, but as soon as she closed her eyes, she fell asleep.

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InuYasha smiled at the woman beneath him, bending him head down and licking the mating mark he had just put on her neck. “Kikyo, I love you. Will you move into the group, and travel with us?” “I can’t InuYasha, I know my reincarnation is traveling with you still, even after Naraku was defeated.

I’m sorry, but I don’t get along with her, and I think she still wants to kill me. The only way I can join is if she is not there. I’m sorry, love.” InuYasha sighed and thought back to when Kagome tried to ‘kill’ Kikyo, as she had so kindly put it.

Kagome had been bathing in the spring when Kikyo had shown up and attacked her, yelling something about having stolen her man. Kagome had defended herself, and if it hadn’t been for Sesshoumaru, Kagome would have died because of Kikyo’s arrow.

InuYasha was still trying to figure out why Sesshoumaru had been there, let alone save her. The thought of someone looking at Kagome ,while she was bathing, was mind-numbing. He had to admit that he had loved her, but after they had defeated Naraku, and Kikyo had come back to him, he realized he had only harbored a brotherly love for her.

He knew that she had loved him, but it still wasn’t going to change his mind about being with Kikyo He was snapped out of his thoughts when Kikyo pinched his arm. Looking down he realized she had asked him a question.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” Kikyo looked only slightly mad. “I asked you if you would kick Kagome out of the group so I could join you.” InuYasha hesitated a moment before answering. “I will Kikyo, but only because you’re my mate and I love you.” The hanyou leaned down and kissed his mates for head. “Will you come back with me tonight? I promise I’ll tell her tomorrow.” Kikyo nodded silently and snuggled closer to InuYasha when he picked her up.

Taking off for camp, he smelt his brother close by and vowed once Kikyo was asleep and comfortable he would find out what he wanted, though he figured it had to do with Kagome.

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Sorry to make it so short, but I hope you like it so far. My chapters will be longer as the story gets more chapters. I promise. Tell me what you think. This is my first fic, so please don’t be to hard on me. I’ll update when I get 4 reviews.