InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Savior


Disclaimer: Inuyasha is a product of Takahashi Rumiko-sama.
















Inuyasha rushed through the forest purposefully. Twigs and branches snapped around him, giving way to his hurrying form. His ears twitched as he landed in a small clearing.


The woman turned to look at him, eyes desolate as she slowly made her way towards the hanyou. Her flowing ebony locks shined in the moonlight as her hips swayed rhythmically under the thin, red fabric of her hakkama. Her lips turned upward in a small, almost invisible self-satisfied smirk.

That little bitch never had a chance with him. Still, she did feel a tad repentant towards her unfortunate reincarnation. Immediately, she swept the feeling away with a practiced tenacity. It would not do to lose her resolve now. It had taken her months to find the ancient scroll to perform this spell. And even longer still to find an opportunity to get Inuyasha alone. But finally, an opening had presented itself in the form of that brat leaving for home.

As his former love approached him, Inuyasha felt a sudden dread wrench his gut. This was wrong; he knew it. He shouldn't be here, reminiscing in his past love. The feeling traveled up his spine like a million spiders scurrying across his skin. It raised the hair on the back of his neck and made the tip of his white ears tingle with anxiety.

This was it. The moment she'd been waiting for. Kikyo stood in front of Inuyasha, her hazel eyes gazing into his own gold orbs. Kikyo suddenly threw her slender arms around Inuyasha and sobbed into his chest.

The hanyou's doubts faded into the abyss, forgotten, as the miko unceremoniously flung he arms around his neck and proceeded to sob into his red haori. Unhesitating, he folded her smaller frame into the circle of his own arms, rubbing her back soothingly.

She knew she had him when he returned her hug in a silent effort to console her. Behind his back, Kikyo pulled a small vile of purple liquid from out of her sleeve. With her other hand, she opened it and held it over Inuyasha's head.

Inuyasha felt movement behind his head. His groggy mind worked slowly… It was a trap!

The man in her arms suddenly wrenched himself from her and bolted to the refuge of the trees. With one last look of regret towards Kikyo, Inuyasha sped off back to the village.

The miko cursed silently. Grr… It was that girl, she'd bet anything. He's thinking about that little brat again. She'd have to do something about that brat.


Kagome threw her heavy yellow pack over the side of the sell and followed over the rim. She stepped into the cool night air and inhaled deeply. It's wonderful here. Completely unspoiled by technology. Clean and Natural. The girl smiled as she heaved her weighty pack onto her shoulder and began trudging across the clearing towards the path that would lead her to the village.

Suddenly, pain shot up her leg and into every part of her body. She immediately dropped her bag and looked down to see a long wooden shaft protruding from the side of her right thigh. She fell to one knee and studied the arrow. Gods, it hurt so much! She hissed in pain as the muscle in her thigh shifted around the protrusion and tears prickled at the side of her gray-blue eyes.

Kagome wrapped slender fingers around the arrow and attempted to pull it out but let go abruptly when another wave of pain racked through her body. She looked up, suddenly sensing a second presence.

Kikyo stood a few yards away, bow in hand and arrow poised to attack. She watched, unfeeling, as the younger woman's eyes filled with fear and dread.

Kagome scrambled to her feet and took off running into the forest, a trail of blood staining the grass crimson behind her. Kikyo followed, easily keeping pace with the girl. Of course, she did have a stick of wood stuck in her leg…

Kagome's heart pounded painfully against her ribs, every muscle in her body screaming in protest as she pushed herself to her limit to escape the homicidal miko following swiftly in her wake. She cursed inwardly as she realized that in her panic she'd ran into the woods opposite the way to the village. She felt another searing pain pierce her shoulder and faulted in her step. She quickly regained balance and began running again faster than ever.

She heard water up ahead. That's right! There's a creek up this way. Her heart sunk again. There was no way she would be able to swim, not in this condition. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she realized that this was how she was going to die. Alone. Killed by a vengeful demoness for only Buddha knows why!

Kikyo watched as her prey slowed and stumbled towards a large creek. The girl collapsed from exhaustion and the miko gazed hatefully at her for a few moments. She turned and slowly retreated back into the shadows of the forest, leaving Kagome for dead…














