InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ Chapter Ten ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The rain was pouring down as Sango's black boots pounded against the wet ground. She and the others had gotten split up nearly an hour earlier when their possessed friend had first begun her rampage… and now she could hear Kagome's lighter but just as soggy beating footfalls behind her.

For the first time in her life, Sango was truly scared. The Taijiya had faced hordes upon ferocious masses of bloodthirsty youkai during her sixteen years of life, but never had she been so frightened. Her best friend, her sister was out for her life… and there was nothing she could do about it.

'That potion! Kikyo mentioned something about a cure! Maybe, if we could just find it…' Sango's thoughts derailed as she felt Kagome's aura suddenly speed up behind her.

'Her aura used to be so gentle and kind,' the girl thought with tears standing in her eyes. 'Now all I can sense is a black abyss. She seems so angry…'

Sango stopped abruptly where she stood amongst the murky depths of the drenched foliage. Her eyes were wide as her mouth moved silently, her voice trying desperately to form some kind of coherent sound.

Her head lowered slowly to look down in horror at her own pulsating heart clenched painfully in a hand. A hand that protruded from her chest. A hand saturated and dripping with blood, both youkai and ningen alike. Her sister's hand. Kagome's hand.

Sango's features fell slack as she took her last withering breathe and the familiar slender appendage retracted to its owner. The girl fell limply to the ground with a nauseating thump as Kagome lifted her prize to her mouth. Elongated teeth sank into the fresh organ with a disgusting 'squelch' and the corrupted miko drank greedily, her eyes remaining there deep crimson color.

'Kill more… you know you want to. You like the taste of their life running freely down your throat. You love it!' Somewhere in the torn ruins of Kagome's mind, her will and the potion still battled tenaciously.

'No! Sango! You've killed her! You've mutilated her! How could you do this?!'

'I did this? You have it all wrong, my little miko. You are the one doing all of this. It is not I who is gorging on your friends' blood at this moment. It is not I who maimed a whole village for the fun of hearing their delicious screams. It's all you, Kagome. It's all you.'















