InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Saving Grace ❯ Kagomes arrival part1 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
“Kagome, wake up, we’re almost there.” Sesshoumaru whispered in her ear. He saw her shiver and mumble something, then he was greeted with sleepy blue orbs. “We’re there?” “Almost. See, right over there?” Looking down, Kagome was greeted with the sight of an enormous castle. It looked to be three stories, built on the ledge of a mountain, cleverly hidden by trees. It was squar and in the middle of it was a beautiful garden of different colors and textures.

Looking more closely, she saw that there was whole section of the castle that was covered, ,but with no walls, and there were thousands of youkai men moving around. “That is the dojo. I will train you there. That is also where my men and I train. Which is what you are seeing now.” Kagome nodded. “Your home is beautiful Sesshou.” “Our home, thank you, and.... Sesshou?” “Yes, I figured sense I am to be your mate, I can call you what I please, not in court of course, but that is understandable.” Sesshoumaru quirked an eyebrow at her, but said nothing. She figured he would come up with something to get her back with sooner or later, but for now, she was safe.

He was shocked that she would just openly call him a nickname, so early in the ‘relationship’, but he was happy, not that he’d ever admit it, that she would take the liberty to do so. He looked back toward his castle, and could already tell he would have two very anxious visitors waiting for them.

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“Lord Sesshoumaru, you’re back” Yelled an excited Rin from across the court yard. Stopping abruptly, Sesshoumaru pulled Kagome to his side and prepared for what was to surly happen next. Rin came running up to him and attached herself around his waist.
Over the past five years that Kagome had been here, Rin had grown from and adorable little 8 year old with a sloppy pony-tail, to a beautiful young lady with long brown hair and a fair complection. Looking at Rin now, Kagome could tell that she was going to be stunning in a few more years. At the age of thirteen, Rin knew almost as much as she had when she was her age.

Obviously Sesshoumaru had spared no expense when it came to Rin’s knowledge. Prying Rin’s arms from around his waist, Sesshoumaru spoke to her calmly. “Rin, you remember Kagome? Well, she is to be your new mother.”“Really? Oh Sesshoumaru that means we can finally be a family. Can I call you daddy?”Sesshoumaru heaved a sigh. “I suppose so, Rin, but you must also call Kagome mother.” “Oh, I’ll have no problem doing that.” Kagome blushed “I hope that I get a brother or a sister soon, though.” “Oh, my gosh, I almost forgot about Shippou.

He’s been sleeping this whole time.” Running over to Ah and Un, Kagome picked up a bundle from his back and shook it. “Shippou, Shippou honey, wake up.” Kagome whispered to the kit as she walked back over to Sesshoumaru. Smiling up at her mate-to-be, Kagome looked down at Rin. “This is your new brother, Shippou. I hope you two get along. Shippou this is your sister, Rin” Kagome put Shippou down on the ground and let Rin pull him off somewhere. Kagome started when she heard a familiar yell from far off, getting closer.

“Lord Sesshoumaru, Lord Sesshoumaru! You’re home. I’m so glad you’re back Lord Sesshou-.”Jaken paused in his rant to look up at the demoness standing next to his Lord. “Lord Sesshoumaru, why have you brought this female here? I thought you fancied someone else. Why would you bring this bi...” The old retainer was quickly silenced when Sesshoumaru’s booted foot was shoved into his face, sending him flying a few feet away, watching with perverse amusement as he landed in a small lake-pond.

“She is my intended Jaken, do well to remember that.” They heard a muffled answer before Sesshoumaru picked up Kagome and proceeded into his castle. “Hey, let me down!” “No.” was his simple reply. Glaring up at him, she mentally sighed. He’s so full of himself, but he really isn’t that bad. As long as he stays this way. She looked at his chest covered in fine silk, and wondered if she asked nicely, if he would send out for a kimono or night-gown made of the same material.

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I hope this chapters longer than the others. Thank you all for your reviews. I’ll update as soon as possible. Review please. Tell me what you think and let me know if you have any ideas and I’ll try to add them in somewhere.