InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Dark eyelashes fluttered open to reveal a pair of confused grey-blue eyes. Kagome took a moment to adjust to the night before she sat up sluggishly, rubbing her stiff back. She looked around her bemusedly, slowly taking in her surroundings.

She could see Ginta and Hakkaku off to the side. They were lying on there backs close together, one hand on each of their swollen stomachs. She could see the remains of a hog a few feet away from their still forms. She could smell it, too…

Kagome looked to her right to see a slumbering Kouga propped comfortably against a tree. She began to admire his utterly masculine beauty before she knew what she was doing. The girl shook her head, effectively ridding herself of the notion. She'd obviously lost just a little too much blood.

Before she knew what had happened, an image randomly flashed through Kagome's befuddled mind.

Kouga hanging from a tree, blood running down his body.

The girl gasped at the atrocity.

Where the Hell had that come from?!

Kagome began shaking, suddenly afraid of everything around her. The trees seemed to grow teeth and were snapping ferociously at her, limbs swinging wildly like claws reaching out to tear her apart. The fire swelled with anger to fierce proportions, its flames stretching towards her to lick viciously at her paling skin. Her own mind even seemed to be frightening at the moment, sending her illustrations of the dead bodies of her friends.

And in all the images she could see herself standing off to the side, laughing with malice.

Her world spun around her.

She began to shiver as she pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her slender arms around them. Kagome buried her face into her limb in a futile attempt to assuage the horrific pictures.

Kouga stirred from his sleep. He raised his dark head to gaze worriedly at Kagome. She was curled into a ball, head tucked down and quivering with fear. The girl was saturated in the pungent odor of her terror.

He stood and approached her cautiously, not wanting to surprise her. He reached out with a clawed hand to place it tentatively onto her trembling shoulder.

Kagome jumped in surprise when she felt something warm touch her uninjured shoulder. Her head swiveled around to see Kouga and she had the sudden urge to reach out and rip his head from his broad shoulders.

She restrained herself and jumped up. As she ran into the woods, she turned her head to yell back at the wide-eyed wolf.

"Don't follow me! Please!"














