InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ Chapter Eleven ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome looked down at the torn form of her surrogate sister, tears streaming down her face like great rivers. She had never felt so low and horrible as she did right now at this very moment. Sango had gone through so much pain in her life; she didn't deserve any of this.

'No one deserves the crimes I have committed against them…'


A dark figure gazed into a white mirror with malevolent eyes, watching with great interest as his utmost threat murdered whatever unfortunate creature happened to cross her path. "So, the girl's finally lost it, has she?" the figure cloaked in a white baboon pelt asked no one in particular. He didn't show his surprise when a woman appeared out of the shadows of the surrounding trees.

"Naraku," came her cool voice.

"Kagura, have you set the trap?" he asked the woman.

"Yes," she answered with abhorrence and hatred dripping heavily from smooth voice.


Miroku huffed as he leaned heavily against the thick trunk of a towering pine. He searched the surrounding area with a frantic gaze, trying to see if she had caught up to him yet. When he heard nothing, he continued through the woods at a brisk walk, still huffing and gasping for air.

A pair of red eyes watched him hungrily from the treetops as he traveled further into the dark, wet woods. The rain was still pouring down on his head and he reached up to brush the wet strands of his bangs out of his eyes. When he removed his hand, he saw a dark figure on the ground ahead of him that barely contrasted against the rest of the shadowy forest. Still, something red glimmered and he slowly crept towards the object.

As he lost distance, he realized with horror that the thing was Sango… or what remained of his love's fallen corpse at least.

He had never cried since his dad had been killed, done in by his family's curse as he would one day, but now he could not stop the tears from flowing. Miroku rushed forward to capture Sango's body in a loving embrace, thankful only that the lack of light allowed him not to fully assess the damage done to her cadaver. Still, he could feel where a gaping whole had been ripped through her chest as he sobbed into her wet shoulder. Whether it was wet because of the ceaseless rain or the blood that had at one time been leaking from her body, he did not know and frankly did not care to find out.

No matter how hard he tried not to feel bitter towards Kagome, who had undoubtedly been the one responsible for this atrocity, he could not help the anger that welled up in his broken heart when he thought of his long-gone friend. How could one not feel a certain degree of resentment towards the one that had killed and brutalized the only happiness in one's life.

Sango had been the light in the murky darkness, his silver lining to the cloud that was his life. He had over the years grown to love her with such sincerity, that right now he would gladly give his own life if only she could live again.

Miroku's melancholy thoughts were cut short as he heard a rustling in the branches above him and a heavy limb broke and fell to land but a foot away from where he knelt.














