InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ Chapter Twelve ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"Kagome-sama," came Miroku's dangerously quiet voice. Thunder clapped in the heavens above them as the monk looked up into the trees where he could see a set of glowing red eyes. A flash of lightening allowed him to see his friend-turned-opponent clearly.

Kagome was standing on a branch thirty feet above him. Her back was straight as she stood tall and mighty above him. The blood had been washed away and Miroku could see now the full damage that had been done to her. There were cuts and bruises all over her limbs. A huge gash reached from her left shoulder and all the way down her torso to her left hip. The torn skin around the slash was scorched black. Her wounds should have left her dead days ago, but she still stood tall and powerful as ever. 'Then again, I don't suppose she's really all that mortal. She's not human, not anymore…' he thought hopelessly.

Miroku never flinched as Kagome's formidable figure suddenly materialized mere feet away from where he sat still cradling his departed love. Sango's head lolled to the side as Miroku carefully laid her back down on the soggy forest ground. The monk stood to his full height and turned to face his adversary. Eye's flashing regret only for a moment, he leaped towards her with a roar.

Caught off guard, his gold staff whapped across the side of her head and Kagome was thrown to the ground. A millisecond passed and she was up again facing Miroku in a fighting stance. A thin stream of blood trickled down the side of her head as the monk regained his balance.

He spoke softly to her, "Kagome-sama, try to fight it, please. I know you can still hear me somewhere in there, so please, this is your last chance. If you don't overcome this then… I can't let that potion make you kill anyone else."

Kagome made no move that would indicate that she'd heard him but her eyes flashed blue just for a moment. She clutched her head tightly, getting her right hand soaked in blood. The potion screamed in anger in her head as her conscience fought valiantly against it. The scream echoed outside her body as Kagome unwillingly opened up her mouth. "You will not get her, monk! I am her master now. I feed off her worries, her fears, her pain. I am too strong to stop now," it spoke in a rougher version of Kagome's own voice. It was actually almost the same voice. 'It doesn't have the same quality of care and kindness as Kagome-sama's, though.'

"Kikyo created you. I'm beginning to think she did this purposely as a more painful way to get rid of Kagome-sama. I'd kill her myself if you hadn't already done away with her." Inside her own head, Kagome had never heard Miroku's voice sound so menacing and hateful.

"But you are wrong, monk. I did not kill the clay priestess, Kagome did. She did it all. I just gave her a little push in the right direction." A very sinister smirk graced Kagome's lips. After a moment of looking at the girl, Miroku decided it looked very wrong on his friend's face.

"Wipe that smirk off Kagome-sama's face," he said. "Sango couldn't see that she'd be doing Kagome-sama a favor by killing her… but I do. And I will be the one to set her free from your hold, you monster!" With a choked cry, Miroku hurdled towards her, swinging his staff out to catch her in the stomach.

Kagome winced in pain and jumped back away from the angry monk. She dodged another hit and took and flying leap into the air. Miroku's eyes darted up into the branches where she'd disappeared. The snap of a twig was his only warning before a hand was thrust through his back and out his chest. Kagome leaned to whisper into his ear. "I am Kagome," was the last thing he heard before Miroku toppled to the ground in a bloody heap, dead.














